HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-22, Page 5BUSINESS ,CARDS WANTED CASH FOR FOX Imes—Dead Animals removed. Two-hour ser - :vice day •or night. none Caedi- sn 47r15, collect. ,,lack Wil- liams, VETERINARIAN • Dr. W. B. COXON, RN. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Benet, Opposite Drug Store Phone --96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, VS, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All Nooses! of domestic animals treated by the most modern , principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night ealls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hetmels. Office on Main ,Street, enposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL. NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL . COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cars arafon.order.Posts, A full supply Coal,Cedar Stock 13. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Henson. Co -Operative' Co. BUTCHERS Zuricbs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hades and Shins. E. Yungblut &Sou PRODUCE Fari. produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wry. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich CrearneiTy Your Home Market for Crean' Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg And Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK raE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Det 814t, 1936, 622,891,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 6273,613.47. Rtes—$4.50 per $1,000 fox 3 (Yearn E., F. KLOPP--ZURICI-I Agent, also Dealer in Lightn' Ing Rods and gill kinds of Firs Insurance 7URJCi:-i ihli' D Thursday, July 22nd, 194,3 LOCAL NEWS .IWr, A. J. Addison of Clinton , vas lial ,town on Monday. Mr., and Mrs, Wm. Murray .of Wik Mr. Fred Thidl sand son 'Chelsea of ton ,.Grove called at the home :of Mrs London, were wok{ -end visitors at Philip Sehade on .Sunday evening. their home here. JI „2lIarold Thiel is home .on leave' .Miss Elizabeth Wkeber of town is and lie (enjoying his vacation with his ?ti !ting with her cs;psin, Mrs. 'Percy wife ;and parents, with other relatives. Weston, of iBayfield, I Bar»RAt the Farwell Nursing Home Moe and Mrs. Bevy G. Hess and , Zwick ,on July 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. fare 1y spent the pasts• week camping! John Love, of Varna, a son, - at their cottage in theePinery. . ' Mrs. Win. Schade .of London, has The house is getting order for the 11•eturnei1 ;to the home of her son, Mr; ProVeserial election on ..August 4th, and Mrs. 'Clarence !Schack, 14th con, Nomil:efition will be held on Wearies- I Misses .tttiby Chureh and Kathleen day, July 280, I Hay are attending Thayendanegea Mr. 3?'dwin Koehler of ';Detroit and' Summer Cs,o p near Paris, this week. Miss HO= Koehler Or Toronto,l Mr, and .Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and were visitors with their father, Mr. sons Billy and Donnie are enjoying a and Mrs. Peter Koehler the past week; week's camping at Port Elgin. Born --Ass St. Joseph's Flospital,f Mrs. Oscar :0eliler of Toronto, is London, on June • the 29th, to Mr.: spending several weeks with her and Mrs. Julian Mantey or Zurich, i children in this vicinity. • the gift of a 5on, (Donald Milan). I Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and dau- ' ghter, Miss Hazel of Stratford, ens Mrs. Wm. A. Siebert of town was, joyecl a few days with the faiiner's a visitor with leer mother, —TS ! sister, Mrs, Win, H. `fioftman. 1''tyisley of Stouflville, returning hcmie I IVir. and Mrs. Alfred 'C'hapman of on Tuesday, and 'being accompanird' London, were Sundays' viaitors,,at the by flet mother to Zurich. home of their uncle and .aunt, Mr.: The printing, offices throughout the and Mrs. Charles Fritz. Province were busy places the past ' :Will those ladies that have knit:- or so setting up the Voters ting for the' Red Ci.oas, kindly hand Lists for the forthcoming elections. it in as they intend to send a shill The lists will however not be printed r ment away in the near future. • till after the proxie votes have been! Mr, and Mrs, David Due rx,xe sp sent in. ent Sunday at the home of their son •Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ducharree, at Haying operations in the parts,London. is