HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-29, Page 5MUCH HUMID T uxsd, Y•r .July 49th, 1948 Nara C E Reeenteorkiers Aileen Wartime Price mrd Trade Board restrict sales of Money .to cudtame equal to '1941 purchases..• Customers kindly keep tis in mind when ,purchasing. Price of honey 15c.per t•1•b. Tiring your its.ontainers.. J. HAEBER,E , SON'S, Dated July 20, '1945. WANTED CASH 1 3R FOX HORSES—Dead anirna&ls removed. Two-hour ser- -vice day or night. ,1'',hene Ceedi- ton 4.7e.15, collect. clack Wil- liams. VETERINARI.A..N Or, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Wile with Residence, Main Sere*, Opposite Drug Store ono --98. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. AU tlleeases of domestic animals treated V'f the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night wile promptly attended 'co. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, eoposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENS,4.LL. NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cars are, on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. 114741 MissElatiite t��iger visited at Lon - do NEW n o n SundaY � . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mero were st Mto. I1. S: MeT inlet' of Toronto, London, ISunday. was a'visitor at the home o'i Mr. and Rev. A. • When, wife and fain - Mrs. T. Meyers thea•st week. ily •spent a few ttl€ly..s with the.rortn- Miss Melvina Schade of 2411Q011 is er's mother, Mrs, E. Datars, Sr. enjoying her vacation at the homes Mr. and MrA. Ttedelle and family of of her ;brothers, Ervin of Dashwood Kitchener, were visitors with Mrs, and Clurence 14th Concessir n. Dedel's mother, Mrs. E. Datars, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Sararas fof the Master Billy Melee spent . a week's Blue Water, south made a business vacation :with hie aunts and uncle trip to 'Waterloo and Neta Hamburg Jerry Mero at London, Ireturning to on Monday. his home on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Doex'r :of Saskatchew- Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Hess and fam' an, spent a week -end at the 'home of ily, who elpent a pleasant week at his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. their cottage, in the Pinery, return- Elmore 'thiel. ed home on Wednesday last:' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A, Cummings of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Schmidt of Kitchener, were recent visitors with friends here. Pte. Donald Manson or Can}p, Borden, Mrs. Manson anti son Keith Mr. and Mrs. C. L Smith and daughter Mete were at New HambueZ Saturday afternoon, attenctrng the funeral of MN, Smith's uncle, the late Herman 'Williams who died at Kitchener, aged 76 years. He was of Toronto, spent the week -end with a resident of .Hamburg nearly all his, Mrs. Mary Manson and Mo. and Mrs life, which he :spent travelling for Newell Geiger, Goshen line north. the Doerr Biscuit Co., Kitchener. Aev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel, MISS Had Painful Accident Elizabeth Rennie and Miss Grace The many friends of M. Egbert Guenther of :Grand Bend, called on Heideman will be pleased to learn I Mr. awl Miu. Newell Geiger on Mon - that he is getting along very favour- day. ably after falling backwards from a • Born... -.At the Farwell Nursing home load of hay while driving into the ! Zurich on Ji.ey 2Srd, to Mr. and Mrs barn on the farm of his .son Carl, !Walter McBride, a daughter.—On when the horses gave a sudden jerk.' July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fortunately no bones were broken Meidinger, a daughter (�C.harolette and Mr, Heideman will seon be able: Ann.) .. to follow his work again, SHORTAGE OF COFFINS OBI WARY Toronto -- Morticians are facing Harry Kraft Succumbs acute shortage of coffins, textile lin-e Harry Draft, well-known farmer of I ings and coverings, plus serious man - near Dashwood died at his home in! power shortage in funera: directors Stephen Township on Wednesday, `and embalmers. Sueli was the mess - July 21st in his 62nd year. Mr. ' age delivered to some 75 delegates Kraft had been in failing health for from all partseef the Province atten- two years, but suffered a heart • at- tack from which he never rallied. Born on the farm where he always resided, he is .survived by his widow the former Pear Yeates, of Sar- nia; five sisters, Mrs. Emma Haugh, Mrs. Jack Wein, and th eMisses Mare Susan and Pearl. Kraft, all. of Dash- wood; and two brothers, Conrad and Samuel of Eston, Sask. One brother Jacob, died three years ago. Mr. Kraft was a member of the Evang- elical church, Dashwood and for sev- eral years served as trustee. A pub- lic service was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. from his residence, with in- terment in Exeter cemetery. FOR SALE sling the Ontario Funeral Service AMociatiion convention in Toronto. With e;otiins coming under the Furn- iture Div. Wartime „Prices and Trade Board, A;dministratoi J. Ferguson told the conference that teeerte in- ventory allotted to their busutees will not last more than three months, that fancy colors for interior and exter- ior coffin decorations have been die, continued. Textile requirements u` morticians are being diverted to the Red Cross, wood veneer requirem- ents filled by birch and basswood, lumber are going to Canadian plane, and is also being shipped abroad for war' purposes, He said that many ex. 1eriments on substitutes fabrics are now being carried. out. WITHDRAWS RESIGNATION MR. JAMES C. SHEARER 'Who states that he has withdrawn his resignation upon request of the Huron Countly Agrieultural War Committee. Immediately it became known that Mr. Shearer had resign- ed hie office as Agricultural Repres- entative of Huron County, the Hur on Agricultural War Committee met in special session and it was unani- mously agreed that every effort mut be made to retain the services of Mr Shearer. 'Since coming to Huron Co- unty, James Shearer has been moi;; enthusiastic about his work and the agricultural future of Huron County. A number of new Allis-Chalmers Combines, for sale, at: Hyde Bros., Traotor and Combines, Hensall. CHICKS FOR SALE Order Brumer's July or Fall Chicks now. Leghorn, Barred Rock, New Hampshire and Sussex X New Hampshire. I3RUMER'S HATCHERY, Lucan, Ont. Phone 54. • ONTARIO ELECTIONS RESERVE MY UtITS .ARRANGEMENTS have been made for members of the Reserve Units of the Canadian 'IL Militia who will be in Camp during the week commencing Sunday, August 1st, 1943, to record their votes in the present election to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Members of such units in Military District No. 1, and Military District No. 2, will be allowed to ,vote at Advance Polls, as listed below, on Saturday, July 31st, 1943. The Department of National Defence (Army) has arranged the schedule of training for Reserve Units of Military District No. 3 so as to permit members of Reserve Units from this district to leave Connaught Ranges Camp on Tuesday, August 3rd and be home in time to vote on Wednesday, August 4th, 1943. The Advance Polls available for members of Reserve Units of Canadian Militia, Travellers, Railwaymen and Mariners will be open from 8 o'clock A.M. until 5 o'clock P.M. and from 7 o'clock P.M. until, 10 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, July 31st, and Monday and Tuesday, August 2nd and 3rd, in the following places:— LOCATION FOR ADVANCE POLLS FOR GENERAL ELECTION 1943 Electoral District Location of Polls Brantford Brantford Cochrane North Cochrane Dufferin-Simcoe Orangeville, Collingwood, Alliston Durham ... Port Hope Elgin St. Thomas, Baybam Fort William Fort William Halton Oakville Hamilton East Hamilton Hannton Centre ,.,.,Hamilton Hamilton - Wentworth Hamilton Hastings West Belleville, Trenton Huron Goderich, Clinton Kenora Kenora, Sioux Lookout, Ig- nace, Redditt, Hudson Kent West Chatham, Wallaceburg Kingston Kingston Lambton West Sarnia Lanark Carleton Place, Smith's Falls - Lincoln St. Catharines Leeds „"„ .... . rockyi.11e ion oti,,., . :i ua,..,a• �""";' London Middlesex North ,.London Muskoka -Ontario •MacTier Niagara Falls Niagara Falls, Fort .Erie Nipissing North Bay-Mattawa Northumberland ,,..Cohourg Ontario Oshawa Ottawa South Ottawa Ottawa East Ottawa Parry Sound ..,. ,Parry Sound Pcel ................ Brampton Perth Stratford, Palmerston, St, Mary's Peterborough Peterborough, Havelock Port Arthur Port Arthur, Schreiber, Nakina Rainy River Rainy River, Atikokan Sault Ste. MarieSault Ste. Marie, White River, Ha -elms Junction, I=lornpayne Sincoe Centre Allendale Simcoe East.....,. .... Midland, Otillia, Pott Mc- Nicol Electoral District Location 'of Polls Stormont Cornwall Sudbury Capreol, Sudbury, Chapleau Temiskaming Englehart Victoria Lindsay Waterloo NorthKitchener Waterloo Soutb..... Galt, Preston Welland Welland, Port Colborne Wellington SouthGuelph Wentworth Hamilton Windsor -Walker- —'—eeeteee ville Windsor Windsor -Sandwich ,Windsor Yotk Notth Newmarket (Council Chamber) York East 63 Eastdale Avenue, To- ronto. 22 Cameron Crescent, Lea- side York South 398 Vaughan Rd., Toronto 3512 Eglinton Avenue W., Toronto ' York West New Toronto -146 Fifth St. -Deere Mimico-40 Mimico Ave. \1'ard 3-585 Ja.2!Itisra TORONTO Beaches .2 -Bi Scarborough Road 13ellwoods 206 Montrose Avenue Bracondcie 735 Ossington Avenue Dovercourt .„1230 Davenport Road 1118 Bloor Street West Eglinton 2415 Yonge Street High Park 2971 Dundas Street West Parkdale..2553 Dundas Street West 1728 Queen Street West Riverdale 98 Pape Ave. (corner Queen Street East) 90 Chester Avenue St. Andrea 455 Spadina Avenue St. David 60 Sc. James Avenue Sr. George Foresters' Hall, 22 -College Street St. Patrick 161 Admiral Road 176 Beverley Street Woodbine 31 Athletic Avenue ALI3X. C L13WtS OMP 131 -EC A RIO 1t OPPICB Hear GEORGE MCCULLAGH He has devoted much time and effort to all patriotic Loam, War .Savings Stamp Drives, Blood Clinics, Farm Commandoes and so .on, and it was with surprise that word of Ids resi- gnation became known to Huron. 11-IIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed zewv Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever, Be sure and get; us a call. MRS. FRED 'MIN , Proprietress. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience ire all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALM! Phone 68 four your Appointments. I MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich FOR SALE A. pump windmill, self -oiler, lr good condition. Apply to Curtis Gingerich, Phone 79r20. Mite ka., hesy That Toe the Mark FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN In Pumps, Ties and Sport Shoes. All White or with Tan Trim, New Styles at old Prices. Come and See! MEN'S SHOES Everything a man may require ist Work Boots or Dress Shoes. GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES: GOOD .S'HOE SERVICE! LOWEST CASH PRICES ED, J: D,:TARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES President and Publisher, Toronto Globe and Mail Thursday, July 29-10.30 p.m. Friday, July 39 10.30 p.m. CFRB and Network His Subject: "This Eiectio is Decides Canada's FEJture” OUR Duro dealer is at your service at all times. If your Pump is not giving the service that it should, have the Duro dealer check it over, make necessary ad- justments ancl, if required, replace worn ])arts. By doing this, your Pump will be kept in good working order. Production of Duro Pumps this year is limited and makes it nec- essary for all present owners to do everything possible to extend the life of their pumps, as replace- ments are not available, DUR WATER SYSTEMS t ostdon Should you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm use and essential for increased crop produc- tion.' Purchasers must secure Wartime Prices and Trade Board approval. Etnco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new bathroom or renovation of an old one. The Emco dealer in. your vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles. now available. Spy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly STADE and WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MEGA CO., LTD. Hamftozi. :Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancotver ti .:}t1if s�, __J - eMCa t ostdon Should you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm use and essential for increased crop produc- tion.' Purchasers must secure Wartime Prices and Trade Board approval. Etnco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new bathroom or renovation of an old one. The Emco dealer in. your vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles. now available. Spy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly STADE and WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MEGA CO., LTD. Hamftozi. :Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancotver ti .:}t1if s�,