HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-03-18, Page 6Ali fe.' pee. he ma /the' is Vat:: • WW1 SO epee mot• few . °lite to �. ret• visi�tt M,. a. flea erloo�. char, - the I:, hum°theI, sulcal,. 1trs. vis:' visitot Wit'• Moo tel.' t'olveft 1171' heti f two Arsine I, RETURN OF THE RUSSIAN only bleak ruins remain to greet him as a soldier of the Red Army returns to his home in town retaken from the Nazis. This dramatic picture is from the March of. Time's "One Day of War," tloeu- mentary filen of a single day on the many fronts of Russia as filmed by 160 Soviet soldier -photographers, Have You Heard? The reporter limped in. "Well," said the news editor, "did you get the interview?" The reporter pointed tc a pair of black eyes. "We can't print a pair of black eyes. Where's the story?" The reporter lifted his hat and displayed a huge bump on his head, "Look," he repeated. "What good is that? We can't print things like that. Didn't you get the chap to say a few wards?" "Yes," was the reply, "but you ean't print those either!" Man (employed by an Aberdonian) : "I have been here ten years, sir, doing three men's work for one man's money, and now I want a raise," Employer: "1 canna gie ye that, but if ye'lt tell me the lad replied unthinkingly: "Yes, sir, very!" "Who was that you were talking to for a whole hour at the gate?" asked Mr. Simpson. "That was Mrs. Smith; she hadn't time to come in," re- plied his wife, Buckwheat The reason for giving the name buckwheat to the grain from which buckwheat flour is made is very simple, says the Fort Wil- liam Times -Journal. The buck- wheat grain, while very mrch smaller, is of the same triangllar color as a beech nut and naturally was called bockwheat or beak - wheat at first. Time works its changes on language as on every- thing else and so today this beech- wheat is called buckwheat, HORSEBURGERS ON THE HOOF Headed for butcher shops to helprelieve wartime neat shortage are these ex -farm horses in pen at stherville, la., stockyards, names of the ither twa men I'll sack 'em." When the threat of invasion was at its height and all signposts had been removed, a motorist stopped a eouniner yokel and en- quired of him the way to a cer- tain village. The yokel, pointing the direc- tion, replied: "That were the way before the war, but I b'aint be :elfin' anybody now." At the end of a lessen in general knowledge the teach- er asked if any member of the class could tell her what he knew about Lord Wool- ton. One boy got -up. "He's the bloke what tells us to eat less of what we ain't got none of." Little Boy: "I met Mr. Jones in the street going to school, and he said he wanted to see papa about something, and he called papa .a walking encyclopedia." Mamma: "Indeedl And what did my Itttle pet say to Mr. •ones ?" Little Bey: "I called him an old • eenti3 edti and threw a snowball at hint." "Hey, Mom," exclaimed the little boy, tugging at his mother's hand, "isn't that monkey just like Uncle James?". "Hush!" said his mother. "Don't be to rudel" "Ah; the monkey didn't hear me, Mom!" Ai: the mathematics professor woof working out an example on the blackboard, he noticed that aalp of the pupils wasn't paying`;: any attention. So, he said shar'ti, "Board, Jeffries, board!" Roused from his day-dreaan, thea Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lce 1. Which wedding anniversary calls for gifts of crystal? 2. Should one ever exprees anger in a letter? 3, Would it be bad taste for a man to wear a tuxedo or dinner jacket to a formal dinner? 4. What is the correct attire for a woman speaker at an eve- ning affair? 5. When a girl has been going with a young man for several months, and she knows his birth- day, should she give hint a gift, if he has never given her one? 6. What is the correct way to eat celery? Answers 1, The fifteenth anniversary. 2. Never, A person should develop enough self-control to supprees anger even verbally, but in a letter it stands as a permanent record, and usually the person who writes such a letter regrets it many, many times. Yes. Unless he has formal evening dress he should not attend. 