HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-08, Page 4BA .FIELD Mr 'and Mrs. Quentin 13..Hallman, and two- sons of New Dundee were the guests of Mrs. Heiman's aunt, i HERE'S WHAT TO DO You can take your fat drip- pings, scrap fat and bones to your meat dealer. Re will pay you the established andice ice for the dripping scrap £at. If you wish, you to can turn over this money Sto your Committee oro Regis edLocal War Charity, or You can donate you bands {o ping, scrap Voluntary Salvage your roc they collect them in your if ur community, or You can continue to place out 3 your Fats and. Bones { Clean - ox col- lection by y such ing Department where a system is in effect. sr +sk LE1ARiMu 1,OffcN),1101114 A"�1OH o vWAR VERVlCEi NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! Miss M, C. Reid, :Sunday last, Pleased to report that little Miss Marion Makins who was quite sere iously ill is improving nicely. Mr. Jack Stewart of Hamilton, was a recent Visitor in town. Mr. and .'iV1rs. Percy Weston spent a few days visiting in Hamilton, Mrs. George Elliott and on, Billy were recent visitors to London, Mr. Laurie Fowlie of London, Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler of Zurich, were visitors with Misses Frances . and Ethel Fowlie. Mr and Mrs, Charles ,Scotehznere and children were Sunday visitors with her parents at Zurich, The many friends of Mrs. Chas Berry who is in .Clinton Hospital, are pleased to hear of her recovery. St. Joseph and Beaver Town The Messrs. Alphonse Masse and Alphonse Jeffrey and. Miss Cecilia Masse motored to Windsor on Thurs- day last, returning to their home on Sunday last, lllrs, Raehaol Denontme of Wind- sor, is spending a few weeks visiting with her =:ciidren and relatives. Mr. Avila Duc'harnle and Miss 4.Blanche Lcborian of Windsor, spent the week -and with the former's par- racs. i. r. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman and two sons were Tuesday visitors with the later'. parents. Mr. James Masse with his men are leu•sy taking off the snow fences a- ; long the highway, and also patching the plain roads which were badly cut up after the frost had •come out of the ground. Mr. Joseph Masse of Windsor was a Sunday visitor with friends in this community. Mr. Dennis 'Charrette and Remie Jeffrey motored to 'Clinton on Wed- nesday last. DASHW000 Mrs. Earl Neeb and Mrs. Mosher of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb Pte. Donald Restemeyer of Sydney N. S., is home on two weeks" fur- lough. Mr and Mrs. Harold Kellerman at- ' tended the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. (Dr.) E. Broughton, in Toronto last week. !Mr and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer, and Miss Onieda. Restemeyer, R. N. of London, spent a few days with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Otto Res- temeyer. 1 Mr and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong of London, were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. Hamacher, Miss Thelma Weber of London, spent the week -end with her parents Mr and Mrs. D. Weber. L.A.C. Howard Klumpp of Min- , -tents. -t eats.ro-� Pte.Ken. 11IcCrea of Silncoe spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Cur- : rie. Pte. George Scheffhuch returned', to Prisico, George, B.. 'C. after spen- ding the past two„weeks with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartciffe of Clin- ton visited friends here on Saturday. Walter Weber who has been in London Hospital for the past. five months owing to injuries in an auto accident, returned home on Saturday Walter's friends hope for a speedy COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cars are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock' Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. S VETERINARIA.N 1 al M re covert', • Ward Kraft of London, spent unday at his home here. • Sunday visitors at the