HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-01, Page 7COMMANDER IN BISMARCK SEA VICTORY -Lieut. Gen.. George C. Kenney, in command of American Air Forces in the South- west Pacific, directed one of the most decisive operations of the war in the crushing defeat of a22 -ship Japanese convoy off the coast of New Guinea. Lieut. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, commanding general, Army Air Forces, in a statement said: "In attacking and eliminating the enemy where he was most vulnerable and before he had time to get set, Gen. Kenney utilized the striking power of his air force to the fullest advantage. The bomber crews and fighter pilots who disregarded bad weather and comparatively close enemy air bases carried out their missions in the highest traditions of the Air Forces. Gen. Kenney is a native of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the outbreak of the World War enlisted as a flying cadet. He entered the front line service early in 1918. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action against superior enemy forces near Jametz, France. He also was awarded the Silver Star for bravery. After the war he was commissioned in the regular Army and seved through all the grades. He was given connnand of Allied Air Forces in the Southwest Pacific in September 1942. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If one were introducing a woman to the president or ruler of some country, shouldn't she be presented to him? 2. When a man and a girl are dancing, and another man wishes to "cut in," is it permissible for either - the girl or her partner to refuse? 3. Would five cents be suffici- ent to tip for a fifty -cent meal? 4. What is the proper way to use a finger bowl? 5. Is it necessary for a week. end guest to arrive exactly at the time spc.ified by the hostess? 6. Is it good form for a person to talk at length about his health? Answers 1. Yes; in such a case, the woman is presented to the man. 2. It is extremely rude tc do so, and very embarrassing to the other man. 3. No. Ten per cent is all right when the amount is more than a dollar, but ten cents is considered the minimum tip for a meal. Otherwise, it is better not to give any. 4. Dip the fin- gers of one hand at a time, not both together, into the water; then lry them with the napkin on the knees. 5. Yes. He should be neither early nor late in his arrival. 6. No. This is very tiresome to the persons who must listen and show interest. Modern China began when Sun Yat Sen in 1911 overthrew the last Manchu emperor. SUSPENSE Out into space for his first Gump goes a British paratroop trainee to plunge earthward for a moment of suspense, then the 1ttatic line trailing behind hint snaps taut and pulls open his 'chute. WIIAT SCIENCE I5 DOING SNOW ON FARMS Snow on the ground now means bread and milk on the table be- fore next winter's snow begins to fall, says Science Service. For winter wheat and other fall -sown grains depend on snow now for protection against the cold and drying winds of winter, and they will depend on the water from the thaw for most of their growth in spring. If they get a good start on that in late March and during April, a very little rain in May will suffice to make the crop that will be harvested in. July. Simil- arly, snow makes the early hay crop and the spring pastures, on which our milk supply depends to a large extent. Snow is a major source of the water that few of us ever even think about, except weather men and agricultural scientists; what is known as subsoil water. This is the moisture well below plow level, an which trees and bushes depend, and the deeper -reaching roots of maturing crops. Corn roots, for example, go down from three to five feet; alfalfa roots as much as 20. And it is this moisture reserve that they depend on. Water that trickles down through partly melted snow dur- ing occasional winter warm spells is an especially good means for replenishing this deeper deposit on which crops may draw latex on. Such melt -water cannot run off very well; there is nowhere for it to go but down. How much water it takes to make a bumper crop is vividly brought out in a calculation of- fered by J. B. Kincer, of the U. S. Weather Bureau. Comparing the excess of water that fell in the abundant crop year of 1942 with the scanty fall during the desper- ate drought of :1,934, he said: "If it were possible to load this excess water on super-traine of 100 tank cars, each carrying 100 tons of water, and transport them over a super -railroad at the rate of two trains a minute around the clock without missing a .single schedule, it would require more than 100 years to complete the shipment."