HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-05-20, Page 1Forty Second Year ZURICI- THURSDAY NOt N1N aa 1 7/1. --liars preserve .4tet .1,.Y..Sielelei„ I„ l ek.g..q i••I + : I-SeeSe Se es .leS+.I.4.ao++4 +++ +'i•'s ++40d;IFrar4��v++ tg• rd; + Cuss Jffntn ttn1ntt `�` .Ont 4. Private Car .Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and 4 Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. - Day or Night Telephone No. 70. 4. :X .Dashwood .._ Ontario + ii.+4, r 4,er ;.4.1,.1.4.4-4• : ^' +�i^& >o^I^�i-�r-°Hel..44. 4.4.4. ;»ar++++ :�+ 4. 4•d.+�' +4 4°,r44 -f , 4 4 tomoulartmlallraC esoosoe see o so wee .11111011.1. tviai; RDEF3s.°Teee'tlZsseo TUNE I N ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 9to 10 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station=C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES, ,CALIFORNIA a m 1 1 9999 » .. iiD@9 ee Saaea tae roe seeBeee COMFORTABLE GLASSES REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER ►e Newest. Approved Method of yesigbt Testing Used. Opera aver"' % W'eek Day Except Weclaesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? • (fan; Have your Eyes Examined with the Lastest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODDRIOH — ONT. Good 'Glasses at Reasonable Prices .1141116,9410910006014.446.41066140 Westlake - Brokers Liire FUNERAL. SERVICE LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 111 impoosimeireeseemeeretreirnewee000et00M0N000000Nw00• 1 1 1 i Spring Needs OUR STORE i5 WELL STOCKED 'W'ITH SPRING NEEDS, SUCH AS CURTAIN MATERIALS, CHINTZ AND TOWEL- INGS, AND OTHER YARD GOODS. SC:ARFE'S 'PAINTS, " HOUSE 'FA'INTS, VARNISHES SCHELLICS; OLS AND TURPS. 'CHICK FEEDS, CHICK 'STARTER„ GROWERS, FEED- ING SUGARS AND CHARCOAAL. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE ,` LAI►►I I STOI Edmund Swartzentrullr, Prop. Phone: 11-97 ?Y is .hennas, our .r: MAY 20 1943 13e:rty. Chester L. Smith, Publisher 1.50 a Year in Advance Buy Govt. c'ecurities Lakeview Casino. GRAND BEND penhig Sato lay 22nd bob Wybr.w AND HIS ORCHESTRA 50c. ADMISSION DANCING EVERY SATURDAY (;Sorry—No Dancing May 24th. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Rose Brown and Mrs. Ella Koehler desire to express their ap- preciation and gratitude to the .neigh- bors and friends for their assistance and expressions of sympathy during the laying aside of the mother, Mrs. Rebecca Stelck. • Also to T. Harry Hoffman, soloist for his message in song. Special thanks to Rev. E. M. Heinrich and Rev. C. B. Heckendorn for their comforting messages. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of The Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cx•ed iton, on Monday, the 3rd day or May at 1 p.m. All members were present.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on illation. • Motion, that the Workmen's Com- pensation Liability Ins. policy be re- newed. . Motion, that an accident Met—trance, sip;Se.y ,•Ise7,, te,Irosrn"':'oUt, pxoteetn5g ea ' member of the Council while on offs- cial :business pertaining to the Muni- cipality. Motion, that the Assessment Roll of the Township for the year 1943 as prepared by the Assessor be accept- ed and that he be paid his salary of $7.25.00 and an additional $8.50 for' postage. And further that the Court of Revision to hear and determine appeals be herd in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Wednesday, the 26th of MVlay at 2 p.m. Motion, that the Corporation of the Township of Stephen invest $1,- 000 in the 4th Victory Loan and' that the Reeve and Treasu.rer be em- powered to make necessary arrang- ements with the Bank far the pur- chase thereof: Motion that pay sheet No. 5 a- mounting to $362.82. as well as the following orders be paid: Co. Treas., Hospitalization, Gassman and Lighfoot $36.75; H. K. Elbet, part salary as Clerk and Treas. $175; Exeter Times -Advocate print- ing acct. 35.67; Municipal' World, supplies 1.75; Superior Co. rubber stamps 1.37; H. Kellerman, hens kil- led by dogs $17; H. Kraft, fowl kil- led by dogs $:12; W. H. Hodgson, ac- cident insurance for Council $50; I. Besterd Jr. fowl valuer $3; do sal- ary as Assessor and postage 133.50; Receiver General of Canada Fourth Victory Loan Bond $I,000. The Council adjourned to meet a - rain in the Towns Hall, Crediton, on Wednesday, the 26th of May 1943 for general business at 3 p.m. • • H. H. Eilber '1'wp. Clerk. T HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We, have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now Witter than ever. Be sure and Tive us a call. URS. FRED'1'.ti.1.ELE. Proprietress' Betty Anne BAnuty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL er. The Better Oil Permanents applied