HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-06-03, Page 8t. ZURICH HERALD 00111111111 It 11111 1 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 4. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + i tr { ` gtpl 1111111H 1111111111111111111111IIIIillIlllllliflllll 111111 IIIlllililllllllII11l tllII ZURICH'S *r.ery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 1010E0111�li�+l1 I I 1i11111" 1111 X11' "1► To the rt lil►HI111IIHIIIIIIIIIIH 11111►111111 I II 110 1.1 1111 1110, q 111li en who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. . _This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER 4 + + 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + + 4. + + i }44+++++++++++++44.4.3&++'it 4.+++44.444++++++++++++44++''ll t 4 • 1 15-X Brand Shingles WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE +SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- * fED. + 7E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR GEED ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE • RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! t .KAL14 YLISC PHONE 69 v v YI4.+q•:M++++++++ 4.4.4. 4.++++++++,++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZURICH 4 a HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Brooder House Coal We have been fortunate to purchase a Car of Chestnut Hard Coal for use in Brooders and Colony House Heating, which we will let our Customers have in reasonable quantities for that purpose. We obtained special permission to purchase this coal... PAINTS! PAINTS ! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsrnithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- - ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. 0 g• • i 1 O ISTADE &WEIDOI ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE tf1 00414 0**0!l1AIlI0 110 1111111 II11HIIIIIHI 111111111 110111 1111111111111111111111111111 111 11 � 11 11III 111 11111111111111111 11111111 1 111 11111 Zurich variety Store WHEN YOU WANT TO PURCHASE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE DIFFERkNT FROM ORDINARY MERCHANDISE, VISIT OUR STORE. WE HAVE MANY ARTICLES VERY SUITABLE• FOR . BIRTHDAY GIFTS OR GIFTS FOR OTHER OCCASIONS. ' WE CAN HELP YOU- . .. WHILE MANY LINES ARE HARD TO GET AT PRESENT, YET WE HAVE MANY NICE THINGS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC. Always -a full line of Toiletry, Stationery, School Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! 011111111 ' IHMIHIIIIIHIIHIH1111111111i1111'' 111111111111 1111111 0111 11111 1111111111111 1 11111111110111111111 111 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Donald Ross of Brucefie'1d, '.'pent Saturday at the hot:4e of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Oesch. • Mr. George Volland of Detroit, was a week -end visitor at the home of Miss Lizzie Volland. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. DougaMT of Hens all were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams •Mrs. John Douglas of the town line, is at present visiting relatives in Seai'orth. • Mr. Samuel Gottschalk of Hensail visited with relatives in town 'on Sunday. • Miss Clara Welber of London en- joyed Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. Mrs. Piellusch and children and Mrs. Wm. Zinkahnn of Kitchener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and M.rs. Herb. Krueger. Rev. and Mrs: A. B. Irvin, of Exeter were Friday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and family of Exeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz on Sunday. Sister Joan Marie, of St. Lawren- ce School, Detroit, spent a pleasant week -end at he home of her father, Mr. Wm. Meidinger. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross .and baby, DorothyGrace, of Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith on Tuesday. Miss Irene • Turkheim, _ nurse en- training from Stratford General Hospital, is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. E. Turkheim. Mr. and Mins. Henry Volland and Mrs. Eldon Johnston of Goderich, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Schilbe and Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Mrs. Lenehan and baby of Wind- sor, moved into some rooms at the home of Mrs. Wm. Miller. These rooms were formerly occupied by Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard. TO BROADCAST ON JUNE 4th. Miss Margaret ,C. Coulter and a group of pupils from S. S. No.. 13, E. Wawanosh Twp., are arranging the programme for Friday, June 4th at 7.30 p.m., over CKNX, Wingham, I in the interest of War Savings Sta- mps and Certificates. Rev. C. B. -Heckendorn made a business trip to Kitchener last week. Mrs. J. W. Merner and Mrs. Melvin Brown who were appointed as dele- gates for the W.M.S. Convention by the local Evangelical church, accom- panied Mr. Heckendorn, en route to Elmira, where the Convention was held. June is Here! June is here with its warmth al- ready being felt, the month which, actually always ushers in the summer the month that has the longest days of the year, and the month of growth as the season is late this year, we trust that June will be favourable and pep things up somewhat. Well, we may have