Zurich Herald, 1943-03-25, Page 3Chains for Hitler sne • vanes—more than a mile of them —that will help to bind Hitler, 'Hirohito and Company are shown above in the stock section of a Can- szdian National Railways shipyard, the only shipbuilding plant in North America operated by a railway com- pany. They will form part of the equipment of 10,000 -ton cargo vessels that are being built' by war workers of the National System at this plant to carry foodstuffs to Great Britain (or tanks, guns and munitions to the Allies' fields of action. Canada built 21 of these ships in 1942 and many more will slide off the ways in Can- adian shipyards this year and in 1944. The 10,000-tonners require 240 fathoms, or 1,440 feet, of anchor chain. Two complete chains of 120 fathoms each are used for the port and star- board "hooks." These chains come from the manufacturer in fifteen - fathom lengths. Each link is 1334 inches by 7% inches and the diameter of the steel is 2X inches. The 2 anchor chains weigh more than 32 tons. While chain is required for anchors, rope and wire are used for towing, and mooring when the ship is docked.' Lower right: the photographer found a coil of rope being checked. Each ship needs two coils of rope seven inches in circumference and each of 90 fathoms length for mooring. There are also two cbils of heavier rope, 10 inches in circumference and four fathoms in length, used for towing. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Isn't it wrong for a person lino' thrust words of condolence -upon you when this Person knows that you would prefer not to dis- cuss your sorrow? 2. When a young woman is heated at a table of a public din- ing room and another woman stops to chat for a minute, should the young woman rise? 3. How long should a bride re - mean at her wedding reception? 4, Is it proper to use Miss on an envelope, addressed to a girl twelve or fourteen years of age? 5. Should a man who is walk- ing with a woman carry her pack- ages? 6. When a person drops a fork or spoon in a public dining room, should he reach down and pick it up Answers 1. Yes. As Rosseau says, "Con- solation indiscreetly pressed upon us, when we are suffering under affliction, only serves to increase our pain, and to render our grief more poignant." 2. Not unless the woman who stops is elderly. S. Not longer than two hours. 4. Yes, 5. Yes, if the packages are of considerable size. If the pack- ages are insignificant in size, a few spools of thread, a tube of toothpaste, or a library book, it is not necessary. 6. No; pay no attention to it. The waiter will pick it up. How Can l ? ? By Anne. Ashley Q. How can 1 produce the ef- fect of writing having been done in silver? A. Mix one ounce of the fin- est pewter or block tin, and two ounces of quicksilver together un- til both become fluid. Then grind it with gum water. Use as you would ink. Q. How e'en 1 prevent diced RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED &f you are troubled with itching Iles or rectal soreness, do not delay Ieatment and run the risk of letting hie condition become chronic. Any iching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool Jo nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Nem -Reid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula ,w ybto take ttablet,ilwtll aquickly relieve the itching and soreness and No,n-Refill 1s pleasanttotender otic Wray recommended and it seems The height of folly for any one to Shalt a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy :may be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money 124.0. Or:Heves distress Own MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkhan1's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieves monthly feelings—dueltout lmonth 9 ak, func- tional dlsttirbances.It helps buildup resistance against distress of "difu- cult days." Macre 111 Canada, fruits from dropping to the , bot- tom of a gelatine mold? A. This can be prevented by' chilling the fruits and adding when the gelatine mixture has partly congealed. Q. How can I clean the- steel on oven doors? A. By rubbing it briskly while still warm with a soft cloth that .has been dipped in vinegar. B. How can I get more heat from the burners of the gas stove? A. Be sure to wash the burners frequently with soap suds and water. Clogged burners dull the flame and lessen the heat obtained from the gas. Q. How can I set the crust of custard pie? A. Custard pie should be first started to hake in a hot oven to set the crust. Then the heat of the oven should be quickly re- duced so that the custard may cook slowly. Norwegians Ordered To Like Nazi Films In Oslo it's now a crime to walk out on a German film, The Nazi occupation authorities in the Nor- wegian capital term it a "demon- stration against the new order," punishable by two to six months' Imprisonment. The report was broadcast by the Moscow radio and added that in one German city the authorities encountered "what they termed the disrespectful attitude of Ger- mans toward German war bullet- ins." A decree was said to have been issued requiring all persons on the streets to stop while the high command communiquee are broadcast at 2 and 8 p,sn, The Province of Quebec Holds A Steady Course To Victory y By The