HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-08, Page 8• 1• h'• .+x,. ti -r 4 To the Men who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the : }moa , . line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has; stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con.. sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown cal f :. also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are mad0'... with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in rned, and narrow toes. If it is quality -shoes you want E. H .: Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best looney*Can: buy. Give us a call, our. prices are right. E, H.i] . I H OFFER, 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4+ 4 • 4,477777,4 , + CANADA TO PRESERVE HER rte% FREEDOM, LIBERTY, DEMOC- CANADIAN I `NO/ONE ts'I 'AR SERVICES FUND needs 55,500,000 I trivet RASARY, AND ALL THAT WE HAVE by Buying, WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. 3 17. "MA. M11+ i gad and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) muesimeaessamommaxamerl 4 4. 5..., WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 •x CEDAR '1' SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE +�+SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- ..rED. Brand S hingles 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED } LNG STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE RUCK LOAD., ACT QUICK! i 44+ 1 PHONE 69 411111111IIIIIItiRii m1111111111114111I11111111011111111IIIIIIIIIIi111111IIIIIIIN111111 I "�- II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII flllllillllllll, I [il liillih !miff Illlpllllliillllll(!1?I!Illlilifi!INv'' + ZURJei-ps Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LITdE OF FRESH: GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD, INC' WHOLESALE 1 -LOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED. CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR. PRICES &UT. CA.N AS'SURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE .FFQR a•IiEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY 'BEST' Merino so- - • Zurich, [1,4 PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165, gid ball ,1 Iillll11111111111 Im nil j1_ rrreffi1i,!... „11iltJ ;ijaaU,rga „ L ITEMS OF LOCAL CARD OF Tl -SAN. rAmirned•j' The bereft P^toil' of the lane Mr. Rudolph Schvaitzentruber wish to greatly thank rile neighbors and friends for their kindness and'. sym- patlhy dui iig their bereavement. Also Westlake and Brokenshije fbi their services rendered. Miss Kathleen Hay has home from London. hay Council met on Monday for its monthly meeting. Ali Harry Hoffman. of Dashwood, \i•ah it easiness Visitor in. town On :eon clay. Mr. Louis Brisson of Windsor was a business week -end visitor in this district. MIr. and Mrs. Pitts and daughter of Hyde Park were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. .Elmore. Thiel. Mr. and Mrs: Carl. Brun o.r 3/Myer- ton were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, JMr and Mrs.. J. W. Merner. - Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau of and daughter of Kippen were visitors at the home of the former's mother one evening last week.. Mrs. Roy Pask, Mrs. Jean Law- rence of Clawson, Mich., were 'visit- ors with the former's another„ Mrs. Wm. Bassow, Bronson Tine, Mr. and 'Mrs. Byron Ducharme and family of London were week -end 'visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Duch- arme. Mrs. M i1,,,1 Snider has returned to her hone in Sarnia after spending a few 'weeks at the home of. hen sis- ter, Mr. and !Mrs. Hilton. T•ruennier, 14th con. HAY COUNc .. The- regular monthly meeting of the Council of •the Tawnshijl: of Hay was held on Monday,; April; 5th . 