HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-12, Page 4•
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I wish to greatly thank the Good People of Zurich,
Hay Township and Vicinity who gave me their
support in the Provincial Election of August 4th.
It wil be my -utmost endeavour to render my very
best service for all the people of the Huron Riding
in Toronto.
1 Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor
, • . „
I wish to thank all those ho helped me
in the recent Election Campaign and
extend congratulations .to Dr. ' Taylor.
(Signed.) • ' :•••*, ,
Benson W. uc
turmdefter, pending a couptl,.;;;Cif,
• ,
ks 4siiit.ste,
Mrs, Wraa Jennison and son, Yerry
the Blue Water, Hay Twpt were
visitors ..with' Mr.' amd MO, •Walter
Baird, aid ether friends near 'Bruce -
• The Varna Red Crossare havic.%
the= ,annetal sacred. concert ,oa eAr,
Moffat'n• lati op—Sunday evening,
August 15th, at 6.80. A'sPecial pro
gramme is tbeiag arranged. .e.• .„
Recent visitors with Mr. and ,Ms
E. Chuter, Varna, were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Chuter .of Harriston, Mr
and Mrs. Carter in eompariy, whet Mr
and Mrs. 1?ongtes4. d,'"f itlendon: , •
Mrs. Hateld EUio hap `returried
"to Windsor' alter visiting a• fort-
night with: bet, Maher Mrsi,—Mossop.
Mrs. Stelck accompanied her and will
spendatealh'thriec, Were.
Miss Easier of
was the guest of her sister, Nara. A.
Dead and Disabled Animals
-Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. .5.'aforth 15
• , • a.a ea•
Canadian youthleas been given a change to tell the .nation what it
thinks ebout some of, •the leading problems of today hi iive broadcasts
from Winnipeg.. .Every walk of life has been represented by the young
people selected to take, part in the CSC Sunday afternoon discussion
seders., "Youth Speak* Out." 'Pictured above are five of the participants.
Reading from left to right they are. etanding, Albert •Hamilton, grad-
uate in English and mathematics; and Rosemary Townsend, science re-
search atudent; seated,John Ifolaes,English and history student; Callie
Ken eedy, former young school teacher; and' Morley Kare,
graduate. The final discussion revolvesaround the queation, "Ii War
Nenepsary?" It • willbe heard on riandayeAugtet.15, at.5.03 pm. EDT
•vnr.the CBC National Network.
Mtn. E. R. Westoia ar hoderiell,
was the gut MiktE. Westea.
'Mrs, al*.1 tax 'of Dakota iA4yisitiag
her relat:iiml, nee. Chas. Neater and
other frientisel
Mie W. It `Joe eft had th rniifor.
tune to fall anal fracture hie hip.
•He was rernoVed to Clinton Heepltal
and his many friend •s hope he will
soonMihs tiec over.
E. Gardiner of My -ea -cal, sp-
ort a few days with her mother, Mrs
R. P. Gardiner.
Mr, George Blair has purehased a
lashing tug in Kincerdfne and expects
to have it ready for the fall felling
in Hayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tole of fne.
trott are guest,4 nf the forniera Lao.
ther, Mrs.elaTenapa
'the bingO and' summer carnival
enact the proceeds ai1ounioCte,$450
PM.f.:11.e4ed gr9s§.
• • . , •
MT. and Mi'heaTames Barneti of
Loadoe,nrere...aecent',eleitar,i With Mr
and . Hari] d Penhal eta Ilton son
line, -
Mise Mary ,Snowden of Windsor sie
spending a few day with her Parente
tVir, and Mies, T. M. Snowden or the
Blue 'Water Highway.
lilies 'Grainger of the Piny
Water Ifigheeens line returned home
efter naaeltege e few weeks in
Rev; Miee etesel of Verna has
Mrs. Black •of Detroit has return-'
ed home after spending 'two 'weeks
vacation with Mrs. Jas. Love and
other friends. , •'
Miss Mary Hagan of London, is
spending her vacationwith her bro-
ther Frank, and sister Miss Deily
Hagan,. s
Recent •Vtsitors withAle. and 'Mrs.
