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Zurich Herald, 1943-04-01, Page 2
POINTER ON TARGET — PREDICTORS SET ;:•y ,'•a •:'f r�:�lr,-gib.._,,•.....+„ ... ... ._.._ - _. Girls in England man the spotter, hee ht : i=,dei•, predictor and radio location. Says one of ahem: "We aim the guns, and the men load ane fire them. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON April 11 PETER AND JOHN WITNESS CHRIST'S GLORY Mark 9:2-8; 2 Peter 1:16-18 GOLDEN TEXT.—There came a voice out of the cloud, This is my beloved Son: hear ye him. Mark 9:7. Memory •Verse: God . .. loved us, and sent his Son. I John 4:10. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—Autumn, A.D. 29. Place. — Not specifically desig- nated, but undoubtedly Mount Hermon, far north in Palestine. The Transfiguration "And after six days, Jesus tak- eth with hint Peter, and James, and John. And bringeth them up into a High mountain apart by themselves. And he was trans- figured before them." The word here transfigured is the Greek word metamorphoo, from which comes our word rnetanorphis. The root of this word morphon means to mold into a form, so that the compound word, which here ap- pears, means to change the form of, to alter. It is found re- ferring to our own transformation, which is spiritual (and not physi- cal as the Lord's) in 2 Corinthians 3:18, and Romans 12:2. The word doee not simply mean an external heaven, when we were with him in the holy mount." We learn here why the apostles were taken with Jesus to witness His transfiguration. Just before that event we find (Matt. 16:21; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22) it record- ed that Jesus had begun to show unto His disciples how He must suffer and die at Jerusalem. To Peter, who, as at other tines, was the mouthpiece of the rest, such a declaration was unacceptable; but at his expression of displeas- ure he met the rebuke, 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' He, and the rest with hien, felt no doubt that such a death as Jesus hail spoken of would be, humanly speaking, the ruin of their hopes. Now these three representatives of the apostolic band behold Moses ana Elias appearing in glory, and Christ glorified more than they; and the subject of which they spake was the very death of which they had so disliked to hear; the decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem (Luke 9: 31). The verb which the evange- list uses tells of the fulfillment of a prescribed course, and thus Peter was taught, and the rest with him, to speak of that death afterwards as he does in his for- mer letter. 'Christ was verily foreordained' to this redeeming work 'before the foundationof the world.' They heard that He who was to die was the very Son of God. God's voice hadbeen heard there attesting the divinity of their Lord and Master; the place whereon they had thus stood was for evermore holy ground. All The King's Men And Horses To Help All the Ring's horses and all the King's men are to be used in bringing in this year's harvest on the Royal estate at Windsor; 25 miles west of London. Many extra acres have been put under cultivation at Windsor, and there will be plenty of work for the horses, including the fa- mous Windsor grays which drew the golden coach in the Corona- tion of George VI in 1937. There also will be work for members of the Royal staff, who at the King's express wish this year will "lend a hand" . in the harvesting. Only two horses remain in the Royal stables at Buckingham Palace, and they are helping to save gasoline by drawing the brougham in which the Ki.ng's messengers ride. "And his garments became glis- tening, exceeding white, so as no fuller on earth can whiten them." When the disciples looked at the countenance of Jesus they looked at a refulgence as brilliant and dazzling as the sun itself. And this extended to His entire form, for His very garments had the translucent whiteness of pure light. Peter's Proposal "And there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. And