HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-22, Page 7TUNISIAN STICK-UP Two Italian soldiers, hands up -raised and one with a white flag; ' surrender to an officer of a High- land regiment. The photo• was made .when the British Eighth Army captured Gabes, Axis supply port in Tunisia after chasing Marshal Romnel's troops out of the Mareth Line. FOREIGN MARKETS LOOK WITH FAVOR ON OUR WINES IrMPROVEMENT in quality which has taken place over the past decade is gradually gaining recog- nition for Canadian wines in cer- tain foreign markets. In the West Indies, Belgian Congo, India, Central and South America an appreciation of the quality of Canadian red and white still table wines, champagnes and (sparkling burgundies, sheii ies and ports, has expressed itself in a growing volume of orders. In this development, Canadian Trade Commissioners have been a most helpful contributing factor. This export business which was sonalnencing to develop just prior to the war has continued, but of course has been greatly restricted 'due to war -tine regulations and the lack of shipping space. However, the possibilities for the development of an important volume of export business have been clearly indicated and the wineries of Ontario and the West Coast are preparing to take full advantage of this opportunity in the post-war period. Improvement and modernization of plant facilities, processing equipment and laboratory con- trols have been consistent. With the assistance of the, Vineland nortieulturel Station of the On-' tario Department -of Agriculture, new and better types of grapes have been developed. Today our • domestic wines are worthy and palatable products. Many people in Canada are inclined to dis- count the quality of such wines because of their low price. This, however, is a fallacy as Canadian wines are pure, being made under strict governmental supervision and inspection. in all eases wines must comply, when sold, with the Food and Drugs Act of the Do- minion Government. They are low in price only because they are a' domestic product. In 1942, grapes were the most valuable fruit crop of Ontario. Seventy per cent -of this crop was purchased by the wineries at an equitable price which is each year agreed upon between the grape growers and the wineries and ap- proved by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Therefore, the development of an export market for domestic wines is of economic importance not only from the viewpoint of international -trade balances .but also to assist the wineries in maintaining the pre- sent dependable and profitable market for the increasing quan- tities of grapes grown in British Columbia and the Niagara Penin- sula, WI1AT SCIENCE IS DOING FURNACE OF THE FUTURE • Memo for the future: Fire the handyman, and instal a furnace that streamlines its appetite and takes so little tending, it ceases to be a back -breaking chore. The University of Illinois, which designed this sleek new basement apparatus, blandly con- cedes you can't buy one now, but thinks' everyone should know what win be available once the war is won. Our old furnaces got their fig- ures from the pot-bellied stove of the past, but this one is neat and square and compact. And here's a point to please the housewife -the new furnace eats its own smoke, putting soot in the "remember when." class. The uni- versity says this smoke -eating ha- bit cuts fuel consumption in half. J. R. Fellows and .J. C. Miles are the_. engineers who invented the furnace, and their description of the operation snakes it a really simple thing, Just throw coal in by bucketsful, they say, and the fishes Strop• into a removable pan which can be tossed around with- out ithout the Casual cloud of dust. Thesaine basic furnace box can be fitted for three types of home installation. They are a gravity warm -air furnace; a forced circu- lation hot-air furnace, or a space beater. • • Even if your old furnace isn't steady for the scrap heap, Protes- tor Fellows has a gadget to curb its appetite, eliminate smoke and give more heat. His device separ- ates the firepot into two cham- bers -one for Boal and one for, the fire. Thefresh eoai chamber is open at the bottoiii, and its walls extend own th the glowing coals of the fire. As the heat releases smoke and ,poses from the fresh coal, they ieust pass under the walls to es- tape. The walls are hollow, and bring heated air to the point where the ainoke and gases meet the fire, and then, just as eimplc as tralis. They burn. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should the phrase "Have the honor to announce" be used when choosing the form for a wedding announcement? 2. What is aspic, in cookery' 3. Is a girl more attractive if she develops a slouchy carriage? 4. Is it correct for a girl to issue invitations for a dinner party in her own name only, if her mother is not living? 5. Who usually enters a dining room first in a college student home where_ there are feminine guests? • 6. Isn't it poor form for a girl to use mascara and eye shadow during office hours? Answers 1. Yes. Another correct phrase is: "Have the honor of announc- ing." 2. A savory pleat jelly, used to garnish meat or fish, or to make a mold of meat, fish, etc. 3. Never; just to the con- trary. Nor is a slouchy carriage healthful. 4, She should include her father's name. 5. The chap- eron. 6. Yes. MEN and WOMEN URGENTLY NEEDED to train Ter 'AR WORK Ages 16-50 (Military exempt) Subsistence allowance given while In training its follows: Single Men 'and All Women, $0.00 per weak, Married Men, 113.00 weekly. (Heads of families outside Hamilton get $5.00 extra) 10 -Week Courses are provided at the Hamilton elechnieal Institute Machine Shop work, men or women Welding' (Arc, Gas) men or women Power Sowing Machine women D>.aftinig - - - men or women Industrial Chemistry, erten or wornen Gr'.duates of these courses are In great demand at good ,wagell Write, Phone or ripply to D. W. BATES, Director of War Emergency Training Hamiiton Technical Iiistltiite, Tiarnilto», Ontario i)eya, 9-4, Evenings, Monday to Thursday, 7.30-3.30 rim-611)1oii-l'ravincial 4iraa nniergeiley Programme Have ave You Heard? Gracie Fields told the story o Mrs. Croggins, whose son Jimmy had been stationed for some time. in Australia. On an outing to the London. Zoo,, she came upon some kan- garoos leaping about with their,. babies in their pouches. A sign on the cage read: "Natives of Australia." Eyeing the sign in consterna- tion, Mrs. Croggins cried: 'Natives of Australia! Lumme, and Jimmy just wrote me he married one of those.' Passenger: "I've been wait- ing for a bus for 10 minutes. Then five of them come along together. Why can't you arrange it better?" Operator: "Well, you sec, we're working in convoys now. We haven't lost a single bus so far," At a village concert for troops, men from the nearby camp turned up in force. • The local soprano was obliging with "Annie Laurie," and the sol -a. diers were beginning to get res- tive. As she reached the tines: "And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay nae doon and dee," a voice came from the back of the hall: ''Is there a Miss Laurie in the . house?" Nazi air raids cannot rob the average Briton of his humor. The following sign was noted outside of a Lon- don police station: "Be Good - We're Still Here!" An Arab was being taken in a car across a very bumpy section of desert. So bad was the going that at last the car overturned and the Arab was thrown out. Instead of turning in wrath en his driver, he picked himself up and apologized profusely: "I've not learned to ride one of these things yet." "I'm going to kiss you be- fore I go," said the young man who had outstayed his • welcome. "Do it now while l'an still young," replied the girl wear- ily. Two cavalry recruits were hav- ing a chat. "Talking about riding," said one, "I once saw a chap in a cir- cus who jumped, on the hor'se's back, slipped underneath, caught ' HEYlSARGE WHERE'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES • MIe a GEJ{ WOMEN (yrs.o d) HEED THiS ADViCE!!. If you're cross,restless, NERVOUS - suffer hot flases, dizziness• -caused by this period in 'a woman's life-- try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound: Made espooiaallr for tueniten. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label dime - tone, Made in Canada. hold of its tail, and finished up on its neck," "Se :watt?"? rotol•tad the .other, "T did all Mat in„niy first riding lesson lea Ws. White -"Mrs. Gray's husbatnd didn't leave her muchwhen he died, did he?" Mrs. Pelagic -•--"No, but he left heroften while he was alive." How Can I ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep rugs from Slipping? A. One way is to take a piece of heavy, rough sheathing paper a little smaller than the rug and lay the rug on it. Q. How can I make a soft trust when baking bread? A. If the tops of loaves of bread are rubbed with butter, both before and after baking, they will be d'elieiously rich and soft. Q. How can I avoid having blackheads and greasy skin? A. Make a toilet water by mix- ing together 2 drams powdered borax, 1 ounce glycerin and 19 fluid ounces orange -flower water. Shake well before applying. Q. How can I clean a white felt hat? A. Mix a rather stiff paste of powdered magnesia and water; brush it well in, leave it on till dry and then brush off. Q. How can I make collars and ruffs glossy when laundering them? A. They -an be made very glossy by the addition of a few drops of turpentine to the starch. Q. How can I make a lotion for chapped hands? A. Mix one ounce of glycerin, three ounces of bay rum, 1's dram oil of bergamot, and apply. Or rub well at night with olive oil and wear sleeping gloves. Divi,-Iirabin7 Uses Up Pilots Terribly A few days ago I met in a Lon- don club a quiet unobtrusive man in the thirties who specializes in the highly -paid but hazardous busi- ness of testing new airplanes, writes the London correpondent of The Ottawa Journal, Before this war he even did some testing for the Germans, and he knows aIi about their dive -bombers. He told ni.e some interesting facts about these machines. From our point of view, though obvi..us-' ly not that of Hitler's Nazis, the great objection to dive -bomber planes is the terrible way they use up their pilots. Dive-bombing is done at a terrific pace and, every time a pilot dives, and jerks up the nose of the machine to vitae again, he gets what is known as "a blackout." This is familiar enough to air - mon who make sudden turns at high speed. Hut it exaggerated in the case of the dive -bomber pilot and every time he repeats the •operation the blackout peridtl. Is longer. 'It may he only a second or two at first, but it steadily in- creases and eventually may extend to as much as half a minute. What is likely to happen to a machine, travelling• at over 300 m.p.h. with its pilot "out" for half a minute, seems fairly certain. U. S. insular possessions supplied 227,874 gallons of rum to the United States in the first nine months of 1941. TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 years and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 5' 9" in stocking feet; 160 lbs.; of good character and fair education. To be available for appointment immediately. Uniform clothing supplied. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO-591 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AG1:N'rs �tA14'r1sU XA.DIES! No doubt you wish to make money! Our Agency offers you the means of doing so, and, for just port of your time. 11 interested, write us and we will send along our terms. AVON PRODI:TCS t)F CANADA, maim ED, 1015 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. Alii LESSONS 'ART LESSONS 13Y MAIL. DIRECT Irom artist to pupil, also typed s:riticism on work forwarded. Write Reginald P. Selfe, Tavi- steek, Ontario. BABY CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list. all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. ^"%VE ARI' ALR17AD1 HIPPING into our reserves" -t hurehill. Every egg, every broiler, every roaster find stewer you can pro- duce will help to feed Canadian -workers and release that much more food for shipment to Bri- tain. In spite of all Canada's efforts, Prime Minister Churchill recently said: "We are a:ready dipping into our reserves." Now, no ono should waste time, labour and money on chicks of unknown quality. .A. "Dud" chick is almost as bad as a • "dud" bomb. !3oth are waste! Get Tweddle ,:hicks -Government Approved, from bioodtested breeders. They're from fast-growing, heavy-iaying, healthy forbears. They'll make you money. Every Tweddle ('hick is doubly inspected before ship- ment. Live arrival is guaranteed. For earlier profits order now. Prompt delivery on White Leg - horns and Barred ltocics and many other breeds. Write for Tweddle catalogue and prim use Also turkeys and older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed; Fergus, Ontario. EVEN NOW, DONT THINK BRAY chicks wont pay you. Markets are wide open all year round. If you'll tell us what you want (extra large hatches sometimes moan 'left overs' from orders, that are soonpicked up) we'll do our best. June orders being Lateen. Bray Tlatchery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont. lama,:OUT THE F001) SITl1A- tion, raise some Leghorn or other light breed cockerels. We can supply Leghorn cockerels as Iow as 1efic each. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. DEEB AND BEER EQ1,IP:UV:N'1` WOUr. n PAY CASH FOR BEES, Supers Extractor, Scales, etc. I. S. Shier, 808 Dufferin ,Avenue, London, Ont. BUILDINGS FOR SAIXAGE 1irA.NTLD TO 131.1'Y BUILDINGS for wrecking� Factory; Mine equipment, .U'lridges, Dredging Equipment for Salvage. Taylor's Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford. FOOT I1AL1J[ ISAUMEEBA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. BULBS FOR SALE LARGE GLADIOLUS BULBS, RAIN - bow collection,2 doz., $1.10 de- livered. 'Buyper's Bulbs, Hatzle, B.C. Wt: grow the beat only. FOIL SbeLIS CHOICE YORKSHIRE B O 4 R 8, and Sow§, from two months up. Sire, and Dams bred from the best Advanced Registered breed- ing. One choice. Olysdale Stal- lion; one Tlaeknev, Stallion. Col- lie deg pups heelers, two fa - males, eight months' ''wonting. Herbert S. Miilei Beetle, Ont. Trvo CLYDESDALE, ST:ILLTONS six and nine years of age, guar- anteed teal gotters. T. 3. Me- • Michael, Scaforth, Ontario. FISIII6ttY FOR SAIJ3 i'.AKIS IOTI!)r, ee)UNl) NT]T DISH - or, ror sale. Ideal lncation, prov- en fishing grounds. Will sell equipment selinr•atnl)'. !toy Miller, I.owhnnles, Ontario. FOR RENT TLA ROOM SERVICE STATION and Six Cabins with living quar- ters. Rent by season. Main corner on No. 2 I3ighway. Apply J. Stev- enson, Clarkson, Ontario. DY1:1NG .r ULLANIEU li.A.VE YOU ANYTHING NE.IiDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 13, Parker's Dye Works Limited, fel Yonge Street, To- ronto. t•'.4.R51 FOR SALE 103 Acmes, 1S CLEARED, SOME hardwood. good spring water near buildings, fenced, iinple- ments, quid: bargain $400. Elgin Jenne, Mattawa, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRE'S, good land good buildings, in good locality, priced reasonnhle. Owner unable to work it. How- ard English, R. No. 4, Orillia. 8S-At'Itl7 F.iltM, EASr HA`1•ICES- bury District. Sugar bush. 7 -room house, barn, stable, granary, 'lalek,n and pig sheds. facing Ottawa highway, 115 miles from Qui bee boa der. :Apply Box 163, Hudson, fine lye. FLOWT:1t lit LDS t`IIIt1'8-1NTHEelL el.S. $1.00 I)OZ. Perennial Aster, 1:'hiox, Primrose, 2 for 25c. Prursies, Gladiolus, 20e dozen prepaid. Aline Cavin, I)uno- :ua, RC, HAIRDRE1SS1NG SCHOOL LEARN aLAIRleit 2SSING THJe Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Rouertson's tiairdressiug Acad- emy, 137 :Avenue Road, Toronto. LE:tI" TOfACCO EWE POUNDS DARK LEAF $2.50. Five Pounds Virginia and Burley Leaf for pipe 02.90; Five Pounds Virginia heaf Cigarette Tobacco $3.65. Postpaid, Natural Leaf To- baeco Co., Leamington, Ontario. .11ANGEL SEED MOORE'S GIANT WHITE SUGAR M ANGEL. Registered No. 1 Germ- ination 96% in 3 days. Special grading process assures even sow irig, uniform stand heavy yield. Absolutely peak value, best manges buy. 75c Ib.; 2 or over 70o Ib., prepaid. Ralph Moore & Sons, Box 126 Norwich, Ontario. MEDICAL A TJ1IAL-))very sufferer of .Rheu- matic Paths or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Muuro's Drug Store, 333 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. HERBAL HEALTH TONIC DON'T READ THIS - UNLESS you aro looking for a genuine herbal health tonic, laxative and blood purifier -- one which strengthens, peps up and im- proves m- atikidney, vicoeonnwhichvll aid iand nr- recting stomach and digestive upsets, removes pi.ttples and blackheads -one which Will even smooth otit the kinks and give quick relief to rheumatic aches and Pains. Customers say that Nu -Tone herbs will do this and even more, and we are going to make it so easy tor you to ob- tain two packages to prove their merits for yourself that you can- not afford to pass It up. :FOR -1 SPECIAL OFFER Mall us one dollar bill and we Will send you by return parcel post tie o regular dollar -size packages of Nu -Tone Herbs -a full two months' treatment tor just the price of one. This offer good for one month only. Stocks are running 1ow. Mall your order today. UNITED SUPPLY COMPANY 106 Queen 1Veet, Toronto NATURE'S REMEDIES. TREAT Pile Torture with Paiova Balsam. Motley back guarantee 31.00. A1'thrlit and Rheumatism pain quickly relieved with Breenatohe and lemon. One months treat- ment $1.00. Indian Remedies, Box 1:18, Vancouver. ISSUE leo. 16-43 ' OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free: The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. LATENTS FETHERSTONI•I.AUGEI & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. l0stabllsned 11130; 14 Sing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re - clues t - PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH `l.:lac l:feut, Rain. er Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by elan Any 6 or 13 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 2oc, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toe; nto PATENTS AND TRADE HARKS EwO1tTUN 10. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years. 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. IulEuaLATIC PAINS HAVE YOU Hh1AITI) about Dixon's Neuritis and Ltheumnt.• I'aitt Remedy? It gives good results. 3Munro's Drug Store, 335 Millie Ottawa. Postpaid $1. e. SLICERS FOR SALE MI6AT A N D BREAD e ICEJ.S $25.00 up -real bargain Uerkel Products Company, 533 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. SHETLAND PONIES SHETLAND PONIES POR SALE, I3artans Pony Ranch, Nokomis, Sask. 5101:2) o A'rs VANt.i•L`•AI0D SEED OATS, ltuS'r resistant, extra heavy yielders, medium early No. 1 p '' element ment standard 51.00 bu. bae.a free. 10. \la..,lrihur, The inesrorn. STAMPS FREE -23 D1FFI.i.ENT 1 raI i0I',4N Stamps to approval epplieante. X. 7,. Rodney, Yarmouth, V.S. STOCK. PO It SALE SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND Reds, Exhibition nun.oitp. LUGS FOR HATCHING Group 1: 53.00 for 15; 55.0.1 for ea ; 37.00 for 50. Group v:s l'Tr?lf prk e of (Troup One. Qulutc,i & tion, W'hitby, Ontario. TL' CIINICAL BOOKS FREE CATALOGUE Ole11Nl- cal books for the pract:.'ai man or engineer. Dominion-w'de mail order service. Write or eall C'. Cole and Co. Ltd.,] The Book Exchange, Department %V, 370 Moor West, Toronto. TRACTION ENGINE FOR SALE --A14 EAGLE GASOLINE Traction engine 30 11.1' on belt, clutch pulley, price $35 4. Apnlie to owner. John I. Reid, Bancroft, Ont. '1'11.4C'Clilt laAitTS TRACTOR PART: N L W AND used, for all makes of tractors. General Auto and Tractor Sneeze, 12 Frederick St„ Kitchener, tn.t. ♦vAN'll[vl) - MERCHANDISE fIAJIDWARE, t'LUM)TJ Nr;, ELEC. trical, Estates, ilnnkrepi rad discontinued storks bought for rash. Taylor's Merchandise, tet Colborne, llrantiord. Nearly 275,000,000 pounds of American cheese will be l,uppeed the .Allied nations ti113 "year.