HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-05-20, Page 2teaeeteeee: fie -epee:
'1/2; :4. teeeked 'nate .
7-e cep Rice Ere; -es
ta4:eepoen neelter hatter
Deueh paprika
Ceek noreiles itt ol:irg watee
, to eelf.ch. eate has been. added.
Draln. Melt butter in »eaueepan.
Add fleur and stock which mar;.7 nse
made by dissolving, 2 bouillon
cube -s In 2 cotes boiiing water.
Stir until thickened. Add salt
aryl pet. Dice hare and nIIX
with r,,,odies. Add thickened
stock. Point into casserole. Crush
Rice Nrispies over top. Sprinkle
with melted butter. Add paprika.
Bake..n. moderately hot oven 20
Yiele1-11 servings.
All -Bran .1illiffins
2 ta":..7.F:Srloons shel-Zer!!7:g
lip sugar
1 euee
irseap. yen
eeaeon trait
21,.; tet.s3icrrills Cnieret. Pee.i.eitee
Mend sisectening and vegan.
4sI4eegge „and: Ton:t welL A,{Titi
end: ..neolnkr.Tek
most ef: moistrze ia
Sife float- with eale end bak-
ing powder; add to firer. aliteerreee
and stir only trtttti. dize.p
peen• FIIIg:eased re,:ffiee peze
two-thirds fti1 one' alee reedee-
ate oven about 30 releutee.
N.B. - If sour n.r
is used instead of sweet milk ese
14 teaspoon soda and 1 teaspeeen
baking powder.
Yield -12 small raw:fins.
Apple Strudel
Line a buttered baking di.L.mh
with Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Cover
with layer of very thinly sliced
cooking apples. Sprinkle with.
light brown sugar, a little cinna-
mon and dot with pieces of butter.
Fill to top with alternative lay-
ers, finishing with Corn Flakes.
Cover dish closely; bake in a
moderate overt until apples are
soft. Serve with cream.
Miss Chambers welcomes personal
letters from Interested readers. She
p/ensed to receive suggestions
on topics for leer column, and Is
always ready to listen to your "pet
peeves." Requests for recipes or
special menus are in order. Address
your letters to "Miss Sadie R.
Chambers, 73 West Adelaide St.,
Toronto." Send stamped self-ad.-
drCfixed envelope if you wish a
'en No. 11:GB
There toe ely diamond shape
motifs are easy to crochet,
combination of a bird and floral
design makes an attraetive table- ;
cloth. Pattern No. 1268 contains
complete instructions.
To order pattern. Write, or
send above picture with your
name and address with 16 cents
in coin or stamps to Carol Alines*
Room 421, 7'3 Adelaide St. Weft,
• It
,day, as always, the 'Sala&
label is your guarantee of a
un arm Mend of fine quality teas.
2" eel • -
4 •
Si 4 C.
ar, *Yee : hie were.;
was cirrieusly of native origin aiet
wee eet, unlike elle of thee gee- ,
eeeene• fecish eat•ving,er z.
Afte: a» while.: lieeeon. Ieoked teP
axel era...ed as 0,7, eve. the Pa.d.eea ,
- .'el I. derile :eel:el think. tlsi1 . .
te13.44 :13.1i -,r1.511 -.Ing eo do •wrreit,.,..it '4'I :.s2,41,7,:rpi,•t11.1.'3,;15::e"-Ir•:::-;',711,..1.aeZtleeot,'
eeetee ieetehe do P.;''..1 ••,;137;, 1..1 a4tt." , Tig7.'- •-•- 1' :;-,..,.;1E1
4 di.h,eA.
,..F111:17 with' thouget ..4,• t.4, . 4. ,1.9.... 0 ,.
1 e
A• 40 000,
THE cAusel
eeee t», eleel !..ely a's 4 -4$
et e
teeIreerep,.. disortt-
one 11.Kr:A
E.hene Teree'• had1e:'
tee tell ;Fee.; ei-ei Ot_ the.
e..teey nee earl frtria your
yieez said,
Vr •
q▪ r.4%`,, 540
re7trened the
a.fte.• eaeeee.
.leet te.at the j.
7.7 -a7 -"Its
a.s • -;•.ek 4.•.l-:-eo• teteg abeet
- ead tre..r.efeereee ite..tee to be.
sarpIng Tels eece arel
nerve ler/eke
. native,
..eee l.n the ee.e:
a117••••Ice-'7,,"'• e
• • - ; eel Isehaved eeree.e.ke
-retie:lel '»e:eee. I ear. 7.;;%.71 dtCti.T.t
"•f.r•, : •••• r ... ray vienee have
":•-;%-• arelled the,
g oteee !e. ei
33 pee.,..':";. ee. „ie.! . • .
this • Jene
tar 414eeee
. •• Neer.J.e.-Fiem Cas6trole
;411 Bran liltifites
Appl, Sirtielel •
• fer taking eee .better
desees cee-
one.. eenF .
reauee.... ene tee'.