1943 with all members present.. Minutes of the March meeting were. read and adopted. Following coinmuni;.ations were considered and (fled;:- .Freels; Dept of Highways, Statement: of subsidy on i.94.2 Toad expenditures and cheque covering to zniea int. of 82i,1k96.66; Ap proval of by-law. No..1„ 11943, appro- val of estimate of $800.Q, for expen- diture' on Rods in 194; Dept. of Municipal .A 1aiirs,• ra; trice that one mill grant on 194a assessment will NOTE—A Farmers' Federation be paid in 1943.; From County Clrk meeting will be held on Friday eve- advising that trees for persons asking ning, April 9th, at S. S. No. 5 Stan- for same will be ready for distribut•_ ley Twp. A special speaker will be ion from grit •ath to 10th., same coir presents, also a programme rendered. be seep ed at of"iice of Towns1, , Everybody is invited. Clerk u..(?on application. Mr. and Mrs. Tames Ziler who' Pas eci1j fQUhwingat b by-law -were recently sold their farm, stock and pro-viidtn� 3 ia.w No. OEsh p 4 implements, located south of Dash- o f o for 'salaries for ree, tlMe i wood, are getting nicely settled in anti? 'finallfy rise be read three, t<irnes their home in Zurich purchased from That passed, the Wendel Smith E , prepared auditors' report for„ h he Estate. We \vel-, re ared by Monteith & Monteith he come .them as residents of Zurich. accepted and account be maid and Mr. and Mrs. William Farrell who necessary copies be printed far distr- recently had an auction salt, on their nbutiaii' among the public. farts, west of Blake, have moved �d to That Tax 'Collector be authorized to return the residence they purchased from the 1942 fax ro1>I and he Mrs. E. Church, in Zurich, ;dust west be paid his salary. Tax arrears be of the Lutheran parsonage. We wel- forwarded to County Treasurer as I come Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and then- provided for by the Assessment Act. ghter as residents of Zurich. That petition signed by 20 asses- sed persons in the business portion Sunday visitors at the home of of the Village of Zurich be accepted Mrs. T. 1McAdams :for dinner were. by the Council and that T. R. Patter - Mrs. Bassow and daughter Emmie of + son, engineer, be and is hereby ap- the Bronson line, iVlrs. Lawrence, pointed to 'make a survey and report Mrs. Pask of Clawson, Mich; Miss- to the Council affeeting :`•�ildred Neeb, Roy Edwards, a sold -the arsse. ier-sailor all of London; Mr. and Mrs ( eel That :p persons in signed.by I1, amiss Will McAdams and baby son Marvin of he Vi,llage tof Zurichhe be north-west portion of Zurich, all partook of a luscious (lij' the Council and that T. R. 'Patter - goose -chicken dinner. son, engineer, be. and is hereby ap- pointedTh, rather unseasonable cold wen- to make a survey and report thFr the I to the Council affecting said areas. a i the winds seem makes on shiver, I That Wilson Allen be awarded the , of winter, fortunately as there is leo I contract for crushing and 'trucking snow on the ground. We think itnavel for .the season 1943 at 76 cls. I would be time again for a little bit per cubic yard. Agreement to be of spring weather. Many of our summer birds have arrived, and this cold is hard on them, Please don't forget to feed them with a few of your leftover crumbs. BY THE ' Jl AL FLET C R ZURICH 11 1 4 4 11144.4++M+ak+++Fq..i,++ +444. `r : 4.4.•?. i.4,, 1, • r+1..4 .;.;,a.4.H.•;.4.4-4+•I•+4.++4.4++++ 44120 + 4.44504.ileWi161'r 67064-diedit4k-tC774$ t'L1":..r•&.k ti' 3144414341 HARDWARE -.- SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 Brooder House Coal We have been fortunate to purchase a Car of Chestnut Hard Coal for use in Brooders and Colony House Heating, which we will let our Customers have in reasonable quantities for that purpose. We obtained special permission to purchase this coal. z 1 1 .. Z PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 4eklsci Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsrnithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a Eine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. Some Bad. Roads Most of the country roads are all dried up, but the Zurich road west to St. Joseph had some bad spots in it last week, and the patrollman, Mr. James Masse was kept busy mak- ing repairs and filling in ,the bad places ed in. TheD shwoodhero road from es rExeter north to Port Blake, has Buffered a lot of abuse and was reported closed most of the way, owing to miring in and llashw'ood traffic to Exeter event by Way of .Crediton. preparedcovering contract to be sig- ned by the reeve for the Township and. Wilson Allen, the contractor. Salve to be approved by the Depart- ment of Highways, That H. W. Brokenshire he a -p pointed assistant to the clerk -treasur- er at a renumeration +of 40c per hr. for time employed. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Hay 'relepnone Relief and general accounts be pas- sed as per voucher. Township roads — Times -Advo- cate, advertising $1.50; .Geo. Hess, act. 60e; IM. G. Deitz, gas, oil, labor etc., 74.65; Brucefield garage, act. 8.50; W. A11 n, snow plow :361.35; Pay list labor 31.99. Hay Telephone — Bell Co. tolls 4 Retail' Merchants `Meet I $' 08.71; Nor. Elec. Co. supplies 62,- PPr 62.- Retail' ly 1ant00 ; H, .Hoffman salary etc. 290.119 ; retail merch- Tray Twp: rates cancelled 33.69; t. from ,Sea'fortli, Blyth, Bruce- Stromberg.+Carlson Co. 60c; H. G. Clinton, Goderich, Varna. and Hess mesville attended a meeting in mos. �salary y87,50; J', McAllister etelo council chamber of the town hall, poles $6. on Mayor J. (McMurray, .Clinton General 'Accounts — W. S. 'John- ided over the meeting. After. ex- ston 1942 overpayment taxes $243.45. ing ,a welcome to the large gar .A: li•, Hess, 3 mons. salary $90; W. thering he introduced g. Johnston. collector salary$100; , C. C. Hunt, London who dealt Municipal the problems of the retail trade teith & World,h ' audit $9; Mon. war time and stressed biro advant- Suplat relief 26A0,aaitdit 152.1.0; J. of advertising on an extended The council adjourned. to meet' a- . A discussion o.t problems fol- gain on Monday, May d the address and a number of o'clock y 3rd, at 1.30 tions answered. p m' A, F. Tress, Clerk. SEEDS! SEEDS! held Hol We are ir•the Market for Good °li Quality Alsike, Timothy Clint Clover Seeds, Etc. I ares tend STADE WEJDOL h ZURICH a r e ed the guest Site QUALITY ,� age PRICE SERVICE 'scale gms 40 • • 10. • s;. 4. ', lli�irr.rcl„e;y, April 8th, 1903 YOUR ardw re and Furniture STO PAINT STP TIME The Season demands to PAINT' T' UP in order is Preserve. the Surface onour y ' ,B'uldings, ft is poor economy to try to save on Paint. We have a good stock of all called for.. Paints, Varnx'shes . and Paint Supplies... ..See these -Ines. Nc w Felt Mattresses We were fortunate in securing a good supply of ' New Felt Mattresses which we are offering the public from $8.00 to $15,00 each, and can assure they are big value for the money. see theml Be sure and •�x 4* iF I i trOhnStOn ''' Iiialbliaisch• , 4. ard.ware Farm : , 4 e. Phone 6'3 I 4,44443+ 4+.4.4.4 4,4S++i+44,P+4+4 4+ 4.4.1444V 4.+++4.04.441.44.4.4444. 1.- ++++++++4,4".,a gwp,gw+++++4.4.4 F���� x •++• ie +++I++ tet , i++ +.a.,t+a+ ++4.+i+�..��..I.+++ i,.. ,'4. �' ' -tu 31717 , Tafl" .,.. � e�:y: � t. (� . road w 7 CHOICE •i+ FURNITURE. See Dar Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Horne. Requirements of VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES,, AND SWEET' GOODS. 4. Ingredients Used arse of the Highest'',Quality- +4. ALL CONFECTIQNS ICE CR AM 1' 4. 011i< Store will be closr� each Wednesdai. Evening ' 4, '`y 4 • +P -F. ift ressurssmassErmeamesesimumaimaummmiasannamimonssespar 4. Eckel's Bakery — Z :rich , Te phone 144 i GENERAL INSTIR,ANCE • EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative - Zurich , 1.!l0040l0000l,00lf0000o00001Msw441,604111041041414181110411 Seed Cleaning Our Equipment for Seed Cleaning ik always avail- able, and in good condition. We will be pleased to do this work for you, all seeds and grains for Spring Seeding... Please arrange to have this done early before th e big 'rush; COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Car of Chestnut Coal ofr use m Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have .all 'tlie called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster ;Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. r L. Schilbe &_Son_1: