HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-29, Page 2SHUTTLE TO SICILY; LSI Boat Take Allies In, :Bring Axis Out The landing boats that ferried Allied invasion troops to Sicily didn't return empty to North Africa. In these contrasting photos;: British soldier are shown wading ashore from an LSI (Landing S hip: Infantry), left, in initial invasion operations. Not much later, long lines of Italian prisoners, right, were put aboard vessels for return trip. Have You He rd? Carrying a clumsy parcel under his arm, a man went into a tailor's shop. "I've brought back those trous- ers you made three months ago," he explained curtly. "They need reseating; you know, I sit a lot." "Indeed?" replied the tailor, equally curtly. "Perhaps you've brought my last bill to be re - 'BLACK LEAF 40' 1COnN Stl PRATE' 0,x,',11' Nita t A Kills :phis, leaf- boneers and other sucking insects in gardens and orch- ards. One ounce makes five gallons garden spray. 1 oz. bottle .... .85 s oz. bottle 1.00 L lb. tin 2.15 lb. tin 3.00 I lb. tin 6,85 SOLI) 'EVERYWHERE Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE It Ai Lydia D. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings --due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made in Canada. ceipted, too. You know, I've t INCOGNITO? stood a lot." —0— "How did the Smith wed- ding go off?" "Fine, until the parson asktad the bride if she'd obey her husband." "What happened then?" "She replied: 'Do you think l'm crazy?' and the groom who was in a sort of daze, replied, 'I do'." As the shifty -looking indi- vidual prepared to leave the res- taurant, another diner accosted him timidly: "Excuse me, but do you hap- pen to be John Smith of New- castle?" "No, I'm not," snapped the shifty fellow aggressively. "Oh—er well," replied the other, "you see, I am, and that's his overcoat you're putting on!" —O— Seeing her former suitor at a party, a girl , decided to snub him. "So sorry," she murmured when the hostess introduced him, "but I didn't get your name." 9 know you didn't," said the unabashed former suitor, "but you certainly tried hard enough." LADY HUNTER FEMAI .F. PII.i S For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO ON SICILY'S EAST COAST When .Allies reach Messina, at the northeast tip of Sicily, they will be in sight of the Italian mainland. Here are some of the iodern buildings in Messina, the hook -shaped harbor and, in the background, the coast and hills of Italy. THE NEIGHBORHOOD LEAGUE sr mums WILLIAMS' ,,• +^' 0 ;.v , _ '��� lir ,;,, . y Wane% Ctiga B a 1f0 HELP 'friE WAR EffeR-1, i ELM 5fRE£'( Ki6IRS VOTED UNANI M OU5Lte N01l'o R151< BREF <IH6 WINPOW6 BY Hrtros16 HOME 12UN5 AcR055 1'iT PAD 114W1.J6H IT'S 'TRUE 'fr1A71N ALL Its HisfoRY No MEMBER OVINE -feAM iiA5 SEEN ABLE 'fO HI'f A BALL'friA1 EAR, ANYWAY) N r t RW,een6 l,'fL, Rep a 1,1110 Cr, i6:.t. The dark glasses and pipe don't hide the identity •of this military man in .New Guinea, for his cap and stride snake hin'i eas- ily recognizable as Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Chemical Spray Kills Poison Ivy Plants Poison ivy and many other nox- ious weeds can be killed easily with a spray solution of a new chemical brought out by the du Pont laboratories. Known as am- monium sulfamate (not sulfate), the compound is non-poisonous and free from fire hazard. It sterilizes the soil for a' brief period only. Weeds killed by spraying with ammonium sulfamate include poison oak, choke cherry, wild blackberries, Russian, Canada and sow thistles. Destruction follows absorption of the •chemical into the foliage and thence down to the roots. "Da you think you'd care As much for mte if Dad lost his mosiey?" "Has he?" "Why, no!" "Of course I would, dear.a0 Modern Etiquette +$y Roberta Lee 1. What . does a bride do with her engagement ring before the wedding ceremony? 2. If a plan no longer uses "Jr." after his name, should his wife also omit it on her cards? 3. Is It obligatory that a host or hostess of a house party meet their guests at the railroad sta- tion? ` 4. Should the silver be left on the platter when it is being re- moved from the table? b. How can .one unobtrusively offer a' -tip" to a hotel chamber - ..maid, when leaving a hotel? 6. Should wedding announce- ments be sent to the persons who are to receive invitations? ANSWERS 1. She either leaves it at home when she goes to the church, or she wears it •on her right hand. The wedding ring must not be put above the engagement ring. 2. Yes. 3. Yes; this is their first duty. 4. Yes. 5. The most tact- ful way is to place the money in an envelope. 6. No; the an- nouncements are sent to the peo- ple who did not receive invita- tions. How Can ?