HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-08, Page 5iuriehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- . d ur-ed Meats; Rolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins Vii. I Ung Wilt Son PRODUCE. Zurich Cremery Your Home Market Gorr Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices pcid plus a premium for delivered cream's We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry departni:int in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. Far :Produce WANTE Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94. Zurich MINIM INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ce. OF WOODSTOCK ' ISE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- • ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. 1RRstes—$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- 1 frig Rods and all kinds of Fire' Insurance. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE A young Hereford bull 7 mons old. ]Tilton Truemner, phone85111 For Sale 'A steel child's crib. Apply to John Turlcheim, Zurich. • WANTED Cattle for pasture of season 1943. Apply to J. W. Davidson, 'fiillsgreen store. FOR QUICK SALE A real nice cook stove for sale. Apply to Louis Prang. . The annual meeting of the Huron Farmers' Co-operative Company will be held in the Town Hail, 3lensall, on Saturday, April 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m. John Armstrong, President. A. B. Bell, Secretary. FOR SALE In order to wind up theEstate of John Stephenson, deceased, the Administrator is offering for sale the north Half of Lot '7, Concession 9, in the Township of Stanlc y. . For further particulars apply to gunk Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario, qeslicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE - PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting in the interest of helping the farmers during the busy summer season, will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday even- ing, April 9th at 8.30 p.tn., All business men and employees are requested to be present. As wei1 as all others interested, A speaker from Clinton will be present to address the gathering. Zurich Police Trustees. For Sale One white and black male Cocker Spaniel, pure .bred, 18 months old. Phone 112. Ferdinand }Taborer. WANTED. CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone • Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDITORS and Others having any claims or demands against Lydia Faust of Zurich, in the Township of Hay, •are required to forward the same to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April, 1.943, after which distribution will be made a- mong those entitled thereto. Dated, March 18th, 1943. Mrs. Clara Hoffman, Zurich, Ont. — S. S. E Faust, Mitchell, Ont. Executors. ZURICH H► LACE( E' Mrs. Ward Fritz spent' a few days last week, at the home of Dr. and Mrs H. H. Cowen, Exeter,. Born --At Zurich—At the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Farwell, • ' to Mr, and Mrs, Earl E, Weida a son, (Paul Earl.) Mr, and Mrs. Harry I3assow of the Bronson line attended the funeral of her father, Mr, Defamer at Monkton on Tuesday, HAD NARROW ESCAPE Mr. Lous Prang, his wife, son and sister-in-law of town narrowly escap- ed death one night last week :When gas fumes from the furnace Ailed their house. Mrs, Prang was the first to be affected, but thinking that she was suffering from a heart attack, her son, Leonard, called D. P. J. O'- Dwyer. Upon his arrival he noticed the other members of the family groggy and lost no' time with the help of neighbors to :get .them in the fresh air.. Fortunately they had not gone to bed when they were being overcome with the fumes which are undetected in . the air. It is though that if the family had retired, the result would have been more serious But they seem to have all recovered nicely and are about as usual. THEY'RE IN THE ARMY NOW. Bow -Wow! And How - How tens of thousands of Amer- ica's dogs which have gone to year are selected and trained is described in a timely, informative article by the former editor of the Kennel Club Gazette, Louis de Casanova, in The American Weekly with this Sunday's ( April 11) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. Get The Detroit Sunday Tines this week and every week, MORE GAS REQUESTED Toronto — The Ontario 14eglsla- ture's Fish and Game Committee pas- sed a resolution asking Federal auth- orities for a "more equitable supply" of gasoline for U. S. A. tourists com- ing to Canada. The resolution, which. suggests that the present tourist al- lowance of 12 gallons of gasoline, be increased to 75 gallons, followed as- surance from Premier G. Conant that he would do .all in his power to obtain a larger ration so the Ontario tourists trade would not be obliter- ated this summer. M. F. U. A. CONVENTION The .61st Annual Convention of the . Mutual Fire Underwriters' Associat- ion of Ontario was held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, recently at which H. K..Eilber, Secy-Treas., of The Hay"Township Farmers' .Mut. Fire Ins. •Co., presided as chairman. The Convention wae., ons 7o£, r 4 ,1, in years. -Over 200 delegaites repres enting the 67 Farm Mutuals were registered. Group Reports by Group Secretaries were read and discussed. W. J. Scott, K.C,, ✓"ire Marshall, de- livered an address on "Farm Fire Prevention". Russell. T. Kelley o,f Hamilton spoke on "Advertising as a means of Fire Prevention." The Secretary of the Association, Mr. W. R. Cross, in giving his report on The British Aid Fund stated that to date Guar ,o, Ga 'lbw Karn Back NOW that you have your 1943.1944 gasoline radon book, it is up to you to keep it at all times in a safe place. If it is lost, burned, or stolen, you will be deprived of coupons which will not be replaced. In this regard, the policy of the Oil Controller is as follows: • If, through negligence, you lose your gasoline ration book before October 1, 1943, you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than half the coupons to which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. If, through negligence, you lose your ration book on or after October 1, 1943, you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than 25 per cent of the coupons to which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. The new gasoline rationing system, effective on April 1,• will be strictly enforced. Under its provisions, the motorist, as well as the service station attendant, is held responsible if any infrac- tions occur It i' contrary to the orders of the Oil Controller. 