HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-19, Page 41 CLIP MS ADinornscitaarr nut nortetrn RATION BOOK 3 —WHEN AND WHERE YOU GET IT RATION• BOO/CS WILD NOT BE MA/ZED OR DEL/VERED T//EY MUST BF:CALZ ED FOR For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy distribution, Ration Book 3 will be issued locally at the distribution centres listed below. Print in Brock Letters in ink (Loire d !'enure en lettrerc n,oc:leer') Prefix 8. Serial Number 1A9d,r1,4yy No de aerie (avec .!ettree).�l.,1. Last Name A t7 RR S O l Nom de female aeulement. First. Name JOHN HARRY Prenom(s) du reluctant...... ... Address or R.R.tN/o. J� {. Adresse .. 860 ����( f9 .14r. 21 City, Town or VigaQe ou village dt,�TIN TR EAL. RQ stir__ -AUG. 25'14 3.......... Age, if under 16 Ase, si morns de 16 ars................. 1 declare I am the holder of the Ration Book from which this reference card has bren taken, or that I em signing this in good faith on behalf of the holder, whose name and address appear above. Je declare etre le detenteur du carnet de rationnement duquel tette carte de reference a etc detachee, ou que je signet de bonne fol pour le detenteur dont les nom et adrcsse apparaissent ci-dessus. (Signature—Signature) iN FILLING IN YOUR APPLICATION CARD ... FOLLOW THE METHOD INDICATED ABOVE. FOUR THINGS TO DO to get your new book I Fill in the application card— which is the first postcard in your present ration book. DO THIS AT HOME. IPRINT clearly—do not write —the information required, and sign at the bottom with your usual signature. Follow the method on card illustrated. TO THOSE ON VACATION If you are staying at a sum- mer cottage, with friends or relatives, or at a hotel as a non.permanent guest, give your usual or permanent address on the application card. Do not detach the card from your ration book. This must be done by an official at the Local Distributing Centre. If already de- tached, it should be brought in along with your present ration book. A Persons of 16 years or over must sign their own cards. Cards of persons under 16 years must be signed by parents or guar- dians. Children under 16 will not be allowed to apply for new ration books, either for themselves or for other members of the family. DO NOT SURRENDER, DESTROY OR THROW AWAY YOUR PRESENT RATION BOOK. IT CONTAINS COUPONS YET TO BE USED FOR MEAT PURCHASES. RESIDENTS OF RURAL AREAS may apply on behalf of their neigh- bours, providing Ration Book 2, and properly filled in application cards, are presented. RESIDENTS OF A TOWN OR CITY. Any senior or responsible member of a household may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household, providing Ration Book 2 and properly filled in application cards, are presented. On presentation at a Distributing Centre of your present ration book with properly completed application card, you will be issued your new Ration Book 3; and your present Ration Book will be returned to you. Volunteer Workers are giving their time to serve you at the Distri- bating Centres. Help them by following these instructions carefully. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES ADDRESSES DATES HOURS Public Library, Exeter Town Hall, Hensall School House, Centralia Township Hall, Crediton Aug. 27, 28 ,Aug. 27, 28 Aug. 27, 28 ;Aug. 27, 28 Commercial Hotel, Dashwood,Aug. 27, 28 Township Hall, Zurich Aug. 27, 28 Grand Bend, Aug, 27, 28 Township Hall, Elimville Aug. 27, 28 Townspeople are requested 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to i 0 p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. to get their book in the afternoon. RATION ADMINISTRATION ,I!LLSGREEN Aim Mary Hagan of London, is spending her vacation with her bro- ther Frai;i<, and sister Miss Dolly Hagan. Recent visitors with Mr; and Mrs. 'Wm.. David, on were: Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Davidson and Mrs. Salter; Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson rncT son, Dalton, of ,Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and family of :Kitchener. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Archil, Mustard, re- cent bridal couple who have just returned from •an i,•,t:nsive honey - Moon in Northe, 0etarie. were the guests of honour it tt wedding dinner on Thur d.' evening. held at the hoxtr;.. t:z l,;ri<he', an rents. The immediate relatives of both families; were present. The table was decor- ated in pink and white, and was cen- tred by the bride's lovely three -tier - :d wedding. cake. Pink and white streamers hung gaily from the ceil- ing with a large white bell directly over the centre of the table. The louse was also decorated profusely with summer flowers. Serving at ;;he dinner were: Miss Kathleen Hay :If Zurich and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson ,f Blake. Later in the evening, Dile thirty neighbors gathered to VTelcolne the happy coup.., with a ;ay chivaree. The best wishes of. community go with Mr. and Mr: Mustard, to their new home at God - Harvesting i, now the order of 'le clay but the weatherman is o m what at holding up threshing , HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Farmer , of 'Stratford visited recently with the latter's fa- ther, Mr. Wm. Stone. Mrs. T. IParlmer has returned home after spending a pleasant month's va- cation with her son, Earl at Tor- onto. Rev, W. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Fred- die of Hespler were recent guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James A. Paterson: Mr, Milton Ortwein has been holi- daying at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Ortwe.in. At the recent nomination meeting held in the Town Hall, HensaIi, $92 was realized from the sale of war savings stamps, which is incite than a depth charge. Mr. R. H. 'Middleton !oval druggist in charge and the as- ' r rf'e el' :our girls, namely, the T,eno"e Northi,',.... tiAza, . ats 104e14.r ezt and, Norma ' an g Or 4441 -de ' It the-nitecess #'t was. Enrragemept • The engagement is announced of Miss Marguerite Medeline Maire, of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Adulph Maire, Winnipeg, to Leading Anrc'aftsman Ken, Stewart Manns, son of, Mrs. Manns, Hensall and the late V. Manns, the wedding to take place in Toronto on August 14. Farmer Loses Money Clarence 1Smillie, 'farmer, living a 'Short distance north of Hensall on highway No. 4, recently had $400 stolen from him. After selling some hogs, he left the money in his pock- et in the house. The family spent the evening at a neighbor's and on returning home discovered that the hired plan had disapeared. Next mor- ning it was found that the money also was gone. The matter was pla- ced in the hands of the police. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mrs. • Joseph Bedard dard Sr., of the Blue Water north returned to her home on Sunday last, after spending a few weeks with her' children in: Chatham, Windsor, Tilbury and oth- er points Miss' Roselle Masse of Detroit, 'i's spending a week's vacation with re- latives in this vicinity. Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey, also Miss Doris Jeffrey left on Monday Iast for Detroit after spending a few days in. our burg. Mrs. Ernest Hode of London, is visiting with her father, Mr. Frank, Jeffrey in Beavertown. Mr. Wray Masse and boy friend, of Detroit, spent the past week with: Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Bedard of Detroit is spending a few days with; the foriner's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of •Blake were Beavertown visitors on .S.nnnlay evening. with the former's mother. Pte. H. C. Ducharme who enjoyed a two-Wee/es furlough with his par- ents left on Tuesday last for Wind- sor where ire joined other soldiers in route to Caurino, B. C. where they will be stationed with the 16th Prat- oon Def. of that station. Mr, Pierre Masse of Detroit a nd Mrs. Laurence Masse and son were guests to Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte. on Monday last. Mrs. Ralph Meak and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jeffrey of Detroit, 'are spending a few days with Mrs. Mar- ance Charrette of the Blue Water south. Mr. Norman Sararas spent the we- ek -end in the vicinity of Grand Bend with old acquaintances. Letters from Service Men Thursday, July 22, 1943 Dear Mrs. David Ducharme, Zurich. Many thanks for the lovely parcel which I received yester- day, everything was in good shape and will be a real treat. I like it quite well over here and up to now have seen a lot of this country. I just carne back from a Ieave yester- day which I spent around London. And had the opportunity of meeting the Surerus boys, it was just like old tinges again being with someone you know. I ani stationed at a very nice part of this country and the scenery is really pretty at the present time with plenty of flowers about. My nail is reaching me quite regular, and that is one thing I do look forward to. 1 found the Zurich Herald very inter- esting and made me feel right at home for a few minutes. The Red Cross is sure doing a lot for us boys, I already had .several pairs of socks and pyjamas from 'them, I got elle pair of socks Which a 'lady from Exeter had knit- ted and had her name attached to it. Thanking you, again, and rrremb- Thnrsda3; August 19t1, .11543 errs of the Zurich Red, Crass for the sp' eudid work you'ise are doing nndt sure snakes a.perron feel good to. know someone Is thinking of us boys over here. So thanking yon'se very very much for the lovely parcel. 