home of Mr xl IVirs. T. Hoperoft were: Mr and rs. Graham Arthur and son Tommy Exeter, Mr. Russell Roundtree of oodbridge, Miss Myrtle Buir of ichmond Hill, Mr, :George Maynard .C. 1 Flying School St. Thomas; rs. George Maynard of Cooksville; r. Kenneth Wein and .Miss Hazel aison; Jliss Emma Tiernan of Lon- don, visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac is spending a few days in Windsor and Detroit. Late 'William 'Maier The death occurred in Clinton on Sunday April 4th of William Maier, a well known Dashwood resident. He farmed near Dashwood before retir- ng to this village. His wife died some cars ago, He was in his 50th year, �t;ztd is survived by two daughters, Ur. W. B. (TOXON, B.V. Sc. i w VETERINARY SURGEON ° Office with Residence, Main S ,reet, I Opposite Drug Store t•• -vane -9 6. Zurich 1I t. ea. a.etauptoeii, `V .3, l3. V .Sc. aduate of Ontario Veterinary, college, University of Toronto. All illnesses of domestic ani3nals treated by the most modern principles, L'aarges reasonable.. Day or night nils promptly attended to. Also Bre- ,ter of Scottish terriers. Inverness Main lit ..'i p Office on hI zm Meet repels , -melte Town Hall. S 'Thorp 116 AEN +ALL 51 4i 11111 111111111111111111lll111111111111111111101 1111111111111 IIIIIIIIII11l1111ill111111111 ifl11111I 1111 1 1111101111111 11111 1111 III 1111111 II Zurich Variety Store WHEN YOU WANT TO PURCHASE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM ORDINARY MERCHANDISE, VISIT OUR STORE. WE HAVE MANY ARTICLES VERY SUITABLE FOR BIRTHDAY GIFTS OR GIFTS FOR OTHER OCCASIONS. WE CAN HELP YOU - WHILE MANY LINES ARE HARD TO GET AT PRESENT, YET WE HAVE MANY NICE THINGS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC. Always a full line of Toiletry, Stationery, School. Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! III, II.11110! 1PN Illlil IIIInw!�ilillll Thursday, April 8t1i, 3.943 :;3caS��se •>2�.ao:. iia.• i'+ �•�h,•�.�y.,�:�) . _ . and when you buy a Victory Bond, to help Bill, and other boys on active service, you do something that will benefit you too. You save money. It's really a mistake to say that you "buy" a Victory Bond. You are not buying anything. 'You are saving money, and putting your savings where they willbe absoluteIyi safe, and where they earn money for you. (Each $100.00 Victory :Bond earns $3.00 a year -3%o interest.) You are likely pro- ducing more, and earning more. You can save more. You are not buying some things; you can't get them. You are buying less of many t es.,„ ponds'•—y-o-ri can't'1"ielp saving more. See to it that your savings are kept intact—earmarked for things you will need when thewar ends. You will have to replace things that are worn out. You will want a lot of things. Money saved and invested in Victory Bonds will provide cash to pay for them. WHAT IS A VICTORY BOND? A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the full face value of the Bond at the time stipulated, with half -yearly interest at the rate of 3% per annum until maturity. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada. The entire resources of the Dominion stand behind it. Canada has been issuing bonds for 75 years, and has never failed to pay every dollar of principal and interest. .A Victory Bond is an asset more readily converted into cash than any other security. You can' buy Victory Bonds - for cash in a lump sum, or youa can arrange to pay for them, in convenient instalments over» - a period of six months, Your Victory Bond salesman,: will be glad to tell you full'. particulars, National War Finance Committee Mr.,..Albert Morenz of 1Gth, con., St ephen l Tv . and Mrs. s, hiedu .t ner a 'step -daughter of Dashwood; sows, Edward of Dashwood; Wellin. ton of Mio, Mich; and George of De- i - T. Harry }Raman funeral Home in t- 1Dashwood on Tuesday at 2 p.m. with. 3 ; Rev. T. Luft officiating. Interment in g Bronson line Lutheran cemetery. a ort. The funeral was held from •the; AUCTION SALE JJ IOf Real Estate, 'Household Effects, Some Antiques, at ZURICH,, On SATURDAY, APRIL. 