HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-12, Page 2it y'l, Cirr:c An tu.:-cart is a familiar sight ,throughout the Gaspe Coast region and is one of the unique eleme of local colour to be seen in the trips to ancient Quebec. ave You rd? Police superintendent, using - telephone: "Is that Mr. Joskins speaking? Good! I thought I'd ring you up at once and inform you ;that we have found your ralssing wife." Mr. Joskins: "Have you really? What does she say?" Police superintendent: " c,th- $ng!" Mr. Joskins: "Then you've trade .. mistake. The woman couldn't possibly be my wfie." "Did you hear about Bill gettin shot.?" "No -how did it happen?" "Oh --he just went to the hardware store and asked for two pounds of it." SAFES Protect yuua BOOKS and CASE tram FIRE and THIEVES. VES. We leaven eke and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit sill, or write for Prices. etc. to Deaf. W. .6C..J.TAYL L.lMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS tt4:, Front St. E., Toronto ERtal,lisited 1S55 STOP En* e0? Mpiley•Back *ror quick reiieffroni itching of eczema, pimples, ath. tete'efoot. scales, scabies, rashes andother eiternally tensed skin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, a&Soothesirritationandquickly stopsintense aaSEB tody for D.E.D.D PRESCRIPTIback.ON Lawyer (slyly) : "As' a matter of. het -you.. were -scared half to death. and don't know whether it was an automoble or just some- thing resembling an automobile that struck you -do you?" Defendant (calmly) : "May I say I was forcibly' struck by the resemblance?" "Tell me, please, how 1 should go •about getting a start in the great game of business?" "Sell your wrist watch, and buy an alarm clock." Subaltern: "I've been trying to see you for the last week, sir, but you've alMays been busy. When can I see you?" Colonel: "Well, I suggest you make a date with my secretary and Subaltern: "I did, sir, and we had a swell time, but I still want to see you, sir." "Can't this case be settled out of court?" "Well,' your honor, that's what we were doin', when the cops came along." Woman on telephone: "I sent my little boy to your store for two pounds of plums and I got only a pound and a half. Your seales must be wrong." Fruit dealer: "Myscales are all --right, madam. Have y u weighed your little boy?" Young and ineitperienced father ' (looking at triplets the nurse had just brought out): "We'll take the one in the middle." Fuehrer'$_ Fire Girl Hitler, who once said 'the duty o£ women of the Reich was 'solely to bear children to grow up and become Nazis, has evi- dently ehanged his mind. Here a German girl helps a fireman 'with , a hose as manpower shortage forces Nazis to recruit more snt3 more women for heavy jobs. • THE NOEiGHBORHOOD LEAGUE Oyr.BLiJY,AS VILL1A'M6 •11 W'iiil HIS M 13 S ON 6UARTi 1N 1-1E NE# ROOM Ib SEE 18Af NA'01iW6 11',iERr'EREP WITH Hr5?RAC1iCIN6) EDDIE 5ELZER MANAGED TO ?piss iii" a3lli'DRY li'EMS OF bMESALL E ,IPMENT -rivr 1''t•iE 'OM NEEDED FOR 'frit' GAME) Ihirfu 1 'f MISSfl f� A n(rl'E (6R, Cif 11 A5'( Na MORE THAN NORMAL ) 2).24.:z....- ita,a•„d '?t," ti•.t, 'a ndketa 1 1 ....sit r Many specimens of goby,. one of the smallest species of •fish, live' their entire lives inside • sponges and larger fish; SOLDIERS MIDi UT TIRED ACHES tHEIHIMEMIREZEMEMLISIHMEIlIGINESEIR LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO Relieves distress from MONTHLY AKr ESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps- relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps buildup resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made in Canada. How Can I By Anne Aebiey. Q. Haw can I clean oak fur- niture? A. For oak or walnut furni- ture, wipe with cheesecloth wring out .of tepid suds of white naph- tha soap. Clean but a small por- tion at a time and rub dry with €t flannel cloth before going on. Finish by applying a