Zurich Herald, 1943-07-01, Page 21031.0.11110960111....1.91.46181.3.1.011204.1 ROW TO BUY Wartime erg uI�atleass IR FARMERS Tires on farm tractors, combines, and trucks are eligible for replacement provided they cannot be repaired or retreaded. Furthermore, any fanner not owning a truck may replace the tires on his passenger car and trailer. For further information see the nearest Firestone Dealer. FIRST go to your nearest Firestone Dealer who has the official information and can advise you if you are eligible and in which class you are included. He has the application forms and will help you fill them in, will furnish the Inspec- tion Report and do every- thing he can to help you obtain a Tire Ration Per- mit necessary to buy a new tire ... See him today. W U T SCIENCE IS DING FLYING MINESWEEPER Early in World War II the Nazis almost literally filled the waters of the English channel with a new type of mine, writes W. P. Keas- bey in the Christian Science Moni- tor. This mine, designed for use in shallow waters, was made of non-magnetic materials and em- ployed a detonating device so con- trived that the mine was exploded when the steel hull of a ship pass - ...o$ deflecting a delicate magnetic needle. Various suggestions were made for combating this magnetic type of mine. The British considered towing large sheets of metal, fltrough the mined waters by means of non-magnetic wooden - bulled ships. The wooden ships Would not affect the mines but the metal plate would activate the magnetic detonating mechanism exploding the mine. e „ Another suggestion involved tow- ing a cable equipped with mag- netic devices and sound makers (the latter to explode any mines which happened to be of the acous- tical type). The electromagnets on the cable would set up an elec- trical barrage that would detonate the magnetic mines. Still a third means of detonat- ing magnetic mines harmlessly yeas by means of aerial mine- ewreepers. The British used Well- ington bombers for this purpose. The bombers were equipped with 4uge rings which had a diameter almost equal to the length of the bomber. Installed beneath the plane, the ring could be charged with electricity, transforming it in- to a powerful magnet. Have You Heard? QUEENS KISS A man consulted aofreal ® estate 'I agent for a write-uP erty he wanted to sell. When the agent submitted his description of. the property, the owner exclaimed' "Read that again," After the sea - and reading, the owner said: "I don't think I'll sell. I've been looking for that kind of place all my life, but until you read that description I didn't know I lead it" —0— Six-Year-Old: "I wonder why so many babies get borned at night?" Seven -Year -Old: "Why, don't you know that? It Is because they want to be sure of finding their mothers at home." —0— The pastor was examining one of the younger classes, and asked the question: "What are the sins of omission?-- After a little silence one young lady offered: "Please sir, they're sins we ought to have committed and haven't." The electricity required to ener- gize the magnetic ring was gen- erated by means of auxiliary mo- tors, it being impractical to divert sufficient power from the plane's regular motors to run the genera- tors. Thus equipped and witil two sets of gasoline engines going full blast, the pilot would take his fly- ing minesweeper on what often proved a most exciting mission. Flying close to the water's sur- face, the magnetic field of the ring, woeld cteYiedt the needle in 'be magnetic mine, causing it to ex- plode. And since the mines would - let go practically beneath the bomber, the ride was likely to be bumpy, to say the least. Later, ships were equipped with degaussing girdles which neutral- ized their magnetic fields, thus protecting them from magnetic mines. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. When unfolding a napkin at the dinner table should it he done above or below the edge of the talble? 2. Is it all right to flatter a per- son when in conversation with her? 3. If one is not familiar with a dish when eating in a restaurant, is it all right to ask the waiter to describe it? 4. Why isn't it proper to use ab- breviations when writing a social letter or note? 5. What is the correct way to in- troduce one's father to a woman? —0— Patient—"Doctor, can you cure me of snoring? 