` Ety Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a hair tonic? A. By using one quart of strong sage tea, adding one tea- spoonful of salt. It is claimed that if this is applied to the scalp three times a week it will prevent the hair from falling and also turning gray. Q. How can I keep fabric from stretching out of shape when cutting it for a dress? A. Baste around the neckline and the armholes immediately • after cutting out the dress and the goods will not stretch out of shape. Q. How can I save sugar when stewing fruit? A. Less sugar will be required if one teaspoonful of lemon is added to every pound of fruit when stewing. Q. How can I keep custard from burning while boiling? A. Add a half -teaspoonful of cornstarch to it. Another good thing to remember is that a little salt added to the custard will prevent drying and caking in the pot, and will also improve the flavor. Q. How can I prevent having blistered heels? . 'ITU your hers! Go forOgden's old time "democrats" often gave their drivers a rough ride .. - But they found consola- tion in Ogden's the aristocrat of cigarette tobaccos --a disttno.- tive blend of choicer, ricer tobaccos, smooth as a kittiv'b. wrist. Not just another tobacco,. but Ogden's. Try it today, Ogden's quality For pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's coil Piug A. Blisters on the hea.3, caused by shoes slipping', can be pre» vented by rubbing paraffin or soap on the stockings, This will stop the slipping. $Od Si ri,tWo •nt' MoneyMock Tor quickrelief from itching of ecsema, pimples, nth.. 1}jte'.foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other nxteruaUT caused akin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti. eptio, liciuid D. D. D. Prescription. greaseless` stainless. boothesirritatiou and quickly stops intense itching. 55ctrial botdeproves it, ormonep'hach.Asrt poor drnsgiet today for D.D.D. PRESCRIETION, REBAIR (in the Steep Rock Area)' Diamond drilling JleCAV➢n progress ander superdi2en of .4. 3. McLaren, M.E. Shares may be bought through your Own Broker. For full infor- mation write Lakewood Investments 9 Adelaide St. "East Toronto, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTO8I011ILES—USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. 'Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY, 2181. AUTO PARTS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., 1Citchener, Ontario. BABY 'CHICiLS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all • ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario.. Bt'.Y TWEDDLE S1731MER CHICSS for Fail and Winter Profits. Once upon a time even :he horses would have laughed at the idea of start- ing chicks in midsummer. But We different now. Millions of Canadians are already ekeing out a scanty meat diet with chickens and eggs. The demand for both brows like a snowball. It may reach a peat. about Christmas time. By all means start chicks this summer and give yourself' every chance, start Tweddle Gov- ernment Approved chicks. Rodeo - ed summer prices now in effect. Write for catalogue and price list. Prompt delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. BRAY HATCHERY WILL HAVE plenty of chicks for early Aug- ust delivery. so don't go short. Markets still calling for all we can supply. ' Limited quantity started chicks. ".Turkeys. See near - eat branch or, write Bray Hatch- ery, 130 Sohn' N'„ Hamilton, Ont. DYEING ee CLISANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment a. Parker's Dye 'Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To, ren to. • FEATHERS WAN'T'ED WILL PAY' THE FOLLOWING prices for Goose and Duck feath- et's: Goose feathers, 68c lb.; Duck feathers, 48e lb. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundee 8t. East. Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE THRESHING t)1;TIi 3:T Port ;SALE. IRCll Separator. Rumely engine. Apply to I. G. Battler, Platts- ville, Ontario. DUE TO LABOR (CONDITIONS WF are forced to dispose of 103 or xtiore of our registered Palomino and Tennessee Walking horses including pleasure horses,.brood, mares, stallions, yearlings n.nd suckling colts of grand champion blood lines. Send for our descrip- tive price list.---FISxH')1t 1'ALOM- :TNO 7•'.4fi1i5, Souderton, Penn syl n�a. iYpo'r BALM' EAllallOSI(.A FOOT iSA1,\1 ciestroys offensive odor tnslnntly, 40c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman rug Start, OfTt wa. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HAIR GOODS W I G S, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING P1312 Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. MACHINERY 'OR SALE -1 ADVANCE-RUMEL"Y Oil Pull, operates on fuel oil. Mounted on traction wheels and grousers. Good condition. Immed- iate delivery. Xing Paving Co. Ltd., Box 36, Oakville, Ont. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the Torment of Dry. Eczema, Rashes and Weeping Skin Troubles. Post's Eczema Salve Will Not Disappoint You, Itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, Acne, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's Foot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER 3.AR Sent post free on receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. L.. Corner of Logan TCIRONTO DON'T WA1;C — EVERY SL7FFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $L00. NL111SES WANTED. GRADUATE OR UNDERGRADIT- ate nurses for general duty, 8 - hour duty and hall' day a week. Apply, giving full particulars. Superintendent, Melnorial Hospi- tal, Listowel. • GENERAL DUTY NURSES WANT - ed, also nurse for X-ray. Six-day week, maintenance and laundry; state salary. Apply Lord Dufferin. Hospital, Ornngeville. OILS AND GREASE. TRACTOR OWNERS SEND FOR our now 1043 price list on oils and grease. Co -Operative 011 Company, 3570 Derides St. W., Toronto. PAT reNTS 1''1,'l'11I6IL$'Pc)NHAtltlkl & i;OMIPAN Y Patent Solicitors. Established 181101 14 King WCat, Toronto. Lame -lel of 1nformation on re. • (111551 Sli31 it 1711 ItT,Soil'f Ol:AN INN — iI MI1.