4. A simple evening - dress, 5. No. The" loan should be the first to begin giv- ing gifts. Send hiin a nice birth- day card. 6. Pick it up with the fingers and ?lite into the stalk. IYI SAW MIMS YOUR /WARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED AC I WIIAT SCIENCE IS DOING PARACHUTES OF GLASS Army bombers are using para- chutes made of woven glass fib- res to. drop million caudle power flares. The glass chute is blackened with graphite to shield the air- men's irmen's eyes against the glare„ This chute has to stand the in- tense ntense heat of the million candle power flares and, although the glass fibres are almost as fine and light as silk, they can stand a temperature that would soften iron. Many other uses of fibre glass are secret. But a dozen are listed which are not secret. On the sea coast, fibre glass goods are used in camouflage to stand extreme moisture. The Navy is using the fibre to coat one side of insulating boards used in warships' interiors. This has freed enough aluminum to make 200 four -motored bombers, as the glass replaces an insulating material that had to be sheathed with aluminum, The signal corps uses field tele- phone cable made with 'woven glass, replacing metal and lighten- ing the weight. Ships and planes are using all sorts of cables cove ered with gfass cloth, sometimes pure woven glass, sometimes mix- ed or impregnated with other Ma- terials. Planes use the glass cloth for insulation against cold. The glass makes warmer Arniy barracks, The prize exhibit is the tent work- shops used in the Arctic, where glass insulation has reduced the bulkiness of the structural mater- ials aterials by '75 to 80 per cent. ITC STOPPED of a d/Pfq •or Money Rash For quickrelieffrow itching ofecsemn, pimples, sds- Iete'efeot, xcalee, scabies, rashes and other eatsratrU� caused skin troubles, use fast-nncting, cooling, en$• stainless. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Gresselesse Soothes irritation end quickly-topsiutewe itchint.85otrialbotdeprovesit,ormoneylutdrAds To= druggist today for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention --- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington 'St. E., Toronto THROAT IS PREY TO MANY AILMENTS Lymoids' Quick Action Praised by Thousands "LY.MOIDS are easing to the throat and relieve the hacking cough," So writes a Toronto resident.rj'hat unsolicitog testimonial is supported by thousands off other sufferers from throat ailments who have found quick relief with LYMOIDS, Use LYMOIDS for throat irritation, hoarso. nese and coughing. Ito blond of soothing medicinal oils should bring quick relief, Most atoms sell LYMOIDS in handy size Idc a,ul 25o boxes, if unobtainable send 106 in stamks Or coin, to LYMOIDS,119 Pearl Strut. Toronto. •MIDDLE AGE WOMEN (3'52) yrs;Qd. HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, S FtVo17S.. suffer hot tisanes, dizziness—eatised by this period in, a woman's life -- try Lydia E, »inkham s Vegetable Compound. Made espeefolIli /or wctabcaL. hundreds of thousands rd. inarkably helped. Follovr label dired- ttons, Jude fin Canada, eseeeseseessivesseisetenwesages. owC n.1 Sy Anne Ashley Q. How ean dry paint quick. 1y? A. Ozonized turpentine makes the paint with which it is mixed dry quickly. This is turpentine that has been exposed to the air and sunlight. Q, How can X give a shining appearance to cake icing? A, If butter is an ingredient in the icing for the cake, ice the cake and then put it in the oven for a few minutes with the door open. The frosting will have' n smooth, shiny appearance. Q. Hoiv can I clean steel which has become very rusty? A. First rub with a out onion. and leave for a day. Then polish it with paraffin or turpentine and. brick dust whichever you happen to have on hand. Q. What can I use as a sub- stitute when wax is not available for a- floor that is to be used for dancing? A. Powdered borax may be used, and will prove a good sub- stitute. Q. How shouldsalad dressing be" served? A. If possible, serve the dress- ing separately and let the guests help themselves. Not only does the lettuce wilt after the dress- ing has been on it for any length of time, but people have so many different ideas in regard to salad dressing. The Calm Courage Of Women At War A naval officer had gone down from Portsmouth to London with an important message to deliver without delay to the captain of a warship, relates the Windsor Star. He was to be picked up at the quay by •a motorboat and taken to the warship. Coincident with the arrival of the naval officer at the base came a blitz. As he took shelter in a porch, the naval man heard the familiar put -put -put of a motor, boat. Steered and manned by Wrens, the little craft nosed its way to the landing. Saluting as meticulously as though on a parade ground, in- stead of in a blitz, the Wren in charge reported to the officer. The girls took him out to the warship, waited for him and brought him back right through the worst of the business. The Wrens took the duty in stride, never worrying about bombs or danger. Copper, gold, ivory, tin, • dia- monds and palm oil are all found iu quantity in the Belgian Congo. ITDOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE I Even Mother Goose Rhyme Goes `Plastic' Plastic playing cards now, and plastic hair brushes; the new baby next door sleeps in a plastic bassinet; we shall ride in plastic cars when and if we .ride again, and Mother Goose is due for re- vision, There was a plastic man, In a nabby plastic tile. He found a plastic nickel Beside a plastic stile. His plastic -loving Wife, She wore a plastic blouse, And they both lived happy In a little plastic house. Plastics are said to date from 1868, when a printer made a bil- liard ball out of gum camphor and cellulose nitrate. It was as good as ivorp in every respect but one. In collision with an- other ball it exploded. — New York Times. 