HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-03-18, Page 8• ZURICH HERALD 1 • * 4 4 4. 4. . + 4. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. It. EDIG1:10FF.R • To the Men who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid, These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. • If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. 4 4. 4. 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 ; .k toy CANADIAN WAR SERVICES FUND s CANADA TO PRESERVE - HER FREEDOM, , LIBERTY, DEIVIOC- ee you RASARY, AND ALL THAT WE needs 65,500,000 ••• 6 APPVIS MOAT 61+V HAVE by Buying, WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES 1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) 1 6+4**+++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++4-++++++++4.++++++4 15-X Brand Shingles JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5-x. CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE ,SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- 4.3 FED. 7E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE • RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! K FLEISe 4. PHONE 69 410 V WI el ZURICH 4 4 4 4 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++. Ir++++++++++++++++++4444+++ 0111141111114MOSINI.041111.1101114114109141444116411046 06666,66a*aoaaeoososma 6 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Brooder House Coal We have been fortunate to purchase a Car of Chestnut Hard Coal for use in Brooders and Colony House Heating, which we will let our Customers have in reasonable quantities for that purpose. We obtained special permission to purchase this coal. .. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Triak and Proved Shemin -Williams Paints, Oils, Varniaher,- Also Quick Drying Enamels and Viknishes; Floor, wai- OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. STADE & WEIDO ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE t sakaolasasorat imaametostostooatoon ZURIeliTS Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASEDFROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. Zurich -Phone 165 111111101111111 II III 111111111M1111111111111111111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111M1111011111 IRMO fitio» LUCA!, MURES' LOCAL MARKETS Mies Susan 0e,sch has left for Clin- ton where she has accepted a position Mr. Andrew Coxon of MilVerton, was a visitor with his son Dr. W. B. and M. Coxon last week. Mr and Mrs. Wm. - O'Brien and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were at London, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ervin and Denny, were visitors with Mrs, Sebilbe's par- ents, at Brucetield. Miss Leona Fisher of Dashwood, spent several days at the home of her sister, Mr. !and Mrs. Charles Thiel. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and children of Exeter were .Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. ana Fritz. Mereer. Herb Neeb and Leonard Erb were recently at Toronto, at, tending the Threshermen's Conven- tion. Mr. George Yungblut of Auburn, spent a few days at the home of his brother, Mr and Mrs, Harry Yung- blut. Misses Ethel and Pearl Gabel of Clinton were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- son Gabel. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison -and family of Clinton, were Sunday vie itors with Dr. and Mrs. Coxon of town. Mr. Charles Meyers of Londeaboro visited at the home of his brother, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Meyers over, thh week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and family, who had taken up residence in the home owned by Mrs Joseph Druar, have left to live near Brateteord wh- ere Mr. Jackson takes charge of a poultry farm. The Ladies of the Evangelical church, Zurich are holding a:'Rum- maee Sale in the Town !Hall, on Saturday Aprd erd There will be offered home made baking and ap- MIS, your patronage will be appre- ciated. Some real nice springlike weather has visited us the past week. The big snow banks are practically all gone, and little ice remains. In the country the fields are bare, and with the nice sunny days, and then the recent rains, things are pretty well washed away. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson re- ceived word from the former's two brothers, Fred and Vernon who are Privates in the Army in England and they wish -to thank the Women's In- stitute for their lovely parcels they sent them for 'Christmas, They arriv- ed in splendid condition and were very welcome, Mr and Mrs, E. M. Dagg and fam- ily spent the week -end with relatives in Toronto, and also to say good-bye to their nephew, Lieut. B. R.Srnyth of the Canadian Dental Corps, who leaves this week for Western Canada where he will be attached to the RCA F. Lt. Smyth who recently graduat- Ci from Dental College, is repotted. 'to be the youngest Canadian Gradu- ated Dentist. Farm Forum On Monday evening the Unique Farin Forum. met at the home of Mr Rol. Geiger with '31 present. Mervyn Stelek spoke on the subject "Land Use and Conservation." It was de- cided that no policies were followed in the settlement of mit district, .ind very little attention was paid. to using land for purposes to which 's is best suited. We have very little evidence of erosion in our district, utmost to conserve and rebuild the quality of the soil so as to assure its' productive capacity in the future. Ethel Merrier was in charge of re- creation. A .surprise lunch was ser- ved by the ladies. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Thos. Meyers, with Leonard Merner •as speaker on the subject "Fanners and Reconstruction." Everybody wed,- come - Corrected every Butter, cream-ery Butter, dairy Eggs, dozen . , „ Chickens, live lb. Chickens, dressed Ib. Wheat, bush. Oats, bushel Barley, bush. Buokerhe ate ibushe Flour,:, owt. 2.60, 2.75 Pastry flour ae mill 25 -lb , 05c Shorts andbeare, ton .........30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 Wednesday) 38 36 . 23, 26, 21, 20 15,22 2023, 1.10 50c 70 65c antarmo.12100MMMAMM•I• .47.1.211210_,..tatta:41.022Mainfusts • LENT' AND EASTER Wednesdy, March 10th, was Ash We.dneselaY, and the beginning of Lent. Good Friday will be April 23rd., end Easter Sunday, April 25th. Easter is tater this year than ?in sore years,;: lire fact it falls this year on the latest date at which it can be held. A TF LEGGED LEGGED LAMB A iamb with only three legs was born on the farm of Mrs. Geo. Edgar 2nd line Morris recently. The twe• front legs are normal but one h` d legs is missing. Despite this. handicap the lamb is as frisky as the, others in the flock and can run With, any of them. REQUESTS REFUSED. Ottawa - Finance Minister. Ilsley said in the House of Commons that it is not administratively possible fpxl, the Prices Board to make any difte erence in the butter ration as be- tween various persons o'groups. requests for larger rations for one group or another have? I think, been consistently refused, and necesearilY sa, the minister saitek LOST MANY SHIPS,. London - Britain has lost 416 warships since the start of the war, Lorn Bruntisfield, parliamentary sec- retary to the admiralty, `told the House of Lords in reply to a quest- ion. Recaeling the statement; A.V. Alexander, first lord of the ,admiralty that the Royal Nevy is mull, stronger than a, year ago, Lord Bruntisfield 11:•4aNeael tihoissscmbreakdol,vn of Britain's ThuntlikYi4MarC}1 'nth, 1043 -7::-:-.2,-..-z-..;;,....t...T.-7...,_,.....,_,...,„ ••••1-....,,,,-,,,„_________=--...„....._______Trt. ffit...!........c. +npromturpme4.404.41/41. 4.4.1.*****•., , tr.., v vv Iv r•••#,,,,rft...,...0.,...,„,,,,,, .}..T.,,,,t, , 4YOUR . 4 4, • Hardw're . . and Furniture. e STOR : 4. 4. 4. YOUR SEASON'S REQUIRPIVIENTS We Always Carry a Fun Line oi the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware:,, Stoves, - Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us, Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line, Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE • See Our ' Studio Couches and Dinnette Suits, + A,F,n11 Line of all the Home Requirernenb ,;: Always keep a Good Stock of New andthe very Latest el. in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con - 4 sidered. Let us show you our Beds Springs, Mattress, 1 Dining Roorn Suites,, Occasional Cbaits Rockers, Etc., .I SLIGHTLY USED FURN/TUR For E : , the more conservative purshaser we can ave : you many a dollar as we have a , fine assortment of : Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for .1 your Money. Drop in and look ,Iliese• ovea- and get our 4. Remarkable LowyThices, 4 4 Johnton& Kalbileisob. 4. Hardware & Furniture. Phan e 68 ' ++++44++++++++444******eeseeelefeeifee++++++++441..+4.94•411 li"P+441.644+++++++++++++++++ 1.++.1444+++44++++4141.•+++++444 ;1. + + TRY ECKEL'S +14+ Town Ta icrekd .., „. ..., 3 CHOICE VARIETY QII CAKE,, PIES, AND ÷ SWEET- .GOODS. edients Used aat a the Highest Quality ti of the. ' $ ALL CONFECTIQN5 ICE CREAM $ Our Store will be clzwl eacl Wednet3day Evening $ Eckel's Bakery - Zurich Teatephotte 1 00 • ummusamsammiman,sowsismassimermsaisgemsassa ACCEP• TS LIQUOR RULING Toronto - Gordon D. Con,N Toronto---Preinier Gordon D. Con- ant announced that Ontario has ac- cepted an offer, made by the Domin- ion Govt,, guaranteeing liquor revere. nes on the basis of the year ended June 30, 1942, if provinces 'Weed re- tail spirit prices sufficient to absorb a new 8,2 -a -gallon federal tax, 105 NEVER SMOKED -DRANK Barrie - George Latimer, of near- by Angus, celebrated his 105th bir-th day at his home. In excellent health, Mr. Latimer said: ,"I don't know what liquor tastes like, and I never smoked He moved to Angus about 65 years ago, and had charge of patrolling 3,000 to 4,000 acres of heavily tim- bered land iti the area which is now camp Borden. • •- FUEL•GIVING OUTT TRY "BUNDLING" An amusing and informative artic- le by E. C. Schumacher, in The Am- etican Weekly with this Sunday's (March 21) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, relates how the old colonial custom that ingeniously com- bined fuel saving with courtship,rnay become popular again, but slightly modernized to conform with 1943 conditions. Be sure to get The De- troit Sunday Times this week and every week. RED CROSS NEWS The following is the Red Cross shipments for Dashwood centre. 2 turtle neck sweaters, 2 pr service socks, :2 pr. mitts, 1 pr. gloves, aero cap, 1 boys pullover, 2 ladies' knickers, 1 man's shirts, 2 boys blo- uses, 1 boy pants, 3 ladies slips, 6 sanitary pads. Donations -16. large quilts, 2 crib quilts, 3 bath towels, 1 •girl's dress and jacket, 1 child's knit- ted dress and parities, 148 bars toil- et soap. GENERAL INKURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty .Fidelity, Eta. •ft r. Andrew F. Hess, t- Zurich Local Representative - Zurich 1141401110001111.01110***11111111141001141111811~1011NP Seed Cleaning Our Equipment. for Seed aeaning is. always: " able, and in good condition. We will be pleased to do this work for you, all seeds and grains for Spring Seeding... Please arrange to have this done early before the big rush. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cat of Chestnut Coal ofr use in Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra; Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc, L. Schilbe & Son IMOImillmeema11041.0•010,11410000