1 remain, as even. --E. B. Masse, L.A.. C., HA. No. 6 Group, RCAF Over.. - seas. 18-7148^ Dear Mrs. Ebner Klopp, Zurich, Dear Friends: I received your parcel the 151h o£ July and was very pleased with it, everything in it wag, lovely, and I would like if you would thank the Women of the Institute and Red Cross for me. I would like to write them all a letter but I have so much mail and letters to answer that I .can't fired time to, write to them all. So I would' like if you would thank them all for me from the bottom of my heart. I will assure you that all of the boys who get parcels from you feel the same way as I do about it, I am fine and like it over here very much, the people over here are very nice to the Canadian soldiers, and take the war very calm after all they have gone through. There isn't much news I can tell you about, as we ha'v to be very careful in what we write in our letters as they are ,censored, so that makes it hard to write an in- teresting letter to anyone. So will: close for now and keep your chin trio, "there will always be an England." From your friend; David C. Meyers, 10th Cdn. Inf:. Bde Coy, RCA, S.C. HOW TO BE' YOUR OWN ROBINSON CRUSCOE: An exciting;. double page article..; illustrated in Full Color.. in The Am+ erican Weekly with this ISundayely. (Aug. 15) issue of The Detroit Sun. day Times, tells- about the Ranger "Jungle" School" in Honolulu, wherPe American troops are taught how to make a picnic out of a shipwreck. Get The Detroit Sunday Times thin week and every week: Now.YOU can be a Fighting Ahman. in Double -Quick Time The R. C. AI. F. wants MORE Able -Bodied lien for Aircrew _HERE'S a placc actually waitin; for you in the gallant band now flying and fighting in R.C.A.F. planes �l on many different fronts. Alrersw NNdd Now for immediate Training as PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AiR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (AiR GUNNERS) More men are urgently needed to increase the attack — to bomb and blast the enemy into unconditional sur- render. So, whatever work you are now doing, don't let adventure and glory pass you buy. It's your great chance. A job, even in a war factory, is no longer as essential as fighting in the air. This is a call to every young Canadian who can make the grade. Planes and Schools are Ready to Train You Quickly You will be in Air Force uniform right away. No more delay getting into aircrew. Basic training begins at once. Skilled instructors are waiting. Fast planes are waiting. If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 171/2 and not yet 33, you are eligible. You do not require a High School education. Recruiting Centres are located in the principal cities of Canada. Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly. "Here'sthe New EasyWet t re id`s.: Healthful Family Meals" WOMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat -to - Work - to -Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical ... time -saving easy to use ! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient„ Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help keep them fit,' on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good -to -eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" today! _.rte Menus for 21 breakfasts .. 21 luncheons ... 21 dinners. Balanced . delicious . , timely. *Tito nutritional statements In "Eat -to -work -to - Win" aro aocoOtabie to :Nutrltton Services, De- Opartment or pensions and National rieaith. Otaitwa; ter the Canadlan Nutrition Programme MAIL THIS COUPON �.rrw.".e�rnwrirrrr rr rel Re at Nil ria .i rrr al w, ' ANUTRXTION BOR VICTORY", rt BOX ?io0, 'TORONTO, CANADA. �. Please send taetnyrRBEcopyof"Bat-to"Work-to-Wia", rt e Name ix, Sponsored by THE BREWING IND1JSTI;Y (ONTARIO) Add"— r q W E. in the interests of nutrition ant! health N as an aid to Victory. I7A rAm/,T 1 9,5' * .M145,star M�,I r .Jett A MMr ti MIAsAawluRNSOw