3,400,000 Murdered By Huns In Europe The Inter -Allied Committee said recently that, on the basis of persons had been murdered in oc- cupied Europe. "The figures are mostly Ger- man. erman so the extent of the toll of human life and suffering is only partially revealed," the commit- tee said. "Deaths at the hands of Gestapo agents are never reveal- ed and accurate information Is difficult to obtain." The committee said 2,500,000 persons had been executed or had died in Polish concentration camps, and 744,000 had been exe- cuted in Yugoslavia, Other totals include:. France, 24,000; Greece, 18,000; .Czecho- .Slovakia, 2,463; Netherlands, 2,200; Belgium, 198; Norway, • 140 and Luxembourg, 129. The figures do not include vie - tines of towns such as Lidice, Czecho-Slovakia and others in Yugoslavia and Greece which were wiped out in reprisal for sab- otage or resistance. Reindeer Meat To Help Out Rations Gam* and other delights of the gourmet are helping to solve the food problem. One piece of good fortune is the surplus of reindeer on Nunivak Island, off the coast of Alaska. From fewer than 201 animals the herd has increased. in twenty five years to an esti- mated 19,000, with bro'vvse enough to support only about 10,000 re- ported to be available. All buck fawns of the 1943: crop and surplus adults are to be killed and the meat supplied to• the armed forces and civilians. Elk present a similar picture. In United States national parks they are protected. During the present winter, co-operation of state and national agencies, fa- vored by weather and other fac- tors, has made possible a total reduction to 7,230 elk. The meat of the killed animals was conusm- ed by the Indians and residents of Montana. Although many different diee, lects are spoken in China, the written language is the same in all ,sections. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness. do not de- lay treatment and run the risks of letting this condition become chron-• io. Any itching or soreness or pain- ful passage of stool is nature's warning and proper • treatment should bo secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Roid from -any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, . will quickly . relieve • the itching and soreness and aid in• healing the sore tender `spots.,Hem-Road is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic Pile. condition <when such a .fine; rein d may be had at -such a smali'•'nrraz~ If you try Hem-Roid and are. not. , entirely pleased vrith the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. IFIE MEAT OAR Y CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR 1.1XTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages, Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. CRICKS WORLD RECORD PRODUCTION STRAINS — Chicks — large Leg - horns, Rocks, Reds Australorps, Sussex, Leghorn Rocks Sussex Reds from Banded and blood - tested breeders. Livability guar- anteed. MARTIN CHICK FARMS, GALT. It:4DV CRICKS GAXWOODS Q U 4, L I T Y CHIX. Quality at reasonable prices. Free catalogue. Immediate deliv- ery. Produced from our own blood -tested s t oak. Gaywood Faris, Mount Hamilton. EGSS AND POULTRY ASCE NOT among the rationed goods. They are needed in unlimited supplies ---here and overseas. Make your flocks real front liners, every hen a war worker. Don't wait till the last minute to order what you want of chicks, cock- erels, capons. Give a second choice to help with quicker de- livery. Tray Hatchery, 130 Sohn St. N. Hamilton, Ont. CRITICAL M EA T SHORTAGE continues. Make money with Tweddle Chicks. The meat sit- uation is definitely serious. Many retail butchers have closed up shop for want :at meat to sell. The outlook is critical. Poultry axed eggs have come Auto their own. Both bring prices that will leave you worthwhile profits if s and pti11 pellets. We e havht e of Capacity for hatching over 100,000 chicks per week, but the demand Is really tremendous. Send for Tweddle catalogue, also turkeys and older. pullets. Special prices on day old, two and three week old started. cockerels.. Tweddle , Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. I1OOKS .