HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-22, Page 2TARGET: MUNDA This is the Jap airfield at Munda—on jangled New Georgia Island in the Solomons—where American forces are bombing, shell- ing and attacking by land. U. S. troops at newly -won Viru Harbor, farther south on New Georgia, are advancing on this Jap position, while artillery on nearby Rendova Island has Munda area under fire. Have You Heard? A nervous girl was chatting to /ter vicar about fishing, on which The was keen. "Did you manage to get any fishing while you were !away?" inquired the vicar. "Oh, yes," replied the girl, "quite a lot—mostly perch and chub, though they're not partic- idarly nice to eat. Which do you prefer, vicar," he added, "cherch or pub?" The school master was ex- plaining vulgar fractions. "If I take a potato, cut it in half, then in quarters, and then inhalves again, what 'hall 1 have?" he asked. "Chips, sir," was the im- mediate response. It was the first day of a new term, and the teacher asked a small girl in her class—a new pupil — what her father's name was. "Daddy," replied the child. "Yes, I know," said the teacher. "But what does your mother call lith?" "She doesn't call him any- thing," was the quick reply. "She likes him" Betty: "Did you hear about the fellow who stayed up all 'light figuring out where the elan went when it went down?" Oliver: "No, what hap- Veaed?" Betty: "It finally dawned on him." Ethel: "She's sorry enough that she married him, I'll wager." Mabel: "The idea! Jiow can lieu say that? He thinks her a serfect angel, and treats her—" "As though she really were (we. He doesn't buy her anything to wear." .>1 This, I declare, 1 am standing pat on: !headquarters is whtere Hindquarters are sat on. "I am Brave Eagle," said the Indian chieftain, introducing him - oil to the paleface visitor. "This le my son, Fighting Bird. "And here," he added, "is my grandson, Four -Engined Bomber." In an egg -laying contest held ta New York State, a hen of tl'.e lelode Island Red breed laid an egg a day for six months? How Can ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can 1 coyer scratches in walnut furniture? A. Cover the scratches with tincture of iodine. Then polish in the usual way. Q. Hoyt can I make a good varnish remover? A. Dissolve thoroughly one quart of good caustic soda in three quarts of lukewarm water and apply with a coarse sponge. Or, try two parts of spirits of ammonia to one of turpentine; apply with a rag. Q. How can 1 remove disagree- able odors from the house? A. Burn sugar or dried orange peel on a pie pan or tin shovel. This can be done over a low gas flame or electric plate, and all disagreeable odors will dis- OT*187r1, 'BLACK LEAF 40' tires I a til eloksuryi�pie,t 0, was agtSl,, In Kills aphis, leaf- hoppers and other sucking insects In gardens and orch- ards. One *nue e makes five gallons garden spray. 1 oz. bottle .... ,35 5 oz, bottle 1.00 1 lb. tin 2.15 2 lb. tin 8.60 5 ]b. tin 6.88 SOLD EVERYWHERE tailEMOMEEMOMMERMICEMMEIMI "MIDDLE -AGE WOMEN G?!. -1)52 It HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. FUNNY BUSINESS "Tbe bugler filially found a way to blow reveille without getting up ahead of the others." appear. Q. How can 1 keep fruit Jae airtight? A. They can be made .abso- lutely airtight by dipping the tolls into paraffin, Q. How can I prevent the patty shell crusts from soften- ing? A. Prepare the patty shells ahead of time and when 'needed warm them in the oven. The shells should not be filed until just before they are ready to be served, or the crusts will soften. Virgin forests in'America which cpvered. probably 800,- 000,000 acres in 1643 now cower less than 100,000,000 acres? Moisture -proof paint on match heads keeps the matches in usable condition for soldiers in the moist tropics? WHAT SCIENCE IS M>,.