HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-04-01, Page 3THE CORN SYRUP with the Deamoui7lativia • • A pure, wholesome sweet • that's sllways a trept If your grocer is temporarii,y out of stock, this delicious Syrup is worth waiting for, At present the demand some- times exceeds the much larger quantity now being produced, because many thousands of Canadian housewives have joined the great host of `Crown Brand' users. a praduci of tit33 Tho CANADA STARCH COMPANY, Limited Making f V.C. A Family Affair Has Been Made By Same Family Since Crimean War Every Victoria Cross that's ever been awarders comas from a quiet little jeweler's shop in the Nest End of Lotdoni,• relates The Lon - dolt Listener. You'd hardly notice it in the ordinary way, unless you called at the bookseller's cart door or walked out of the old. "pub"'jntt over the road. But it's to that little shop that the post- man every now and again brings a letter nnarked O.II.M.S.•—just the sort of letter you'd write to your tailor and say you wanted another suit.' Ever since the Crimean War the malting of V.C: s has been in the hands of the same family, first the founder of the jewelers shop, then his son, and now his grand- son. As soon as the service chiefs :have decided haat a V.C. is to be awarded, aletter is sent to the little jeweler's shop. It's just an ordinary typed letter saying "Please supply one V.C.", ;iviug the man's name and. rank for the inscription. and telling him where to send the account. A few days later, the medal is delivered to aerviee headquarters by special messenger, and then everything is ready for the presentation.. More than 2,000,000 seals an- nually navigate 3,000 guiles from the Southern California coast to• the Bering Seat RONALD .COMAN G.EC I CARSON'PT , �a CHAPTER ONE It was dusk and the half heart- ed gloom of day had settled into • near. darkness. Melbridge's grimy factories • had released their toil- ers for the evening and soon the pubs would be alive with discus- sion of the war, How soon would England beat those Heinies? Could the war really be ended in' 1918 as some predicted? End- lessly, the questions and .answers would go the rounds again, not only in Plelbridgc but all over England. - One man, however, was not concerned with these queries. This man was the person known as "Smith," inmate of the Melbridge County Asylum. At the moment, he was strolling the Asylum grounds, his chin sunk low into the great coat he was wearing. wisps of memory bothered his elouded mind. Yet there was nothing he could hold to. His last recollection went back to the autumn of 1917 when he was awakened in a German hospital . . then been transferred to England as an exchange prisoner. Beyond that there was nothingness a complete blank, Who was he?. Where had he come from? ' The questions hung in space, unans- wered. His thoughts milled rapidly in his mind, in contrast to his speech which he could only man- age in jerky, disjointed phrases. His eyes filled. It hurt not to be able to talk properly. Physically, he was sound but a fear of some kind always clamped his tongue. A guard spoke out of the fog, chiding him for being exposed to the foggy weather. Smith said, "I'm all right. Coat's very warm. I like to walk like to walk." His accom- plishment pleased him. He moved on 'in the swirling mist with more confidence. * c AU at once, a siren screamed through the silence. It soared up and down in wild flurries. A sec - and later another joined in, then several more. The noise mounted in a crazy delirium of. sound. Smith was rooted to the ground with fear. Now the uniformed guards began to race madly through the grounds and voices called: "War's over. It's peace. It's 'over, Armistice ... i" The noise of sirens, bells and whistles• grew. • Smith Iooked ahead. The wide grilled gates were open, The men had left it unguarded ... and be- yond, the road • stretched out to the village of Melbridge and free- dom. Fearfully, Smith stepped for. ward. His movements were vague and undecided. Then decision came to him, Yes, he'd go. He'd leave this half world of lost souls Iike himself forever. On he went, over the little bridge, to find the town seething with celebrating humanity. Afraid once more, BLUEBIRDS FOR HAPPINESS Here's a bargain to get today! A really quick way to ease headaches, neuritic pain, neuralgia, and painful discomfort of colds that thousands of Canadians are recbmmending .. . Aspirin ... now priced for less than onecent a tablet! Yes, real Aspirin, one of the fastest reliefs from pain ever known ... now only 94. for 100 tablets! So hurryl Get Aspirin ---in the special economy bottle—at your druggist's today. Hours of welcome relief may thus cost but a few pennies. Anyone can afford it. WARNING! Be sure it's Aspirin Aspirin is made in Canada and is the trademark of The Sayer Company, Ltd. If every tablet is not stamped "Sayer" in the form of a cross, it is XOT Aspirin. And don't let anybody tell you it is, Design No. 743 Blue birds combined with dai- sies make this pretty design for trimming your best linens. Hot iron transfer pattern No. '11:3 contains four blue birds measur- ing about 4 by 5 inches, four corner motifs and four small daisy motifs with complete itr- stru cti one. To order pattern: Write, ot send above picture with your name and address with 15 cents in coin or stamps to Carol Aimos, Room .121, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Smith steppe.l into a tobacconist's` shop to ask for cigarettes; The sharp eyed proprietress had. given him a queer look, then gone into the back. Funny, she sti1T hadn't returned. Suddenly, a low, musioal voice said, "You are teem' the Asylum, aren't you?" • He swung around: A young girl with coppery hair and warm eyes was watching him. She look- ed what she was, a pretty little actress in a third rate touring company. Yet somehow, she was distinctive. Smith drew back. "But I'm all right . really .. " • The girl nodded but now her voice was urgent. "Well if you have given them the slip. I wouldn't stay here. She's gone straight to the telephone ; . , she's telling them to come for you." TAI1LE TALKS omie .8. CHAMBERS Ramblings A few weeks ago we published in this column menus based on low-eoat meals.. `.hese were sent,. out by the Canadian Red Cross • Society in the' eampaign against malnutrition, Quite a number of people think there are too many. -"starchy"' dishes in the menus, The first answer to this is that unfortun- ately the cheapest meals are al. ways the Meals containing more starele. - For example, --potatoes, macaroni, oatmeal, etc. Second- ly, let ane add for those who feel they cannot digest so )ouch starch, that rationing has reduced the sugar intake, Therefore starches, .may be increased to balance the -carbohydrates, Red Cabbage Salad Eat more • green salads. This spring weather we, all have a hankering for more salads and fruits, These need not be the • most expensive. I had never made a salad from red cabbage but this week I tasted one_ of these and I think the "red" adds quite a zest to the flavor and then remember — color for vitamins! Spanish onions are very good now —add a few slices and rings to your ,salad. Have you ever tried orange and onion rings with your favorite salad dressing?? Rambling on about salad dress- iitgs,—reduce the cost of menus and make your own. It is amcz ing• to hie how many people buy ready made salad drestine's. Here is a recipe for a salad dreeSing for those who require a r'e:iucing Bret. Then, too, the mineral oil has many points in its favor. Some feel the taste of the mineral oil would be unpleasant.. Just forget this. Remember it is tasteless and try it. Mineral -Oil 1 11 -it 1 1 1% 3 1 Things happened after that though Smith wasn't, quite certain how it came about, The girl told him her name was Paula Ridge- way, Then it seemed quite na- tural to go on to the bar at the Melbridge Arms and have- a brandy and soda with her, to be introduced to all her friends, mostly members of her theatrieal troupe. After that, things were dream-like and wonderful. Smith recalled sitting in the wings of the theatre and watching Paula sing and dance. Every now, and them she'd come back and talk to hint and he would marvel at the kindness that spilled from her voice and eyes. From then on, he remembered very little except that he had be- come feverish and chilled at the same time. He had known that Paula and someone called Sant were bending over him. Then it had all become very dim and con- fused. Not until he awoke to consci- ousness several mornings later did - he realize that he'd been quite ill with the 'flu. Then Paula told hint of her wonderful news. No, she wasn't going to let him be sent back to the Asylum. Her eyes twinkled. "You see, I've • taken a fancy to you and I think you should have your chance,' Smithy." She explained that Sam, mama, ger of the troupe was giving Smith a job with them. Sam A didn't know where Smith. spas from, of course. But teat wag "' all right, Everything would be all right," * * * In the next day, Snaith absorbed this miracle along with returning strength. It was over. The dark past was gone. No, longer would he be a floating bit of driftwood along with those others. He was an individual. He was a person. Towards the encs of the show that night Paula ran in. "Ort Smithy," she beamed, "I see you're all packed. Good boy. So am 1. Our train leaves at one " A sudden look of doubt crossed his face. "Paula .. , you're sure I can be useful , . . that your manager isn't taking me on ... just because you asked hint to?" She looked at this mean who had, without warning stolen into her heart. He was so helpless. Yet too there was a potential force in him. The war was over. He was too. gootl a person to re_ main as its debris. He must find Itis place in the sun again. Bright tears stood in her eyes. "Good gracious, Smithy, you don't know Sam. He's as hard as nails. No, you can take my word for it. He thinks you have something and the whole thing was his idea," His flickering smile clutched at her. "I can't tell you what it means Paula. . . to be someone again , .. to be wanted. It's all your doing." She went to the door. "How you do run on. leo stopping you when you get started, Now you just eat your supper. I'll be up in time to fetch you for the train." * * * Smith was still sitting there, basking in her reassuring words, when she returned at twelve thirty. He started up eagerly, Then the grave expression of her face stopped him. "Nothing .. . wrong is there?" "I've got to talk to you, Smithy." Sho sat down and her voice was almost curt. "I won't lfeat about the bush. Sam won't take you now." "Won't take me'" "A man from the Asylum was • in the bar just now. He told •everybody about your escape, Sam . thinks it's too risky taking you . ,": Her voice trailed off. That re- turning :fear in his eyes it Stabbed all through her. ".smithy," she pleaded, '"I think he's right, :Perhaps you should go hack. You need Cara. You need doctors that understand your ease." She had seen a dog, whose master had unexpectedly struck him, look like that. Salad Dressing egg cup mineral oil teaspoons dry mustard teaspoon salt tablespoon sugar tablespoon corn syrup cups mineral Oil tablespoons lemon juice tablespoon malt (the purest) vinegar If desired add a little tomato catsup or some sauce, which flavor you particularly like. Into a bowl (be etre it is well chilled) beat the egg until very thick and light. Gradually add the ?l cup oil, beating well after each addition. Mix the mustard, salt, sugar and syrup; add to the egg mixture and beat in well. "Gradually beat int the 1 4 cups of mineral oil and, as the mixture thickens, alternate the addition of the oil with additions of lemon juice and vinegar. Then add the flavoring sauee if desired. Store dressing closely covered for serv- ing. For non -reducers it may be thinned with cream. Try this on the red cabbage salad with the addition of some chopped celery and onion and see if your family does not say y um- yum, Seine Simple Desserts So many speak of desserts these days and the difficulty of preparing them, I hope you have not forgotten about the prunes and dried fruits, soaked for a couple of days without boiling, l'ott will find them very good without the addition of sugar. For those who wish to keep away from starches, some very wholesome desserts can be made out of the humble junket tablet. Add cocoa or fruit to the bottom of the cup before adding the junket. These require no starch for thickening. They add to your necessary milk intake and are in- expensive. The custards with just milk .arid eggs, either boiled or baked, can have the fruit addi- tions and are better than the pre- pared pudding powders, if nutri- tion is. uppermost in your mind. Did you ever add just a little. red jelly to the top of your junkets and custards? It's a zest- ful touch. Miss chambers eveieomes personal letters front interested. renders, She is pleased to receive suggestions on tomes tor her evitt'ntn, n*C in always rondir to listen to ;tour "l,ct peeves.,, Requests for recipes or special menus are in order. .Address your fetters to "Vilss Sadie it. Citanibers, 73 '%Vest Adelaide Rt.. troronta." Send stamped self -ltd - dressed envelope it ;von '(Skit n refry. She forced herself on, "I feel dreadful about it but it's for your sake. Sam wants to help but be says I've no right to take you, I'd be risking your sanity, per- haps your. life. You do under- stand don't you?" Slowly, he nodded. He was humble and crushed again. The wide asylum doors were swinging open and he must accept the de- cree that banished him there. (Smith has escaped from his prison for a brief interlude and been. offered Paula's helping hand. Now all his hopes are vanishing. Will Paula think of another way out to freedom for niml) Copyright 19 t 1 sty imcw's Inc. (Continued Next Week) The Cosp1 Hss AND PROTESTANT ADVOCATE Published weekly for the propagation of the Faith once fox all delivered to the saints, and for the defense of the princi- pies of the Protestant Reformation. T. T. 'S'hields,, Editor. $2.00 a year, and to new subscribers, free, the hook, "Behind the Dictators" b Dr, 1L. H. i.ehmann, former Roman Catholic priest; a scholarly description of 'the work of the Papacy in 'war-torn lilurope and. Asia. Special trial offer, 39 issues (9 months) for $1.00, without book. Twenty-first year of publication. Each issue contains stenographically reported sermon preached by Dr, Shields irorn Jarvis Street Pulpit, Mail this advertisement with na)ne and address for free sample copy containing verbatim report of Dr. Shields' address, Feb. 28th, replying to Premier King and ,other critics in Dominion Parliament, Feb. 23rd. Contains also analysis of "Religious Aspect of Sirois Deport—a Symptom of present Trends in Canadian Life" and other important articles. (You may neglect it if you postpone until tomorrow. Cut this ' out and mail today,) THE GOSPEL WITNESS 130 Gerrard Street East Toronto 2, Canada GARDEN NOTES By Gordon L, Smith OS The Right Tools The right tools will save much labour. But they should be in first-class working order. This means that hoes, spades, weeders, spudders, etc., should be sharp and clean. An old file will do the trick, Lawnmowers n,ust be kept in the same condition if they are to do neat work and not pull grass out by the roots or leave bits uncut. A little hand -drawn cultivator will help speed the work in a fair-sized garden, while a wheel hoe will soon pay for itself in labour saved, if one goes in for a large supply of vegetables, For getting under both flowers anti vegetables and for milling the weeds under shrubbery, a sharp Dutch hoe is one of the most use- ful implements. There are differ- ent sized rakes and different width of hoes, Planting Groups Flowers and vegetables divide themselves into three general planting groups — hardy, semi - hardy and tender. In the seed catalogues and on the packets these are the general descriptions used, and this information pro- vides the key' to planting time in airy* part of the Dominion, The first group: can •,,fie put in just as soon as the soil is fit to work, this means when one can get out and dig without raising any mud. Soil fit for working or planting should crumble, not pack into a ball, the experts point out, Among the very hardy are spin- ach, lettuce, radish and peas, etc., among the vegetables, and most of the poppies, cosmos, batchelor buttons and sweet peas, among ' the flowers. Late frost will not hurt these things. Uusually the sooner they are planted the bet- ter. In the semi -hardy like, vege- tables and flowers which will stand a light frost or two, would be carrots, beets, peas, potatoes and corn in the vegetable line, and zinnias, calendulas, calliopsis in the flowers. The tender plants are those which will not staid any frost at all. If up above ground when the night suddenly turns cold and the mercury falls below 32• de- grees, then only a .,miracle will save them from blackening. In this delicate line there are the m e 10 n's, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, among the vegetables, and gladiolus, dahlias, canvas, in flowers. Treat Vitamin C With Loving Care This Valuable Property i Very Easily Destroyed "If you don't take tare of your vitamins, they can't take care of you." This statement is particularly true of vitamin) C, which is the most easily destroyed of all the members of the vitamin family. It is also the most difficult vita- min to get in adequate amounts during the winter time if citt'us fruits are not available, Tomatoes, canned or as juice, are next best to citrus fruits as a source. Potatoes, cabbage and turnips can provide substantial amount of this :important vitamin if they're given a chance. ,Pre- pare them improperly and they may be practically worthless as sources of vitamin C. Baking or boiling potatoes in the skin helps retain vitamin C. Cabbage and turnips should be served raw often, but should not he cut up until shortly before serving. The use of closely covered pans for cooking means that lass water is necessary and there is less de- f struction of vitamins because air is excluded. Partly used tins of tomatoes or juice should be kept covered and cold and the rest used as soon as possible, Citrus fruits should riot be cut up or have their juice squeezed until just before using. oda should never be used. in cooking vegetables. A Ride Round The Table To the tintinnabulations Of the tuneful tambourine 11loves Morello, King of Cakelanei, With his daughter Margarine. With him rides Prince Plum of Piecrust, Mounted on his sugar steed; He's to wed the fair Sultana, Daughter of the Kaik of Seed. By his side stalks tall Madeira, Shall meringues the trumpets sound: Apple dumplings roll before hind, Runs and biscuits bark and bound, flut behind the verdant citrons I.irs a troop of potted prawns; See them clash from out their ambush, G't'r the tessellated lawns, With a cry of "Cakes for ever!" S.c! the cakes withstand their shock, While. Prince Plum Sultana seizes, An•- , in spite of coughs and sneer es, Bear:; her through the Atlantic breezes To his home an almond Rock. Pink ,Elephants George "Jimmy" Smith, the Dallas publicist, says Saturday Ilei iew of Literature, relays the cagey of the old Texas drunkard who saw so many pink elephants that he hired a hall and put up a "25e to See the Zoo." A r tuple of customers resented the feet that they saw nothing but four bare walls, and swore out a complaint. The sheriff took the warrant and set out to make tha arrest. The old boy hauled his jug out from under his counter, the sheriff took three snifters— and paid him $600 for a half in- terest in his show. Bounty On Bears Saves Quebec Sheep A report of the provincial min- ister of agriculture, announces that there were 543,600 sheep on Quebec farms in 1942, an increase of more than 16,000 from 1041. Exports increased by more than 10,000 head. Some 2,000 raised sheep, took advantage of the gov- ernment's low -scale prices and bought some 6,000 lambs. Ravages to flocks were Iessened, mainly due to government boun- ties of $16,44$ for more than 3,000 bears. HARD OF HEARING? i eonard invisii,le ltub- hcr 1.:a(r i)runts helpful nrt tttntty etieee, S15 Alive 1'(9d lttt'ermntinn a n d recuninU•nclntinns f rrttihfied a t•rt oat e.ittest er SEND d2 5( r ;pets it tt i (I ttith \� , u11 t 2rc,'ttitu�, "1'001. 111071 lien He ('Arlo Vt' 11, •tci t:;" hould,•l, rte. A. 0. l.1IO .ttt1), fittlie +i'. N lifion AN e. - 'l'oront0, Ouittrlo ISSUE No. 14-43 U