0 To purchase gasoline with 1942-1943 coupons; et To purchase gasoline unless you have the correct category • sticker affixed to your windshield. Ark To detach coupons from your own book. (The removal of the coupons Mir is the duty of the attendant.) To have in your possession a gasoline ration coupon not attached to, and forming a part of, a gasoline ration book; To have in your possession a gasoline ration book other than the book Oissued in respect of a -vehicle you own„ or in respect of a vehicle driven by you with the full consent of the real owner. /a To alter, deface, obliterate, or mutilate any gasoline ration V book or coupon. "^- If you sell your rotor vehicle, remember that before making delivery yon must remove the windshield sticker or stickers. Remember also that after the sale is completed, you must mail to the nearest Regional Oil Control Office in your province the gasoline ration book or books issued for the vehicle. THE DEPARTMENT or MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY Honourable C. O. HOWE, Minister 1* 1 Thursday, April. 8th. 1,943 RIi'AIAi'S Ithe United Kingdom, millions of brave men, women and children look to Canada's farms for their daily food. Canadian farmers, who have never failed in times of peace to produce and export the needed table supplies, now are in- tensifying their efforts to feed the people and armies of Britain. On Canada's broad acres farmers are fighting a great battle of production so that Britain shall not lack the grains, meats, fruits, vegetables and dairy pro- ducts essential to victory. The Bank of Montreal's complete war- time banking service is extended to Canada's farmers through hundreds of branches from coast to coast..Our export.. department is'daily financing shipments. of foodstuffs for Britain. BANX OF MONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 325 Years' successful Operation. Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager Zurich (Sub -Agency) : Open MON., THURS and SAT. ' 19. $75,000 had been contributed to this worthy cause by the members of the Association and read a letter from the Hon. Winston Churchill thanking them for their support. It was decided that :the different comp- anies should make a decided effort to increase their contributions to i100,- 000. S. S. IlcDermand of Port Burwell spoke on , the "Supplemental Rein- surance Plan." So far 21 compan- ies had decided to join the Pool a mi , from the favorable discussion, there is no doubt that this plan will be adopted as soon •at the different Boards of Directors have come to a decision. 'Throughout the past year a decided effort was made to reduce the losses by 25 4 based on the av- erage of the previous five years. Some companies were particularly fortunate and Inspector 'Gibbons in, presenting his report on "Loss Exper- ience of 1942" showed that the ran- paign had resulted in a 15' Loss Reduction. The Convention went on record that :they would continue their efforts .to reduce their losses for the present year. H, D. McNairn, K. C. Superintendent of Insurance, spoke on "By-laws of a Farmers' Mutual" and Inspector Gibbons on the "]2c - suits of the year 1942." At the fire sent. time the total net risk of 1 an farts mutuals is $600,655,000 •• an increase. of $23,525,000 for the yr. The total losses for the year $832,- 405.00 a decrease of $90,642,00.. At the present time, over $3,000,000 is invested in Government Bonds 'or 56.6% of the Total Assets, The election of officers for the year 1943 resulted as follows: President, N.A. , 'Fletcher, Hannon ; 1st Viee, Oliver ])ruary, C.A. •Chatham,• and Vice, • 1.1. H. McFadden, Lindsay; Execut- "ive: A. A, Bowes, Perith; 1'. G. Mot' lett, Teeswater i S. S. McDermand. Port Burwell; H. IC. 1 ilber, Credito: Allan Ste cart, 'Hamilton; On Wednesday evening, Profes-; sor Watson. Kirkconnell, M. A., Pro- fessor of English at McMaster Univ-' ersity, Hamilton, was the guest spec-' ker at the banquet. On Tuesday pre -1 vious to the opening of the Con- vention, a Secretaries' meeting was held. Addresses were given by E. W.1 Sutherland, Sec'y of The Caradoc i Mutual on "Losses Cost Records"' and by B. W. F. Beavers, Sec'y of Th h+ Usbnrse & Hibbert 111utual on "Our Neighbor," which was follow- ed by very interesting discussions pertaining to the duties of a Secret- I ary. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the County of Huron to supply 125 tons of Stoker Coal and 25 tons of stove Coal for the County Home at Clin- ton, An analysis of coal mous t ac- company each tender. Lowest or any tender not n.ecess- arily accepted. Tenders to be in the Kanas of. the County Clerk not later than noon, Saturday, April 17th, 1943. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas. at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp"t+ you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using T kinds of grease, We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and eels stow Trained A.ttendRnts Grease Carr Expert Repairing We use the KING AN AL`YSER to properly Tune Up your 1lftitpr. CLEAR GAS FOR 'YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon 3atteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-tb-date Garage and Service Station, Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE O. Fritz & Son hoed Car Lot in Connection