... _.. Hatch hi Floor Of New U. S. Tanks The latest M-4 and M-5 Ameri- can tanks are designed with a floor hatch which is not only use- ful as a means of removing wounded, but as an exit for unin- jured crew members in case the armored machine is overturned during combat. --� ..Approximately $600,000 a year woe' spent by Louis XVI, of Preece for buttons, which he col. iected. Scratchin.!i Ior quiok rob `afiromitching of eczema, pimples, title Lote'n [act, oaks, scabies, r;;+treeand other i�te r mailed akin troubles,neo torid-fnmosl, ooig,�nt� septic, iketad DJ). D. i'resoripi7on. Greenlee), (tigbtailthe,omk t Atiirhn3Bt e promoit, mneyhno Vont' dtunist today for 0, 0, 0. PRESCRIPTION. Have You Heard? He'd waited patiently at the post office counter for many min- utes while the two assistants con- versed, "Her evening cloak was a won- der," said the blonde; "it was lamb edged with fox fur, and wide sleeves of printed Oriental satin." Then the worm turned. Rap- ping on the counter, the customer said: "I wonder if you could provide sue vith a stamp in royal blue, with ., perforated border all round the 'tout ensemblea delicately treated on the reverse with mucil- age? Something about two cents, please." "It's a bottle of hair tonic, dear." "Oh, that's very nice of" you, darling." "Yes, I want -you to give it to your typist at the office; her hair is coming out rather badly on your coat." The thrifty wife had persuaded her husband to buy a small cask of beer instead of going each eve- ning to the local pub. When he had drunk the first glass his wife said, "Now, John, lad, you can reckon you've saved a penny." "You're right, lass," replied John. "I'll draw another one and snake it twopence we've saved. At this rate I'll soon be able to buy thee a fur coat." A Manchester furniture store which had received a se- vere shaking from Nazi bombs bore the following no- tice: But you ought to see our Berlin branch. After being engaged to a girl for several years, Macpherson same to the conclusion that she would not make a suitable wife, and decided to break off the en- gagement. He found, however, that she bad grown fatter with the passing of time and that it was impossible to ,remove the ring. So he is marrying her at Easter. Brown: If you had $20 in your pocket right now, how would you feel? Hawkins: I'd think I had someone else's trousers on. Weight Per Basket Of Various Fruits Table of Weights Helps To Salve Canning Problem Many housewives who propose to can considerable fruit this year have informed local Ration Boards that their task of comput- ing the necessary amount of sugar required would be 'simplified if they knew the number of pounds per basket of the various fruits. They paint out, for example, that if they "do down" an eleven - quart basket of cherries, the Ra- tion Administration of the War- time Prices and Trade Board will allow them a half a• pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. Therefore, the question is "what is the weight of an eleven -quart basket of cherries?" * * P. W. Hodgetts, Director of the Fruit Branch, Ontario Depart- pient of Agriculture, in providing the required answers for Ontario fruits, stresses that the weights given below are average rather than definite and may vary with varieties, size of fruit, height of larger fruits in the basket, etc. However, the information, it is believed, will be of considerable value to housewives who must fill in their application blanks for canning sugar (found in their new ration book) and forward to their nearest Local Ration Board not later than April 15. * * * Here are the average