HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-07-15, Page 1'1► -coil 1 ZURIC Forty Second Year Z U R I C: H a THURSDAY .,MORNINQ JULY 15 1943. Make your Dollars preserve our Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.50 a Year in Advance iberty. Buy Govt. Securities --- + 4. t t • arrg affnnan cnetat mile 4' Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 1 1 of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and 4. 4' Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. 4. Day or Night Telephone No. 70. ei:Dashwood -- Ontario + f++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1+ I.++++fir +++3•d• •4+++F++drdr++++++3odc +++++++fig++++'r+++ ++++1+ is•Mee• ••• No•eeeeee•aestemee 1 • TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 9•to 10 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local .Station-C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O Box 123, LOS ANGELES, 'CALIFORNIA COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER -The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day •Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? It ao; Have year Eyes Examined with :he Lastest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST A OPTICIAN GODE1RICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices e.s•es•s•eese••••••seesessesssesse•eo•seeseeeeeses!e e Westlake - Brokenshire x FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS 011 AMBULANCE SERVICE Day.and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich esseeeetaWieefeeleeeleelseglefse01•.•e••N•1sS•eNl•M•1••ee CANADA IS FOURTH Ottawa -Backing the action of Canadian forces and their Allies in the new offensive against Sicily are the industrial an natural resources of Canada -a country which now has become fourth among the United Na- tions as a producer of war supplies. In more than 4,000 plants --convert- ed civilian industries in urban cen- tres and vast new factories that have sprung up, 900,000 Canadian work- ers,men and women, have laboured to give •Canada's fighting men and those fighting with them the weapons of war. Starting from scratch the country has a production program of $3,425,000,000. Deliveries o tar in the war total more than $4,500.000,- 000. 1 1 Sommer Needs OUR STORE IS WELL 'STOCKED 'WITH YOUR NEEDS SUCH .AS CURTAIN MATERIALS, CHINTZ AND TOWEL- 'INGS, AND OTHER YARD GOODS. SCARFE'S PAINTS, HOUSE 'PAINTS, VARNISHESSCHELLICS, OILS AND TURPS. "CHICK FEEDS, CHICK STARTER, GROWERS, . FEED. 1NG SUGARS AND CHARCOAL. Give us a Call! FRESH. GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE .LAKE STORE E • Edmund SS entrubcr, Prop. Phone: 11-97 nimistiosimpaussessimismassomilioneismitsellealissimmeassolessiw HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, July 5th with all members present. The minutes of the June meeting were adopted as read. After dispos- ing ofthe communications the follo- wing resolutions were passed: That an advertisement be inserted in the Zurich Herald and Exeter Ti-� roes -Advocate for tenders for con- structing of concrete bridge •opposite Lot 14, con. 13, Hay Township, ac-, cording to plan which can be seen at office of Twp Clerk, Zurich. All material to be supplied 'by the Twp. Tenders to be opened by ate council on Sat. evening, July 17 at 8 o'clock. That court to consider appeals re Zurich Village Drain and Haberer Drain be held . on Monday evening, August 2nd, at 8 o'clock in the eve That report of Assessors a the Twp and Stephen civering equaliz ation., of school. sections No., 13, 15,. ": Master D. nxie Weber is spending his holidays with his father in Hen - 11. Mi'. and Mrs. Alf. Melick were :visitors with friends near Hensall, on Sunday. Mr. Arson Keller of Preston, was a' visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Keller the past week. Mrs. Heipel and son Ronald, of Kitchener, are spending a few days at the hone of the former's parents, Mand Mrs. John .Brenner. •'1Vfiss. Delores Klopp is spending her vacation at .the home of her sister, 11'. r. and *xs. Len. Hoist, Mt. Clem- ens., Mich. 'Wile and Mrs. James Shearer, of inton, were Sunday visitors at the Ohne oi Mr. and -Mrs. Mervyn Stelck 14th concession. Garnet Magel of Detroit, and Mr. Edgar Magel, of Vancouver, B. 9., are visiting with their mother, Mrs. H. Magel, who is staying at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. dsiah Geiger. Mrs. Magel intends to accompany her sons te. Detroit. Receives Commission Congratulations are being extended to Mr. Allen Gascho, son •of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gascho of torn, who is home on two week's leave, prior to taking up further instrustions at an eastern point. Asian received his ,,,."`Wings" last Thursday at Centralia Airport, where he had been training the last while, and then oat Tuesday he received word ,from the' Depart - and 16 No. 13 -Hay 53%; Stephen n}ent that he was granted the honor 47 %. No. 15 Hay 78%, Stephen 22 p.c.; No. 16 Hay 530/0, Stephen 47. That accounts covering payments on Twp Roads, Hay Municipal' Tel- ephone System, relief and accts. he passed as per vouchers. X105 M. G. Deitz, gas and oil $'., Pay list labor 64:10; H. T. ,Cudmore i;now plowing 16.50; Telephone - Bell Co. tolls, 227.38, Postage,ry 225.77; do9.26; H. G. extras 180.- Hess, salary 65; Bank, overdraft .50; Nor. Elec. Co. material 417.75; Clerk-Trs. sal- ary 87.50; T. H. Hoffman, salary 2.25.43; do extras .158.04; General and Relief - Zurich Hy- dro light hall 4.83; W. H. Edighoffer equal. S. S. $15; Clerk-Treas, salary $90; Treas. Huron re Staubus 44.50 C. L. Smith, ptg. Vot. List, etc. 78.- 50; 850; Tp. Clerk fees drain by-laws 855; H. Steinbach Schwalm Drain 79.01; Floyd Wein chicken claim 51.- 25; 1:25; J. Suplat relief 22.10; Gestetner supplies 5.50; Bert Klopp stock val- uer $6; H. Lawrence Schwalm Drn 1006.50; Postage, Excise, etc. 20.02; C. L. Smith, bylaws drains $45; Eli- zabeth Murray, chicken claim 20.65; Z.P. V. water, hall 3.50; The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on. August .2nd at 8 o -clock for regular monthly meeting and on July 17th at 8 o'clock for special meeting. A. F. Hess, CIerk. of a Commission as Flying Officer. ie. taker a lot of hard work to get np Vt.) such a degree, and we are pleased that Allen has what it takes. We wish him every success • and best of luck in future activities. Lakeview Casino RADIO INSPECTORS HERE On Tuesday, those in town who have failed to comply with the re- gulations must have had the jitters, as the Radio Inspectors or London,'. who are now supervising this district were in town and made a "house-to- house" canvass. Mr. A. it. Clinchey, who is in charge of this work, advis- ed us that his instructions are to, if any users of radios have no license, their names are to be handed in and a prosecution will follow in due time. People have had plenty of time since April lst, when the old license had expired, to renew them for the .en- suing year. The law will listen to no excuse. Regardless if you Iive' in town or in -the chantry and oper- ate a radio you must have a license, and if you have a radio in the home and an additional one in the auto, you must have two licenses, and if one of these officers will find you in default, well, it wilt be only too bad for you. Do You Need Classes HAVE _A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale AIberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid felt Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! 4. 4 A 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. I4 GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT STAN. PATTON And His Orchestra A Bad Accident Just recovering from injuries re- ceived "five months ago when he was hit by a train at Lucan, Leverne Wells, age 39 of Exeter, was hurt again on Sunday when a car in Which he was riding overturned and tossed him into the water of the creek, on the Bronson line, HayTownship, wh- ere the bridge had been washed out during the floods last spring, and a new bridge has to be built. Seemin- gly, this tar followed . another car which had knocked down the barri- er, and red light, and not knowing of the closed condition of the road, went on into the ravine. Wells has been a patient at Westminister Hos- pital at London for the past five months, recovering from tae Luean accident. He was given a week -end leave to attend memorial service et Exeter for his brother-in-law, Lav- erne Harness, who died oversea-. Wells was driving with his brother, Nelson and wife when the accident occurred. The car hit the spot and turned over and dumped the three into the creek. They were taken to R. IL Taylor's office, Dashwood and then Wells was later removed to Westminister Hospital, London, in 'l`. H. Hotrmatr's ambulance. He is suffering from". shock and a broken right atm, which had been in a cast since the Lucan aeaideltt, For Good. Used Cars SEE THESE 1941 PONTIAC COACH, Black, Heater. 1939 PONTIAC COACH, Very Clean, Heater. 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE, A Real Nibe Car. 1937 FORD SEDAN, Black, Upholstering like New. 1938 CHEV. COACH, Standard, $625. New Rings. 1938 CHEV. Master, Sedan, $650 New Rings. 1932 FORD COACH, 1929 FORD COACH. 1930 PLYMOUTH WARD FRITZ Sedan 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .i. -.COMING.- FRIDAY, JULY 23rd. Mart Kenney and His West- ern Gentlemen Canada's Ace Orchestra ADMISSION• --$'1.00 per person, THEDFORD BRASS BAND Sunday, lily 18th. AFTERNOON AND EVMNING Silver Colleetien . OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality -as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you : Just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in pros» uring these items. . lAr .3. eIV ERNEr Phone 140 400001V.Veasoc 7."