HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-05, Page 4FOR BRITISH RELIEF Water south, when their eleven chil-
With the forwarding of a draft for dren gathered together, and to them
$10,793,18 Canadian Holstein breed- the day will long be remembered,
ens have brought the total of their Those from a distance points were:
•gifts sent to British during the past Mrs. Lawrence Ducharme, Mrs. Ty-
years for war relief to $24,677.84. rus Stansberry of Detroit; Mrs, Jos,
In 19411 they raised $11,984.16 and Masse of Windsor; Mrs, Kuno Hart -
m, 1942 $1,900, As in the two pre- man of the Goshen line south; the
vious years, officials of the British Messrs, Avila, Cyril of Wznusor and
Fressian Soeiety have agarn under- Pte. H. C. of C'anaismo B. C.; L.
taken the task of distributing the Pierre and Blaisae at home.. Also
money where from personal know- Sister M. ,Pricill Therese of Chatham
ledge they know it will do the most and Sister M. St. Denis of Brecia
good. A large part of the 1941 and Hall, London. The day was spent in
1942 funds were used for clothing renewing childhood memories and
and otherwise relieving the distress exchanging good wishes one to ano-
of merchant sailors whose ships and then. At their departure on Sunday
personal belongings had been lost in afternoon to their homes.
the Battle of the Atlantic. Airmen Notes—Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Jeff -
were also aided through donations to rey of Detroit are spending holidays
the RAF Benevolent Fund for Pilots here,
and Crews. The 1943 total is made Mr. Wray Masse of Detroit and
up of $6,395 realized at War Effort friend are spending a few craya with
Calf Auction held May 25 at Bram- relatives in this neighborhood. .
pton, $3,705 from a eimilar Auction Miss Sherrie -Jeffrey of Beaver -
held the following day at Kemptviile town left on Sunday last where she
and cash dot atioee of 4 rci 3.18 from will :mime her duties.
all parts of the Drat- lio•i. The calv-
es sold were Bonae d by County Hol- IAYFIELD
stein Club: tied inti. :ra.:ai breeders rte Wm. Osmond of Lethbridge,
in Ontario and Que 'ee. :Alta,, was here to attend the funeral
of his father, the late William Os -
1 Miss Lola Elliott of reeerort is
P. T. Demonstration i spending her vacation with her mos
4c, then who are receiving their i th--r here.
base training at No. 9, RFTS, Coe—
; Mr. Ross. McLean of Alvinston
trat ia, gave a demon -tratiot: in pit: et- ; era . a guest of Miss N. Ferguson.
scar training at Grand Bend recently. i Margaret Ferguson of Guelph,
Under their physical trainer, Segrt. ! spent the week -encs with her parents,
Wright, they gave a fine perform- i Mr. Fred Weston left for London
ance on the ball grounds behind the:
where he reported for duty m the
pavillion. Massed games were play- i RCAF
ed concluding with a soft ball genie.; Mrs. Robt. Watson and son of
Per The Boys Overseas I Neudorf, Sask., are spending the
The Exeter district War Time summer with her mother, Mrs. F.A.
Committee, en behalf of all the boys 1 Edwardsse
overseas, wishes to acknowledge with Late William Osmond
many thanks the receipt of the mag- One of the older and respected re-
nificent sum of $216.39 from Mr. sidents of the village in the person of
Eric Mcllroy of Grand Bend Casino, William Osmond, passed away in
the proceeds of an orchestra concert his 83rd year. He is survived by his
on Sunday eve. last. The money is to widow, three daughters and three
be used for comforts for the boys of sons. The funeral was held on Friday
this district who are fighting in the last, with a short service at the home
Canadian farces overseas. The con- and a public service in Knox Presby -
cert by Stan Patton and his orches- terian church by the minister, Rev.
tra was an especially fine one and Mr. Lane. Interment was made in
drew a large and generous audience Bayfield cemetery.