Peter answereth and saith to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three taber- nacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. For he knew not what to answer; for they became sore afraid." Peter and his fellows were so taken with what they saw that they de- sired to abide on the. mount with - Jesus and the saints. When the apostle Peter speaks of taber- nacles, he means those little booths or huts such as were con- structed for the Feast of Taber- nacles, made out of branches of trees or bushes. The Voice From Heaven "And there came a cloud over- shadowing them: and there canie a voice out of the cloud, This is my beloved Son: hear ye him." The essential difference between this voice and that which was heard at the baptism, is the phrase, 'Hear ye him.' The words are from Deuteronomy 8:15, 19, and seem to be suggested by the appearance of Moses. The Prophet like unto Moses is identified with the Chi•iet, the beloved or elect Son; the allegiance clue to :1loses is now, Cfint'Url't'tie.e, transferred to Jesus. The Corning of the Lord "For we did not follow cun- ningly devised fables," The ex- pression agrees with the calm de- elaration of St. Paul (2 Cor. 2;17) that they, the apostles, were not as the many who falsi- fied or misrepresented the Word of God. "When we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Many sehol- ars believe that the word `com- ing' refers to the first advent of our Lord but probably 'the cone - big' here, as in every other pas• sage of the New Testament in which the word occurs, is the sec- ond advent, not the first. Holy Ground "For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there was borne such a voice to him by the Majestic Glory, Phis is my beloved Son, in whom T. am well pleased: Iliad this voice we ourselves heard borne .out of 1 (HORIZONTAL 1 Imaginary heavenly belt. 6 It contains the — or sun's path. 1,2 Commanded. 13 Radical. 15 Over (contr.). 16 Race end, 17 River. 18 Upright shaft. 20 Sea eagle. 21 Male offspring 22 Collection of facts. 42 plural. 23 Half an em. (abbr.). 24 Structural units. 43 Radio bulbs, . 30. Courtesy title. 45 Provided. 32 More. 47 Herb. fastidious. 50 Small island. 33 To prosper. 51 ,About. 3.4 God of sky. 53 Knot. ?' Denoting 54 Toa vex. pressure.equal 56.It has �-- 87 Keystones. signs or 40 Perfumes. divisions. 41 Trapped, 57 It shows the HEAVENLY BELT Answer to Previous Puzzle SIRGALAHAD HOLY EIIOPER 0 PI IM S Wim©MOMS LA ATE P Y M E D LA C ELOI1 A D is} 0 REC S AR 1 ;.5 IR:A U w A D 0 0 W N" M E N T B A M I� E OVER �u�DgA AIN T MAS R 10 Tissue.7- 11 Persia. 14 Huge wild beast, 18 Its third sign. 19 Its second division. 25 To reject. 26 Acidity. 27 God of wisdom. 28 Street car. 29 Fabulous bird, 30 Wise. 31 Not edible, 33 Cessation of use. 26 Unkeeled. 37 Part of foot. 38.Ancient gocL 39 Either. 41 Observes. 42 To gasp. 44 To tattle. 4612 inches (pl.). 48 Poem. 49 Snaky fish. 51 Fruit, 52 Male. paths of the principal ----s. VERTICAL 2 Genus of swans. 3 College official. 4 Unoccupied. 5 Blasphemes. 6 Stiff collar. 7 Credit (abbr.) 8 Musical note, 9 Italian river. Roll Up Your Sleeves And Dig "Better come out in the sunshine and hoe vegetablep" say British gardeners "than wait in a queue for them and then find the shop sold out." This year Cauadians are being asked by the Agricultural Supplies Board of the 'Dominion Department of Agriculture to "come out in the sunshine and hoe." Family and Community vegetable gardens are going- to be the fashionable thing this season and it's time to' start plans now. The Government eponeorine this canrnaig1l for :i nu ni er of ren ons. 