weights of fruits per basket: Strawberries, quart, 20 ounces; raspberries, MIDDLE -AGE WOMEN (yrs -o d) HEED THiS ADVICE! H our arose,restless NERVOUS - suffer hot fues, dizziness -caused by this period in a woman's life- try Lydia E. Pinlcham'S Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow labeldirer), tions. Made in, Canada, quart, 22 "ounces; cherries, 6« quart basket, Tia pounds; 11- quart basket, 10 pounds; black currants, 0 -quart basket, 8 pounds;. red currants, 6 -quart bas- ket, 7 pounds; gooseberries, 6 - quart basket, 8 pounds; plums, 6 - quart basket, 8 pounds; 11 -quart basket, 16 pounds; pears, bushel, 50 pounds; 6 -quart basket, 8 pounds; 11 -quart basket, 16 • pounds ; peaches, bushel,. 45 pounds; 6 -quart basket, flat, ` 8 pounds; 6 -quart basket, heaped, 12 pounds; 11 -quart basket, flat, 16 pounds; grapes, 6 -quart bas- ket, 71ia pounds; 11 -quart basket, 14 pounds; apples=, barrel, loose, 130 pounds; bushel, 14 pounds; 6 -quart basket, 8 pounds. - w an. ? By Anne Ashley Q, How can I remove varnish from fabrics? A. Saturate the fabric with turpentine, rub between the hands, and sponge with alcnhol or chloroform. Q. How- can I utilize leftover asparagus' A. Try mixing the left -over as- paragus with celery, pickle relish, and salad dressing, and serving on lettuce. Or combine it with left- over ham or veal and serve in a cream sauce on toast or buttered toasted rolls. Q. How can T remove mud stains from black silk? • A. After removing the surface soil, rub the spots with a eut po- tato. The potato leaves a starchy deposit that can be brushed off when dry. Q. How can I have a smoothly ironed surface when there are buttons on a garment? A. Iron the button part of a garment face down on a Turkish towel, and the spaces between the buttons will be nice and smooth. Q. How can I clean a hair brush thoroughly? A. Dissolve two tablespoons of powdered .barn.: in boiling water, adding e1, ieeh lukecvarni snapsuds to make two quarts. Dab the bristles of the brush up and down in this mixture, being careful not to wet the back of tut, brush. Rinse well in warm water, then in cold water to harden the bristles and keep them from discoloring. Hang in the open air to dry, bristles downward. Britain's "Make Do Arid Mend" Drive "1 myself have sworn a solemn oath not to buy a new suit of clothes as long as the war lasts," declared Hugh Dalton, president of the Board of Trade, In opening a "Count -Your -Coupons" Exhibition at Charing Cross, London. "We must all wear the clothes we already possess and go on wearing them until they simply cannot be worn any longer," he said, "More darns in your socks mean more bombs an Germany." Demonstrating his idea was the central. feature of the exhibition - a huge hand holding one clothing eoupon, with the following words beneath it: "One coupons saved by every- one would release 8,000 workers and 5,000 tons of raw material, which ivottbtl niai.o l?' I.r;•'fl field tlniftll•1ti:'•. Q1' e10!110 f!r:1r.',l - !s from head to foot, i, t coat and shoes." The exhibition, organized by the Board, of Trade, is being re, ed in in 34 stores in other t.t'itish cities, and a smaller version is being shown in 350 factork,s. it is part of the Board of Trade's "Make Do and Mend" Campaign, launched last fall to make the public con- scious of the last thread of value to be gained from old clothes, The Robinson Family The exhibition does this fob with a picture story of the "Rob- inson" family -father, mother, two girls and two boys. They are think- ing of buying new clothes, but the mother says she will manage all their coupons and will l,00"k through their old clothes first to see what can be patched or re- novated. Instead of buying a slip, the mother makes one from an old summer dress. Another dress be- comes a new blouse, while an old winter coat is made into a skirt. The top of an old dress and an old skirt make a new spring dress. Father's trousers out down make a pair for the younger boy; and the little girl gets a sleeping suit out of at. old pair of his pyjamas. She also gets a coat and hat made from an old flannel jacket which her older brother has outgrown. CL i:i.SSIFIED ADVE 1TISEMNT: BABY CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. t3AYWOODS QUALITY CHIX. Quality at reasonable prices. Free catalogue. Immediate deliv- ery. Produced from our own blood -tested s t o c k. Gaywood /farm, Mount Hamilton. ASK FOR BRAT' DAILY SPECIAL, listing odd lots from extra large hatches; you may find lust what you want (Give second choice when ordering). On hand are some - heavy breed .started cock- erels (Pine for the later lean meat markets) and started pullets. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BETTER CHICHS, STARTED earlier -that's the way to better profits. Canada needs food! Pa- triotism and profit go together when you start your season with better chicks-Tweddle chicks may be your answer this year. They give yuu a choice of alt the popular breeds and crura breeds. They are Government Approved from bloud-tested breeders -prov- en fast -growers, heavy -layers, healthy stock. Send for the • Tweddle catalogue and price list. Prompt delivery on Barred hocks, White Leghorns and many of our other pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Send for our bargain prices on 2, 8, 4 and 5 week-old heavy breed cockerels. Prompt delivery on many purebreeds and hybrid Limited, addle Fergus, Fergus,hick Ont. ciil6Ky WORLD RECORD PRODUCTION STRAINS - Chicks - large Leg - horse, Rocks, Reds, Australor"pia, Sussex, Leghorn Rocks Sussex Reds from Banded and blood - tested breeders. Livability guar- anteed. MARTIN CHICK FARMS, GALT. BUILDINGS FOR SALVAGE WANTED TO BUY BUILDINGS for wrecking, Factory, Mine equipment, Bridges, Dredging Equipment for Salvage. Taylor's Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford. COWS FOR SALE JERSEY BREEDERS BE1N t+ 0VI.IteltO\V0100 WE have a few purebred registered fully accredited cows tor sale, high testers and excellent pro- ducers, Look them over and take yi ur r ownchoice. Bokar farm, , Whitby, sewer BALM SAUMLLIS.A FOOT 13A1.M destroys oftensive udur instantly, 45o bottle. Ottawa agent Denman Drug eerie, Ottawa. k� O.it t4 ALl9 CHOIC'1: YORKSHIRE 13 te ARS, and Sows, front two• months Up. Sire, and Darns bred from tho best Advanced Registered breed- ing. One choice Clysdale Stal- lion; one Hackney Stallion. Col- lie dog pups heelers, two fe- males, eight months working'. Herbert J Miller, Keene, that. ON 0t11 APRIL CLEARING+ OUT cash sale Stock and Implements.. Premium Staliion4 for Nineteen Worthy -Three, Forty -Four and Forty -Five. J. L. Falconer, Dub- lin, Ontario. McCORMtCIC-D7 33RING 10-20 TRAC- tor, Rebuilt, now guarantee, $t,00 liar . McCaw, Ontario. 4Hayfield S FURS, HIDES, WOOL SHIP US YOUR HIDES, FTJRS, Wool, klorsenair. Top prices, prompt returns. Pearliitan & Goldberg. 180 Front Street East,'Cot'onto. Government Licensed Wool Grading Station No. 22. DYEING .i 0LIeANING: HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeIng or eleaning7 Write to tie for tntormatioe. We are glad to anewer yew' questions. Depart. men t" H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, i91 Yonge Street, To. rUt1tU. FISHERY VOIt SALE LAKE ERIE POUND NET FISH- ery for sale. Ideal location, prov- en fishing grounds. Will sell equipment separately. Roy Miller, Lowbanks, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELI' WANTED WANTED, FOR FARMMARRIED man. Fine brick house; School 40 rods; Canning. Factory on next property; on "Asphalt highway;" near large Town. S. Edgar Mas- ten, Bloomfield, Ont. HORSES GELDING RISING THREE 'YEARS old. Hackney and Thoroughbred cross, suitable for riding or driving. Leckie Bros., R. 2, Sarnia, Ont.. MARES PURE 13R3:1) vLYDESDALE mares, for ,ale. George Watson, Leonard, Ont. MACHINERY CASH PAID FOR ALL SURPLUS machinery. Gilbert C. Storey Machinery- Company, 25 St. Albans Street, Torento, Ontario. MANGEY., SEED MOORE'S GIANT WHITE SUGAR. MANGEL. Registered No. 1 Germ- ination 90% in 3 days. Special grading process assures even sowing, uniform stand, heavy yield. Absolutely peak value, best mangel buy: 75e lb.; 2 or over 700 ib. prepaid. Ralph Moore & Sons, Box 126 Norwich, Ontario. MEDICAL NATURE'S HELP-DIXON'S