4.;1 es -eke in a
.., " has
• ' ....1',',",'.' . ..- .1,...,. Zay.g.!.....,: ..,....... J1... '1.... ,.A.
; ; - I 4 4 - , , . , ^ • r i . 3":!..r1..." *:"..4' teagreee tt.at
:fa foI/ceer-
^..T.t-. i',,• -•,,,i,,.;,,.... 1 : . : c-4.,-etri ...'.',,: ....,,,r..... •,-, ft.,: -.17..., i - '';'' :---.;.• a • 1',.,;1:-,1,i4..e..171e el-eatege!''
• ',..;e:1,. . „ . e . . iltc.....::::"..'
''' ... ::, ''. '1 ':',':' -4'. ::1'7''''''," . ' .,', I • -.::-. -•'. ,,v17.'.el* ;-.,,,: ,......; .7. .. :,,;.z • ! '',:r1---". r',a:
reee. . .ee::,..., .:,°,.;e. re-:, P' L''' '' i: 'IL' g ' 1 ... • :.:':1',1,%'.,,S.' : * i',;'' as l' raet.tieried before,.
.e ^ . • 1 c, ;;E• .''.'-'i:I.,.'„ - ,,- fe.,4.. ..:••rf;.... ''',".-.".r: 2',. -".; iIi .„,,.
,f.•,,e.,et..e.rlet. =r.eatil,. r,..., ,,,.,,,,...,-..-..„.„..,,... ... . • t.:
•:11S"...th i.rro
ee...e.ee i t4 ...a3? wth
ee,a0,)r, and
hhn, as
1 -...,z, reeeraed hoerified a 'being left
t:f (.1.11: a fee; ae,-.y o
.4.,...,,,,,,e,.. a.".. -me wir.h. rite ear7Inee"
,,• ,..1„,,gi m.,..., ..,, e ,,,,,,,,, . ,,., , fe' -..,-..eldeCt. he have destroy-
....e.-eitre, when Mee. ii "let- re.ei-...el ! ..I i'':.'''' aiii.:Eed. Holiitr/a. "That seem..
,,icara,,,,,, .,..,:l ,,,1 ..„,17.i..sit .1..:,„,.. t er! -lie eTeteieu..e. tliere to flee."'
sm.to.',...,n .. r,....4..„ to • '-:' teggc:et:ed it." replied the peer-
iteteet tele
Inseetor, syre.• ea
"e: Ire
storey? Pereeten. the facts.. reeeereee-
res.reen r.iiciard .......ereae
YY:;:riTh.;M•Dr, tO ettee
peehe".....17, know this -...."-fte•tee-
ate mate reeeed," • 1.-g
1'p'.? eee.
Dot eeeak •ef the dere":
sore' egeeed Ifeeeren.. -e.ut
it a -.,azel tike !hie there't, rtoi
atty. Vr.: thie men was
reeti:y in F4 very poor way, eee.e.
bee -ii weat„4ee drinker for matey
yfte.2%, atel seiteeed teen fie% of
rfit.p.r4p44rans:e. which hie
5114 ;late."
"fe.T."21'` eeestioerel Ifeetoti.
woolidn't go so far ast to say
thee, Inepeetor. bet ha. had reieer
eke eierens parly at tel -
but -able, ireaglee. to drink and
peetly to dealing in oettult
"Tee mean Spi;tualistr.?"
soreethieg tar mate Obieter.
-':--,-ttatiablee, That fellOW been
eabblietg a. .1.,400•• deal ftt What be.
4sAlic,F1 Back Magic -at leact, that
erae, how 14 expressed
"I ere!, EiV. please go on."
44 * 44
firet asked to eel! two
Seett -by his wife. who 7.-ae ser-
irerle aiarmed at. h1;3 mentel etate,
zed eot nee to look in and see
tehreitter I crialf.1 do anythitig.. That
was ehont Fie months ago. and
ound 'him just recoveeing from a
pev Ate boot of drinking, and le an
-extremely • PatitEld and nee-ca
etate. He told the he bad beee ate
neeieeing with a woman called
Mrs, Aber:thaw, a widow, I" under.
atatd, who- had lived in Ilene
.Kg temp yea, and had been
vaeoeeng tide reagieal busteite,s
`with e.1:•:;astfoita reeults to 120,t,
tee halite -el,. i•ns this unff,J,uri-
fttA ornan imagined itc.rs!elf to be.
