HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-08, Page 1Forty Second Year ZU II;, H, THURSDAY MORNING, 'AI'RIi., 8 1943. Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.50 a Year in. Advance IV[ake your I)oiIars •r'e You Suffet'ing From Heady ea? 112 re; Have your Ewa Enaaained wit` Xs Latest Methods and Etaelpment at I A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN GODERICE1 — ONT. CeCod Glasses at R4aAllbllable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES -r. ,. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday,. Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF ,T li~,. BE.waeme ars PERMANENTS The Better 011 Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of :Experience in all Hair Damming. 1 GIVE US A OA+LLP .1Phane' 68 four your Appointments. 1%&IS. EDW. GASQO, Zurich •u HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now •.otter than a o. Be sure and .`ive us a call- - IIRS. FRED T -r •,:fir r. Proprietress ST. PETER'S rangelicai Lutheran - Church ZURICH — ONT. - Rev. E. W. Heinzrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 1:1.15 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Desch, Organist 10 :a.m. Divine Worship Sermon: How to Look at the Cross. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Sermon: Barabbus, the nen who missed the Crass. reserve Dr -liberty. Buy Gcvt. S eon les Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135' Thurs., Fri.., Sat. Saturday Matinee SPECIAL FEATURE The Major and the Minor Comedy Drama, Starring GINGER RO!GERS, • and RAY MILLAND Mona Tues., Wednesday TW.0 FEATURES: The Talk of the Town Starring Garry Grant, Jean Arthur and Ronald :Coleman. NIGHTMARE A Mystery Drama, Starring Diana Barrymore, and Bryan Donlevy. Coming—They Got Me .Coveted. Yankee Duddle Dandy. Hitler's Children. Arabian Nights. My Sis- ter Ilene. Lakeview Casino GRAND. BEND "'Musical Patterns by Patton"—Boy! it's a great orchestra! Have you heard it? Well then, .don't miss it when .it comes to Lakeview Casino at Grand Bend for all, of the coining TO THE LADIES We beg to announce that .the Empire Fur Company will be in Zurich 'on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Ap- ril 8, 9, 10th,- with a complete set of SamplesLai at of Ladies es Fur :Coats f o all descriptions.. If you aro inter- ested in trading in your fun• coat for a new one, or have your fur coat. repaired and remoddeled, call phone No. 88, Zurich. • e Westlake - Broke store 1 :FUNERAL SERVICE _• LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL i s AMBULANCE .SERVICE DIRECTORS Day and Nigh Service Phone 158, Zurich Spring Needs OUR STORE IS WELT: STOCKED WITH SPRING NEEDS, SUCH AS CURTAIN MATERIALS, CHINTZ AND TOWEL - IN S. AND OTHER YARD GOODS. SCARFE'S PAINTS,; HOUSE PAINTS, VARNISHES SCHELLIC3,, OILS AND TURPS. CHICK VF.,EOS, CHICK STARTER, GROWERS. I:NG SUGARSAND CHARCOAL. Give us a Call! PEED - FRESH . GROCERIES ALWAYS .ON HAND TUE BLAKE STARE { Ed!m�ui l SINWIZellittlibero NOP. Phone: 1147 1 ('.n en musretans 'w Y ter your hat off. It's. a hilt band, and we want you to know early that Grand Bend is really "on the map" this year, so make yourselves coan- fortable, lads and lassies, and read this: "Musical Patterns by Patton" means that Stan Patton rates high in offering arrangements written by himself. Stan. came East from his home -town of Vancouver as arranger and tenor sax ' soloist with Mart. Kenny and his Western Gentlemen, then decided to stay and organize what to -day is one of the most not- able bands in Toronto. Stan. is a big fellow six feet two inches tall, and tips the scales at 190 pounds. At '2S years of age he knows a lot about his profession. :He organized his first orchestra in Vancouver in 1934, and has played throughout the years steady engagements in that city at The Casino; the Spanish Gill; Alma Academy; Alexandera Ballroom and the Vancouver Hotel, He toured the West, and then the East and West between 1939 and 1940, .and also played at the Banff Springs Hotel. More recently the smartest spots in the East have enjoyed his Music, including the Gatineau Co- untry Club, Quebec, and the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. He established a great reputation at Brant Inn's popular Sky 'Club and Lido Deck. Here he was mentioned as •a most outstanding band leader, capable of playing any style or number, and who made a great show band back- ing New York stars of radio and stage. Stan. Patton's Band is now com-. meting - a very successful winter sea- son at the "Arcadian" in Toronto, and was recently chosen "The Can- adian Batas of the Week" by SInmp- sons, and .featured on their program "What's he.':,Anstivor?",. with Harry "Red" --Foster, Stan. ljhs also been arranging for Horace i.app's Royal NI.Ot Hotel, Orchestra. Stag Pattputa and his Orehestra :open at Grand ,Bend rn Saturday, Tune 26th,' with, dancing every night •until Labor Day'•The Spring season dancing will ;likely start May •22nd, with week -end dancing either every li'riday or .Saturday night until the Summer reason opens:. This year, too, see a change from nickel dancing. n the popular .straight or general admission of 50 cents each. In this way you'll enjoy better 'musical ar- rangements, ' ith'.