little high grade furniture polish on a clean piece of flannel, and rubbing until the wood no longer feels greasy. Q. How can 1 remove discolor- stions from the inside of an alum- inum kettle? A. Cut a piece of rhubarb into small pieces and boil it in the discolored utensils until clean; then rub up a little for polish. Apple peelings are also good. Q. Holy` can I remove the odor of =pike from a room? A. Put a basin.of water in the room; leave overnight and keep • a window slightly open. The air will be sweet •by morning. Q. How can . I whiteij yellowed laces?. A. Add dissolved soap to equal parts of milk and • ei+ater until a strong suds is' farmed'', Add a teaspoonful' of •borai for each quart of liquid, put in the lace and boil for a halfX?our. Q. How can 1 remove white spots from mahogany furniture caused by hot dishes? A. Put a few drops of sweet or camphorated oil over them and let it soak in, thenpolish h with a n soft cloth. COUNT IN? Count Dino Grandi, above, one of Mussolini's original black shirts and a former Italian for- eign minister, is rumored as a successor to BadogIio if latter quits the premiership. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTOMOBILES--USIOD USED CARS WITH GOOD =TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. AUTO PARTS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service.. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario. DAR/ CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS MANY breeds and ages. Send for full particulars, also started chicks two and three we'eks old. Free • catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Ltd., Fergus, Ontario. WHITE' LEGHORN' PULLETS, TWO weeks 20c, 3 weeks 25e, 4 weeks 300. Goddard Chick Hatcheries,, Britannia Heights, Ont. IVIS WILL HAVE CI-IICKS FOR prompt shipment right through, August; order what you need to see you through the season. Some started also, immediate delivery. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N., Iiam- iiton, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTH.INU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to . answer your questions, Depart- ment • i•1, Parker's Dye Works • Limited, 7111 Yonge Street; To- ronto: FOR SAL. l7 THRESfING OUTFIT FOR •SALiIi. .13e11 Separator, Ruinely. engine, Apply to I. G. Battler, Islattee vide, Ontario. #LDUL TO LABOR' CONDITIONS WI�I are forced` to dispose sir 10'11 or' more of our registered Palomino and Tennessee- Walking horses' lnoludiag pleasure horses, brood: snares, stallions, yearlings and suckling colts of grand champion y •• blood 'likes Send •ror our descrip- tive price list,-FJSHI'1R PALOM- INO FARI,IS, Souderton, PennsY(- , v(in i u. . S(:)JI]•, ('HOlrele YOUNG REGISTER-. Yoreshirc sow's just bred, and Suttle ehoi(•e young Registered boar, ahem reedy or service. Edgar i,ennis, LH, 2, Aurora, Ont, I''Ait51 MIL 45 OA 'l ] A.rTO7;; 00 RUML]?IY '11'8.01 or; 20-22 Waterloo Steam; 18-211 Watc'r1oc, Steam; 32-50 White separator; 28-50 White $epari,.ter (Cutter); 33.-45 Water- loo Separator: 28-12 Waterloo Separator ((.'utter): 32 -Si Bell N, ;.tratur (Cutter); Frame bar„ (galvanized roof). George S. Smith, Durham. 1400'l• 114.1,81 EA( I XIIllrlE.A I.'(XYr I1Al,M destroys offensive odor tilstn11Ily, 45c Lurie 1)11:ewa ngettt. Denrnn'n •• Drug Stove, Ottawa. .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1, What ' are the:. • principal duties of the best man at a wed- ding ceremony? 2. How ' can an unmarried woman, living in a hotel, return the hospitality shown her by mar- ried friends who have entertained her? 3. Is it permissible to eat the lettuce en which a salad is served?' 4. What is the correct way to hold a coffee cup in the hand? 11, How far under the table should the chairs be pushed, when ,placing them for a dinner? 