In the power Di goat(' (.1Yii
beaulpir Pariet1 it, cvilif•li
Atitells.t1 itgi-11. h4-1" slid of
VfDs (pi ita dna TiO
trAfl un-: lie lad
.ISSUE No. 21-43
Welcome Relief for
Do ;-'ti Nufftr rii9Lre414 after medic --
iseligeoeien, dyspepsia, ilfartlairn.
sour etteriach, gaii, C=F1FliV(1 arid?
Don't wait for pain to strike again.
lake PAL-O.:MINE itrunedistPly
niter rating to kelp prevent food
fermentation. sweeten the btoniacli,
D(4titrali2C the acid and aid natural
fliyr,tiVe VFC/ri,i54.11. Ala send your
name and adilmq with 25 cent n and
a full /417,(1 tmckage will be mailed
pont-paid. Or talceadvantage of our
special offar--for a limited time
only -ot: five packages for $1.00.
Tize fwergar
neve Toe 10o n rood vi ill
untiviifois, ont,
• and taik •4 :lee `a etnend e6r- he. trAvl ra„6'
w1 Ma"
R, a hie eeeaeke. ; feued ree; ent`eLY" .7"-e'eevere."
eine very •11t. see er-eeel e eeu'3"
"B.e. not w
Ieree thee.. eree'd see, 12°1114
entil a quarter to eleven. to be
her. before, sappeee?"
• imaze.. was in.
'26.4 -d "...etre etate of him as' as '1
mental torture that
eO 7emar.
yes, ead tile I AI:V.:T.-when I was obliged to re -
and raried, ..Teenk I with whom I ea.d appointeneet.
zat as 1 ,sameItt Mfr.,. to my vicaeage to meet a IOW/
Before leaving, however, 1 prom,-
eeme, f've had an awful
ised to come back to the sick man
T.VZ:It keeping it off!' " i half -pest eleven. and see how
Arterling to this demon'!" quer-
Ike was getting on. Even then I
led liopton, in a eaecastic eone.
lied a. jab to get away, for he was
--62111° SO," agr*4t11 -;he 62:r. .MF).t tmwilling to let me go, It -
tried to soothe hire or by ellow-
epeetor, and when I left, he get
htra how f°°1:73' these zerr°7e out of bed and put #73.0wia the cat&
but It was .J) use, wed e; 02 ,be, swing look voteh was on
staeted to tell. me the entire- was the inet,de of his bedroom door."
beeeMing increasingly powerful, I (Continued Next Week)
and that it was FT rer;I:VIET kill
Peetty bad case; 1 hreeid
eoreecented the Inspector.
"Well, 1 thought it. sounded like
the raving of a, neeniee at -he
time," fealesbourne reluctantly
agree& "But in view of wea.t
paned afterwards, 1 ha -re begun to
think . ."
Httvoice trailed off into an aw-
ed eilence, broken at laee by the
"Yros, sir," he pretepted, leeniag
IrwtrL "Please go on."
Tee parson eoughed nee-:euely,
end continued his etoey.
* 44 *
• AGO tt now drew any attention
to a peculia.r pleee or carving
p:•cyoped up on the chest of draw-
ers ruing him. 'That's Afriean
work,' he told me, 'and that's the
thing which is going to eeetee my
death! I got It from Mrs. Aber -
thaw ; like the fool I was, and this
glettetly Incubus creme with it. I
thought I was pay:Eel/11 enough to
ntei•!trr it; but it was the stronger
of the two, and now it won't be
4'y long before MI kill ma.
want you to remember what I've
told you when I'm found dead, one
of these days, Vicar'."
"Anel he was more or lees sober
when he said this '' geeetioned
ehreald say prattieally sober,"
nodded the parson. "In i-Pite of Ida
pzotests and warnings. I got up
;alp had a goad look at the thing.
II was the rough torso of a man,
anti Euemer1 to have been carved
by eumeone who had a good idea.
or anatomy, from a. s‘olid piece of
very black wood --ebony, 1fatiey."
eyee, it was ebony, sir," ampll-
tierl Carlingford.
"OD, so you've got the thing,
have you?" Inquired Hopton turn-
ing to the other officer.
"I-11 show it to you," replied the
Divisional Inspector.
He rose as be spoke and, cross-
ing the room unlocked his safe
and took out the earving, which
he placed on the table before the
Scotland Yard man, who picked
it up and examined it enviously.
* * *
• It was unquestionably primitive
but the person who carved it had
tjultR a lair idea, of anatomy, as
the vicar had said, and the figure
had a itertain beauty, headless and
armless though it was. The thing
V.1110101.....,..... .
OMR tvGAnErros
Shipping Meat
Up to one-thircl the shipping
space and one-fifth the weigt
47e ,s1T.,04' „ft:Avrouv..,:a,co
Ne.edle.-Fiern Casi,E.cole•
1 :ii.::.- salt
2 f.,",:"..f
1 f:eeer
by boning it, separating- it lite
edible cuts, quick-freezing it,
coating it with paraffin an&
packing it in cartons. Formerly
a whole side of fill/ carcass was
shipped. Now it becomes neces-
sary to simplify knives, conserve
steel and meet a more than dou-
ble reefuirement for eutlery.
To A Hero
In Newport, R. I., says Coro-
net, a tatue was -once &reefed
in honor of Michele Felice Corne
-because he ate a tomato! Corne
is the Vint man known to have -
munched this vegetable, proving
to the world that the formerly -
termed "love apple" - presumed
to he poisonous -was a whole -
Peelle and delectable food.
Beautiful Filet Crochet
12.68 1
" eeeteeeeoureee....e.
By Gordon L. Smith
"Regularity" is irr-pertant any time,
?eat it'e vitally izportant in these
terey war days when ali of 1,s, ere,
,v4:,:icing 'harder than ever. Den't you
be "slceeeei down" by that cernmon
type of conetipatien due tr., lack a
i you diet, And he sensible
. correct the trouble right at its
ecenceirzatad of "dosing" with harela
pergcatives that give only temperer/
(40e elf;:e,•erice
ee-eeee ee; pie.
etie'e eelettee;e tee!)
tf: eteet.o., ete!kly ee'reivre
tiee. ,Iteeieg 1neesee
General Care
Once the garden, both vegetable
and 'flower, is fully planted, late
care will be principally cultivation
and dusting, or spraying against
pests, and thinning and staking.
One can hardly over -emphasize
the importande or thinning. Those
small seeded vegetables like Let-
tuce, carrots and beets, for instance,
should never be alowed to grow as
they usually germinate, The same
is true or flowers whose seeds
are no fine thIlt it IS impossible
to prevent their being planted too
close. Carrots, beets, lettuce, etc.,
should have two to three inches
apart in the, row, and the first har-
vest should take out every other
plant to give the .survivoes more
reeve. With flowers, give at. least
hall as much l'00111 between the
Plants as they will finally grow.
CUltivation, too, is vital, not only
for keeping down weeds but for
keeping soil open end !owe, thus
'pushing growth of flowers and
Gc-.'d Seed
irce;..-eele 7.0
7.:.-r may be iteyor.d. cert.
1."1!. • ..:7•;"=.! ge.o.demer has' iti.,eolate.
ater1 leeatioe may ee ideal
eel veil:beet es -Jed irgee!ally
eeieete..1 to tt 17..Feeed:.en eo.rojer
tbe geileg to he
Wild Silk
West Africa is shipping all its
"wild" silk, taken from empty
Teeth coee,ons, to the 'United
Kingdom to he used in making
Eat AT.,lettiRealt .. growl-
tablitg as a :areal or in, tot, crispy.
intiffor.s , eat it eve7y date, drinic
plenty of water then see if you
dree't ferget yeti everhad cereztoel
cenetipation. Eor ewe
price the "bulk" yeer diet •neetto
prernotes natural regularity. Your
grocer' has Aerearteset in two cent
veeient sizeee. Made by Keiicgg'tt itt
leteeelon, Canaela. •-
Man's Physical •
• And Mental Peak
A of iemr t'..20 peek
ereind se" i -,ie reeetal pee,
7144a1 iOOSI1103 been
tleelieing from ehe high
reterriottd at arretrel
!i.e..- may Belli be stea.::.y:.tee:-
11114 ni140f05 heve
7Ott.!, his treetee eateerreation
40,-,eer, his endor.rins e:ande -
goveneieg Itr.14yari00 ared eeeuper-
eeloe ita7e nielergeme. sohange. He
ilio:'' likely than a etoenge: man
well D,FitabilEaad in his trade
perefeeeion, nave a Leese and
to be het in his ways. ..
.tetort, he nits teat:bed a etage
whe:e major reedjustMenta !El his
votne hard arid may reoduce
-4nything from indigestion to a
nervous b.reakdown. are
generalizations, but the Army has
found them to apply with fair con-
As a tribute to the men who "we
clown to the sea in ships", Gullet perches have issued co
ROYAL NAVIES. Also shown are the sleeve markirogs
and shoulder straps indicating the rartk of Naval
Officers and Silhouettes of British Naval Vessels.
We will gladly send you copy of this Geckle. Just
drop us c/ safe or fill in and rndil the coupon below.
155 -5' -
160 West ttorlgo Avenuo, Toronto; ecocide.
Please send me u tree copy of *your booklet
"Ships' lladgos of ens Motosfy's Royal Navies".
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