HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-06-03, Page 7I-IEIGH-ISO, UEIGH.HO, IT'S OFF TO THE COOP WE GO! 'the laughing rhouting, waving Axis soldiers in the phot above are arolilthe way to sisoners of waron campand like it fine. Two French policemen are marching them through rafter their capture in Allied cleanup of Tunisia. WHO TAKES THE BISCUIT? By MOLLY P.actic=sly everybody'. A recent f.,_vey demonstrated that 94!'^ of he :seholds used biscuits a n d etsckers at regular meals, 68';(0 used them as between -meal sn icke; 41•% when entertaining, and Jai% before retiring. The unusual popularity. of Soda Cleekers began in the (lays of sailing ships, when a voyage plight 1n.l-t for six months or more. Btead—rise "staff of life"—was a p:c'blem until some genius de- veloped the sea -biscuit. Here was 1.1.e staff of lite in a form that ' uld keep indefinitely. Shortly ae,er this important development, slip -biscuit because the mainstay of :hips' crews during long mouths Se sea. The crisp, nutty, nutritious So- dn Biscuit of today is a first -cousin O'DALE of the old-time sea -biscuit. jt leas all the nutritive value of the best type of bread, but much less mois- ture. The moisture content of 'white bread, for example, is 36% of its total weight, while it is less than 6 ris of a good Soda Cracker. In effect, a good Soda Cracker is good bread—deb;'irat- ed. And when it comes to cost of calories, Soda Crackers rank high, being Second only to navy beaus, which give you 160 calories for one cant, whereas Crackers give you 109 calories for one cent, So—when yon sit clown for a snack of Trackers auti Cheese --- or, for that matter, just nnuiclt a few rrackc'ra alone or with jaiu, soup and so fortis—you're not only enjoying a tasty snack, but you're getting real nutrition! WHAT SCIENCE 5 BG WHEAT STORAGE • Britain's scientists are out Io ee:ve one of the hardest pr'oblenia of wheat storage. It is a proved fast that dry grain keeps better in store than corn containiug a high proportion of water. The av- eaga bulk -stored wheat is a mix- ture of the two, and the time for ~which it will keep is the time that moist grains will keep. One way out is to dry the whole yield.ar- tificialy, but this is a long and difficult process. The alternative is to separate the wet grains from the dry, so that the wet grains only need be artificially dried. In the pest infestation laboratory of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research two men, Dr. P. Y. Heuclerson and T. 1. Oxley, have devised a pilot plant in which the two varieties of grain automatically separate themselves. It bas proved satisfactory. The experimenters say that a machine of this type large enough to Ileal with grain ou a commer- cial scale is now being built. The apparatus is simple. The stream of nixed grain is directed between two metal plates which act as a condenser; the corn moves along on a continuous cotton band which is fed between the Condenser Plates. The difference is moisture op- erates au electrical relay, so that when a batch of wet stelae arrive they are diverted down one chute, whereas the drier seers •collect down a (Efferent chute. If, in fact, 1lencierson and Oxley have solved this problem, the result should be a considerable saving of wheat that up till now has "gone off" in store. How Can I ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I l;et ri'l of insects in tete kitchen? A. Try laying a sheet of fly pa- per under the sink over night. The number of insects than area stuck to it in the morning will astonish you. Never leave any fond uncov- ered over night to attract these insects, Q. How can I remove mildew from white linen? A. Boil the linen in water to which two tablespoonfuls of per- oxide have been added to each quart of stater, Q. How eau I avoid sediment front .forming in the coffee pot? A. If the coffee pot and the tea kettle are washed with the pots and pans after each meal no sedi- ment will collect in them. Q. Ilow can I prevent staining the finger's and clothes when us- ing the bluing bottle? A. The empty hair tonic bottle which has the top that permits ouly a few drops to conte out at a time will make an excellent recep- tacle for bluing, and it will avoid y '1%, �1 alm t6 ATTENTION Maximum $100 Investment With Substantial income Tax Exemption. Substantial group of experienced Mining men responsible for a recent Successful mining ventur'e in the NORANDA area, have formed this Syndicate to explore Copper and Gold deposits known to exist on the property. Adjoining property being. Diamond Drilled by important interests With excellent results reported. 