about a thing of the past, us most ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, Mrs,. farmers are about throng, and the L. W. Hoffman and daughter Mari crop was fairly good, and with the' orie and Miss Jane Lamont were at good drying weather, a see of nice Forest on Sunday visiting at the„ hay should have been harvested. The home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. farmers are now busy wtih cutting,Win. F. Braun. the wheat crop, which in some cases Rev. C. 13. Heckendorn delivered is quite good, while some fields stand somewhat thin. Farmers seem to be quite satisfied with the results of the harvest, as there was such a late and wet spring. DIET) AT CLINTON_ William Osmond, aged 86, well- known .Bayfield resident, died in Clin ton Hospital on Monday. He had be- en missing from his home and was found in a semi-conscious condition a short distance away. The weather was cool and damp during the night and he lived only a few hours after being admitted to the Hospital. He had spent all his life in Bayfield and is survived by his wife, three daugh- ters and three sons. the sermon at Milverton Evangelical church on Sunday evening. on Mon- day Mr. Heckendorn accompanied Rev. F. M. Foist of Milverton, to the Thayendanegea Summer Camp at Paris for the day. The Blue Water Highway, along these parts, as well as the Provincial pavement through town have been re -surfaced with the road tar and the ground rock dressing, which will give the road a good new coat and prolong its wear. TO BUILD BRIDGES The County of Huron will build 2 new bridges over the Maitland River south of Ethel, this summer, it has been decided by the County 'Road DRIVES IS CHARGED -- Commission. One just south of the •Goderich — Warren 3. Asmus, o f village will be a single 90 -ft. span of Detroit was on Thursday remanded reinforced concrete, and the other four weeks on a dangerous driving further down stream, will consist of charge, arising out of a head-on mot- two 55 -ft. rigid fram spans of rein - or collision a week before about 4 forced concrete. miles south of Zurich, in which three were injured. The remand was tak- Celebrate Anniversary en to permit the injured to recover On Monday, July 12th Rev. and sufficiently to testify. "Bail of .61,000 Mrs. Emile Burn of Milverton,,. and was granted. Cars driven by Asmus formerly of Zurich where Mr. Blinn and R. Spicer of Hay Twp. collided was pastor of the -local Evangelical on the crest of a hill at 9.30 and they church, celebrated their golden weds were still deadlocked when Traffic ding anniversary. The occasion was Officer Taylor reached the mane. fittingly celebrated and many cong- Spicer sustained a broken hip and ratulations received, including an fractured ribs. Miss E. Weupping of address and purse of money from the. Detroit, a broken arm, and tlhristian Milverton congregation. They were Anderson, Dashwood, cuts about the married at the bride's hoses, Hespler face and head. Juiy 2nd, 1893.. All the members [CSa.•l+,c^_uen.+ welts,- E iC,Ta1M1W'Pi - `eeoTtnvoms - --14.2:.,@anP nod 9 F: c1 and Asa led Animal's; REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) emmszzar.-h^ras�.:8.:ar,g.sv �resr:n..ww,:.,i34F.C�-,:�t+:::...•,"` s'ix.,S; r. -�•7yir.,•.x,x•,..� ; * ai•a U1tfE TO LANL Whenever you make a new lease, or renew a lease, whether in writing or an oral agree- ment, involving a change of tenant, a change in rental, or a change in the services or accommodation to be supplied, You are required, at the same time, by Order No. 108 of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board, to give the tenant a signed statement, using a printed form (R.C. 40) supplied by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. This statement must show the max- imum rental for the accommodation con- cerned, and other information prescribed. •.Y You, are also required, within ten days,' o forward a signed copy of this statement to the nearest Regional Rentals Administra- tion Office. w. Penalties are provided far failure to comply with this Order. These forms are available at all offices of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Rentals Administration THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE aOAR'_', ,of ,fheir ;.family were present with the exceptian of one son, Pte, Walter Bum, who is overseas, and a grand- san, :J 'uce Burn, of Chicago. 