our doubts just what kind of a summer we shall have, but cher up, we shall haves a harvest and a time for gathering in when that time comes. LEFT FOR MILDMAY Mr. Barry Wenger, who for the past three years has been Linotype Operator and Machinist on the staff of the Exeter Times -Advocate left over the week -end for Mildmay, where ke is taking over the Mildmay Ca :".rR.. Mr. Wenger came to Exe: ter ftom Mitchell to Exeter. His mother, Mrs. R. Wenger, who accom- panied him to Exeter, has compiled "Notes From a Women's Workshop" which were interesting features in the Times -Advocate. Barry will be gre- atly missed in Exeter, and the best wishes accompany him to Mildmay. Harry Parsons, who has been on the staff at the Exeter post office has re- signed his position and joined the staff of the Times -Advocate ' LOCAL MARKETS . (Corrected every Wednesday) Putter, creamery 38 Butter, dairy 36 Eggs, dozen ....... 29, 27, 22, 20 Chickens, live lb. 15,22 Chickens, dressed lb. 20•+28 Wheat, busb. 1.10 Oats, bushel 58c Barley, bush. 73 Buckwheat, bush. 65c Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m. Divine Worship 11 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. ST. PETER'S �vangelicai Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. 'Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor LO a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. M EL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine end" can serve the public now getter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TLE, Proprietress WHAT GIRLS CAN DO ABOUT . THE MAN SHORTAGE Julia Farnham, New York business expert, writing in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (June 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, offers some tips on HOW and WHERE to meet -and MARRY -the right fellow, and give some expert advice on which men do ana don't make the best husbands. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Tithes. NO DATE SET Arthur McNamara, director of Nat ional Selective Service stated that no instructions have been issued fix- ing any date for the calling of marr- ied men between the ages of 26 and 30. However, a Selective Service spokesman said that duplicate nation- al registration cards had been sent out recently from the Service to di- visional registrars so that if at any time married men in the 26 to 30 age group are called up the names will be available. ALBERTA PREMIER DIES Premier William Aberharc, of Al- berta,: and a native of 'Seaforth, who gained international fame as the head of the world's first Social Credit gov- ernment, died in a hospital on ,May a3rd, in his 65th year. Death being due to a liver ailment. He was in the hospital only a week, Mrs. Aberhnrt and two daughters were at his bed- side. The ;funeral was held on Wed- nesday with R.W. G. Harrison Villett a personal friend of deceased officiat- ing. CHECK. YOUR LABELS The subscription labels of the Her- ald, that little yellow label which is on your paper each week, were cor- rected on Monday, May 1'Ttii. All sub scriptions paid before that date have been credited, and we ask subscrib- ers to check their labels now ib see that proper. credit has been given. If any error or omission is noticed please notify us at once. The month and year to which your subscription is paid up is on the label, examine it care +: 11 r. Thank Vou a •- '1 'l"huusd41y, June 3rd, 1948 i +$$ , ►��!1h++�!0 # a►�Wii!'wlii **16114. 4 4+.4 t 4. • YOUR F + 4 ar 424 4. 1 ar ST nd furniture' FAINT UP TIME The Season demands to PAINT UP in order to Preserve the Surface on your Buildings. It is poor economy to try to save on Paint. We have a good stock of all called for.. Paints, Varnishes, and Paint Supplies.....See these lines. New Felt Mattresses We were fortunate in securing a good supply of New Felt I1/Iattresses which we are offering the public from $5.00 to $15.00 each, and can assure they are big value for the money. Be sure and see them! FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suiten e A Full Line of all the Home Requirements 4. i + + + Johnston de lialbfieisch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +f+++++++++++++++++4+'.C.»3 +++4.++a+•+ 4.4.44'x+++++..e® 114 +3 .1%6.44 i._d+.1.+3.+++++4.4 .144..1.++fi ++ F4.++'i ++++++++++'0++.1.4.4 TRY ECKEL'S "Town T k _ tread also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- - ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery Zurich Telephone .100 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+4•44.++++++++++++++++++++4 GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative - Zurich Q0 ioo0ooerroo•••0414ifigewOe0•00r0loo••••••••••••4 O 0 i 1 O 1 1 1 at ....•06041 liktemosinampaessesseitiese Seed Cleaning Our Equipment for Seed Cleaning is always avail- able, and in good condition. We will be pleased to do this work for you, all seeds and grains for Spring Seeding... Please arrange to have this done early before th e big rush. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cal of Chestnut Coal ofr use in Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Your Chick. Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etd., Etc. L. Schilbe & Son