HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-01, Page 6HORSEPLAY, TUNISIA STYLE 'air of P.A.F. flyers in Tunisia attempt to board a beast of that strange land of war, and the seems to be getting as big a laugh out of it as anybody. VOICE OF IHE PRESS NICE SAILING Considering the fact that for 20 years before this war, the shipyards of Canada had not launched a single sea -going ves- sel, it most be recognized, we think, that they have done ex- ceptionally well since in produc- ing a million tons of ocean-going cargo ships and 300 naval craft to escort and protect them, —Brockville Recorder and Times —0-- ITS o—ITS REAL PURPOSE Liquor buyers must now show their national registration certifi- cates.. So, after all, those mil- lions of dollars weren't spent just to find out if you could milk a cow. --Huntingdon Gleaner —0— PLENTY OF TIME LEFT The a8 -hour work week in the U. S. stili leaves them 120 hours to write that letter to 168 -hour week soldier boy. —Guelph Mercury —0— YARDAGE Wartime sewing has brought a tremendous sale of yard goods. Victory planting will do likewise. Sherbrooke Record HIS SCREENS SCREENS DOWN That plague of Mosquitoes over Berlin caught Goering with his acneena down :and no swatter. -Ottawa .Citizen Penguins Climb Up Hill To Die Dr. R, 0. Murphy, curator of the American Museum of Natural History, vouches for the follow- ing: ollowIng: At South Georgia Island he ob- served that he almost never found the dead bodies of full-grown pen- guins. One day be discovered the reason. At the summit of a long kill he came upon a little trans- parent lake formed entirely of snow water, and around the mar- gin stood several sickly looking penguins, silent and drooping, seemingly exhausted by the long climb frons the beach to the top of the hill. "I don't know why," said he, "hut the air seemed oppressed with tragedy.- 1 walked to the edge of the pool and looked into It: translucent depth. On the cold blue bottom with their flippers outstretched, were hundreds, pos- sibly thousands, of dead penguins that had made the last weary Climb to reach this peaceful spot. They lay face up, their breasts re- flecting gleams of light from the darker water." Gerrnans Pile (Jp Debt To Russians Kharkov, Russia's fourth city, was in German hands 13 months. At time of capture it had a pop- illation of 1,000,000. When re- taken a few weeks ago population was 300,000. Germany had deported 110,000 able bodied citizens as slaves, had carried on mass murders, hang- ings and starvation, while looting, destroying and otherwise acting in a manner that would make a say. age look like a civilized person. Bodies hung in the streets for days, The 300,000 survivors were found emaciated, suffering, starv- ing., victims of Nazi brutality. Thousands of homeless children roamed the streets, like little ani- mals. The story of Kharkov was the story of Rostov and of several other cities. The Germans are piling up a debt and the Rerssians aregoing to demand that it be liquidated, Premier Stalin has said that the fled Array, organized to defend the homeland, will be an avenging army. A great many guilty individuals In Germany should be giving tltqught to the easiest way out, THE WAR - WEEK — Commentary on Current livents We Must Wa War _ of ore We Can ake Definite Plans For Peace rime Minister Churchill's Sun- day broadcast has provided new impetus to the fascinating occu- pation of planning for a better world, says the New York Times. Such planning now claims the at- tention of all Governments and numerous private organizations throughout the world, and espe- cially in this country, Even Hitler is preparing to announce a new "charter" for a "new Europe," in which the small nations are to be left some identity provided they Combine with the Axis in a com- mon bulwark against Communism. Churchill's speech is the most de- tailed and most authoritative Bri- tish pronouncement of the post- war world so far, and in its inter- national aspects embodies, pre- sumably, ideas which Anthony Elden is now presenting to the American Government. Mr, Churchill himself warns that such planning must not divert us from our first and foremost task of winning the war. And he likewise warns that "nothing could be mare foolish at this stage than to plunge into details and try to prescribe the exact groupings of states, or lay down precise ma- chinery for their cooperation or, still more to argue about fron- tiers." With these admonitions every sensible person will; agree. Nothing has done more harm to the oause of the United Nations than the • recent arguments about Rus- 5Ya's post-war frontiers.. Refuses To Make Premises The world in general and the United States In particular owes a debt or gratitude to Winston Churchill for this broadcast, com- ments the Detroit Free Press, Not because of what he 'said but his manner of saying it. There was a direct frankness which should establish a new tone for inter- national discussions. There was candor even to what he did