HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-12, Page 1•21 ZURI f. . Forty Second Year ZURICH® THURSDAY MORNING, RA AUGUST 12 1943s LD Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.50 a Year in Advance Make your Dollars preserve our Liberty. Buy Govt. Securities +++++++++44++4•4•44+++++*++.iii+++++444.4.46+++++++++++++++ •-•• Arrg affinn *mat Amite Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. Day or Night Telephone No. 70. Dashwood — Ontario 4.+4.4.+4•44+444444-1.4.444•4444.4.+÷ 44+44+44++ 4444. 4. 4. 4 4 1110•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour .9te 10 P.M., E.D.S.T. 's 'Ala., • Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. • On Mutat Network -- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 0094i6.1100004•011600.114101111serseesesesessessaesesese COMFORTABLE GLASSES At It.EA,SONAllUt C.. E. Zurbrig, R.O. OPTOMETRIST all OMIT= The Newest. Apprise*** Methesil of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every. .Wask Day Except Wedisseaday. Aro You Satfiering From ileadmiaist te ..; Hams youi Ihmumlaadi Ake LANA MISh.i aa4 liquirnmat at A. L. COLE, IL 0. Off0MIETRIST & OPTICIAN GOODRICH. • ONT. Good Glasses at Reabonable Prices stAfigille•00•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••De 1 Westlake Brokenshire 1 FUNERAL SERVICE I :LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS , AMBULANCE SERVICE 4)143r mina N111111 Service ; • Phone 158, Zurich 1 1 1 1 Ilea , • -.....• -,:.,:. ,- . ...,..,,, .! • • - 10,...-„,_ . . . • .. . i;', :.. . , .., ,:11111111111.1.111111111.1111111.1.1111111110111.1111&1, • f ; ? • . • , . • . .1111161t 311‘1111*101.111112474 ri'clopleED 1111/.1011001U;It N$168 FAUCIFIF AS' CtEITASICIDIltiTIFIltfesI.,S, CHINTZ AND TOWEL.: 4Netk ATM ersat. T.AgNovG60)$:•:_. • . . • . 5-stml.rv5 PAfl, ipps:E • PANTS, VARNISHES , . • . 5stgru.sts, eit.$ ID yultm. • . a • MEM; FEEDS, 'CHICK STARTER, GROWERS, FED - .SUGARS AND CUARCOAL. • Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND UIE BLA.lit STORE TO STAY AS PARTY LEADER HARRY C. NIXON • Toronto — Ontario Premrer Nixon head of the Government creieated in Wednesday's election, said at Queen's Park he had no intention of resign- ing leadership of the Ontario Liberal party and that he would represent his riding Of Brant in the Leglistattore and lead the Liberal representation. Hot At War A Huron boy in the air sere, writing home from North Arrzca,awys. that the day before he wrote MSfet- 'MiSs Helena Farwell was a visitor vcith relatives at Hensel]. (Pte. Harold Thiel has returned to his duties in the armed Forces after a leave of a few weeks. 1Mr. Norman. Fleischauer has left fcir Loudon where he joined the arm- , forces. -15Mss .Elsie Dover of ,Seaforth was a.week-end visitor at the home of and Mrs. Leonard Erb. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch 4,111d son Freddie of Elmira are vis- fiAng relatives in this vicinity. :Mr. and Mrs. George Swan of cefield visited at the home of their #ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schilbe t week. att. ,Mr. Charles Fritz and sister Mrs-. earer and Miss Pearl Wurtz were ek-end visitors at the home of the mer's daughter, Dr. and Mrs. H. Cowen at Exeter. lt4Mrs. Alfred Mellett and daughter ;Seth returned after visiting with the ormer's mother near 'Strateroy, they' *re accompanied home by her mot- Ber and sister who will remain in ter the temperature reached 122 deg: Kuria for a few days. in the shade. The wind was so lint thakittliked up the. moisture in-. the Mr. and Mrs. .Gilbert Ducharme of etroit, Mr. Russel Ducharme, of iiildiers' eyes. . "Our eyeballs -.. just d bizrn in their socketstAntf indsor; • Mr and Mrs. Byron 'Du- seerne to yet some people at home grunible If 1 and family, Miss Doreen and they cannot have everything they rl friend of London, were visitors want —Goderieh Signal -Star. 1irt1e home of Mr. and Mrs. David 414 halrlaV. HURON'S NEWEMBER —74 •:,". . " ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns of Huron spent .a few days with her mother, Mrs. Witzel. Mr. 