Hon, Adelard God{suit, Praifxi er of the Province of Quebec The third full year of war, just closed, shows as perhaps its great- est incidence, as far as the Province of Quebec is concerned, a renewed and even more conk - pieta dedication to the ideals of freedom and the task of Victory, as well as the marshalling of 'ev- ery 1 ;...ible force to those ex- clusive ends. Thanks tc a comparatively long terns view taken in this Province from the outset, in planning for co-operation••in the war effort of the Dominion, we were able in 1942 to meet huge production de mends in every field, and even to inaugurate output in new, essen- tial directions. Called on for maximum produc- tion from our bountiful soil, the Quebec farmer has more . than responded. Output in field crops in general has far exceeded the most optimistic estimates made at the beginning of the year. The same is true of all animal prod- ucts as well, with particular emphasis on bacon, milk, butter, cheese, eggs, wool, in which we made a telling contribution to the provisioning of Canada's armed forces and those of her Allies. Our new and highly important in- dustry of flax became stabilized with a production that reached splendid commercial proportions. In mining, forest exploitation, and the deep-sea fishing industry we were all able to come through with vast contributions in sup- plies and raw products to the war cause of Canada and the United Nations. Because of the inherent sound- ness and stability of our economie. constitution, our manufacturers in every field were able to bring reorganization for war to fullest fruition, and to carry industrial production to new heights, even in the face of all the difficulties inherent in the invasion of strange production territory under necessary restrictions placed on the procuring and use of raw and other essential materials. By the same token, they were also able to overcome what threatened to be a serious difficulty in the mat- ter of a scarcity of skilled labour, by co-operating in exemplary fashion with the Government in the vocational training of young people newly come to join the ranks of industry. The Province of Quebec con- tinued throughout the year her abundant contribution in young men for all the armed forces,' both for senvrce,.in.._Canada ane,.: overseas, and has taken to°^her elf^k a pardonable 'pride in what they have accomplished in the path of. duty. These are they who have, above and beyond all, led us to- day to that elevation from which, for the first time, victory is clear- ly in sight; and it is to them, more than to any other, that we must look for the consummation of our hopes in the coming year. Quebec's financial contribution te the war effort continued strong, proving' an outstanding factor in the sustaining of the country's morale. To feel able to pay one's way has a tonic effect on the spirits, amongst nations and peoples as well as am n t s t individuals. Our people waxed more and more enthusias- tie as time has gone on in making their individual money contribu- tions to the nation's expanding War -chest, • every facility offered for participation in war financing 'ibeing eagerly taken advantage of. A ease in point is that one of our small villages which subscribed 400% of its quota in the latest War loan offering. tIs * *: • , Quebec enters 1943 not only stimulated to • further effort by the long-awaited sight of the elusive goal of Victory, but with iter steadfast will. 'and desire for shoulder to -shoulder striving with her fellow -Canadians of all races .and creeds, and, perhaps more significant still to the immediate •(uestion of an early Victory, with far greater powers of perform- anee than she • has ever had, or even envisaged before. • Quebec sees this war as a fight for freedom; not alone the free- • dotn of mankind, or the freedom 'of •a world, or of a neighbour in that world, nor .yet of some given political system, but rather, and even essentially, her own freedom and that of our Dominion. She saw at the outset that there would be an infinity of effort and sacri- fice demanded as the price of Victory, She knew that, having ,much to contribute, she could pay that price; and with her eyes wide open as to costs and consequences she laid •her offering on the na- tion's altar, Never through the ensuing years of trial has she been found to flinch; rather has she gone on with even greater and- greater nd"greater effort, ever higher and higher sacrifice, to achieve in 1942, besides a manpower and diversified production contribu- tion of tremendous proportions, a notable share in the epic of Dieppe. There's Money to be Made in MICR ALMOST EVERY MINUTE of every day -- in the home, barn, street, store or factory you depend upon MICA. It is used in making practically all electrical appliances, and has a myriad of other important uses. Without mica, millions of tools and instruments essential to winning the war would be impos' sable to produce. Advanced modern • aviation depends upon mica. With the coining of peace, the world will still need mica —and MORE MICA. AND THERE'S MONEY IN IT— for at today's levels Mica brings from 80c to $5.00 per pound ($10,000.00 per short ton). Even in powdered form, ground down from otherwise wasted scrap at the mine, mica sells for $60.00 per ton. EVERY INVESTOR rl,'.,oul'the ani,,Tell illustrateC of MICA d book.It InCele you also the fncte about MAJOR- MIairettilY in CAproduction—and MINES , building' mica 0 uatry welt as manufacturing nae� h slinres stilt avnilnble at levels that present plenty of room for sub - ?dentin], speculative profile. FRCP Send for Your Copy of Thtro Informative hook. 1 .Ips — — ppb. NM ,A- ,per , MN Noes A p-.. .1.-.I IOW - mros""m'• Just write NO OBLIGATION your nnnte, .4041/411.••••••••••14• A_ ,_,uhf e5N bele+V Nome A &tram `1VLI MAJORMICA MINES • LIMITED IS Toronto .St., Toronto, Ont. Shares of MAJORMICA MINES are quoted Dail}'' an the Toronto Unlisted Section - * •* An entire province courageous- ly at war, is the only fit and proper characterization for Que- bec at'- the beginning of this year 1943. It has been the policy of the local government to lead this province along the road of full and complete co-operation in the national war effort. In total ac- cord with the policy of our federal government all along we find our- selves now, in view of all the circumstances, and among them the stamp of wisdom which Time cannot but be seen to have put upon that policy as well as the success that has attended its exe- cution, more than ever disposed to full continuance of that re- lationship. Canada's Prime Min- ister'e stirring and enlightened words: "Nothing matters now but Victory" seem to us in Quebec to put the whole situation in a nutshell and to strike the one worthwhile note for Canada's performance of 1943. Mei/ d Of Adapting Eyes To Darkness Discovery of a quick way of adapting eyes to darkness is aid- ing the Russian Army in night battle and reconnaissance oper- ations, a Soviet medical report re - Soviet physiologists are said to have developed methods which re, suit in maximum adaptation of the human eye to darkness within five or six minutes instead of the 25 or 80 minutes usually required, Until recently only one method of shortening this period was known. If before passing into darkness a person was kept in weak, instead of bright light, it was possible to reduce the period of adaptation from 45 to '50 min- utes to 25 or 30 minutes. Lend -Lease Balloons Thousands of British -made Iend- lease barrage balloons 11Jw pro- tect the west coast of the United States. For common ordinary sore throne O� ,i_ , fuss - 0-P3 ., 1P3tD 'Si R11 your. owners! go for Ogden's. Indians on the prairies never dis- covered the use of wheels - - - But old-timers cottoned on to Ogden's. They soon discovered it to be a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos ... the answer to a roil-your=owner's prayer. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug esealea Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dutch Drops" It is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, sleep -broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands for many years—GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your kidneys to purify the blood. Bemire you get the original and genuine -- packed in Canada. Insist on getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 09 Capsules. 40c at your druggists. 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 'HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete net, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. DI34,.; .G1 1-1'. A. l:. 1 T 1t . Meet - Wei :ateitereasouable ,. Drawl... Free catalogue. immediate deirv- ery. Produced from our own blood -tested s t o c k. Gaywood Farm, Mount Hamilton, WEAK toBISABOTAGE B ; u�Twaddle (nicks for liv- ability. The trouble with "buy - and -hope -for -the -best" chicks is • that they don't show their lacK or quality until it's too late to do anything about it. Time, money and manpower are too scarce to invest In anything but the best chicks.) The Twcddle Hatching capacity is. over iu0,000 Government Approved chicks a :week. We can give prompt de- livery on Barred Hocks, White Legborns, White' Hocks, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks, and •anany other popular purebreeds and hybrid crosses. Send for 1943 catalogue and prieelist. Also turkeys and older free range e11leraeher- iLimit Fergus, Ontio EGGS IN STAGGERING QUANTI- tiee are wanted for hone and abroad. 1943 pullets will be on the production end of many mil- lion eggs. Get every bit of equip- ment in shape to handle all the chicks you can. Some Bray, e shipment. St rted,hicke immediat cockerels, ,capons. Theo Ike tirne for dlt's know what you want, n ve'llLedo our best to see you get it. (Give nec130nd choice) JohnN., Hamilton, Ont. Hatchery. CHICKS WORLD RECORD PRODUCTION STRAINS — Chicks —large Leg - horns, Rocks, Reds Australorps, Sussex, Leghorn Docks Sussex from s n Livability gblood- tested- anteed. MARTIN CHICK FARMS, GALT. BUILDINGS FOR SALVAGE WANTED TO BUY BUILDINGS for wrecking,Factory, Mine equipment, Bridges, Dredging Equipment for Salvage. Taylor's Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford. COWS FOR SALE ,JERSEY BREEDERS BEING OVERCROWDED WE have a few purebred registered fully accredited cows for sale, high testers and excellent pro- ducers. Look them over and take your 1 wn o Whitchoice. Bokarfarm, R.R. R FARM FOR SALE iFARTI FOR SALE, FINE BIG house, without