This' is a yearly patriotic effort on
the part of Mr. Mcllroy, and he has STANLEY TOWNSHIP
the special thanks of the Committee
at Exeter.
field, Blake and Goshen churches at
Varna recently. Solos were rendered
by Mrs, Elmer Keys, Mrs. Elmer Xray
ter, Marjorie Hoffxnan of Zurich and
Mrs. Caldwell of Bayfield, Mrs. Geo,
Reid read a poem written by Rev,
Oliver Coleman of Winnipeg. Miss
Maude Stirling of Bayfield gave a
very interesting talk on Christian St-
ewardship. Meeting closed with pray-
er. A social hour was spent.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
On Sunday last a very pleasant
day was spent at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ducharme of the Blue
Published for Everyone
No man is too poor €o take his local
newspaper and it is false economy to
try to get along without it. Hardly a
week passes, that something does not
appear in its columns which will be of
financial benefit to yon and by the end
of the year you have made or sav-e
ed from one to twenty times the sub
scripion price. The city papers do not
take the place of your local paper,
although some people seem to think
they do. The city papers are alright
in their way, but they do not give
you what you are most interested in,
in your community. You cannot learn
from them when public meetings are.
held, who have died, who are marry-
ing and who are moving out and who'
want to sell land, or other articles, in
fact, hundreds of items which might;
be of particular importance to you.
Such matters city papers cannot fur-
nish but your local paper does. If
you are not a subscriber to your local
paper, you Should be. Plan to have
your name added to our subscription
list as soon as you can.
LAC Don. MacKinnon of Clare -
holm, Mb., is spending a 21 day le-
ave with his wife and family here.
Mr and Mrs Wm. Manns. of Brant
ford were guests with Mrs. F. Manns
Wm. Hyde has returned home af-
ter spending several days with friends
in London and Denfield.
Miss Ida Stacey, of Toronto, is vas
cationing with Mr and Mrs. T. H.
Hoffman of Dashwood and Mrs, Gor-
don Bolton of ,Hensall.
1Ir. and Mrs. Harry Cook and bac
of Windsor, were visitors with -lits
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Caole.
Mrs. Leslie Adams of London and
Mrs. Albert Morenz, of Dashwood
were visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mr and Mrs. Robt. Varley and
family of St, Catharines are spend-
ing their vacation with the litter's
parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Wolffe.
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Henden 'and
family of St. Catharines are spend-
ing their vacation with the latter's
parents Mr and Mrs. Fred Kennings
and Mrs. Cath. Hedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseaue of
St. Catharines visited at the home of
the former's parents, Mr and Mrs.
Alex. Mousseau.
Mrs. Joseph Case was the guest of
Mrs. Ben Elder last week.
Mr and Mr:. Robt. McKenzie and
family visited with • Mr .ane. Mrs.
Mervyn Schwalm and Mr. and Mrs.
Hanson in Stratford.
Kenneth Brook of the RCAF, Ot-
tawa and Mrs. Brook, visited with the
former's parents Rev and Mrs. Brook
Donna Rigby of Blenheim is holi-
daying with her grandparents, 1Vir.
and Mrs. Stewart 1V1cQueen
Pte. Geo. Parke and Lt. Alda Bol-
ton were visitors with Mrs. Gordon
Bolton and Mrs. Parke.
Lenora Normington, Ruth Hess,
Marion Sangster and Donna McEwen
returned home following a week , at
summer School at Goderich.
Word has been receivea ay Mrs.
M. McClymont, Varna, of the death
of her brother, Rev. Henry Diehl of
Mr. and Mrs Fred Appleby of In
gersoll are holidaying at the home of
the late Dan, Davis. Surviving are
her husband and infant daughter, al.
so her mother and six sistexs.
Falls Into Well
While picking berries the other day
in a vacant lot in Seaforth, Miss Ede
na Fraser, dropped into an ordwell
hat had been grown over and hidden
by the •berry bushes. She was able to
keep her head above the water which
was about four feet deep. After some
tim her cries were heard and assist-
ance was rendered.
Lightning Hits Bicycle
During an electric storm which hit
that district with such fury, a bolt of
lightning carne close to melting a
bicycle, owned by Bruce Pickard, in-
to a trusted heap of scrap metal.
While the young lad was having his
dinner, he leaned his bike up against
a maple tree, several persons saw the
bolt strike the topmost branches of
the tree, carom on down the trunk
leap to the bicycle, and then seemed
to whip viciously into the ground.
;Post-Nuptal Shower
i Mrs. John Passmore and Mrs.
Lorne Elder were hostesses at the
former's home for a miscellaneous
shower in honor of Mrs. Harold Gild -
more (nee Gladys McKenzie). A
sing song was led by Greta Lamnie
and Gladys Luker directed the coax
tests. A mock wedding was an inter-
est nn part of the program; thiesa,
taking part were Mrs. Harpole, ' las-
Kennedy and Mrs. Hess. During tl»
evening the bride was presented With
beautiful and numerous miscellane-
ous gifts for which she made a fitt-
ing reply of thanks. A dainty lunpli
was served.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Smith, Sr.
The United Church, Varna recent-
ly held their annual picnic.
Miss Fisher of Cleveland, Ohio, has
returned to her home after spending
a month with her sister Mrs. Jack
Smith, Sr., and family.
The Varna chopping mill is now
prepared to do custom work. The
proprietor Mr. Aldington has speed a
considerable time and has installed
good equipment at ne small cost.
Attending Funeral
Among those recently attending
the funeral of the late Robert Mc-
Clinchey were: Mrs. Jack Bryan of
London; Mr and Mrs. Alex Wylie,
Mr, Orval Stephenson and daughter
of Marlette, Mich; Mr. ana Mrs. C.
Robinson, Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Clinchey, Mrs Sid McClinchey and
Elsworth Erratt all of Auaurn; Miss
Millie McClinchey, Mrs. teem. IIc-
Clinchcy and son Wilbur, Mr and
Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey, Mr and
Mrs. Wm. Hicks, Mr and Mrs. Peter
Gillis, Mr. Ryan and Mr. '4vilkins of
The members of the United church
WMS entertained the ladies of Bay -
Dead and Disabled Animals
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
Shortsighted Economy
Short-sighted saving has kept many business men
in the rut of toilsome grind all their lives and in
many instances landed them in bankruptcy. Caut-
ion must of course bee exercised.
In the present disturbed conditions, few business
people can afford to sit down and accept what
comes; if they do they will gradually drift into the
limbo of forgotten things.
Advertising has therefore proved itself a necessity
and the logical medium for this advertising is your
Loyal Newspaper. The one that heralds all the local
doings into every home. Nothing can compete
. with it for home publicity. Try Its
John Brock, of Elitnville, who was
severely burned when the car ten
fliich he was travelling caught fire
on the county road south of Staffa,
died Saturday last at Seaforth Has
pital, He was in his 48th year.
To Manning Depot
Don. Stoslehouse, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Stonehouse, •Goderich, has
finished his radio course at the Ham-
ilton school with first-class honoree
and has been posted to the Manning
Depot at Toronto:
Mr and Mrs. Robert P. Watson,.
Brucefield, announce the engage*
ent of their elder daughter Margaret
to Gilbert Beecroft, younger son o•
John Beecroft and the late Mrs. Be-
ecroft, Belgrave. The marriage to
bake place in August.
Going to London
Dr. George S, Elliott leaves shortly
from Clinton for London where he
will conduct a small animal hospital.
He is the youngest son of Mrs. Eliott
and the late George H. Elliott, well
known auctioneer and politician, and
after graduating at Guelph itt 1941
he went to Clinton where he practis-
ed successfully eaver since.
Took Wreng Car
Reeve V. Falconer of Clinton left
his car parked. on a Seaforth street
for a half hour and came back to
find it gone. .County Constable Hel-
mer Snell, who was called in to in-
vesigate, found the car travelling to-
wards Seaforth, just west of Dublin.
