HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-05-20, Page 7ALEUTIAN ARENA: Shadows of o Coming Offensive OV !Tn RUSSIA Merkevo 0 Ant/4y 'Vet 4l New Jee aWPfield reported building Ware, where enemy ,ehce woe driven but by O. S erten A merierm airmen gx°mid Jap. belies; Kisha hit 200 tines in 2, months New U. S. baso American walsships roported in action agmnst enemy here Signs of a summer offensive in the North Pacific are seen as a new held. Kiska is revealed and American planes and ships hit enemy vigor Map rounds up recent actions in the area p to Candie en' ' 0C ouneli Tanonoe FAIRBANKS gaeleene Lisburne 'A.mASil'�.,istl°� MclPharsaisA �Akioeitie Alcon highway speedo war materials for U. S. Alaelenbosed offensives rfa Mt. Mcir•in a ldenor,o Qpbir"-;74 1"+ Matanuska °meek bNcetentAGgQd tit Babel Hop/ a lllomnamay s�ep co ! ,E4:..it•rE To Seattle 1000 miles inane Have You Hear it HAVE YOU HEARD? Visitor (in defense plant) : "Look tut that youngster, the one with ate cropped hair, the cigarette and trousers on. It's hard to tell wheth- er it's a boy or a. girl." War Worker: "She's a girl and ,he's my daughter." Visitor: "My dear, do forgive me. I would never have been so outspoken if T had known yon were her father." Weir Worker: "I'm not her fath- er, I'm her mother." In a New York court, "Ac- tion by one Bologna against ono Weiner to compel specific performance of contract," el- icited this from the Judge: "I never sausage a case." —0— Two farmers of the old school stood at the corner of a street in a large town the other day when s, lady passed by dressed in the height of fashion.. "There, John," said one, "what's think of tlbat, lad, eh? John eyed her for a full urinate, rend then said: "Ay, Will, it's bad round that takes so Much top - dressing." —o— "Does your husband worry about the grocery bill?" "No; he says there's no aaense In both himself and the grocer worrying over the same bill." --o— He determined to pass by the *smite tavern on his way hone. As he alppeoached it be became somewhat shaky, but, after pluck- .3ng up courage, he passed on. Then alter going about 50 yards las turned and sand to himself: 'Well done, Pat, my boy. Come back and I'll treat ye." —d --- Clerk: "My I have the after- noon off to go shopping with my wife?" Boas: "Certainly not." Clerk: "Thank you very much." • --o— Then there's the story of the weary -looking woman who herded ten children on the street car, and was asked by the motorman if there we're all her offspring or if t was a picnic. "Yes," she snapped, "they're all mine—and it's no picnic!" --0— ""i"m handling this plane pretty well, instructor." "Yes, just keep it up." Bicycling Yank Chats With King How Can 1 ? By Anne Ashley 'Veidea Cordovo c U. S. Diose .'L Jap Dlose Scale of Milos 300 IL S. air base 60 miles from Jots - in the Aleutians with increased west of Alaska. Q. How can I keep a piece of wallpaper for future use and make it fade the same• as that on the wall? A. After papering a room, take a piece of leftover wallpaper and tack it in the attic where it is exposed to light and air, If some- time in the future a patch is needed you will have a piece that is the same color as the paper of the room. Q. How.can. I protect the birds when using the bird bath, and there are- cats in. the neighbor- hood? A. It is a good idea to place the bird bath near a tree if cats are around, as a bird cannot fly far while its feathers are wet. Q. How can I wash feather pillows? A. The feather pillows should be washed on a windy day, as the wind will not only dry the feath- ers quickly but will give them a good stirring. Q. How can I lessen the time when cooking in the double boiler? A. If the water in the bottom pan gets low, use boiling water when refilling it. If cold water is used the food will take much longer to cook. Q. How can I prevent rust on towels caused by hanging diem on nails? A. Give all the nails and hooks on which damp towels or cloths are hung a good coat of enamel, whatever color is in harmony with the wall or room. They will be much more attractive and will also prevent rust. A young corpora], American soldier of a year's army training at home and in England, was dog log a little "pre-figbtnig" on his bike on a recent Sunday after- noon. He met with three friend - 1 r folk --a man, a woman and idieir 17 -year-old daughter. Wrote home the thrilled young "Yankee: "It was the King, .the Queen and Princess Elizabeth, out for a stroll. The Queen spoke e me, and I stopped. We had a very nice oonvelsation, and in - dermal, as no one else was around. They were very inter- ested to know where 1 canna .roan, haw I liked England and the people, and if I had made . :many friends. They are grand people, and we had quite a few loughs. The Queen bete a strand personality, and is just late you see her In the it;ewareesle. I wee "Wry fortunatlte, don't yon think i' Housewives