1 snore so loud that I awaken myself" Doctor—"Well, In that case would certainly advise you to sleep in another room." —o— "Before the days of ration stamps we used to make imitation chicken sandwiches out of roast veal." "Yes, and now we must make the imitation veal asndwiches out of roast chicken." —o— "Do you mean to say your husband beat you when you arrived home after midnight?" "Yes—but only by 20 min- utes!" --o Visitor: "To whom are you -writ- ing riting that letter?" Lunatic: "To myself." Visitor: "What are you telling yourself?" Lunatic: "Idow do I know? I won't get the letter utnil tomor- row." —0— Women, remarks a wise- cracking contemporary, are not what they were 20 years ago. Some of them are from five to ten years older. G. Is it permissible to lean one elbow on the table while eating? Answers 1. Below the table. 2. Most peo- ple, both men and women, are sus- ceptible to and enjoy flattery, the well-bred person is tactielr"'t nneet ssoc to • overdtr eel 3." F t4s.q 4. Because it implies haste, giving the impression that the writer wishes to hurry through the work. 5. The proper form would be "Mrs. Brown, this is my father." 6. No; though it is all right to lean be- tween courses. n SW PPED e'r a Jiff/ •oi' Money Back nor quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, nth. totes foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other externally caused skin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothesirritationandquieklystopsintcnso Itching. 35c trial bottle provca it, or money b��ac_k.Ask your druggist today for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $4.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO f - with handshake and kiss, Queen `Elizabeth of England, left, greets Queen Marie of Yugoslavia at ed Cross garden fete in London. How Can 1 ? ? By Anna Aabley Q. IOWcan I renovate hat bands? A. Brush with a sponge or small brush, with a solution made by dissolving 1-i oz. of white .oastile soap in 4 oz: of alcohol, to which is added 1 oz, each of sulphuric ether and water of ammonia. Rinse in cleat' rain water. Q. How can I remedy an oily skin? A. Wash daily with hot castile soap suds. Follow this by rinsing in hot then in colcl water. Q. How can I remove fruit stains? A. Sprinkle some dry salt immediately on a fruit stain and it will seldom become permanent. Q. ](haw can I remove warts from the skin.? A. Wash in water, in which has been dissolved a quantity of wash- ing soda. Let the hands dry with- out ithout wiping. Repeat this bathing frequently, or until the warts dis- appear. Q. How can I fertilize potted " plants? A. Take tea leaves that have been used and put them around potted plants. It is an excellent fertilizer a n d stimulates the growth. Most of the camphor now used in North America comes from Southern pine tress. $1.22 SENDS 300 "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION", "MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EX'I"i&iRT''" Cigareites or 1 .Ib. Tobacco BRIER SMOKING or any MACDONALD'S FINE CUTS (with papers) also DAILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postpaid to Soldiers in the Canadian Army OVERSEAS -anal CANADIANS it( UNITED KINGDOM FORCES, Mail Order and Remittance ThisOflersubleettaanyCMnloia tioveromtnt Reieieiions •v1 South Axnerican countries are salvaging sunken . vessels along the coasts to provide scrap steel and iron, for domestic needs„ CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED F YOUR HUSBAND IS CONTRIB- uting 10% of his salary for bonds and you want to help with the family budget and can 'devote a few spare hours daily rite posi- tion with good pay, Avon Stoaxnraaotl,,AleadeStCanada, Q e. AUTO IMO BILES—U SED SED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. ALTO PARTS 1VEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL OM- lte makes of automobirs le dmci trucks. shop service. General Auto Supply, 1.2 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario. BABY CHICKS asop put u lrpebreds VIGOUR Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, ,,St. Marys, Ontario. CRENS ARE "big business" ow. Outside of matting muni - tons the biggest business in Canada today is the production • food,.both for the armed forces Mvessetk r»... --.e... .... ,,e. ,_ .n,3...a,.,.:.._.. estic consumption. Chickens and eggs, rank high in the scale. Twaddle lc chicks GovernmentalP • Proved bloodtested ancestors that • w e r