6. Should a secretary rise when an employer introduces her to a business visitor? ANSWERS ' 1, The best man looks after the groom, generally driying. hies to the church. He takes care of the ring, giving it to , the, groom at the proper moment. He gives' the clergyman his fee, and takes care of 'any tips incidental to the go- ing away, being, of course; reim- bursed by the groom at a con- venient time, • 2.:13y taking 'them to dinner at the hotel or restau- rant. 3. Yes, if you wish. It is entirely optional. 4. The handle of the cup should beheld by the thumb and first two fingers, the other two fingers being bent slightly towards the palm of the hand. 6. The front edge of the chair should be on a perpendic- ular line with the edge of the table. 6. Yes, if the secrtary is a man; if a girl, no. tai ;urn r5 ry ee"-- aoa� #'•.i 1.4 Roll your owners!' o for Ogdeires The 'Pony Express,: in t''3 old days; of the West, carried essential messages - .. H3ro is one for you : For complete sinok- ing satisfaction follow the example of the oieltimers and go: for Ogden's-a disfincttvs blond of choicer, riper tobaccos. Ogden's quality itis' pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug 75% of the houses in Valetta, the capital of Malta, ha..•e been destroyed by air raids. t. The,Wiison Flay Pad Co., I3anilltoit, Ont.- • eeseeeeiteneeeeMe FARMS FOR SALT) 70 ACRES, LOT 18, CONCESSION 3, Darlington. Oshawa 7 miles. New house, good water, some bush. Box 470, Huntsville, Ont. FOR SALE -100 ACRES GOOD CLAY loam -Mariposa Township, ?ii, mile from school -good water supply - frame house, two good barns, good stabling. Supply of hay and straw. Apply G. II. Dixon, Woodville, Ontario, R.R. 1. FUEL WOOD C=ANTED MAPLE, BIRCH A ND MIXED cordwood. First -or second growth. Also Millwood. State full particu- lars and lowest prices. Walter Schiess, 19 Melinda St., Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN I•IAIRDRESSING 'ran Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing, Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALE -1 ADVANCE-RUMELY Oil Pull, operates on fuel oil. Mounted on traction 'wheels and grousers. Good condition. .Immed- iate delivery. King Paving Co. Ltd., 130x 30, Oakville, Ont. Mi.DICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish Lhe Torment of Orly Eczema, .Rashes and \Veep(ng Skin Troubles. Post's Eczema Salve \Vi11 Not Disappolut kou. Itching, Scaling, .Burning. Llc- '7emn lone, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's Foot Will respol d readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of holy stubborn or hopeless they leas seem. . PRICE, 81.0(1 PER JAR. Sent post free 011 receipt or p:le.a POST'S REMMIEDI,E,S 889 Queen .at. el, turner or Lugar) TORONTO ' ME DICAL D1XON't 1 11.1I14D3 -L'()1 Nl.1L:ltIT- 18 •.uld Itheumrtic 1',1(118. Thous- ands satisfied.. 11:l1tm'u's Drug • Store, 3:J5 1114•in, (ittulva, Post- • paid 51,00. FAST EN 'i' S .FlerriII41tiT)NitArat11 cit t O\t('ANY l'utis't Snlid. tors. :Bsta bIiched 181(1; 14 Kin 15 e,1, Toronto, ].lot)!: (et or J11in on rf,- 1(UCat. In Ceylon there (:.•a 3.:.1 rural schools where, besides sides t:he ordi- nary school tmbjetripi, the children are taught ' t.;.•al a i store, hours-bu,id.,t:; and t'..ir, u:lL, v. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Beat, Rnln, or Hnll HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 26e, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toi' nto PHOTOGRAPHY '9( AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE .." writes a customer at Rough Water, N,S., who adds: "1 have told atany friends about your service and 1 know that from now on you will get films from them for de- veloping and printing," Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Star Snapshot Service. Any Sixe Roll -e or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get better results from; your .camera if you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. You'll get finer quality, sharper. prints at lowest, cost. And you will get the promptest service obtainable by nail in keeping with quality work. Mali us a roll for trial. • 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 2:,e Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful L;use1 Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT 'SERVICE Box I:.'!l, Postal Terminal 4 Toronto Print your een0 and address• plainly on all orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN •. leve prints beim each negative 'Re- m -mite 2c •cads, ..Montreal t?huto, ' P.O. Box 180, Station 1", 8101)t1t',i1. I•I.1RSOltAi, SLI3;-•1)()11. TAB 111';'.i'S,. 'IAAI;\1LL18S and effective. $1 (two weeks' sup- •' ply) at•all druggists, or postpaid from Maltby Bros., 5 Hoon, To- ronto, Ont. • I;I#d11"Idtt'I'lES WANTED 'INi 111 L' Wle HAVE 11UYERS WA T T TN(G for Chicken !'arms, Market (ler- . dole end town or village houses in all parte of Province. Send full 5)11rtieul i1. 1 in confidence et once. ---we make no charge unless we sell. Powell and Company,, 5 St. Cin (1' Blast, Toronto. ('(141;'(11(1 PA Wt.:, • TRACT( it i'Alt'i'S N H1 1'V AND used, rot all n)(rkes et trustors (Jensen( Auto end fierier Supply, 13 i''rcamel; tit h(ieheoer one X: A ltl.l'1'a 1(1 ('l:1)1(l1(1a:1) ANGORA 111 i'1'S fur :•nit $1.041 ere)). Anna. Tat,. Aylmer, 11.11. 2, On(allo. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD .WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars -Free! Write llIulveneyee Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. Ont. TOBACCO 6 -POUND SAMPLE PACI-A4E vTR- ginia, Burley, Zimmer and Prior leaf tobacco, with reoiee:s and flavoring, $3. postpaid, Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Rutheren, 0111,. RtIYEUi1IAT8(j PAIN. READ THIS-EVEiRY ,SU OI'I:1(I R of Rheumatic Paine or ' curitis should try Dixon's Remedy. i17un- ro's Drug Store, 336 Vein, . Ot- tawa. Postpaid 51.00. TEACHERS WANTED BETHANY; WANTED, PRUTPIST- ant teacher for Public School Section Eleven, Township of Manvers, County of Durham, Du- ties to commence September first. Apply, stating certificate and salary expected, to G. 81, T. Dav- is,. Secretary, .Bethany, 11.11. No. 2, Ontario, • PROTESTANT TEACHER Wanted S.S. No. 6 Hay, .Salary $1,e00, 11 pupils. Apply Jacob 11. Giuge- rich, R. No. 3, Zurich, Ont, QUALTI'IED TEACHER I'OR S.;y. No. 12 Laucastcr, c'al)cthle of teaching English and 1ireneb, salary., 51,000. J. 1. Baker, Sec.- Treao ,Dalhousie Mills, Ont, lVANTED A ]3ILINt:UAL len DIN L'ii- Jiinglisll male teacher for Protes- tant church s hon!. Apply Rev. Allan S. Reid, 3485 McTavish 810 Montreal. DINORWIC - T1- At'1•Iu3fl 1V AN'J'J•t7D for 5,5No. 1, Southwol'lh (mi 1iiutnlun. distil •t al Keiip'a, ,Stale salary cxp)eetedlduties to' com- mence Sept. first. Appitc to.,1t. Zoecole, Sceretaie, Board'.of Them- : tees, 'Anoi•\cie, Ont, 14) DDtT1, ONT. St.'1IOOL requires teacher for junli,tr room, grades 1 to-•5,,.reotnirren'ing Seine, • tenlbc.l 8.t1a11�1 .$901.LO.0 and bonus,.. $I1)JJ 00 1h0\1.,: '"uod,'!'e1�1�1i•, lic0.•••,•• Trecs, • • Q1.' .1,11111: 11 1 11)1Ei'- r 1A'-, T 'j' e n r h- r1' for 8.5, No. • •5, 1.111 Lbog'ia. 891- •0ry $11.50. Apply to ,111•::, ticr(1os1 Stuu);'hton, • f.'al)ti,ogie, i)1 WANT 1.,1l)-TI;A('I-1i.la 1''(3]1 8.(i No. 2 4tth115'. 'State quailfi' Tions, Solary 50011 for quail nod le. F. Griffiths, 0xdrifl, (mt. I`lb.SAS 1't111LIe 8r'l1()01, Lt114(1;)08 te licher. Salary $1 00t. Attend - :ince 14. Living (1011)11; provid- ed. Apply Net to(1 111) 1Z re'tm'5', .11.18101, Ontario. TOWN61111' SC'T1001, r\1:1!:.X. N11(1Tft 1111r(,Igh Incl • '.Anstluth e, J teter- 1a11•ou h Count l', require.; expO1'- Jeneed (.,achc•r•, in tw,, sc•11u011' situated on highway,ni- tencicnt(:n. Lug ic'a 001111110 1100 Sep - 111111)01 term, Salary 51 (i'. Pi 1st thiss certiflea le pilfers xi. 'Write Ctev. (1 A. ti, i 'ra"c, .1, lev 1111.. 1111.10. •