17t'h, At 1,30 o'clock, p.m. Real Estate—Consisting of 2 2-5 acres of choice land, more or less, suitable .for gardening, being Lots S and 9 Brown's Survey; .-and Park Lot 2, Brown's Survey. t1'here is on the premises a well built brick house 20::30 -ft., and brick kitchen 123;15 feet; heavy stone foundation and exceptionally good brick work. House is wired for Hydro and has town water installed. House has almost new roofs and real good chimneys. The land is exceptionally good gar- den soil and well drained. • Terns of Real Estate—Will be sold 20' cash, balance in 30 days, tntr ediate possession. Household Effects -- Drop ieaf tabic, sideboard, I10., kitchen :chairs, sink, corner cupboard, ,5 dozen seal- ers, two tea kettles, •large quantity of Dishes, Kitchen table, gollon crocks, 8 coal oil lamps, hanging lamp, Cruet stand,, a'C(e, lawn mower, electric toaster tapestry ') 10 r • .. TRY.. OUR School Shoes START YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS To School with good comfortable and durable School Shoes, We have a arge stock to choose from in all sir- es. Priced for economy. RUBBERS We can supply you with all your needs with .good 'pre -way -mads Rub. bens at our usual low cash prices. Cave .up a Call. • . J. DATARS Reliable Footwear . and Shoe Repair. ins•, Tru les, Cru!) Bags, & Suitcase). "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us le Can! 51-4 2 bedsteads and springs, dresser, 2 wash stands, 2 chamber -sets > bureau o,. 2 organ, couch, i la' ,mirrors, lar,, oblong }wing room table, flour chest, wardrobe, upholstered couch, clock, wood hea- ter, gasoline stove, sewing machine, homemade carpet strips and mats; 3 pair pillows, 3 bed spreads, G cus- hions, pots, pans, cooking utensils., and many other articles. Every. thing will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms--.Cacll Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Mrs. Clara Hoffman, Sam E. Faust, Executors of Lydia Faust Estate AUCTION SALE 0 f .Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, On Lot 1, Conces- sion 10, Bay Township. 2% mules east mid one mile north of Dash- wood, on E'•RI'DAY, APRIL 9th. Commencing ret 1 o'clock, p.m, Cattle -- Holstein Cow due in May, roan Durham cow due in May; Holstein Cow due'at time of Sale; roan Durham cow due.in July; red Durihain cow due do June; Poll An .gus cow ,due in June; red. Durham heifer du.e at time of sale; Durham loan heifer rising 1 yr, Holstein 'lief R iz siry rub , _ .,g. y , ted Durham fall Lorne Cingeizol,r, ?twister'. , heifer ei calve • • o s PT1An Angus � hare; falx ale , �£es° red calf 2 months old; 1 Scotch Cola lie dog a genuine heeler. due at time of sale; 1 York sow arilibl litter at foot. Implements --• Deering ,binder '1'4 ft. cut; McCormick mower 5 -ft. +cud; McCormick -De ,18 disc; fe il� izer drill new, 10 -ft. M.H. nakc„ walking plow, Ford tractor plow Ford tractor. new 1942 model on rubber tires; cultivator, ,rubber mire wagon with good rubber, Bat ha; ; rack 16 -ft, new; 160 -ft. of barn rope, set of sling ropes; electric fen- ce/. new, 4 -section harrows, stone. boat, 2 pig feeders, brooder stove,. 3 barrels, twine sacks, dve,ners, fitnok- yokes, forks, shovels, water pails, strainer pails, milk pails, Separator G.00.1b, capacity, set double harnesttr new, 3 horse collars, awn mower, new C.C.M. bicycle, etc. 'Grain - 150 bushels of 'futrlc ^A 1.60 bushels of mixed grain. flo•usehold Effects — Beaty- washer dresser, buffett, gas stove 3 -burner, gas lantern, kitchen table, 6 dining - Zoom *halts, 2 kitllchesi choirs, �c.io- • quet set, crockinole board; and nnna- emus 'other articles. No reserve, as the ,proprietor ;has rented his farm. Terms—Cash Arthur Weber, Auctioneer_ P. Stade, . Clerk, ter rasiiz '1 y r 2