'and Mrs. C. Bosh and Mr. Jack Reschke of Detroit spent the week:: -.70-41 with relatives here. MisiyLottie Armstrong of London E.Terethe week -end with Miss Onieda Resterneyer. Mr. *ad Mrs. Milford Mcisaac and fairli‘.:ktf Detroit are spending ;their vacatiOri; 'With his Mother, Mrs. L. lrIsaac. - • Edmund Swartmentruber, Prop. Phone: 11.97 "(111.11141.1111"11"1""1"1111116,16"5"0"2"6"1"11111w' CARD OF THANKS Mr, Charles Fritz and family wish io thank.. their many friends and nei- ghbours for the kindness and symp- athm.shown them during their recent. berea.vement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to)tile.• Rev. • C. B. Heckendorn, and those' who so kindly loaned their cars. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Robert Mc- Clinchey wish to thank their friend's: and neighbours for the kindness and ympathy shown during their. recent be reavement. •• La One G N IVE-N DANCING. . 'NIGHTLY STAN. TATION": And His Orchestra -7. 'ft Do You Need Glasses HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOU SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification ei the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ‘lso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensa 4.111.1.•••••21111.••••••••••• For Sale $ Philco Car Radio, push button, will fit any t, 110I'VOrcl-CilaTEW1 C.i.dtilder Car Radios, will: fit any make .of c. 'Seconcl'Hancled, Lawn M;nwer Metal Bed with 'Good Springs. CASH 'PAID 'FOR GOOD ,..LJSED CARS 4 R. HOBBS TAYLOR • The new provincial member it'll Moon tiiding is well fitted for hiS new position. He has been a close, .student of public affairs for many. ears and is an authority on matters o palixlie'interest. Dr. Taylor. Nvtia; bean in London, Ont., in 1896, a mil ,,of the late Mr. and Mrs. William !Taylor., His education was rece114ed' th*6 Schools of London, lwhere' Erad.11etted from 'the medigal echo° .ot University of Western Ontario. Lat- er he Vent to New, York Polyelildiei for post -graduate lark. In. 1928' he married Lett* Ruth Gu.entrier. They haVe- ,one daughter, ' Anne Kaibryn. Their honp is at Dashwood wher4 Dr. Taylor has an :exteoteive pragroize. Golf and yachting are hobbies otthe candidate Ire is an excellentlgat- WARD FRITZ USED CAR DEALER • 11 • , -. • —form speaker, As, a physician le has The Season s. Best concert taken -prominent, part in rinadical • groups, being past -president of the 1 Sk 9 Fan. Osier society and past prestidAnt of Sunday, August the Hon Kcal ,Socie).Y. lle i$ All Proceeds to: - preiddent of the New DaYiStudY Canadian Red Cross club. In retigion he is an Anglican, - but takes very active part in the 'Bomb Victims Fund"Dashwoodi Evangelical efturch. Few . : .• people•in Huron County have tbe CAST' capability of Pr. Tayhor in this new STAN PATTON and his Orchestra. position he has been pheed in, while CA RTLY JOYNT, Baritone. taking his Arts manes at Western UNSHINE GIRLS University, the MVO M?.?.r.r. availed S MALLET TRIO—Xylophone, Harp- himself of taking up the study a/ ophone chime*, Political 'Science:, as, one of the ;leas, -which wi0 oome in very handy BT XELLY—Yodeler. THREE HILLBILLYS — Singers, now, and his constituency Will great - guitarists ly benefit by tins preparaiiien of Pp, TaYlorlt, tf.f4rtt, ... CA,RTUR CARTER—Comedialls. • OurStociNtfAigeeriekla always kept uwto-date in quality a*. wilVaS cifaa'fnfliy‘f .?4,vhcrf at fall'liossible.. - Selling "Tbis Best f®r has ibre,.been our. slogan, and we stilt endeavour to maintain thisi standard. • CLOTHiNa FOR :1 ALL . we are happy to, be in a pontson-to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require • • to wear. . my -GOODS,. ETC. Our 'Shelvesof suitable,.D.ry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your/inspection; and'inOe the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have, to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc= wring these items. • 3. W. MERNER Phone 140 IlhgNJWaaa9SrJrr..'tir.•t-'..waa.amaamarzr.mraraora.araowaraacaaR.mra's:rwg...brrata.ro.rca..aairaaa,..,rs-,=Z.3M'g'agagr9rAaT"