'i`r:i.n. xi it titian i I;e: oi:i- ing more of a problem widest means that there may be difficulty in supplying markets with fresh vege- tables, grown at a distance. Com- mercial growers are faced with a labor shortage that will in many cases prevent their expanding to take care of increased needs. More vegetables are needed o o file hip- ment overseas, by way de hydration plants. The vegetable seed supply is better this year and the essential tools for home gard- ening, rakes, hoes, digging -forks and spades are also available, as are fertilizers. In community gar- dens and among neighbors larger tools can be shared. Community Potato Gardens Advice as to crops, fertilizer and care of gardens, will be assailable locally. Regarding crops,—t h e Government authorities advise that potatoes are best grown in com- munity gardens where proper at- tention can be given to spraying or dusting, but Tomatoes, carrots, onions, beans, peas, corn, onb- bage, lettuce. spinach, and swiss chard are all suitableforeither home or community gardens. The more vegetables that are grown in. home and community gardens this year, the better Can- ada will be able to feed her arm- ed forces and her allies. Let's all get ready, roll up our sleeves and dig for Victory. SCOUTING •.. RADIO REP'ORTE REX FROST `On Sunday, March 21st, Prime Minister Winston Churchill used the world wide facilities of radio to give some indication of his vision of a post war future. In- eluded in his comment were sev- eral considerations particularly of interest to those who listened to his speech in rural Canada and the United States. Said the Brit- ish Prime Minister. . . , "During the war . . the position of the farmer has been improved . I hope to see a vigorous revival of healthy village life on the bass of higher wages and of improved. housing ... And what with mod - era methods of lot oniotion and the modern arnliseDient5 of the cinema and wireless to which will soon be added television, life in the country and on the land ought to compete in attractiveness with life in the great *cities. . , Wireless, or as we know it better in Canada, radio, undoubt- edly has made a tremendous con- tribution to the enjoyment of liv- ing in the rural sections and small towns of the Dominion. Improve- ments in the design and capacity of radio receivers in recent years have made possible the bringing of news, education and entertain- ment directly into the most re- mote homes and settlements in the backwoods of civilization. And now Mr. Churchill promises that television will come into vogue shortly after the war is over. He might also have promised a new type of radio receiver based upon research in the field of what is known as "frequency mo- dulation." But for the fact that war has diverted the energies of radio technicians and manufactur- ers into spheres which have a direct relation to the military struggle, frequency modulation and television would. likely have been with us now. Frequency mo- dulation employs a new technique in broadcasting and receiving which virtually eliminates all in- terference from static and other forms of electrical distortion .. • A unique feature Sof utheWeek- eently observed Boy the Ot was the plan adopted by tawa Normal School. Student teachers during t a at history ere instructed to give the birth and the growth, of the Scout Movement to their classes. * e John H. Price of Quebec, a member of tlie'Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Ass°- . elation is a prisoner of war in Hong Kong. rt Col. C. G. M. Grier, head of Canada's new Royal Canadian Army Cadets was one of Canada's first Boy Scouts. Long before the Movement was officially inaugur- ated in Canada, Col. Grier and a group of his boyhood friends formed themselves into a Scout patrol and carried on. They eor- responded directly with the Faun - 'der, Lord Baden-Powell who dour- . teously answered all their en- quiries. That was in 1908, the year Scouting was started in Great Britain. * * His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of the Church of England has become a member 'of the General Council • of the Boy Scouts Association in Great Britain. * a Two British Boy Scouts have been awarded the Victoria Cross in the present conflict, the An- nual Report of Imperial Head- quarters of the Boy Scouts Asso- ciation reveals. * * * Despite the fact that 15 Boy Scout Troop headquarters were destroyed by enemy bombing, Boy Scouts of Norwich, England, have just completed the shipment of their 1,000th ton of waste- paper. * * * From a Fleet Air Arm pilot: "You would never believe the number of Scouting activities which come into our training. Swimming, :horse and Semaphore one expects, but the. Fleet Air Arm expects its pilots to know knots, whippings and splices. The instructor asked me if I had been a seaman in the navy. I was glad to be •able to answer, 'No chief, but I was a Boy Scout.' " It .cuts out the crackling, Whist- ling and other harsh noises which have interrupted the enjoyment of radio reception in the past when the weather bus been un- favourable or there has been in- terference from nearby eleetrieal transformers, p ower lines Jaid other equipment. Freclueilcy,'mo- dulation therefore, will be *the thing of the future. * le * Television even before tele' out- break of war was an accomplished fact in •Britain, United States" and Germany. When your Radice Re- porter was in Loudon, Ens t d, a few menthe prior to the o+ of world war No. '', bre etive a demonstration of tolev isiou which illustrated that it was quite nos-. sible to transmit moving p ettl'ras, outdoor sports events and stii:dio programnies which could be ..re- eeived with reasonable clesteness at a distance of about 25 miles from the huge B,B.C. television transmitter at the Alex4hdre Palace in London. Also in "Ber- lin he was given an opporttsriity to see the advance which had been made in Germany in this ,new branch of radio. In Great Britain the B.B.C. was transmitting Morn- ing and evening programmes 'for .the benefit of those who had treated themselves to the Luxury' of a television receiver. A com- bined radio deceiver, television screen and phonograph player could be purchased in the British capital at a cost from $200, up. As soon as the war is over "tele- vision is likely to invade North America on a broad scale. TEACHING A HORSE ENGLISH' A man we know bought a small farm from a Japanese. 1 -le took it over lock, stock and barrel, in- cluding a horse. Now the man is in a dither. The horse does not understand English and our friend does -not know whether it would be easier for him to learn Japanese or teach the horse English. —Windsor Star OUR RADIO LOG ORONTO STATIONS SIRE 860•k, CBL 740k KCL 580k, CBY 101ok U.S. NETWORKS WEAF N.B.C. Red 660k W3ZWABCl7. (C.B,S.) a 880k WOR (.B.S.) 71.0k CANADIAN STATIONS CFOS Owen Sd. 1400k CKOC Hamilton 1150k L Hamilton 900k TB St. Cath. 1550k •CP Montreal 660k CB: North Bay 3.230.k JCS Stratford 1240k WB Kingston 900k CO Chatham 630k PL aLoondon 1570k - ,.a. ,.a.....18,s., RIMI.1.61.11,70.1.10051.10M641M17.1.1.10PIUMINIICIMII.Eff 1.011.1101119”.011.14 POP—As Always CKAC Montreal 730k CKCR Waterloo 1490k CKCO Ottawa 13Ok CKGBIWSudbury 1790k CKPC Brantford 1380k CKLW NVIndsor 800k CKNX ''44 Ingham 920k CHEX Peterboro 1430k U.S. STATIONS WEBB. Buffalo 134011 WHAM Rochester 1180k WLW Clnninnati 7001( WGY Schenectady. 810k KDKA. Pittsburgh 1020k WBBM Chicago 780k SOk wBflBfao 550k WKBW Buffalo 1520k WJR Detroit 760k SHORT WAVE GSB England 9.51m GSC England 9.68m GST) England 11.76m GSE England 11.86m GSG England 17.79m GSP England' 15.31m EAR Spain 9.48m RANT Russia 9,60nt R'NE Russia 12.O0m PRP5 Brazil 95.00m WGEA Schenectady 36.33m WCA13 71111a. 10.27m WRCIU3XL Boson 11.15m ..e.•. �y William THIS CURIOUS WORLDergusc►t 0 61. EllREG BORN IN . rt./A/a /90'3 JOINED N.Y. YANKEES /923 • FIRST APPEARED IN MAJOR LEAGUE GAME .,,./G O'/Vas /923 BEGAN WORLDS RECORD GON../4/ivs. GAME tV92.5 STREAK 5-1Rr FOUR HOME RL)N$ IN A SINGLE GAME .1C/NE, /93.2 DIED .✓UNE, /9W. COP T. M. REC. NEA 8 PAT OFF. SARDINES eET THEIR. NAME FROM THE. S ANDS RANEAN SARDINIA. THE TERM " D CNNY8R.0c l . FAIR" IS L$551) OI TEr a TO DESCRISE WHAT KING' ore A GA -rem -RING ANSWER: 'One characterized by rioting and fighting NEXT; What bird cannot fold, its wings? By J. MILLAR WATT CON N L E �`TO 4-1AVELL -THEIR SuPPO'± TET