e sturdy, fast -developing, heavy -producing birds. They're t •is7esafendtos ofound ka big bun sines Get your share of the profit in the current and coming big mark- . et. Prompt shipment on many purebreeds and hybrid crosses. NURSES WANTED • Free catalogue and price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- GRADUATE beD,T ENNUSS FOR Vi- ed, Fergus, Ontario. s sanatoriumo00 beds. Good salary with full mainten- GO THE LIMIT OF YOUR CAPAC- ance. Excellent living quarters. ity to handle them seems good State previous experience, age, advice to summer chick buyers. etc. Address Application to Mies Markets demand unlimited sup- lit Ewart, Superintendent of plies. Hatching till late July to Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, take care of your needs, so if you Hamilton, Ontario. want summer chicks, pullets, cockerels or started chicks, or- TAPEWORM der , Hamilton. l3r y Ont chery, 130 John C.P.R. AIR -MINDED OFFICIALS ON TOUR ifireatea VisitingPacific Air Lines western headquarters at Edmonton during his recent Western isitC. ole CanadianaPacific Railway Company, with some of the tour, n. C. rectors,l, chairman and ,;]resident, Canadian.eetern general manager of the air lines. by'S directors, inspectedbeside facilities theh Grant s aircraft are,left to right: Grant McConaehie, lilies. In the move group one of the catnip any's a91 1.. J. llelnap, director; Mr. Coleman, 8, G. Blaylock, director, and W. A. Mather, vice-preaident of western lines. TIRES FOR SALE TIRES TIRES TIRES WE of HAVE odEs paSELECTION udseengrcfl truck tires. Available to eligible buyers. Most sizes. Mount Pleas- ant Motors, 632 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto, HAIR.DRIuSSING SCHOOL LEA bertson H method. 1NG HE Information on request regardtng classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HEREFORDS 13Hereford �bull. OLD Dom no REGISTERED Priced Herd fullye edtd,Hrsire,,WIdal Domino 125630, quality plus breeding. Black Bros., Caledon, Ont. • LIVESTOCK R.ESIEDIES RED BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS Turkey poults, asdiarrhoea in calf scours and pig scours, costs lit chick, le point, loo ulf sample $1.00; garanteedresults or money back. R. A. Finn -& Co. Limited, London, Ontario. 1FIEDICAL .Yaiuta .7X47 .L.LF-Ai!t`.. ,xtr.,..e reed 0SULTS - after taking Dixon's RemedY"sor Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. O tawa Postpaid8$1.00.335 Elgin, 'YARNS AND WOOLLEN RAGS. MACHINE AND HAND KNITTING Yarns $1.35 ib,, postpaid. We ao- onoileton WolleMls, FlshertnOnt. DOGS & FERRETS GREYHOUNDS, TRAINED, RACING or Hunting. Beagles. Ferrets. Write Al Schacht, 4736 Riverside Drive, Riverside, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for in ermation. We are glad to answex' your questions. Depart - Limited, 7 1 Y 11, onge Street, To- ronto. FEATHERS WANTED WILL PAT THE FOLLOWING prices for Goose and Duck feath- ers: Goose feathers, 68c lb.; Duck feathers, 480 1b. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundas St. East, Toronto, FARMS FOR SAE 'two: FARMS FOR SALE, GOOD land, good buildings, well water- ed, some wood on both. Close to towMill- ing-, Napanee00Onta acres, 6. ing, FARM WANTED WANTED, SMALL FARM ON LAKE, front, suitable for summer camp, allo19n dollam. rs. LognAve,o- ronto. FARM IMPLEMENTS DE LAVAL MAGNETIC MILKEIL 2 units $305, 35 H.P. Motor, $55. Toronto Radio & Sporta, 241 Yonge Street, Toronto. 1 1,tcCORMICK MOWER, No. "Big 6" in either 6 or 7 ft. cut; 1 8 -ft. Dump Rake; 1 2 -furrow Tractor Plow. W. J. Petrie, R.R. No. 8, Brussels, Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT OeANoinlEcnCLOVER Huller 1, Aodih,r only a few seasons, ball bearings, grid, Ewart. Bolton, Ont. FOOT BALM BAUMEEIiA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. -' HAIR GOODS only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively, Write us for particu- lars. WHITE'S W HI HAIR GOODS 2551 Venae 5t-., ''remote, nniarie ISSUE No. 27--4$ OMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the pause of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this your trouble?iterolvear- elcuarlituey's Ont. Ftemedies, Specialists, Toronto 8, PATENTS NEATHERSTONHAUCiH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. E,tabliehed Bookle14 of Information Ton ar.