@! WIRE WRAPPINGS The big naval rifles such as are used on battleships may be wound with wire. The purpose of such winding is to strengthen the gun's resistance to the tremen- dous pressure exerted by 'the' charge that propels the projec- tile. In Great Britain, where wind- ing guns with wire is a general practice, the wire used is one- fourth inch wide and .06 inch thick and has a breaking strength of over 100 tons per square inch. This ribbon-like flattened wire is applied in a continuous band, ]ayer on layer, with increasing tension in each layer. In some types of gun the wire wrapping extends all the way from the breech to the muzzle. In other types only the breech the part subjected to the first shock of the propelling charge—is wrap- ped with wire. * e The number of layers of wire (in the case of a 15 -inch gun) varies from 20 turns at the muz- ' zle to 79 turns at the breech. In the making of a single gun the use of some 22 tons of wire is involved, and the total length of the wire is in the neighborhood. of 186 miles. The blanket of wire is usually applied outside the tube or lining and the first layer of shrunk -on metal hoops. These hoops are of such size as to be barely large enough to fit snugly when red hot. On cooling and shrinking they exert a strong pressure on the tube. A casing is shrunk on over the wire after the winding is completed. * * e It has been estimated that the wire wrappings provide more than 'double the strength of the steel in the hoops of an ordinary built -pp:. gun.: However, wire wound g'u'ns tend to lack longi- tudinal strength and rigidity. As to result of this lack the gun muz- zle may droop and "whip" when the gun is fired, somewhat de- creasing the accuracy of the weapon. Other types of ' big guns in- clude built-up guns consisting of two or more concentric cylinders shrunk one on the other, and cold -worked guns, matte up from a single cylinder with a bore slightly less than the desired calibre. The bore' is enlarged to the correct size by enormous in- terior hydraulic pressure, with the result that the inner layers of the nf'etal are put under com- pression by the contracting force of the outer layers just as though a jacket had been shrunk on. lignammszsmatemanammatmanam MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PII I.S For Painful- and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $4.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO GROWN .IN-. MINN 11UTH,E<R*ON;TARL.O Airgraph Carriers In Last Century Curiously enough, the airguaph idea isn't new. A similar method. - was successfully tried during the siege of Paris in the Franco- Prussian war of 1870-1. Messages were printed on a board, and then the board was photographed on film. .At the other end, the films were enlarged on a screen by a magic lantern and then the mes- sages were written down and afterwards delivered. But -.That, you will ask, took the place ,f the airplane — how were the films flown to and from the besieged eity? The answer is—by pigeon: —J. 13. Priestley in "Britain Speaks." r 1 THE WORLD AT ITS WORSImatlam By CLUYAS WIILI.iAMa ST of/rfsect° Bites•-- ' I Ileat/Jask For quick relief from Itching of insect bites. beat rash, athlete's foot, eczema and other externally caused skin troubles, use fast -Gating, cooling, anti- septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription, Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops Intense Itching. 3So trial bottle proves it, or moneyback. Mk Your druggist todaytor D. D. O. P R ESC R I PT I ON. FOR 114E FIRST 1IME JUNIOR, lb SNEAK UPSTAIRS' 'EOR 415 BASEBALL BAT UNOBSERVED, 50 14E WWI BE TAG6EP To HELP PASS 11065 AT 1415 MOTHER'S TEA PARM UNDER51AND5 WHAT HI5 PARENTS MEAi'/ ABOUT THE PERIL t LEAVIN6 Toby ON THE STAIRS IN5 5Q OF PUT1i146 THEM AWAY • oo... Tv 5 ,Hull F,n"Ir,1e. Inn 1 • 4-24-43 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUJTO111 O MILES—USED USED CARS W1TH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. AUTO PARTS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario. BABY C131CKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario, WHAT!—START CHICKS NOW? Yes, Siree—and the sooner the better. Here at Fergus, we look- ed ahead and prepared for what we thought 'night turn out to be a national meat shortage. Events have made our guess good. Meat is rationed—restaurants are hav- ing meatless days—the price of fish is so high you'd think they were flying fish—chickens and eggs have come into their own. We can give prompt delivery on many pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Write for catalogue and Hrice list today. Tweddle Chick atcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. "ALL OUT" ON PRODUCTION AP - plies to food as well as muni- tions. Use all your poultryhouse accommodation to the limit, with the right stock. Winter markets will absorb all we can raise. Or- der chicks now for delivery this month, or later. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BLACKSAI1TH SHOP IN AYTON, BLACKSMITH. SHOP, also House will sell separate. Possession of shop immediately. For particulars write S. H. Grein, 219 Simeon Street, Kitchener, Ont. BOARS FEW CHOICE REGISTERED Yorkshire March boars, $30 each. Angus McLean, Kenwood, Ont. DOGS al FERRETS GREYHOUNDS, TRAINED, RACING or Hunting. Beagles, Ferrets. Write Al Schacht, 4736 Riverside Drive, Riverside, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment F1, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, 1,'17ATRRRS WANTED WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING prices for Goose and Duck feath- ers: Goose feathers, 68e lb.; Duck feathers, 480 ib. Canada Comfort- er Co Limited, 7361 T)undno St. East, Toronto, Ont. FAIIM UELP 'WANTED CAPABLE FARM HAND MARRIED or single for general farm work, must he steady and reliable. All ". year round position. Near George- town, Tlox 60, 73 Adelaide St W., Toronto. i•'14.RM;S von 8ALE TWO FARMS FOR SALE, GOOD land, good buildings, well water- ed, some wood on both. Closn to town. I0ach 200 acres. W. H. Mill- ing, Nominee., Ontario, 11.11. 6. Dry climate plants like the cactus are known as succulents? They have enlarged stems which store water for use when the Soil does not supply enough. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. Bell Separator Rumely engine. Apply to I. G. Battler, Platts- ville, Ontario. , FOOT BALM BALTMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIR GOODS W I GS, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 523 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LE AR N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED HOUSEKEEPER ON FARM TO look after two hired men. Good cook. Widow with child accept- able. School close. New house, all modern conveniences. Near Georgetown. Box 60, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. DIACHINERY FOR SALE -1 ADVANCE-RUMELY Oil Pull, operates on fuel oil. Mounted on traction wheels and grousers. Good condition. Immed- iate delivery. King Paving Co. Ltd., Box 36, Oakville, Ont, MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the Torment of Dry Eczema, Rashes and Chronic Skin Troubles. Post's Eczema Salve Will Not Disappoint You. Itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, ,Acne, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's Foot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how' stubborn or hopeless they may seem. P1310E $1,00 PER. JAR Sent post free' on receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. 11., cornet of Logan TORONTO DON'T DELAY. EVERY SUFFER er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, NURSES WANTED. GRADUATE OR UN DERGR,ADU- ate nurses for general duty. 8 - hour duty and half day a week. .Applygiving full particulars. Superintendent, Memorial Hospi- tal. Listowel, OILS AND GREASE. TRACTOR OWNERS SEND b'OR our now 1943 price list on oils and grease, Co -Operative Oil Company, 3570 Dundas St. W., Toi onto. PATENTS I'll'l'11 t& L.u18 ,u eUM1'ANy •t'al:elrt :%0i101ors. blstabilntlea LStie, 14 ,EIng W TurottWo, lfuult.lel of IanlurtlautiUn 'en re• aauest 1'Xti1SONA'L ASTROLOtllf:AL A 1) VICE ilY scientltiu expert; per8unn1 prob- lems, marriage. \ilii e1' inter., view. See pio, 850 Carlow Ave., Toronto, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PERSONAL "Do You Know" TH.-4T Missing Persons, Certificates, Family Records are found by the aid of Bacon -Vaughan, M.N.G.S. Standard Genealogist of long ex- perience. Thousands of records on file at Studio, 1189 Marion Ave., Windsor, Ont. Francaise, English, American. Satisfied clients insti- tutes my reference. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Tho hent. Rain, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure filen perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station .1, Tot: oto PHOTOGRAPHY "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE .." writes a customer at Rough Water, N.S., who adds: "I have told many friends about your service and I know that from now on you will get films from them for' de- veloping and printing." Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Stair Snapshot Service. Any Sixe Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 250 Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get better results from your camera if you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. Yowl] get finer quality, sharper prints at lowest cost. And you will get the promptest service obtainable by mail in keeping with quality work. Mai] us a roll for trial. 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25o Size 4 x 0" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additiouai charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Term tool A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly on all orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two pilaw tram each uegtUve. Re- prints 2c •• each. Montreal i'holu, k.O. Box 16U, Station IP, Montreal, 1'L L'S •e'Olt SALE CU0Kl:}t SPANIEL PUPS, BEAU - ties, (1'ureuts Registered) :!'rices less papers Males $15 1'ernaies $8, 1.1. t:ostello, St. Clair St., Chatham, Ont. RA1311rJ S & GUINEA 1'JGS RABBI TS AND UUINJIIA 1'1US bought and sold, L. t'a'ds, 3u Walnut Street, Si. '1'huntas, - Out, It1i1r.'1;MA'J!1C I'A1NS PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SUl`- Ies'rr of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis show(' try Dixon s Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, '13a El- gin, 'Ottawa, Postpaid 51,01). 51138111011 611 11.6100.'I' O13A:! LNiv — 'VIADA It l-ON•'rliu Lake, Onin110, good looms, •ey- co11011:1 food, ideal locution. Swim, golf, ride or Just loaf; Telephone 285. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SCRAP WANTED WE BUY ALL GRADES OF SCRAP metals, r a g s, magazines and waste paper. Consolidated Iron & Metal Company, 58-64 Niagara Street. Toronto, AD. 3931. TRACTOR PARTS TRAOTOR PARTS N 10 W AND used, for all makes of tractors, General Auto and Tractor Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ont. TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of i11 -health in humans all ages. No one im:•. mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED WANTED, QUALIFIED PRCTES- tant teacher for Sandfieldd,, School, duties to commence Selitember. first, 1043, salary $950. Apply, stating qualifications and experi- ence to W. J. Moody, Secretary - Treasurer, Sand -field Township School tu'ea, Big Lake, Ontario. PROTESTANT T E ,A C H 80 R wanted for S.S. No. 9 Holland State. Salary and qualifications. Duties to commence on the lot of September. Write giving tele•• phon- number to Thomas Dennison, Secretary Treasurer, R.R. No. 1 Berkeley, Ont. - EACH- li A\TED — ASSISTANT AN' r T er for Sparta Continuation School. Write stating qualifica- tions and salary to Grant Plch- ard, Sparta, Ont. SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED— For S.S. No, 19, ldedonte. State salary, religion and references. Apply Howard Dunlop, I2,R: 4, Coldvuter. TEACHER WANTED — ROMAN Catholic teaches' for Separate: Soho 01 No. 2 Hagar. Duties to commence September 1. Apply • slating experience, qualifications and salary expected to Malcolm McPhee. Sec. -Trans., ttarhstay, Ont. - BETHANY; WANTED, PROTEST:, rtnt teacher for Public School Section Eleven, Township of. Manvers, County of Durham. Da - ties to commence September first, Apply, stating certificate and, Salary expected, to G. 13. T. Dav- is, Secretary, Bethany, R.R. No, 2, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHER Wanted 8.8, No. 6 Hay, Salary $1,000, 11 pupils. Apply -Jacob M. Ginge•' rich, R. No. 3, Zurich, Ont: - WANTED WANTED WOOD AV O R 1R I N (3 bane)), Machines and outboard motors, Cnsh. Ridleys, Box 03, ttracebridge, ontario. VARN48 AND WOOLLEN RAGS 111At:1•IINE AND SAN0 KNITTING Yarns $1.35 lb postpaid. We ac- cept woollen rags. t'lesherfi,n Woollen Ults. C'lesherton• Oat, Secret Weapon You may look like a swan, - but if you sound like a peacock you will neither influence friends np2 magnetize lovers, says Sonia Lee in "Your Life" Magazine. A vital and persuasive voice is a woman's - most valuable stock in trade. It is, in fact, her "sees et v, r• apoll," ISSUE No. 30---43