Help l5iy earaing her *bopping floss Bei iii housewife 1 Iwliped. owe too til o f sego* e of tw light id rat se 1good.. Af deo' WHAT SCIENCE IS eltIG Quartz Crystal* Number one strategical min- eral problem in the United States at present is a domestic source of supply of quartz crystals ,suit- able for radio equipment and other electrical uses in the war effort, says Science Service. edict is the life line of the arm- ed forces. l3attle movements of soldiers, sailors and air forces depend upon it. Dependable in- struments in which crystals are used must have crystals of the finest quality. Brazil and other South Amer- ican countries are the sources of the present supply. In the United • States there are plenty of quartz oryetal deposits, but satisfactory crystals for electrical uses had not been developed from them in pre-war days. Not all quartz crystals, regard- less of their general resemblance, are usable in electrical work, They must be first cut, then care- fully tested in well-equipped laboratories for thein: electrical properties. To be asable, they should be at least an inch in dia- meter and over two- niches long. They should be clear, and free front fractures an d discolor- ations. Quartz crystals are used in microphones; and as electric filt- ers and oscillators. The so-called piezo-electric quartz crystal vi- brates as an electric charge on its surface oscillates. The con- stancy of the rate of vibration is remarkable. It is more constant than the pendulum on a high grade astronomical clock. A crys- tal of good quality `kept at a con- stant temperature will not vary two seconds in ten clays. It is this reliability that makes it es- sential as an electric oscillator. The Safest Place IIS Thunderstorm Closing Windows Will Not Keep Out Lightning Moder Etiquette 13y Roberta nee 1, Is: it permissible to exam- ine the mice's dishe,: on a cafe. teria,counter before selecting a certain one? • 2. Isn't it a mark of good breeding wlmn a stranger who !seethed a question extends a eonrteous reply? 3. llow should a girl announce her engagement if her father is dead? 4. Should a bride writs; a pee_ sane' letter of thank:; for. each wedding 2-ii't she receives? 5. Should one ever refuse to make introdaetions unlees it is ahsolutuIy £ct)poteible to escape doing so? • O. What is the proper way for a woman to thank a man who has given her his seat in a street ear or hue? ANSWERS 1. Yes, if it can be dcne with a glance, but ohe should not finger the saucers, or be con- spicuous in selecting; one that seems to be the largest. 2. Yes, decidedly so. A well-brea person is always courteous in his man- ner of speech. As the ell pro- verb says, "Civil, obliging lan- guage cost hut little, and doth a great real of good. 8. The engagement should be announced in her mother's name. 4. Yes; a Electrieal charges accumulate in clouds, positive at the tops neg- ative on the bottom, states Time Magazine. A spark bursts through the air to another cloud or to the earth lightning. First -comes a faint leader stroke, then a huge discharge builds upward from the earth. The slender core (about the tladdkness of a finger) explodes into a column of fire much greater in diameter. As this heated -Ste cools and contracts, other air rush- es in to fill the space. -riga sudden disturbance makes the thunder- clap. Destruction comes from the speed of . the discharge, not the total amount of electricity; tab quantity of electricity in an aver- age thunderbolt would be worth only a few cents it tamed and me- tered. Avoiding drafts, closing doors and windows will not keep out lightning. It is most likely to hit the chimney. Safest place in the house: the middle or a downstairs room. Telephoues are not unsafe in a thunderstorm. The crackling and tinkling are caused by induction eberges. Thick woods are safe enough, but isolated trees are bolt -catch- ers. Since they are poor conduc- tors, lightning may take the eas- ier way through humans standing near. At.F:N1's Anne:Tear I ; , inrld. coo sweet smoite and probably the best and easi- est way to do this is to write each night before she retirse, acknowledging eery gift she 1v- ccives that clay. 5. No; one who feels this way about introduc- tions will find it diffciult to get along well socially. 