The driver had been asked to drive a
similar model home for a friend and
upon discovering he had the .wrong
car, had started back to return It td
its rightful owner.
Recovering from Operation
Mr. Joseph Senior, so well known
in Exeter, because of• his long resid-
ence and association with municipal,
life in Exeter, underwent an oleo -at,
ion in London Hospital. and he is
getting along nicely
Dies Suddenly
The death took place in Seaforth
Hospital on July 25th of Caroline E
Davis, beloved• wife of Lawrence
Wasman in her 38th year. rsho was
born and raised in Exeter living
there until her marriage in 1940,
when she moved to Seaforth to re -
de. I:',r a .e"m"ber of years she was
eler!: at the Exeter Post Office, and
r :'y •.te". et "•lt"s.,'.. D ti i9 C
Moved to Exeter
Mrs, 5. B. Otton, and three .child-
ren of Georgeeto^wn, have moved to
',Exeter' recently 'where he has joined
the accountant staff of the Bank of
Montreal. They have taken up resi-
dence in the residence on Andrew
Grass Fire •Destroys Barn
The other day a grass fiire, which
got out of control, destroyed the
barn of A. Sinclair at Brussels. The
fire dept., while not alblle to save the
barn, was able to keep the Are from
spreading to adjoining buildings.
Made Presentation
Goderich—]Huron County staff the
other day gathered for a few mom-
ents to present Miss Mary MacKay,
bride-to-be, with a coffee table as a
mark of the esteem in which .site is
held by her co-workers. The address
was given by Judge T. M. Costello
and the presentation was made by
County Clerk N. W. Miller. Miss
Tliursday, August 501, X 1
MacKay has been the eourtoous ani
efficient stenographer in the Crowle
Attorney's office far a number oft
John Hanna Nominated
At the Progressive Conservative
convention for the riding of Hurone
Bruce held at Winglram recently,
former Mayor John W. Hanna, oil
Wingham was chosen the standard
bearer, There were two nominations,
the other being R. W. Norman Wade
of Howick, who withdrew. E. iaarte
well Strong was also nominated but
withdrew his name on the floor of
the convention.
Say Cattle Starved
An unusual case is that of William
Siemon, 69, Grey Twp,, farmer ch-
arged with failing to feed hts cattile*.
five of which have died from starve
ation the court was told. In court,
Siemon• looked befuddled and it Wag
intimated that he was incapable a
looking after his stock. He wets ree
minded to jail for a week. Author4
Ities have arranged to have the reg
tn.aining cattle eared for.
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Never was it more important that you pro-
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Learn the"can't-go-wrong" way to tempting
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ijit Ca�pu�p
YOUR Duro dealer is at your
�- service at ' all times. If your
Pump is not giving the service that
it should, have the Duro dealer
check it over, slake necessary ad-
justments and, if required, replace
worn parts.
By doing this, your Pump will
be kept in good working order.
Production of Duro Pumps this
year is limited and makes it nec-
essary for all present owners to
do everything possible to extend
the life of their pumps, as replace-
ments are not available.
Should you be without running;
water under pressure, your Duro dealer-
ealermay possibly be able to secure one for
you, provided you can show it is ab-
solutely necessary for farm Use and
essential for increased crop produc.-
tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime:
Price's and Trade Board approval.
Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit --
drip are still obtainable for a -new-
bathroom or renovation of an old one..
The Emco dealer in your vicinity wilt
be glad to show you the range of styles
now available.
eof Weir Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly:
London Hamiltons Sudbury
Wintipeil „ Vancouver
Should you be without running;
water under pressure, your Duro dealer-
ealermay possibly be able to secure one for
you, provided you can show it is ab-
solutely necessary for farm Use and
essential for increased crop produc.-
tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime:
Price's and Trade Board approval.
Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit --
drip are still obtainable for a -new-
bathroom or renovation of an old one..
The Emco dealer in your vicinity wilt
be glad to show you the range of styles
now available.
eof Weir Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly:
London Hamiltons Sudbury
Wintipeil „ Vancouver