& NOVELTIES MEN! SEND Ian 11`011 WORLD'S funniest joke novelty and eat- aiogue ofsundries, books. and novelties. 'i�Wrestern Distributors, Bose 24 FWL, Regina, Sask. COWS PO SALE JERSEY BREEDtRS J E IN G OV 3RCFtOWISItD WE have a few purebred registetee fully accredited cows for sale, high testers and excellent pro- duoers, Look thein over and takey 3utr l,o wnlxitcbont.lOBokarfaral, FOOT 844L141 13AtiallE1 JI C(IOT BALM deatroys offensiVe odor instantly, 45o bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. 'VItS, iltl)Ylb, WOOL SITU' US YOUR HIDES, 11't718, Wool, Horsehair. Top pricers, Prompt returns. Pearlman & ('roldh at;, 1811 front Street, Reef, Toros to, (,loverntnent Licensed Won! Grading' Station No. 22.. FUEL WOOD) WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH A N D MIXED cordwood. First or second growth. Also Millwood. State full particulars and lowest prices. Walter Sohiess, 19 Melinda St., Toronto. UlS1NLi dk ULiilaNlNt,7 i3AVai YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us , tor Information. We are glad to aaswer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, '7:n hone Street, To- ronto. FOR SA O 366 ACRES LAND ALONG RIV3iJII, 1.011 cleared, well timbered, wat- ered, fenced, equipped, built. 11, Carruthers, tau Claire, Ont. nGUN dis MIME SMUTS WEAVER TELESCOPIC SIGHTS for guns and rifles: all models; low prices. Wirt, LIttle, Box 852, Ottawa, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING SOIL0I}L LI9 Alt N F1ALR.U1tdSSINC4 THE Robertson method, information on request regarding ctasees. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, IUJ)1UJAJ, 1tItlallilDY SKIN TROUBLE THOUSANDS HAVE 333530N b1RL.P- ed the Herbal way. WhY not you? Write to the Thuua Herbalists, for a free sample of our Thoro- i(leen Herb, 430 Queen West, Toronto, MACHINERY CASH PAID FOR ALL SURPLUS machinery. Gilbert C. Storey Machinery Company, 25 St. Albans Street, Toronto,- Ontario. MYIEDICAL GOOD RESULTS -- EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis .shoulcl try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store 236 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. • OFIr11R 7) 111TVE1VTORS AN ()PEER TO nvnaY INVENTOR List of ittventiona and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay (3o,, Registered Patent Attorneys; 273 lank Street, Ottawa, Canada. 0A.TB OATS: OAR SUPPLY IN ANY, quantity. Mabel and Cartier. Registered and No. 1, 1R. :Bruce Ness, Eoivick, Q(re, ommorskoriewmarobwa I'I!iT.G11!IItSTOJ1t A,UJ(it•1 & CUi14PA19Y Patent Solicitors. Established 1800; 14 King West, Toronto. Uookiet of LUYormatloa an re- quest, illiLI•C CANS I1,I1N EOWED RUSTY MILK CANS P..I:TINNED like net, We also buy old cans, IViontrea .inning & 'Rationing Co, Ltd., Montreal, PERSONAL 111L1 AR COMING BEFORE Christ. Wonderful book sent tree. Megiddo Mission, Rochester, New lode. 1'BIu'1'fGRA1' W'd DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH .1'he Rent, (Ruin, or Ilei) HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any b or 8 exposure film per:eutl;g developed and printed for only See. Supreme quality and fast service guarauteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE station .1. Toronto 50 1'11OTO STAMPS OF SWEET- heart, Mother, anyone, only 51.26.. 1011 for $2.00. Send 10c (credited), for our literature and samples. Prairie Distributors, Dept. WPC, Winilner, Sesk., Canada. REPRINTS MADE, FROM NEG- atives 3c each. Enlargements size 5 x 7, 15c; 8 x 1U, 20c. Prompt mail service, Foto Finishers, 4211 Jarvis St„ Toronto. PATENTS .5 TRADE 41A1C1sb Dille 91tTU+`1 11. CASE, REGISTERED Bolted States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet grads. Established over forty years, 82 Balsams Avenue, Toronto. at�11I11a';� FOR 6Uc I WILL SEND COMPLI TIG information: breocling, housing, clipping, marketing; Angora rab- bits, A. 111. 1(lassen, Box 4, Ros- enteld, Man.. - IIIIEU IATIO PAINS TRY. IT! .EVERY: SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritisr should try Dixon's Remedy. I"2unro's Drug Store, 335 Elgiir„ Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 'r`'UItIU11)' EGGS WANTED WANTED BRONZE) TunictoY eggs, highest' premlum5 paid., Write to the Lindsay Electric S3atohery,. 33 Melbotarne St. West, Lindsay, Ont, TUUIt'ISY SA..I)DLI31S TURKEY SADDLES, 30 CENTS each, delivered, John W. wild, 15 Lansdowne Ave., London, Ont. SUGAR, SURSTI'rl3PI1 SUGAR SUBSTITUTE CAN, BE made at home, • At about one fifth price of sugar. Informations tree with purchase of Book, Household Hints. Price oaks; $1.00. N. Wiiias, Septan, Manitoba. ,1, A.GTOR PARTS TRACTOR PART'S • NW mos used, for all makes ofii. tractors. (.General Auto and 'Tractor Simply, 1? i+'redorick St., Kitchener. Oat, ISSUE No 12-43