'e invite: limited public participation in the ARAi1ET PROSPECTING SYNDICATE'S,. UNITS at $25 each. No subscription accepted for more than ('OUR UNITS. •.Additional information will be mailed on request. ABAMET PROSPECTING SYNDICATE 33 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. Kindsend me additional information on Abamet Prospecting a subscription for 'Units at Syndicate, and accept my l $25 each. Dollars in full Enclosed find cheque fol'.:., payment. NAME ADDRESS the trouble of staining the hands. Q. How can 1 bake two Mee at the sante time if the oven is small and the one pie overlaps the alt. er? A, Elevate one of them by plac- ing a light tin plate en the rack and putting the pie on it to bake. Tunisian Wounded Moved By Plane Allied planes moved 12,000 casualties from forward stations to base hospitals during the Tani sian campaign, saving them days of ground transportation. Eight hospital trains were operated. An officer on Gen. Dwight D. El enhower's staff said sickness among United States and British troops has been low due to close co operation between British and American medical units. It Ls estimated that training of aircrew in the United States Arany and Navy costs $25,000 per man. GENERAL MANAGER M'Qdern Etiquette By Roberta tee , 1„ 'Flow should formal invitations to a lttncheou be written? 2. Should the title ''Miss" pre- cede the name of the bride when the wedding announeement is made by someone other titan her parents? 3 Should a woman wear a )tat to a small informal tea during the summer? 4, Who takes cltarge,of the wed- diug fee for the clergyman? 5. Is it proper to sneak to or of a man, by using his last name only, as "Hello, Wilson," or "I saw Jones last week"? • 6, When dinner is announced, what kind of plate should be at each place on the dinner table? Answers 1. They are nearly always writ - tea in the first person, and need not be sent out more than a week in advance. Engraved cards are occasionally used for an elaborate luncheon, usually one given in honor of a prominent person. 2, Yes. 3. Yes. 4. The bridegroom places it in an envelope and gives it to the best man, who hands it to the clergyman after the wed- ding. 5. No; a person of good breeding always says, "Mr. Wil- son" and "Mr. Jones," 6. The ser- vice plate. " If Helpful R.A.F. Will Bomb Roane The P.A.F. would "not hesitate to bomb Rome if the coarse of the war should render such action helpful and convenient," Capt, Harold Balfoui:, under secretary of state for air, told the House of Commons recently. His statement followed a report front Italy printed in London newspapers that the P.A.F. had dropped leaflets over Rome say- ing the Eternal City was on the R,A.F.'s bombing list. In reply to a question which pointed out that Rome was a rail centre and military target, Bal - J. ROSS BELTON whose appointment to the position of General Manager of Gutta Percha & Rubber, Limited, is an- nounced by 31r. F. A, Warren, President, Mr. Belton has been Assistant General Manager since 1936. In 1920 he joined Gutta Percha and for the past 23 years has occupied positions of increas- ing importance in both the Fac- tory and Head Office. Mr, Belton enlisted as a gunner in 191.5 in the Canadian Field Artillery, was transferred to the ILA,F. and commissioned as a pilot in 1917. He graduated with his B.Sc. from Queen's Univer- sity in 1920. Mr. Belton is a member of the American Ntanagement Associ- ation and permanent President sof the Science Class '20, QueenN • University. MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operators and Com- positors apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO FILE No. R0675. IT ,DES TASTE GOOD INAPIPE I four said; "No assurance or agreement exists of any kind whatsoever that Rome shall not be bombed. On the contrary, as stated to the House on previous occasions, we shall not hesitate to bomb Rome " (The British Government warn- ed Italy on April 18, 1941, that there would be "systematic bomb- ing of Rome" S£ either Athens or Cairo were raided.) The wardrobe of Queen Eliza- beth, the "Virgin Queen," con - tallied more than 3,000 gowns. One Agile Sprinter Runs 2 Tractors It took a lot of sprinting, bat farmer Johan Kirsch, of Carlton, Oregon, solved the rnanpower shortage . He had 'two tractors and only himself to run them. He set the controls f one gad started it driverless across the field. Then he jumped aboard the other and followed. Before the first one reached the fence he ran it down and turned it around . . : and so on for 301) acres. OPPORTUNITY For Girls and Women to Help Our War Effort Waitresses Cafeteria Workers — Dish- washers wanted. God living accosumodations under proper supervision. Apply with Medical Certificate nearest Employment & Selective Service Office REFER N.O. 274 TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 years and over; Maried; Physically fit; at least 5' 9" in stocking feet; 160 lbs.; of good character and fair education. I'o be available for appointment immediately. Uniform clothing supplied. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File 110-591 L IHED ADVE AGENTS 'WANTED W11 HAVE SUBSTANTIAL EARN - inn opportunity for housewives and other women who want to earn but unable to devote time to office or • factory work, Avon Products Limited, etreal.i5 AtToMOUILES--1LTS1CD USED C=ARS WITH GOOD TIB.ES, See us first. Yount Pleasant ,10- 20040 Limited. o to dStreet; Head LOffict , Mount Road, 1 d, To- rontoTepTelephone BY. 21 aUTO PARTS NEW L l e N of `cars and PARTS CR om- plete automobile machine shop service, General •.1310 Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener. Ontario. BABY CIi10EC$ HYBRIDS FUR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. Til'enttiryL islYhere,ttlf et OF v as t'hicices Now. now . , meat ra- tiuninial Storage stocka of moat and eggs dwindling! yetthe people must eat. The poultry season of the erailury is at htuld. As fast as you rail turn out broilers, roasters, layers and eggs. the 'market wilt snap them up. Now's the time to use every av- ailable square 'font of spare for poultry. Gut, it's nut time to spec- ulate on the, "e:umruun-garden- variety" of chicks. Clive yourself a chance to make good by get- ting Tweddle Thioles. Send for the Tweddle catalogue and price list to -day. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries l,td., Fergus, Ontario. Olti)Rit YOUR 'BRAY SUMMER chide, now. Faille to available first. week June- Summer prices -melee Bray chic's, ('ueleerclS, pullets real investments. 1lraY Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. 9liw�38-52 s. bid) ��� HEED 7`IHIrS Ad1/IGEtI If you're Cross, restless, etVRVOVS. - suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life-- try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. Made cseceiatti jar aUontel. hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Fo110W label direc- titins, Made itt Canade, It1,.At Ir.S1Lltlttl;ti HIMALAYAN el Vlt:itIiI1AT:ING illacleberries, Prolific and hardy. 4 for 81,00 prepaid. A. Klein, Ag t,si7 P.C. DESIGNERS 'W tNT1.D LEARN D1?Al thiol t ' N'1DIAN Industry needs designers for war and twar niremri Uuld ot Mechnnicalieig,71 Shin 5t. '1\ Toronto. •DETECTIVE li L CL state I31'('.011I1 .A DETECTIV17, 'ALEN over 10 wanted everywhere in Canada to learn detective work. Practical easy course by sorrse- poiideuce. Iufurmation tree, C. 1.1. ,Itthlcn, 'Llox '25, Station T, Mon- trcall _ DY1 ING .11 CLEANING HAVE Y0t ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer Your questions. De prr•t- nnetit H. Parker's Dye YVorks Limited, 791 Yongo Street, )•unto• i,l T1e•'i''JiIt• 3111.1s ("001,1)115 Bi,1:11'TRTC" )vtif.K COOLERS, r.ti NEW and used, whoicsnle or retell. i1. Adams, 215 Kennedy road, To- ronto 11. 1 te_t'ClttatS AA AN'f101) WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING .prices lar (Innen rind Melt f ': th- ere (.nose feathers, lis' Ib Duek feathers, 48e Ib, Cnnadtt ('.onhfort- e'asto.0 Limntt,d, 750 itundas St. FOOT BALM D 1 BAl'11131EKA FOOT BALM destroy.