i cis with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Esperionce in all Hair Dressing, GIVE US A GALLI • Phone 68 four your Appeintraents. .1SItet J. A. McGee, insurance repre- sentetiye bf Varna, made a busin- ess: call, in town on Tuesday. Mi:': 'Ross •Gascho, who is employed in tl'e..wvarehouse of National Groc- eries;' London, was home for the we- ek-erid... Re;v .James of Toronto, who rep- reserets the. Temperance Federation, delis re,d an address in the Evangel- ical .church .on Sunday morning, tak- ing the Morning. service. Mn and Mrs. Allan Swart,,entru- ber Wise have been residents in Zur- ich frK,ia• Some time, having purchased a home:•'here, have moved to near New Hamburg where he will be em- ployedt o11 'a faxen. Mrs:: -T. McAdams and son Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams and son D'ewitrd; Mr. and Mrs Willie McAdi ens' of Zurich, attended the funera, on Monday of Mr. Chester IVIc Adams, at London. `. Made Good Showing We 'congratulate the people of this district•, as well as the canvassers and localanager, for the splendid show- ing zna e3n the recent Victory Loan, as: the 'gt}ota was exceeded by about $7,000; and so Zurich and Hay West has " ent Over The Top." Was Successful 1VIr. 4rchie MacKinnon is now spends" a few weeks holidays at the home c a iris mother, Mrs Matilda . cr Duan; Jc o 1eki'» ed hiscourse .of studies at the Ont- ario Veterinary College, Guelph, and after a short course in Public Health, graduated from the University of Toronto, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary •Science and the Diproma of Veterinary Surgeon. Finds Brother Word was received that Private Charles Thiel laft last Thursday for the Eastern Coast, and when landing there to his surprise he found his camp hut was only four doors from his brother Laird who had been train- ing at that ,place for some time. This was a very happy meeting with the two brothers. These boys are sons of Mr: and Mrs. George J. Thiel of town. Died at Dunville Word was received here of the very sudden death of Mr. Jaynes J. Barry of Dunville, who died the middle of last week, with the funeral on Saturday, at Dunville. Mr. and Mrs. Hanry had spent the winter months in Zurich with Mrs. Barry's mother; Mrs. Helen Campbell, and the latter part of April returned to their home in Dunville. We were unable to secure complete particulars but hope to have same in a future' issue. Mr. Barrie was in the early seventies„ and was in the black-. smithing business in Zurirch• for a number of years. OBITUARY Late Mrs. 'Rebecca Stelck Mrs. Rebecca Stelck, widow oftho late William ,Stelck, passed away, on Wednesday May 1.i2th, in her 86th year. She had spent the winter with her daughter Rose, and was enjoying; fairly good health, ailing ,somewhat during the last few months. She was staying at the home of her daughter Ella and on ,retiring •for the night took suddenly ill with a heart attack, which proved fatal. She .was. of a robust disposition, never requiring the services of a Doctor. Twenty- five years ago she moved to the vil- lage 04' Zurich with her husband, when after two weeks• residence there the, husband passed away unexpect- edly. She was a woman of sterling cllar- acter, devoted to her family, ,zeloved Try all who ,came in contact with her. er passing is mourned by Slier two• ughters, Rose Brown, Ella Kook - and a host of relatives and friends he funeral was held from T. Heavy offman's Funeral 'Horne, Dashwood, Saturday, May 15th. Rev. E. M. eimrich, pastor ofSt. Peter'; :t,nth- •an church, Zurich, assisted by Rev. B. . H;eekeedorn, of Zertc'h, con- cting the services. Bartel was in e St„ renter's Gosport little !Cemetery, err TI H o11 er du II.WRS. EDW. GGAS.Q Q1 Zurich 1th i.` 1 You Need S es HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS eweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \iso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade W. R..DAVIDSON Pone 10 ' - Hensel! 4. 4• 4. or SEE. THESE 7940 CHEV. Special Coach,. heater, Low Mileage, Black:. 1039 PONTIAC Coach, Heater, Runs and Looks like 1934 FORD Coach, Re -Painted, Dark Blue, only .. , .$325:.0.0. 1930 FORD A. Coach, Re -Painted, Dark Blue. ALSO ONE 1929 FORD, COACH. 1938 CHEV. STANDARD: COACH. 1930 CHEV. COACH RE.. HINTED. TWO CAR RADIOS LEFT. WARD FRITZ 4. 1101111,1111, v a, OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept ups -date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible, Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position toshow you just the kind of clothing you: will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear, DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these, items. 14 A ERNER Phone 140