6. All that is necessary is to smile and thank him. Livestock Lost Livestock in enemy -occupied .Al- lied countries is estimated to have greatly decreased, there being a re- duction of 11,000,000 cattle, 3,- 000,000 horses, 12,090,000 pigs and 11,000,000 sheep since the war started. Land workers in nearly 3,000 villages in EngLend are buying 900,000 meat piers a week. Claiming it has enough at hone, Panama has banned the importation of rice. Chemical Dye eirare hard to oMake your own VEGETABLE DYES from Barks, Weeds, 13e1•riea, Fruit by Douglas Leee•l,man, I'h. 1). National Museum, Ottawa .35 postpaid from your Bookseller or The Oxford 'University Press, 480 University Ave., Toronto WE HAVE SUBSTANTIAL IIARN- ing opportunity for housewives and other women, who want to earn but unable to devote time to office or factory work. Avon Products of Canada Limited, 1015 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE Tl iRTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with aching piles or rectal sureness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- le. Any itching or soreness or rnpaeio lWanigandppee treatment should be secured at °nee. .For this purpose get a package of Item-atoid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula Which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid In healing the soro tender spats. highly oreconmeildednt andoitnseems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a flue remedy may be had at such a small cost, If you try Hem -Reid and are not re1stdItdlretentirely oudrggiwill with return your money. LLTOMOSU A0S—USED USED CARS WITH (:COD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Star Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, ont . Teleph2 Mountloneon tleasant 2131.a'fio- Al:TO T'AR'PS NEW ANI:) t'SEJ PARTS FOR AIL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario. BABY CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms. St. Marys, Ontario. LEGHOR\ COCKERELS A11E JUST the thing for meat -rationed mar- kets. Some for immediate deliv- ery. Don't delay, early July chicks should be • ordered now. Also some pullets for late May. This is the year for full -speed production—order to the full ca- pacity of your equipment. •Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. WARRIORS AND WAR \YORKERS (must eat. Don't take risks when you buy chicks. The Allied at- tack is on—both in aur muni- tions plants and on the fighting front. Meat and many other com- modities are getting scarce. Raise all the chickens and produce all the eggs you can. Canada needs them. But, be sure you get the right start. We're in the hatchery business for keeps. Every breed- er we use is of Government Ap- proved stock from bloodtested breeders. Order rune and JuIY clacks now. Limited,ddle Fergus,, Onthick ario. "M I LES .. rt F 35-52 ' .yrs. eId� HEED THIS ADVICEi! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -- suffer hot flashes, dizziness --ceased by this period in e. woman's life— try Lydia XII. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made espeoicciZl/ for worsen. Hundreds of thousands re- markably in . nide label dire° - i nn.exeIIERRIEs HIMALAYAN' Dofad RING Blackberries.Priehardy. 4 for $1.00 prepaid. A. Klein, .,tgaasiz, B.C. COINS .ANTIQUE onIn�n 2NStreet, Kingston, Ontario. DESIGNERS WANTED LEARN DRAFTING, CANADIAN Industry needs designers for war and postwar planning. Write Guild St. Mechanicalro.Design, 71 DETECTIVE COURSE BECOME A DETECTIVE. MEN over 16 wanted everywhere In Canada to Iearn detective work. Practical easy course by corres- • pondence. Information free. C. M. Julien, Box 25, Station T, Mon- treal DYEING Si CLEANING RdyeiingYOU cleaninTg? Write to ne for information. We are glad to Answer your questions. Depart- ment la, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ELECTRIC MILK COOLERS ELECTRIC MILK COOLERS, NEW and used, wholeeale or retail. R. Adams 245 Kennedy Road, To- ronto '13. FARM WANTED /Jailed WITH LAKE F R 0 N T, buildings immaterial, suitable for summer camp. Partly bush. Cash. 94 Kendal Avenue, Toronto. 5NSTIt1 MENTS WANTED BAND & ORCHESTRA INSTRLJ- ments not in use may be turned into cash. Send full particulars to Whalen' Royce & Company, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.. FEATItEilS RANTED WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING priced for Goose and Duck feath- ers; Goose feathers, 68e lb.; Duck feathers, ti$iited, Cameliab. 3)undas Comfort, St. East, Toronto. Ont. FOOT BALM DE':LP WANTED OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN TO HEJP OUR WAR EFFORT WAITRESSES CAFETERIA WORKERS DISHWASHERS BACUMEBKA FOOT 13AI.,M destroys offensive odor instantly, 45o bottle. Ottawa alfent Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. $rF,NCI4 POSTS WANTED \ i ier 100,000NORTHERN ssrt�icedar t. W quoting(lCe,dar `prings. Johnson and ilc. _- ISSUE No. 21-43 WANTED Good living accommodations under proper supervision. Apply with Medical Certificate Nearest Employment & Selective Service Office . Refer 11.0. 