REM- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neu- ritis. Thousands praising it. Munro's Drug Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 41.b0. HERBAL HEALTH( TONIC DON'T READ THIS - UNLESS you are looking for a genuine herbal health tonic, laxative and blood purifier - one w h i c h strengthens, peps up and im- proves kidney, liver and bowel action -ane which will aid in cor- recting stomach and digestive upsets, removes pimples and blackheads -one which will even smooth out the kinks rind give quick relief to rheumatic aches and pains. Customers say that Nu -Tone herbs will do Dile and even more, and the are going to make it so easy for ynn to ob- tain two packages to prove their merits for yourself that you Can- not :Ilford to pose it np. 2-Po11-1 SPE4.1 •'7.1L ,.ifs t'lal Mail us one del'' r bill .,ted Re' W ll! s."tui x011 ret.nrn 1411'01 post, t W .o rc-,.ul;rr' lltit'.SiZc: pftelco ri:, of Nu -Tone 7[.•rhs-a full Iwo months' treats •nt for Just the prim, of one. TI.it offer good t 1114)11111 only. runninglo\.Malouroder today. UNITED St'PI'LY COMPANY 106 Queen West., Toronto NATt131+;'s 111OML1)IES. TREAT Pile .torture with Palova Balsam. Monty back guarantee $1.00. Arthrits end Rheumatism pain quickly relieved with 13rcenatone and Lemon. One months treat- ment $1.OtI. Indian Rentediee, Ilex 118, 'Vancouver.. • OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO LIVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- motion sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS G'IO1'Hitllt.l'1'ON L"lAttl,l:l & 1:G)1),ll'AN Y Patent Solite toes t0S1ahltafec 1890: 14 King West, 'Toronto t3n0 1e d l f lTlrerma410 t1 x)11 re- quest. MiI,ic CAS ill•,NT1R'L 1) RUSTY ells I( t .ANs 01113NtaSa like new \V4' elm) 1307' 0141"mns. hi on teen 1 'i'inttinr; & fetirrnieg Go. Ltd., Montreal. PERSONAL 10LIJA/I COMING BEFU&III Christ. Wonderful book sent fi!ee. Megiddo Mission, Rochester. New York. DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Rain, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by blah Any 0 or 8 exposure film perfectly, developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Tot .tito - Y REPRINTS MADE FROM NEG- atives 3c each. Enlargements size 5 x 7, 15c; 8 x 10, 20e. Prompt mail service. Foto Finishers, 423 Jarvis St., Toronto. &TENTS & TRADE MARKS S 19G.Ellt'roN R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years. 8i1 Balsam Avenue., Toronto. RABBITS FOR 50c I WILL SEND COMPLIIT.E7 information: breeding, housing, clipping, marketing;. Angora rab- bits. A. 30. Klasson, Box 4, Ros- enfeld, Alan. RHEUMATIC PAINS GOOD RESOLUTION - EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or, Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. SLICERS FOR SALE MEAT A N D BREAD SLICERS 25.00 up -real bargain. HelicalProducts Company. 532 Colloge Street, Toronto, Ontario. SHETLAND PONIES SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE, Bartons Pony Ranch, Nokomis. Sask. STOCK FOR s tLE SINGLE CO1i13 RHODE ISLAND Reds, Exhibition quality. EGGS FOR HATCHING Group 1: $3.00 for 15 55.00 for 80; $7.00 for 50. Group 2: Half price of til'ou11 One. Quinton 43k Son, Whitby. Ontario. TECHNICAL BOOBS IrItEE c'.\TA .i-lilt'L tsl' "Il '13Nt- cal boolts for ilte pructien1 man or elleina 1•. 0,,inlla ion -\\:at 111111 oui.1 _rry 3 \A t , or .eels C. Cele ed co. 1,141..1 'l'F�.n lint"•ic is\l::i : lh pr.a'ati1. nt 8,3 111,0 . 'i'.. ,.n. . 'rlt.tt'l'I4):o' FOR sALE:- \N iee.41LE ';A Sr1LINle Trn.•t,tn1 engine, uta, ,e RP. en belt, clutch 1'111ilY, prig, z :.t'.. Apply. to 6\\1;31', JOM P'. 1 tial, li:,uvroft. Ont. TlYRICEY 3A1UL1 s TURKEY .1i )L)L1\1S, 30 C;IONTS each, delivered. John W. Wild, 111 Lansdowne Ave., Loudon, Ont., TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR PAL -RTS N 10 W .'.ND used, for all makes of treaters. General Auto and Tractor Supply, 11 lot edel ielc St., Kitchener, Ont, WTANTI D - 31tatenAsent`E &IARi)WARE, PLUM MEC- tlseal, Estates, s, Bankrupt and discuutinned storks hnuuht for rash. Taylor's \,rlchendi14, 420 Colborne, Bran treed. Tskin of a thane -year-old lie st male seal is the most valuable for fur. ISSUE No. 14-43