WM. Davidson were: Mie and Mrs.
Geo. Davidson and Mrs. Salter; M.
and Mee,. David Davidson bent son,
Dalton, of Stratford and Mr. • and
Mrs, iohn Davidson and family :of
Kitchener. , „..
Cutting'giaii nd threshing isWe
order of the day, but the showery
weather holds it up nncasionally.
Miss Helen Love is visiting With
friends in Henson. .
'ton, Lois'MaaLaren and Nocitikdtin-
sgster made it the success tt
The engagement fe ahnoititeed of
Miss Marguerite Medelitie Maire,
Toronto, daughter of Mr. arid !Was:
Aciuiph Maire, Winnipeg,: to Leading
Anrcraftsinan Ken. ,Stewart Manns,
son of Mrs, Marais, Hensall and the
late F. Manns, the wedding to take
place in Toronto on August 14.
Firmer Loatios Money
Clarence Smillie, farmer, living .a
shott distance north of Hensefl on
highway No. 4, recently had • .$400
stolen ,from him. After ,selling -sterile
hogs, he left the money in this spcick-
et in' the house. The family ' apent
the evening at a neighbor's and on
returning home disCovered that the
hied mah had disapeared. Next mor-
ning it was found • that the motley
also was gone. The matter was pla-
ced in the hands of the police.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs. Joseph Bedard Sr., of .the
Blue Water north returned to her
home on Sunday last, after spending
a few weeks with her children in
Chatham, Windsor, Tilbury and oth-
• er points
'Miss Roeelie Masse of Detroit, is
spending a week's vacation with re-
latives in this vicinity..
Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey, also. Miss
Doris Jeffrey left on Monday last for
Detroit after spending a few days in
our hurg.
Mrs. Ernest Hode of London, is
visiting with her father, Mr. Frank
Jeffrey in Beavertown.
Mr, Wray Masse and boy friend,
of Detroit spent the past week with
,Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bedard of
Detroit is spending a few days with
the 'forerier's :mother.
Mr. and Mrs; Leon Jeffrey of
Blake were Beavertown visitors on
Sunday, evening. with the former's
The Misses Mildred' and Jean Hey
and friend of London, have'renetned.
to their respective duties after spen-
ding their vacation at the hone of
Mr and Mrs. Samuel Hey.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Firilayson
spent the weak -and at the .honte of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz of Dash-
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard, re-
cent bridal couple whb have' -just
returned from an extensive toney-
moon in Northern Ontario, were the
guests of honour at a wedding dinner
on Thursday- , pypnin_g,i,)2eld at the
home of theetbeileti•aaihrits. The
immediate aelatives of both families
• Were present. The, tableawitedecore
ated in pink and white, and was cen-
tred by the bride's lovely three -tier-
ed wedding cake. Pink and...white
streamers hung gaily film the ceil-
ing with a large -white' bell directly
over the centre eof,ithe table. ee The'
house was also -decorated profusely
with summer flowers. Serving at'
the dinner were: 'trim Kathleen Hay
of Zurich and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson
of Blake. Later in the evening,
some thirty .neialtdears gathered to
welcome the 'happy .eottP:n, wrth
gay ,chivaree. ,The best wishee
the' 'cOnanunitY Eh With Mr. aiti
ria Ms
Mustard, to' their sew 'hdine at God-
.-Harvesting •,sisn
• ow the order of
the day but the weatherman is
somewhat at holding up threshing
Miss Kathleen Hey is spending a
few days this week in Brucefield.
Mrs. T. ,Parlmer has returned home
after spending a pleasant month's ya-
catida with her sone Earl 'at Tor-
onto. •
Rev. W. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Feed -
die of Hespler were recent guests at
the heal& of Mr. and hrs. James A.
Paterson.. .
Mr. Milton Ortwein has been holi-
daying at the home of his parents,',
Mr and Mrs. 3. W. Ortwein.
Mr. and Mrs. Farmer of Stratford
visited recently with the latter's fa-
ther,Mr. Wm. Stonee
m. Cook of London vrated re-
cently with his motherW,Vrs. Devlin,
prior to leaving, for his home in the
Mr and Mrs. Lltiy e den and
family. and Mr Herb aleddeneturn-
ed to St. Catharines followingtheir
vacation with their mother, Vars.
Catharine. /redden.
Mims Margaret MacGregor is vis-
iting with irelatives at Port Dalhousie
this week.
Miss Mae McNeughton of Toronto
has been holidaying at the home
her prettier, Peter and Lorne Me -
Mr. Morris Tudor of thee, RCAF,,
at an Eastern Port, left to a•esume:
his duties 1$,.ellewing an, enjoyablaho"
liday with bis parents here.7.
Mr and. Kis .t. L. Mickle ,pd fanie
ily have returned fronctneir helia
days at Rondeau Parke. .
Durin* August whil*Me
e' lt.
Brook pastor of the United. Churela
Hensall, is ori vacation, service will
be held at 11 aan. only and Rev Mr
Grant of Kippen will ihave charge on
Aug. 8 and 15th while Rev. Elforcl
of Seaforth will take the services on
Aug. 22nd and 29th.
At the 'recent nomination meeting
held in the Town Hall, Hensall, $92
was realized from the sale of war
savings stamps, which is more than
a, depth charge. Mr, R. H. liliddlethe
local druggist in charge and the a0
Sistance of four girls, narnely, thr.,
Misses Ruth Res's, Lenore N'orinin,r-,1
. .....lbuiradaXseAngust,12A1,
. •
elm .ot 4'644 Red i•lf•afiluk,
splendid Work youese are (thing antt
'titre makes a person feel, geed t4.
know someone is. thinking, of ut boys
over here. So thanking you'se very,
very mach for' the 10Yely •
retnain; as eneree-E Mase, Lae
C.,, BA. No. 6 Group;'...; RCAF' Over-..
,N. .C. Ducharnee who enjoyed
a tl's% 'we'eles
furlough With 'his pare
ents left on Taesday,last ,for. Wind -
stir" where he joined 'ather'soldiers
route to Caurino; B. C. where they
will lee, stationed with.the 16th Prat-
oon Def. of that station. - -
Mr, Pierre Masae of Detroit a Rd
Mrs. Laurence Masse and son were
guests to Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte
On Monday last.
Mrs. Ralph Meak and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Jeffrey of Detroit, are
Spending a few days with Mrs. Mar-
ance Charrette of the Blue Water,
Mr. Norman ;Sararas spent, the we-
ek -end in the vicinity of Grand Bend
with old acquaintances..
Letters • from Service Men
Thursday, July 22, 11048
Dear Mrs. David Ducharrne, Zurich.
Many thanks for the
lovely parcel which I received yester-
day, everything was in good shape
and will be a „real treat. I like it
quite well over here and up to now
have seen a lot of this country. I
just came back from a leave yester-
day which I spent around London.
And had the opportunity of meeting
the Surerus boys, it was just like old
times again being with someone you
know. ' , • •
I am stationed at :very nice part
of this country aad, the scenery is
really.pretty at the present time with
plenty of flowers about. My mail is
reaching me quite regular, and that
is .one thing I do look forward to. I
found the Zurich Herald very inter-
esting and made me feel eight at
home for a few minutes_ •
The Red Cross is sure doing a lot
for us boys, I already had several
pairs of socks andpyjamas from
them, I got one t pair •of socks
which a lady from 'Exeter had knit-
ted and had her name attachedto it.