•+ offensive odor instantly. de' bottle. •Store, Ottagent, Denm:la F1EI,I' WAITED STERI)OTYPER WITH SOMdi 11X perience as helper in weekly newspaper and job office rue 1 snap, Apply Employment •ln.l Selective Service Office, 174 Sir. - dint'. ,?venue. Refer to File CleeM. FARM )"Ott SALE T bs,ACRES practically stumps or stones, solid brick house, wall barn, metal roof, drive shed, good well, trout stream, rural mall, ans,uX xecutrix, Victoria Harbour, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING SCUOOL LE obert on HAIRDRESSING d. rno THE on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, HAIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen'sfhairor goods exclusively. Writs particu- lars. WW'IilTE'S WUR GOODS 258 '.A-onIl e St, 'Toronto, Ontario LrVESTOG1w REMEDIES BED 13LOU1 QUICKLY TABLETS stop White diarrhoea in chicks, Turkey ponits, also calf scours els and pig scours, costs is lc poult, isle: pig, Ole calf. Trial sample $1.U0guaranteed results T imited,ey London, O k. R. tarso n & Co. IIARtt0 FOR SAL5T L'UP.. SALE. — S ALI I)L,1D MARE, four -year -Old, block, approxim- ately sixteen hands high, sired by 1 erlapides, Apply- to Wtliiittn Prelss, Tavieto.•k, Ont., Route No. 3, ULCERS, , SOIt1 5, h. t iFiMA, ANI, tree led le by min yiratntrn"ntsestvintll tia heal while you work. 81 tile! treat client will eenvihiee you. Special prieees t.'r physicians anti lu,01 . Writ: Nurse 11. Tuttitkers1)011 isles 131c1S'•, Yti intiipeg'. DIXON'S REMEDY---I"O.[1 itis and ltheumutic rains. Than - ands satisfied, ,tunro's Drug Store, 3115 Elgin. Ottawa. Post - Paid 31.00. TA('1.%VORAI STOSI.1elt AND :C1litFIAT) WORMS often are the cruise of ill -health in htnnaus all rtgr s. No one im- mune! Why not. find out if 1.1)10 is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write 1Lulveney's Remedies, :lleeciulists, Toronto 3, Ont. PA'i'11N'I'S Permit) 11$TONItAULW ,5 c;uMl'ANY _Patent $ollcttors. l0stablisheo 1890; 14 King West, Toronto Booklet of information on re- quest. l'AT E:Vets AND 'PliAl)t') MA'IRRS IN• VI,NTUI18 l'Ttlhi l,Y ADVISED how to prat tat inventions. Eger- ton R. Cam", a, 82 ilulsam :Ave., T"rontu. Established over forty years. PHOTOGRAPH T DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Rain, or hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mail Any 6 or 8 exposure filen perfectly, developed and printed for only no. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Tot; oto FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints from each negative. Re- prints 2a each. Muntreal Photo, P.Q, Box 100, Station i', Montreal* x no'roGRAPTSY PAY LESS FOR SNAPSHOTS AND GET QUALITY WORK. Save dealers' profits. Mail your films direct to Canada's largest photo finishing studio for develop- ing and printing. Volume business enables ns to du quality work at lowest cost. You'll save money. More important, you'll be bettett pleased with your pictures. Any Size Roll—G or 8 Exposure* DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED Olin Free: Souvenir with Each Order. A customer at South Durham, Que.,, writes us: "1 have been sending my; films to you for some time. I ap• predate your excellent work and. promptness. I have recommended your work to several friends who now are your steady costumers." Send your next film roll to Stae Snapsltot Service. 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 2rle Sixe 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mouttta .Enlargements coloured by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Cox 122, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print your riame and address phatu- ly on all orders. NURSING 101)11510 APPLICATIONS AltI') INVITED 1:1t Grace Hospital School of Niers. lag, 21 months' course. For fur- ther information, apply Sunerin' tendeut of Nureee, (irate liu�litt,. al, (Memel. AR1I1•,1 M.t'i'tl 1'.Rties Leml:it> T11.15 t,A'halY SUE 1 1OR11Lt of ltheunitt1. /mind iiv Neuritis ah,ntid t 1 y 1ixon e Remedy, aelunru's Drug Store. 13a Elgin. 0t1ti we. Postpaid 51.11• SAVING DEA ICU (i.A.S(11IN10 SeaVI NG T)IOVIe 1;, 05 cents.State year and make of the et r and enlei uret0) Mike It,neeb, 914 t;lacle•one ,Ave., Te - rent o, Ont. 'i'RAO'l'Ult TRACTOR PAR'I'S N L•' W AND used, tor all makes of tractors, General Auto and Traitor Supply 1.3 Frederick St., Kitchener. Oat, • Tl),tCI11ER WANTED N'rt)I) ENelI ASlf-St'1•;AXING 1'11oT 10S- tant teacher, male or female, for Glades 1 to tirades 8. qualified ass" to Lanett French, Salary, 5IOh0.00 per school year Ritts fur- etslix1 private te:lde01t Apply, to Ailan AA Perkins, ;;e t Treas., 1 aseelis Protestant School Hemet, Perron. (10iboe, ISSUE No. 23-43