not say; for, not once did he mention China in postwar plans, That avoidance in itself is of vast sig- nificance. There is a refreshing element of bluntness about Churchill's speech. He spoke as an Englishman look- ing after the interests of the Bri- tish Empire with an honest atti- tude of intelligent selfishness; that what is good for the British Com- monwealth of Nations should also be good for the rest of the world. "Nothing would be easier for me than to make any number of promises and get au immgcliate re- sponse of cheap cheers and glow- ing articles," he declared. He re- fused, he said, 'to make promises without regard to whether they can be performed or not , . I only wish to do airy duty by, the whole mass of the nation and the British Empire." No glittering generaities _about "Four Freedoms" for all &iiankind everywhere. No definite program at all. Ouly a plea that the British people be prepared for "situations which are likely to occur." A Council of Nations Ile suggests "as an idea" agreement among the British Bin pire, the United States and Russia for the eventual establishment of a League of Nations with teeth, a possible international army; the creation in Europe of a council of nations, with Germany included, and. the smaller nations organiz- ing, within the council, Ieaguee of their own. But not until Hitler is beaten LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher WIET "April foail!" should sucli programs take up too niucla of Dur time then will eonz0 the opportunity to "znakn a new declaration." }lo suggests that there be a similar council of As- latic peoples, 11 would seem that he includes the United States in the lsrsopean council, without con, sideration of our own Western lfernispilei'e "council." He speaks of British colonial possessions "of which we are true - tees in every part of the globe," Naturally, that takes in India and territories in the Oient. These are problems to be taken up later when Japan is beaten and an As- iatic council is created. He snakes no 'pretence that Britain will not sit in that council es "trustee" of her colonial possessions, Nothing is said about Russia's ciaim to buffer territory which would swallow three of the little republics created at Versailles. These are matters, he emplies, -which should be taken up after Hitler is crushed. The Rock of Freedom The majesty of his concept is his pledge of no idle promises. Here he says in effect is where Britain stands, the rock of human • fr•ee- dom, as he sees it, the savior of civilization. It is not difficult to do business with a man wben you know where he stands. And so it is with na- •tions, The world needs such hon- est utterances to cleanse it of the clouds 01 emotionalism and dream - world Santasies. It would appear obs sous that Churchill and Stalin are in complete agreement, Each unashamedly --in fact, proudly— is looking after the interests of his own people. This is not to say that Churchill lacks the vision of a brave new world. Few hien of modern times have sounded a deeper spiritual note on the things to be hoped for. But his hopes do not run away with his understanding of the harsh practicality of the world in which we live. Throughout all he says there is the refrain: "I was not made the King's First _Minister to liquidate the Empire." Ninety percent of the Churchill speech was for home eonsumptlon in which he laid down the ground work for a post-war program, It was a magnificent presentation od tlie• hopes of the people—clear, concise, understandable. THE BOOK SHELF A CERTAIN DOCTOR FRENCH By Elizabeth . Seifert When a strange and beautiful woman conies to a small town for an extended stay, there's bound to be excitement. Just why, for instance, did she decide to conte to Cantrell, where she apparently didn't know a soul? Was she a nurse, since she was so quick and efficient in emergencies? Would something develop out of her friendship with the town's most eligible bachelor? Was she really married? Did anything ate behind her association with the unpopular Doctor French? Dozens of unanswered ques- tions flew around the little town as tongues wagged and heads nodded. Not until a woman was murdered by an overdose of drugs did the mystery of the visitor be- gin to unravel. A Certain Doctor French . — By Elizabeth Seifert . . Dodd, Mead & Company ... Price $3.00. These Are Things You Cannot Do in the current print of that very sane, distinguished weekly, The San Francisco Argonaut, there ap- peared eight points which this country at this time might well ponder, says The Ottawa Journal, These: 1. You cannot bring about .pros- perity by discouraging thrift, 2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong, 3. You cannot help small men by tearing dow„ir big men. 4. You -cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. 5. You cannot lift the wage- earner by pulling down the wage - Payer. G. You Cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. 7. Y'ou cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. 