`financial savin g, and, at the +sane time will help to save manpower. So, Corrie on—help us along• --••tell ell your friends and "thanks a million" until we see• you in May. 'Please watch your' local paper tor Spring . 'WS Caroline Price of Waterloo, visited relatites in town a few days the pat week, Mrs Alex. McConnell and son Lee of Valle visited at the home of Miss Jane Lamont last Thursday. Mr. Ilerb, Kuntz of London visit- ed at .the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Brenner last week. Mra ij ter Corriveau moved this week; ter. a farm west of Zurich. — Seafoxth News. Mr. Charles 'Thiel who is with the army ,at:Stratford, spent a week -end with his,_ family here. Mr. and ;Mrs. James Parkins who are- now at. London, were week -end visitors ti their ,home here. Misses'•:„¥argaret Hey and Delve Truenznei of Itnidon spent Sunday at thelatene of their parents here. Rev. F:: Waist, of Milverton, who is Distrz0 Superintendent, conduct- ed services in the.Evangelical church last )Wednesday' evening. Mr and Airs. Morris Neil ' and children : of Detroit were Sunday guests'''at3ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Menet, Pari:' Line. 1iIrs: W4ni. Basso* of the Bronson Line, ante ktained-' to a supper last Wedneeda31 evening, the occasion be- ing. ;tire mei}riage • of her son Harry, to Miss Tillie Detmer of Monkton, on that -day... We join the many :friends in extendinn Wurtz,e ^"-:.feed Fritz of town and Mrs. H. H. :Cowen of Exeter, attend- ed the funeral; of Mrs, (Dr.) Brough- ton, (nee Ethel Kelleim.an) who was born and raised at Dass veod, and now at Toronto. She leaves her sor- rowing husband and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farwell of Hamilton were week -end visitors at the home of the former's. parents. Pump Out A gathering of local workmen we- re busy on Sunday night taking out the pump in the 300 -ft. town well. The pump had discontinued bringing up the water, and the supply was de- minishing, something had to be done so the arm3a of men took out the pump and found that at the bottom the cylinder had some .parts worn out completely, and luckily they had the new parts on hand and now the ever-growing number of customers, which has recently been increased by three new ones, have again their supply of water at the tap. HYMENEAL Perry—Hamilton In a charming ceremony at the chapel of Metropolitian United church London, Doris Hamilton and Flt. Lt. David :Hamilton Perry, RC.A.F. No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, were united in marriage. The bride is a niece of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Hamilton, Highland Road, London; :the bridegroom is a sen of Mr and Mrs, Leonard Perry, of T'reeport,. RS. Rev. W. E. Mac- Niven, D.D. officiated and soft brid- al music was played by T. C. Ghattoe Given in marriage by her uncle, the bride wore •a• smart street -length frock of silk jersey in powder blue tone, Her little flowered hat was ad- orned' with •shoulder veil in the same shade of iblue, and she wore a cors- age of .red roses. Miss Doreen . 0' - Dwyer 'attendett. 'Dwyer'attendett. her;..gowned in pink silk jersey in..si n lax design,_' with small veil hat and corsage of: Joha- nna :Hill roses. iSgdn. Ldr. J. E. Van - stone, R:C A r:y Centralia, was best man. The reception was held at the home of the bride's -uncle and aunt on Highland ,Road, Mrs. Hamilton chose an all -black costume and cor- sage of 3riarelilfe .t:oeee. After buf- fet refreshments shments Flt. Lt. and Mrs. Perry ..left i by motor for- the east coast, whore they will reside.. The bride 'donned ;for travelling a black fitted chesterfield coat, with smart little white • straw hat ornament with black taffeta ribbon. Miss 'Patricia Russell was a dinner and shower hos- tess for the bride -elect at the Lon- don Hotel re ently. Mrs, Wen Rus- sell and Patricia of Exeter; Dr, and. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer •of,, Zurich were guests at the wedding. .. D You Need Glasse HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. , A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. • Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee :Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Heneall USED ALS . a 4 : TRUCKS 1940 Plymoutl, Custom Coach 1940 Chev. Coach 1941 Ford De Lux Coach 1100 miles. 1941 Chev. business Coup 1.942 Ford Special Coach, tires Iike new. 1939 Plymouth De•Lux Coupe, 10,000 nniies. 1939 Chev. De Lux Coach. 1939 Fard De Lux Coupe 1934 Ford Coach newly painted 1936 Chev. Coaches (2)$295,00 Standard and De Lux 1938 Chev. Standard Coach. 1932 VS Coach $250.00 1936 Ford De Lux Coach $435.00 with Trunk. 1932 Ford 4-cyl. 'Coach 8g5.00. 1931 Ford DeLux A Coach 1930 Fard Coach all.new tires. 1930 Ford Coach repainted $200 1930 Chev. Coach repainted. 1932 Chev. Coach 1931 Chet,..Sedan with Trunk. 1939 Dodge half -ton pick up Truck. 1932 Chev. half -ton Pick-up Truck, 5 Used Car Radios 1929 Ford A. Coach $$5.00. + + + 1939 Dodge Coach 1935 Dodge Coupe WARD FRITZ t, OUR GROCERIES Our. Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL. we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear.• DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Gods, Yard Goods. Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. J, W.. MERNER b