stock, 4 lots, 80 acres clear. Balance in bush, to all cash $4,000. Ste: Therese de Gatineau. Apply Elie Ethler, 7etaniwa.ki, Que. FAIL11.1: I'ROI)UCE, SOYA BEANS WANTED — WRITE giving quantities, varletles and prices Street, Toronto. GO An- nette FANNING MILL FANNING MILL (Kline) PROVED befit seed greelel, Screening re- pairs, IClino Manufacturing, 420 Willard by e.. Toronto, FOOT PALM OAUMEEI(A FOOT f3AJ..M destroYe offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Dreg Store, Ottawa, FURS, FADES, WOOL SHIP Cs YOUR AIDES, FURS, Wool, Horsehair. Top prices, prompt returns. Pearlman & Goldberg, 180. Front Street, East. sed Wool tGng Station No.ice 22.Grading • DX IcsNa .a • CLEANLNU*, HAVE' Wu 'Ater ersian' #ID on dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 1'onge Street, To- ronto. 11AJRDRI:SSING SCHOOL L Roberton HAIRDRESSINGmethod. d. Inform tion on request regarding classes, Ro emy, 138 ilvenue dRoad, gToronto. emy, MAC 1y1NERY CASH. PAID FOR ALL SURPLUS machinery. Hilbert C. Storey Machinery Company, 25 St. Albans Street, Toronto, Ontario. MANGI.L SEED MOORE'S GIANT WHITE SUGAR MANGER Registered No. 1 Germ- ination 06% in 3 days. Special grading process assures even sowing, uniform stand heavy yield. Absolutely peak value, beat mangel buy. 75c ib.; 2 or over 70c lb., prepaid. Ralph Moore & Sons, Box 126 Norwich, Ontario. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY—FOR NEURIT - is and Rheumatic Paine. Thous- ands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. HERBAL HEALTH TONIC DON'T READ THIS — UNLESS you are looking for a 'genuine herbal health tonic, laxative and blood purifier — one which strengthens, peps up and im- proves kidney, ver icin—onewch will ad in cor- recting stomach and digestive upsets, removes pimples and blackheads—one which will even smooth out the kinks and give quick relief to rheumatic aches and pains. Customers say that Nu -Tone herbs will do this and even more, and we are going to make it so easy for you to ob- tain two packages to prove their merits for yourself that you can- not afford to pass it up. 2-FOR-1 SPECIAL OFFER Mail us one dollar bill and we will send you by return parcel post t w o regular dollar -size packages of Nu -Tone Herbs—a full two months' treatment for Just the price of one. This offer good for one month only. Stocks are running low. Mail your order today. UNITED SSUPPLYCOMPANY 101; Queen West, Toronto Of FER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Sank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS FETHERs'roNI{At.l(3H Sr'. CUMPAN Patent Soli eltorte Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of informntinn on re- quest. ht;fLLv. CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILE. CANS R.ETTNNED likCana. Coon Ltd., Tinning new, Wo also buy old ntng Montreal Tinning R. It•etin PETI..SONAL E L 1 .1 A H ,1 O el I N G BEFORE Wonderful sinlcsteMegiddoMiobook sent New Fork. PHOTnGRAPfv DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH I'he Heat, Raln. or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by hind Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality and fast service u IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, 1'urunto REPRINTS ,IAL'E FROM NEG- ativ es 3c each, Eli argeluen to size 5 x 7, 15e; 8 x 15, Stic. Prompt mail service. ,Foto finishers, 423 Jarvis St., Toronto. �^ PATENTS 41, TRADE MARKS EGEItTON 11. C Acele, 1tElx1S'1: L1t1 ll United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over rorty years, 82 Balsam Avenue, '1'urunio, RABBITS FOR 50c 1 WILL SEND COM1-'LeITE information: breeding, housing, clipping, marketing; Angora rab- bits. A. E. lelassen, 13ox 4, Ros- enfeld, elan. RHLLMATIC PAINS READ THIS—EVERY SUFFE1t14R of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis nbou1d t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Ottawa. Postpaidtore$1.00.36 Elgin, SLICERS OR SALE MEAT A N D BREAD SLICERS $25.00 up—real bargain. Berkol Products Company, 533 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. SHETLAND PONIES SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE, Bartons Pony Ranch, Nokomis; Sask. STOCK FOR SALE SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND Reds, Exhibition quality. EGGS FOR HATCHING Group 1: $3.00 for 15; $5,00 for 30; $7.00 for 60. Group 2: Half price of Group One, Quinton & Son, Whitby, Onterio. TECHNICAL BOOKS FREE CA77AL.OGUE OF TECHNI- cal books for the practical man or engineer. Dominion -wide mail order service. Write or call C. Cole and Co. Ltd.,) The Book Exchange Department W, 870 Blom, West, Toronto. TURKEY SADDLE'S TLURIiEY SADDLES, 80 CENTS each, delivered. John 1,V. Wild, 19 Lansdowne Ave., London, Ont. TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR PARTS Nil tV AND used, for all makes of tractors, General Auto and Tractor Supply, 1 t'redericic St., Kitchener. Ont. 'rR.ACTORS 11.E1'AIRED TRACORS—REPAIRED 011 tIVFI2- hauled by our trained mechanics. Write to Waterloo Manufneturing Company, 7.i in 1 ted, R` terloo, Ontn*1o. WANTED --- MERCHANDISE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, 17.;10- trical, 1 slates, Bankrupt and discontilrued stocks bought for cash. Taylor's Merchandise, 420 Colborne, Brantford. ISSUE Na. 13-43