3. You oaunot hells leen perma- nently by doing for them what they could and should do for them- selves. Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs M UEP,V hrE AP14i:(:3©xi:u NO0 .' THE UN'CCNQUERAB ES Women of the United Nations In War Among recent arrivals. lin Britain. are Mrs, tilizabeth Kisiel and her two, daughters, Janina and Wanda, They hive traveled through Rus- sia, Persia, the Middle East and round .Africa --. to join the Polish Before the war Mrs. Kisiel own- ed a cafe in the Polish town of Vilna, Her daughters attended a local school. Now all three are serving in the same Polish A.T.S, unit, trainieg to be radio operators and looking forward to the day when the cafe in \rilua will be open again --with a special wel- come tor .British and American visitors. * * * Fighting Frenchmen who cannot speak English but want to send letters to English friends are for- tunate lit having Michele, a l9* year-old dancer at a London club, to write' for them, "It helps to ease their loneliness a little, and it's my contribution to international goodwill," Michele auaintains, This Frenchwoman brayed the English Channel in a petrolless motor boat soon after the German invasion. Hee another, with whom she escaped, opened a club in Lon- don for men serving with the Fighting French. Last year the club was damaged in an air raid and had to clese its doors, but the damage was event- ually repaired and Michele, be- tween shows, still translates let- ter's for the Pailus, * * * A thousand Czech women are undergoing military training in the U,S.S.R. preparatory to manning anti-aircrafit guns and searchlight stations. They wear battle dress and steel helmets, and have the same pay as Czech soldiers. Most of the women have escaped from occupied Cacho -Slovakia to 'wade foced labor in German plaints and factories, preferring the lot of a refugee to service in the Ger- Man, war machine, Many of thein reached• Russia after months of 'Wandering; others arrived with Czech so'idiars re- treating from Poland. U. S. Uses . c rtc. Rr ute Tou is Russian' Ships Carry Lends Lease Cargoes Without In- terference From Japan. There are some odd tlhings in this war, says the Ottawa Journal. Thus Washington discloses offic- ially that Japan permits Russia ships with lend-lease cargoes to be used against her Axis partner • (Germay) to sail unmolested across the Pacific and past Japan's back door to Russia. The ships go from, San Francisco to a port on the coast of Siberia. This may or may not indicate some secret understanding be- tween Japan and Russia; it can, tainly doesn't tell of too close co- operation between Japan and Ger- many. Last year we used to hear of Japan preparing to attack Russia through Siberia. We hear nothing of it now, despite that Japan must have a big army available, and that the use of that army against Russia would be quite a windfall for Germany. Clearly, there's something wrong somewhere. Whatever that something is, there is more than one side to it, If Japan refuses to attack Russia now, and let supplies for Russia get by her back door, will Russia let • us use Vldiavostok to ,drop boanbs on Tokyo? i tea h On April 12 and 13, the C.P.R.'s Strath- more herd will be auctioned at Markham, Ont., 22 miles Northeast of Toronto on Highway No, 7 or by C.P.R. to Peter- borough. 168 Pure Bred Holsteins - 8 Bulls -- 80 Cows in Milk — 20 Bred Heifers -- 60 Heifer Calves After more than 30 years of constructive breeding, this out- standing Holstein herd is being dispersed. The purpose for which it was founded is now being' served by many other agencies, In its long history, Strathmore Holsteins have made mare than 900 R.O.P. records, of which two were over 1,000 lbs. of butter fat, The highest was 1,114 lbs. and at least 30 were between 800 and 1,000 lbs. of butter fat, Strathmore Holsteins are outstanding from a type standpoint, In the past 18 years, cattle bred at this Southern Alberta 'dairy ranch have produced 8 Ali -American winners and 11 Reserve All-Americans. Many of these great producers and showring winners will be sold at Markham, NOTABLE HERD POINTS:— Winner of the Coveted Holstein -Friesian Association's Master Breeders Shield. Constructive Line Breeding Program Based on Bulls from Colony Farrci, B.C. Remarkable for Longevity and Persistent Milk Production. Brilliant Record of Consistent Breeding, Normal Calving and Absence of Mastitis and Udder Troubles. Over 00 of the heifers on sale have been vaccinated against Bang's disease and are now negative. 'Every animal offered will have passed a negative blood test within 80 days of the sale. J. McCulloch, Supt. J. Art Hay, Mgr, C.P. R. Supply Farm Strathmore Alta. "A verra sad accident" W14Y DOPL'TCHA GET 0MJE 1 'NEM EALAci:AVA ktSt.Mers RUM Ti( COMC-oixxS PUNT? Ma! ACC ritT N Ida \ RANI' ACO)rN' By Gurney, (Australia) A MOM 6FFEit I.D ME, A DANK WitAl i HAD ova. ems comma) 141.114 A Final„ ACL AVA — Ad4D 1 MEVE12 IMO WM n `-` , `p rte_ •.�fi-.,�,.