Thanking you, again, and memb-
Dear Mrs. Elmer Klopp, Zuriche
Dear Friends: I received our
parcel the 15th of July and was very
pleased' with it, everything in it :was.
lovely, and 1 would like if you would
thank the Women of the Institute and
Red •Cross.lor 'nie,I ou1dlikta,
write tame all a letter but I have so.
much mall and littera to ansivea that.
ohiPt' And Vine l write••to thertralta sf.
So I woi1d like 'if tioutevonld thank
for me from the WM= •of.
any heart. 1 will assure you that all
of the boys who get parcels from you
feel the same way as I do about it.
I am fine and like it over here very,
much, the people over here are,very
nice to the Canadian soldiers, and
take the war very calm after alfthin
have gone through. There isn't much
news I Call tell you about, as we hats
to be very careful in what we write
in our letters as they are eenspred,
so that makes it hard to write an
teresting letter to anyone. So *111
close for now and keep your chin**
"there will always be an England."
From your friend, David C. Meyers,
10th Cdn. Inf. Bde Coy, RCA. S.C.
An exeltinx,
illustrated in. Full .Color, Apo.
erican Weekly , with:fiis '$undare
(Aug. 15) Issue of n'the Oetaroif S*.'day, .Thries, tells, . abo4; the:, VpintoOt
"Jungle" School in,Hongithat`whern
American troops are taughtelinii*
make a picnic oat of ashirei
Get The Detroit Sunday tfrhes this
week and every week.
•.Now., -..YOU, can be a Fighting-AIrman.
in Double -Quick Time •
The R.C.A.F. wants MORE Able -Bodied -Men
for Aircrew
VHERE'S a place actually •tvaiting for you in the
gallant band now flying and fighting in R.C.A.P. planes
• on. many different fronts.
More men are urgently needed to increase the attack —
to bomb and blast the enemy into unconditional star-
render...-Soi whatever work you are now doing, don't let
adventure and glory pass you buy. les your great chance.
A job, even in a war factory, is no longer as essential as
• fighting in the air. This is a call to every young Canadian
• who can make the grade.
Planes and Schools are Ready
• to Train You Quickly
'you will be in Air Force uniform right away. No more delay
getting into aircrew. Basic training begins at °ace. Skilled
instructors are waiting. Fast planes are waiting.
If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 1.71/2 and not yet 3.3,
you are eligible. 'You do not require a High School education.
floodod Now
for frnmodiate
Training as
Recruiting Centres are located In the principal cities of Canada.
Mobile recruiting init.'s' visit smaller centres regularly. '
"Here's the New11
Healthful Family
WOMEN everywhere acclaim 7E1449%
•v v Work- to -Win"., authoritative. new, ,
. booklet that takes all the guesSwOrk.aut of
•good nutritionrys practical
... easy to usel Arad there's "
filt.ME;simPly by mailing the cq
t ".• ' kathooritievt re.elhe, the imitfitilitti, •
histritiost fort as au aid to;Victory. Yet
recent' Cvoi4.ruittept surveys +or. that the.
diet of 60 percent of ,danadians s defiCient.
Perhaps your family lack proper foods to
build health, stamina, high snoitale—to help
,keep them At, on the' job!
'":) • ,,fe; i•c•
•,ilibpsons. sealeireekt
eotitil000 . Oeteetir.
Van ,nnintiOnlinisinsteimesnn 'Igist4e-Wsalk-II.,
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Wilehatili4 • Of .r¢SMI Nei NVMD411•1 /MIMI ,
*NW* rooaromok
Solearn the easy way to "good -to -eat" Meals ' M• AIL
that provide every food need v ., ............,.........a.k.......................,..
• io
of the body. Send fier,your copy I BOX 61o, TORONTO, CANADA. . 11,
of "Eat -to -Work -to -Win," today! : Please send nle my PRTEcop*of"Eit-to4P-ork-to•Vie.
Sponsored by
in the Interests of nu trt ttort and health
as an aid to Victory. i
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