274 , 000K — GENERAL FOR ADULT family of three, in modern apart- ment, own room and bath. No washing. Splendid position and good wage`. Apply Mrs. W. 3. Goodeve, "Headley" Apt. 2, 25 2 Sydenham Street, London, Ont. FAIU3M FOR t. SALE FARM, 75 ACRES CLEAVED, 25 bush, practically no stumps or stones, sulfa brick house, wall barn. metal roof, drive shed, good well, trout stream, rural mail. To close estate. Mrs. Sarah li,v- any, Executrix, Victoria Harbour, Qntal•i0. FOR SALJO TEAM. OF i'1' i Cl•1E1tON GIi.LD- ines rising 4i.cafes. Broken, quiet; weight about 2000 lbs. W. Keyes, OrilliaNon.uColdwiter Roilli4 adTram PASTURE w1t14'rED WANTED F1i1\V RELIABLE FARM- ers who have good Pasture and accommodation to pasture and look cat- fortesummer,eSfor youngspaid monthly. Also for keeping sheep, the year round, on percentages of increase. Write Post ffioeBux576 Toronto. HAIRDREssI1NG St ROOL lobi A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 11AIR. GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing elusively g\Vritemuss sforaiparticu- lare. 'WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 268 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario LIN ES'rOCis. RI>:hfluDiES 1fERS1 S WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOUR peintendent, Bowlnanvilduty nurses. lely Hos- pital, Bowmaliville, Ontario. PATIENTS STSoitos&MCOMPANY PatentSolicitors,, Established 1890; 14 Sing W est, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. RED ]L001.a QUICKLY TABLETS stop White diarrhoea in chicks, Turkey poults, also bait scours and pig scours, costs % chicle, lc point, tOc pig, 60c calf. Trial maniple $1.00; guaranteed results or money back. R. A. Finn & Co. Limited, London, Ontario. MEDICAL NAT11RE'S REMEDIES--PALOVA Balsam for Piles. $L00 with atonefor i Arthritis aee nd and Breen- atone Months supply $1.00.In- diau Remedies, Box 118, Van- couver. DUN" T \WAIT--EV1iRY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- Itttt nx lirsiuiDrugtee Store it 835 Remedy. Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. TA Pie a\`Oltht STOMACH AND THREAD WOMBS often are the cause of ill -health in humans all ages. No, one im- mune! %V11y not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- R'lnrdies i Specialiste Toronto 13, Ont. NVIRSEtt1' STOCK Tit laiti AN la BrS11 FRUITS, Shrubs,EV ER - Shade VInes, l':ereuniais, Rork l 'rants. Niagara ientie and fruit list. gala\((1'`•elies, 5.1. Catllat•inee, One PATENTS AND TRADE HARKS - INVENTORS FREELY ADVISED how toprotect inventions. Eger- ton ft. Case, 82 Balsam Ave., Toronto. Established over forty. years. TRAIN FOR NURSES APPLICATIONS A 11 E INVITED for girls who desire to train for nurses. September 1948. Cornwall General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat. Plain, er Hail HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by blah Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectlZ developed and printed for only 25e, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE • Station J. Tot; oto FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints from each negative. Re priuts 2b each. Montreal 1:'hoto, P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal, PHOTOGRAPHY MAIL SNAPSHOTS TO MEN IN SERVICE Star Snapshot Service operates Canada's largest photo finishing studio. Volume business enables us tomers a get tthe be refit oft. lower prices. And they get photos the;- are proud of. Try us with your next film roll. Ask' Size Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTIID 25e Free Souvenir with Each Order. A customer at Campbellton, N.B.. writes: "We tried a number of Sfaces before trying Star .Snapshot ervice, We recommend your work and have given your name to a number of people. You will be get- ting orders from them." You'i' like our quality work- and prompt ser- vice, too. ffi MOUNTED ENLARGEM12NTS 25c. Sixe 4x0' In Beautiful Easel Mounts .Enlargements coloured by hand Ter a small edditional e'ha'•gt^. STAR 'SNAPSHOT SER\'ICE Box. 120, .Postai Terminal .A, Te1rcnte Print lour 00nnte and atidre"3 ricin• i on r l ordure. NURSING COUItSI. APPLICATIONS' ARE 1N\ i F:t1 13T Uracu Hospital School 05 e urn- inp' 21 months' course ler ftti'- the'r inforrnation, apply Sup.rin- tendent of Nurses, Grace .130: pit - al, Uttaw'a. TRACTOR PARTS Tru d TRACTOR all makes of \treates. rs. General rede Auto St,l Kitchen Supply,, Ont TEACHER WANTED ENGLISH-SPEAKING P le 0 T E S- tant teacher, male or female. for • e+rade, 1 to Grades 8, qualified also to teach French. ,alar;-', $1200.00 peg• so1loa1 year plus fur - Melted private residence. Apply: to Allan \V. Perkins, See. -Trees, Pa.eealis Protestant School Board. Perron. ttucbee. _- itlit;teinTiC PAINS HIGil 1' 111:r'0:14:1tEIC1)141.1-•-EV11R'C sufferer of Rheumetie Paints or Neuritis should try Dixon'e Rem- edy. tiunro's Drug Stole 431 1 gpin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.: t . » ;I'll 4CTORS WANTED WANTED -- TRACTORS ICOR wrecking, all four cylinder mod- els under three ton, Ivan \iconic, Wendover, Ont. WANTED CASE 11141' BALER, 1 R, 17x22, IN good working. older. State lowest cash piece. it A. Twies, Gil,nfoid SW( 101), Ont. H01.SF; (;(301) 0OND171oz. MALL. acreage, in rural distil e t, adtac- VII t highway. Forward Partl,m- 30r;, Mrs. ".onto.. 2 E:iniesl00 ltd., Apt. 4, Toronto.