\')N:rilE 141h 0, '1)1110110 g'00fi rooms, ex. 0(1)0111 ('mpd, 1,1,411 klcvtl1nn. SWIM. ;401 I, ride or lust Inar. '1'e1onlinp $85. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Rain, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 26C. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, To,; nto "WORK IS UNEXCELLED" SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN "Your work is unexcelled by any I have yet tried, and before the war I toured quite a lot in Great Britain and on the Continent. Your value, too, is unbeatable." This complimentary letter to Star Snap- shot Service comes from a British Airman training in Canada. Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2;1e Boys and girls on active `service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. You will get snapshots that will plea'be you better—at lowest cost —if you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service tor develop- ing and printing. And you will get the promptest service obtainable in keeping with quality work. Send your next roll to Star Snapshot Service for a trial. 3 MOUNTED E\ L A.RGDMENTS 25c Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charg e. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ilex 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly on all orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints frori, each negative. Ite. prints 2c each, Montreal L'hotu, P.O. Box 1.60, Station I', ltoutren), . itAlllilcrS A: GUINEA PIGS RABBITS AND GUINEA PIGS bought and sold. G. Farris, 80 Walnut Street, ;jt. Thomas, Ont, It1 I1E U MATIO PAINS HIGHLY RECOMMENDE)) IEV- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 ,lingin, Ottawa, Postpaid $L00. '1'ItAU'1'Olt PARTS TL1AC:'rOl{ 1'A It`1'a N E W AND used, rot all makes of tractors. General Auto and Tractor Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ont, 1'AI'Il;'1VOI41I STOMAChl AND 'rillHEAD 'WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health 11) humans all ages, No one im- mune! Why net rind out Ito this is your trouble? interesting par* ticulers—TYl'ee1 Write 0,tulveney's Remedies, Specialists, TorontoOtIL 4, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT T L A C PT 16 R wanted for S.S. No. 9Holland State. Salary. and qualifi::ations. Duties to commence on the 1st of September. Write giving tele- phone number to Titconas Dennison, Secretary,,, R.R. No. 1 Berkeley, On:. WANTED — ASSISTANT a AcJiI- er for Sparta Continuation School. Write 'stating qualifica- tions and salary to Gratit 1'iclt- ard, Sparta, Ont. BETHANY; WANTED, PRv2`L'H',C- ant teacher for 1'ub1i,: ,.111001 Section lileven, Tmw is''.ib' 01 Manvers, County 01 Durham, rim, Du- ties to imminence Septemaer first. Apply, stating certifleaza and salary expected, to G. M. Dav- is, Secretary, 3lethany, B.I1. No. 2, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHER U, -anted S.S. No. 6 Hay, Salary a1,1;11u, 11 pupils. Apply Jacub 11. CIA uge- rich, R. No. 3, Zurich, t't.t. QU.ALTYIET) 'L'UAC'.HEI ' ;'4,5. No, 12 La teaching bSnglish and .inch, salary $1,000. J. Y. Balt Sec.- • Treas., Dalhousie dill.., QUALIFIED i'RO'1'EST..N er, S.S. No, 1, Glamorga e• es to comincnr'e .Septembern+il- •1ry 111)00. Mrs. Earn t H,r^+ucic, Sec.-Treces., lrondate, Uuta.40. QUALIF1LD PROTISSTAN7. 3 '.1c::k3- et•, Rural Srliool, tial ti . ;:11(10. Nipissing District. State t0'o and experience. 1)nHOS comm Sop,. teniheE. \.ppl3' \Vm. Perks, s, ituth- ci•glen, Ont. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT l f .A:'17- er for 12.8. No. 1 Galbl 1 ' .1. M- goma District.- Attendtowe 17. Salary ,$900, {George 1i 1='ton, Sec.-Treas., is., Dunns Valley, (.41,t. QTJALTFI'Lf TEACHERS li•ANT- ed for school sections NP.. 1, 2, 3, Sebastopol. Duties to cur :nc:tlea Sept. 1. Apply statin;; nc 1 , ex- pected to Allan ICnsni-,lt Sr.c,- Trea:s., Sebastopol Tow,' :; 11 1 p School Area, Vanbruah, Ont. TEACHER WAN7"1:71) TOT{ S.(, No. 2 Tioauchltmp, 12 Pupil,. duties to commence September ,. Solary $900. Apply stating ltullifV',i'"11)4 and experlrnee 10 'ills. W. Wile son, Ser.. 1( 11. No. 1 Ti :1100, Ont. WA.N'.I'MT) A Ii11.1NCrT'_1.t 1`l:?':'J;'11- "Enr9ish male teacher for 1'r .1es- tent church school. Apple itev. Allan 5. Reid, 3485 McTaviv'i SG, Montreal, By January, 1948, 14491 Mal- tese had been killed. and mere than 1,500 seriously injured in. air raids. Australia now has 251,000 "perinal ent rural work«' s," hit - fore the war she had 4110,000. Chileathered C mo ' li T; 3 t. it11. 1.4,000 tons of sunflower seed last ^leasers.