'Those present were: Sr, Flying -Officer El-. j1•or► A. Barn, DCF., instructor at the Brandon, Man. Service School and Mrs, Barn; (:Betty)) Mrs. rutsche and Mx. rased,Mrs. L. A. Burn of New York City; .111r, and Mrs, Carl Burn of Milvertac; their granddaughter, Miss Lois .Burn of Freeport, N.Y.; Mrs, Burn's two sisters, Mrs, Minnie "lien of West Walworth, N.Y., and Mrs. C. Bradshaw of .Welland. Rev. and Miss. F. M. Feist, pastor of St. Mark's +"vangelict'l Church, Milver- ton, were also present. TO END COFFEE RATION Washington ---• Office of Price Ad- ministrator ocials predict that cof- fee rationing in the U. S. will end on or.be,fore Aug. 1.1, and suplirte.s of coffee. Will be ample to provide all the brew that Americans crin drink. CARD OF THANKS Many Thanks!—Mrs. Juliam Man- tey wishes to greatly thank every one who so kindly remembered her with fruits, flower:, cards, and gifts while she was in the hospital. FOR SALE A' pump windmill, .sea -oiler, good condition. Apply to Curtis 'Gingerich, Phone: 79r2Q. NOTICE Recent orders from Wartime .T'r'ice and Trade Board restrict sales of honey to customers equal, to 1941 purchases,. Customers kindly keep this in mind when purchasing. Price of honey 15c. per lb, Bring your, containers, J. HAEBERE & SONS, Dated July 20, 1943.. NOTICI. Save ori Fencing 'Cost, by using SHUR-SHOCK ELECTRIC FENCER Solve all your Fencing Problems with. this Fencer. For information see. Len Sararas,. Phon 87111. 4.3 CHICKS FOR SALE Order 13rumer's July or Fab Chicks now. Leghorn, Barred Rock, New Hampshire and Sussex X New Hampshire. - I31ML'MEP„'S HATCHERY, Lucan, Ont. Phone 54. MEL'S ' HALRESSIfJ( NOTICE 1e have recently installed new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and in us a call. MR RED THIELE, Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OW PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents, applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment, And besides all this is our, years of Experience in all flair Dressing. GIVE US A OALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Zurich That Toe the Mark FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN In Pumps, Ties'and Sport Shoes. All White or with Tan Trim. New Styles at old Prices. Come and See! M N' COS Everything a man may require Work Boots or Dress Shoes, GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES r GOOD SHOE SERVICE! LOWEST CASH PRICES ED. J. D dpi 11 A 0 Y S RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES MEM and P' If you wish to obtain feed grains from \Western Canada and need financial assistance in your purchases, our local mana- ger will be -glad to discuss your requirements with you. E3 A IV II 4;ft ESTABLISHED 1817 bank where small accounts are welcome" I-3enca11 Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager Zurich (Sub -Agency) : Open MON., THURS and SAT. se 2.r .wm, .,ameme.�...:�.�.,..^..0:=.=..........-....—_ ,wow. na....muac-i axerm .am.......maspcom:,.� ;' ,s: aaee These Liberal Policies which Advance Agri- culture Benefit Every Town and Village: ON AUGUST 4th to ensure postwar progress for your community and your own prosperity ... Over $7,000,000 in bonuses paid to Ontario farmers to encourage the production of pork and cheese. ... In co-operation with the '•Federal Government a bonus of 40 per pound is being paid for clean wool. ... A subsidy of 550 per ton to suegar beet growers. ... A subsidy on Western grains fed in the province. ... Marketing legislation has enabled fruit and vegetable ;rowers to get higher prices for their produce. ...'The Liberal Government in Ontario reduced interest rates on farm loans from 5% to 4%. --- Provides loans on flax and other farm co-operatives including cold storage plants, -- Re -opened Demonstration Farms at New Liskeard and Hearst. -- Instituted County Agricultural War Committees. — Reduced interest rates on Drainage Loans from 5% to 3%. Dispensed with collection' of tax on gas for tractor use, Doubled rural Hydro lines, —Reduced rural Hydro rates by $1,250,000 per year and bonused rural Hydro lines by $10,400,000. ELECT THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE m