HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-22, Page 10Maw 11111111111111111IIM 101111)1141hrofolt no) er (33:17. ' 1 , c.,, re WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD ING WHOLESAILEt.HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDiT1ONS Wr.7. ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE. FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Nienno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. h Phone 165 ''ataig.,11TEZ:ftern=iriv.W7,-....3=d32V7*.4.7=117A7L,r47...W.o4.-tin...nt 4. 4. 4 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4, 4, 4. 4, ,41,1 la a, e 6:7-$4,3/4 a ail Fs! Li ths With the changing of the Seasons, ,we will need better erviprzent. How emut your work. shoes er this ne..e7eriore„ ?eel. shpuld see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Gra!':, Vic..),Zr. Shoes fe,r men. This line' has stood the to.„ -!F.:. fez 727.71. Ai- 'moderate r,riee.?;„ e.7.reo siciering qudity. " We so hnve 0:-::-ordsin blitck and brown calf also inhlf...es;:c Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Ecli,;hoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. . EDIGHOFFER 4 9. 4. 4 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ftz+++++++++++++++++-%-:-•,-.-++•!,4- r 4. 4. .1„ WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR + SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE +.3HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM. ie, s a FED. 1E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR. SALE BY THE RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK? + PHONE 60 ErISIMSW09422101 4; S ZURICH 4. 4 4 4 4+ 4 44 4 4 4. 4 *C0000-7911SZI•00094Wivil•da-eli,liotteoclkfidzOwwkOotnAtalgi,,Af-ov,51&e.../.44atj HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE *) *a 2 .4 o. at ).4 I CI, °dive the 3,1/4.,,, II ' al 4.m.i L, -rfggna 0 i,- * 6 1 PRESERVING YOUR PROPERTY FROM DETERATION AGAINST TIME AND WEATHER, WITH THE BEST PAINT, BECOMES g 61 A PATRIOTIC DUTY UNDER PRESENT CONDITIONS; YOU gt IAVOID FUTUTE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS SUPPLIES FOR ,WHICH ARE BADLY NEEDED FOR WAR USE AND MAY IN ANY CASE BE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. WE g CAN HELP YOU WITH THE BEST OF PAINTS AND PAINT 1‘ SUPPLIES WHICH ARE AVAU,ABLE. SEE OUR LARGE STOCK PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsrnithing Our OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock, SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. 3 STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE Item(Witete*11100000ft 0 1,04114.41Wilawtimerifel~ttalgt40410410NearAatititt hatppgs .7,„ E -STP SE ICE ..0151.10.13.10 MARATH OAS A. Gm known to every motoriet. Whylake chances in inferior Gas when you can buy GoodGa t Regular. Prices.. Engineered Lubrication t Ktopp' you get Guaranteed Indian, Lubrication, stain 1 hinds We invite you to watch us, Lubricate yomr Car and 7;efa how Trained Attendants Grease Cars - Expert Repairing we um:: the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. GAS FOR 'YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES. trd 25e, Gallon-. Batteries, Accessories,Goodyear Tires nd'Pidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and' Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep UP" your Car for the Colder Weather and' Heavier Roads '- HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE • C. Fritz & Son Wed Car Lot in Connection t ettf,. -40 T';!"IPIn cIf^" Your Government has asked for an in-. crease of 39,000,000 Imunds in -butter. 04,4„,4tingw.,....ita. production. in 1943! Every farmer can, contribute to that increased butter pro- duction which is needed to feed our. troops in the front line, by using, al enfrets, Creara Separator le thich will produce the last ounce of butterfat --a. machine into which years a experience have built unequalled stamina and: dependability. It will do its part faithfully in. increasing wartime production...-. • and, et the same time, swell your profits. If you, are in the market foro. Renfrew pWase be patient. Shortage e raw materials still curtails productipm, Keep in touch with the nearest j?.entrow representative. RUMGES TRUCK SCALES WASHING MACKINES KEEP YOUR oRENFREioldf DI REPAIR CREAM SEPARATORS Mode On All Popsz5ar Slzos. Hand or Electrically fgperatnd.. HUGH THIEL AGENT (tF iefAL dirrERES , ZURICH, ONT. T Pte, Jaines Parkins of near Ring- ."' ston, Was in town one day last week. d Mr. David Tough of Bruceneld, er is visiting with friends on the Bron- son line, north, for a few weeks Mrs. John Eckstein has returne home after visiting a week with h sister, Mrs. Alles at Tavistock. • Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes. Go'Ierich passed through town o Monday. Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia, , is visiting with friends around' here.- at present. Mr. David Haist of Buffalo, :N.Y., is visiting at the home of his niece and nephews, the Williams Family. Mr, Victor Dinnin, principal of th local school is attending the Summer School at Western Universtz-ay; at 1: :qr. Milton Thiel of Stracxora was a week -end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, Misses Florence and Patricia Mitt- leholtz of London spent Sunday at :%fl home of their parents, 'Ir, and Mrs. Theo. Mittleholtz, Mrs. W. 3. Merrier and daughter Joan spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burn, at MilvertOn. Mr, Carl Haberer of the Goshen line north, has purchased the 50 -acre farm on the Blind line known as the Schwalm farm, and iately owned by Messrs. Johnston & Kalbfieischi Grand Bold was the scene of the congregational picnic of the Carmel Presbyterian Church of Hensel A large crowd enjoyed boating, bathing, and games. A goodly number of the. community attended the Evangelical picnic at ()west's Grove, Bayfield, last •Wed -t esday evening, when an interesting rograname of sports was enjoyed fu- nding the usual "picnic hineh". of St. Charles Bobray, who has been n with his. wife and family in Zurich, who are staying with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Farrell, is reporting this week at London for continual service, Sgt. Bobray has seen plenty of active service in Africa, and 'was one -ot the guards on a shrp m trans- porting a boat load of Axis prisoners a •I Mr. and Mrs. Gelbert of Detroit, visited a the home of Mr. and Mre, Theo. Matleholtz over the week -end,. They ,r-eoinpanied by Mr,' Isa- dore Smith, of the Armed Forces, and! who expects shortly leaving far over - No Hot Dogs Tuesdays A recent ruling by the War Time lloard r,ta1..7.• that hot clogs may riot be sold t.t any public eat' g pl aces between midnight on 11flon.day and midnight TuesdaY-Tuesday is a meatless day and hot doge are #ietip- Need." to contain meat, to an Eastern port in Canada some weeks ago. Commissioned In Wrens Miss Helen McKercher, of Seaforth who has been in Ottawa '14.7r some time taking an officer's training no - use, has successfully passed her ex- ains, and has been granted a com- mission in the Wrens. She is now taking further instructions in Tor- onto. FRUIT PULP TO OVERCOME SCARCITY OF BLOOD PLASMA .How the peel of oranges, grape- fruit and lemons may soon bolster the deposits in our hard pressed blood bank, due to pectin in the citrus rind which has properties as a shock pre - venter and substitute for the dimin- ished reserves of human blood need- ed for our American soldiers, will be told in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (July 25) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH n C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor el Mrs. M. °each, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. Divine Worship 11 a.m.-Sunday School. ST. PETER'S evangelical Lutheran Churcl- ZURICH t* ONT. Rev. E. W. Heinrich, Pasto 10 a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.---Sunday School, Everybody Welcome to all Serviceit,' rtisiorday, July; Mbid 1943 13041444144444.44.4•4440104404(44441 slutatt****44+111040(#04,400444"0.41 14f 4. 4.4. /14 • Cy 0111 4*. The Season demandi Y , ,/, ,g UR PAINT UP.TIM 4t 4, 4. 4- to PAINT UP' in order to t Preserve the Surface on your &uiWingsa., ft is ,t. 1: poor 'economy to try' to save on Paint. We have I. a good stock of aW called for.. Parnts., Varnishes, and Paint Supplies... ..See these lines. New Felt Mattresses • II We were fortunate. in' securing s2; good supply of New Felt Mattresses which weare offering the public from $8.00 tO $15.00 each, and can assure they are big value far the money -J. Be sure and see them ! FURNITURE See Our Studio, Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line -of all the Herne Recpliirernerds clirntri 94-11 Tiara:war& 617 vid+++++++++++.&+."-f•e:,f • I • + .4 4. *Iv + CHOICE All Ingredients UsE.,I are of the 'Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS: - la CREAM Our Store will beclosed each We:Inesday Evening 6 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. KaIbf•eIpoh !tura. Phone 63 4. ECKEL'S. ,-Tad also VARIETY QF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET COODS. 4, Eckel's Bakery - Zurich + I 4. + ttT T Telephone 10e EX ,ilfJ PT LIFE Ph'e Auto, Casualty rFicHit Etc, Andrew rarr•rtyry• Zurich he; Local Representative Zurich tuusiomilmolossammintmsemearmszurristAmmagismesocematgansuczaseggoog ni 0Z6GINTOBSII12¢1600600066064#6006 act49016.810OweGatutietaili0.0111.0. Seed Cleaning Our Equipment for Seed Cleaning is always avail- able, and in good condition. We will be pleased tb do this work for you, all seeds and grains for Spring Seeding... Please arrange to have this clone early before th e big rush. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cal of Chestnut Coal ofr use in Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose. .. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char. coal, Etc., Etc. L. Se 6004111011000011M11141.111011140 41141011.111