- queet PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Raba, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25c, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Tai; oto FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN. Two prints from each negative. Re- prints 2c each. Montreal Photo, P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal. PERSONAL PENCILS NAME GOLD pnls LLLENGo LENGTH a12 name 75c, 6 all one name 50c, postpaid. Trans -Canada Mail Or- der, Box ,253, Station H, Montreal. OILS AND GREASE TRACTOR OWNERS SEND FOR OUR NEW 1913 PRICE llst on oils and grease. Co -Oper- ative 011 Company, 3570 Dundas St. W,, Toronto. ItABBJTS Whites,ND imported, thorough Tedd stock. All correspondence ans- wered. Robinson's, 312 Riverdale, Riverside, Ontario. STAMPS HOI3BYISTs, COLLECTORS, SWAP - leers, Agents, and all those who wish to receive our Big Mail ��Fooree. Mail one'Postcard with Mailname Se vice, Bd address -388, Arcade Betiding, Comeau Bay, Quebec, Canada. RHEUMATIC PAINS rLort B ARTI TALZING A130U7' the hood results from taking Dix- on's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin,. Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. WE BUY ALr L B RADES OFS CR and waste paper. Consolidated Iron Nc Metal ..Company, 58-64 Niagara Street. Toronto, AD. 3931. SUMMER RESORT OBAN INN — NIAARA-ON-THE Lake, Ontario: • good rooms, ex- cellent food, ideal location. Swim, golf, ride or just loaf. Telephone 285. PERSONAL "Do You Know" THAT Missing Persons, Certificates, Family Records are found ;by the aid of Bacon -Vaughan, M.N.G.S. Standard Genealogist of long ex- perience. Thousands of records on. file at Studio, 1189 Marion 'Ave., Windsor, Ont. Francaise, English, American. Satisfied clients insti- tutes my reference. PIIOTOGRAI lay "I AM VERY PLEASED WI'T'H YOUR PROMPT SERVICE , ." .rites a. customer at Ito}tgh Wwater, N.S., who adds: 'I have told many frienda about your service and I knowthat from now on you de- velopingwill get and printf from Lettere lir e this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Star Snapshot Service. Any Sixe Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures. - DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2Ge Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get batter results from your camera if you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot service to be developed and printed. You'11 let finer quality, sharper prints at owest cost. And you will got the promptest service obtainable by, mail In keeping with quality work. Mail us a roll for trial. 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS :tie Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements rAlour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Itox 128, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders. TEACHERS WANTED MARTER — WANTED. PROTEST - ant teacher for S.S. No. 1 Marten, near Englehart, 18 pupils, :ialary aryO10.R,pNo. L. Martenr, Secret - TEACHER FOR GRADES 1, 2 AT Cainsville School on Highway 2. State salary expected. Apply T. J. Rispin, 832 Colborne St. Brant- ford. FULLY oni s Qteacher orHOME Fifth CClaes. Write stating salary, certificates and grade subjects prepared to teach in morning periods, 'to A.. Colebourne, Secretary -Treasurer, Riverside, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEA:CHER 'Vented for S.S. No. 13, MeNab. lD .ties to commence September, i a 1 a r y $1,000. Apply stating ri' tlifkr- tions to Secretnr4 Trensut. r, Mrs, Christina T, Carswell, t;;,cera Station, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHER >r oil. z. S No. 2 Goulhurn. Outlet com- mencing September 1. State set - :try. Bert Garland, itiw:amond, Ont. R.R, No. 1. WANTED, ete.efxQUALIFIED le tntche' rSateldachi, duties to commence 5o,t,:mbt'r first, 7.943, salary 2050 Apply' stating qualifier{tions ,t"1 rX_ perience to W. T. Moody,,,ncret- arY-treasurer, Sandfirld t rn:ahip 801)001 area, Big Laltr, Or' trio. • TRACTOR r Awl's TRACTOR PA lt'i'S N G tV AND used, for all makes or, 'rectors. General Auto Alla '1Trectnr Suiupiy, 12 Frederick St., 1Citchepwr, (ittt. WOODiON tNESS. FARMERS 1VD MANU1O,ti i'tIRP, from Canadian Hardwood, r,tsncla arc) size of Neclryokcs, each 05c; Whiffle Trees, each 50e; Double Trees, each 70r; Tw eenncolt- yokes, each 25c. Chemically treated and Painted' red but with - nut hardware. Orders of not loss than $5.00, shipped nnvw+boi'c by Freight collect. A Pishet, Nor- land, Ont,