HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-03-18, Page 5FATE BUSINESS CARDS t1lDLEY. .tioLuEs illARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 14OT. ARY $PUBLIC, ETC. „ OFFICE—At Court House GOODRICH 41gecial Attention to Comics! and Court Work. Holmes may be consulted ,at ,riCoderich by Phone, and Plmrno charges reversed. 'IThursda,y Friiclay, Saturday NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative J ARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put ,your order for Coal in now! .igeveral. iCars are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, :Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of All brands, Hensall Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIA.N Cir. W. B. CQXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Me with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zurichane---96. A, R. Campbell, V.S, 8 V,Sc 1 *duate of Ontario Veterinary o lege, University of Toronto. All *stases of domestic aninaalEe treated by the most modern pr i or Chargesnight reasonable. Day calla promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish- terriers. Inverness apposite TOffice on Street, wn Hall, Main : Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT TVIABKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect,, always on hand. Kept fresh in. Electric , Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for -*Oa- Hidetc and Skins IYunghlut & Sou PRODUCE ZurichCreamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus * premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg stud Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. arm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the -producer every advantage. Also _Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien pitons 101, • Rea. 94, Zurich INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual 'h, Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK � AL• , RESERVE ME LARGES R .SERv ,ACE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT. [IAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1936, 322,391,527,00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 0273,613.47. Ihateis--44.60 per $1,000 for 3 Yearn E F. KLOPP. --ZURICH :tilt, also Dealer in Lightn h Rods and all kinds of Fire 1 muralncet RIKH Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ada, in this Column. FOR SALE A 1941 Dodge 2 -ton Truck, stake body in very good condition. For quick sale,- ..L. ISchilbe & Son, Zurich PIGS FOR SALE Pigs -:--A number of Stockers and Rome suckers for sale. Apply to •Chas. Bedard & Sons, phone 1:5-98 FOR SALE A heifer due to calf:• Sol Ginger - 'eh, PJione 3r84. 03=1.1.13/"..4====.......=1.=====1,024:21 ,=, LQiT 13etwern Zurich and Hensall, a good logging chain, Finder kindly notify Ervin Gingerich, Phone 79x15, Zurich. WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Horses. Phone Crediton Central, re- verse charges.—Jack Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-0.'41 NOTICE TO In the Estate of JACOB OESCH, of the Township of .Hay, deceased. CREDITORS OR OTHERS having any claims or demands against Jacob Oesch, farmer, 'Township of Hay, are required to forward the same to the undersigned on or before the 2'th day of March, 1943, after which distribution will he made among those entitled thereto. Dated— March 9th, 1943. Moses Gerber, Joseph 'Gelinas, Executors, Zurich, Ont, LOCAL NEWS 111e, Albert rHeideman of Niagara Fa11s bad a pleasanit week -end at the home of his parents, Mr 'and Mxs.. Edgbeut Heideman. Mr. Allan Gaseho of the Air Force, Sky Harbor, Goderich, enjoyed the week -end with his parents, Mr and Miss. John Gascho Miss Doreen O'Dwyer, Doris •Harn- iliton of London and Lieut. ' David Perry of Centralia Air port, were week -end g'uetsts at the home of the forrner's parents, Dr. and Mrs. P.J. O'Dwyer. Horn—Dack--d.ieur, T. E. Dock,- overseas, and Mrs Dack (nee Ruth Foster, London, Ont., are happy- to announce the gift of a daughter, (Caralyn Ann), .at Victoria Hospital, March 10th. Come to the Rummage Sale at the Town I-Iall, Saturday afternoon, Ap- ril 3rd, you will be sure to find .some- thing you need, The ladies or Evan- gelical church are sponsoring this sale and you are cordially invited to be. preseant. 4c. POSTAGE STAMPS Re: New Issue of 4c Stamp:, com- mencing April 1st, next, 'i;ie Po t - office Department will not produce the present four -.cent stamp in quant- ities but will issue a new four -cent stamp as soon as possible. In the meantime, the public are asked to please.co-operate by affixing an addit- ional stamp. The three -cent stamp will, of course be appicable to the local or drop lox letter rate after CREDITORS 1st of April, next. While the present NtOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lydia Faust of the Village of Zurich, in the Town- ship of Hay, deceased. CREDITORS and Others having any claims or demands against Lydia Faust of Zurich, in the Township of Hay, are required to forward the same to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April, 1943, after which distribution will be made a- mong those,entitled thereto. Dated, March 18th, 1943, Mrs. Clara Hoffman, Zurich, Ont. S. E Faust, Mitchell, Ont. Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Jacof Brown, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a all persons having claims against the " estate of Jacob Brown, decesed, shall 0 send the same to John Brown, Zurich a P. O., the executor of the Will of .D the said. deceased, with full particu- lars of the same, on or before the ti 31st day of March, A.D. 11943, at s which date the executor will proceed io to wind up the estate having regard A only to the claims received by him. DATED this 13th day of March, A.D. 1943. Loftus E. Dancey, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the executor. PIGS FOR SALE .A, number of small pigs ready to wean for sale, Hy. Clausius, Phone 005. HENSALL Mr. Glenn Bell, Gerald and Earl spent a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lorne .McNaughton, • Mr. A. L 'Case. was last week con fined to• his home with illness, His many friends hope to see hien out again soon. Miss Margaret Glenn spent a very pleasant week -end with Mr and Mrs Stanley Mitchell and Patsy, cast of Hensall. LAC Ken Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensall, re- ceived his wings. this Thursday, Mar. 18th, in a ceremony at No. Service Flying Training School, Brantford, where he is stationed, Ken is a flye, of extraordinry ability, and certainly knows how to handle a plane. His parents and members of tne family attended the ceremony. The •Girls' dance club of Hensall are sponsoring a dance in the Town Hall, •Hensall, Monday March 22nd, music by Ted Pudney and his Orch- estra. Proceeds for war work. The WCTU will hold their March meeting at the home of Miss Eva Penrose of Exeter, Thursday after- noon, March 25th at 3 p.nr. Pupils of Mr Claude Elowes of the public school are contributing $6,00 towards the Mobile Kitchen Unit,for bombed out area in Great Britain, The many friends of Mrs. John two -cent stamp will be more or less Johnston, who has been seriously ill a dead issue, it can be used by affix -1 with i??nulprovi will be pleased to learn is improving. ing it in to make up the 4 -cent rate. In cases where this is not practicable the public can iaffix a 1 -cent stamp in addition to the Curren ti .3 -cents denomination to make up the 4 -cents rate. The Department wishes to ad- vise that from present indications, it would seen that this is the best that can be done until the new 4 -cent stamp is ready for sale to the public. HYMENEAL Castle--Gascho Harriston — A wedding was solem- nized at the United Church, when the Rev. G. H. 'Thomas, united in marri- age Phylis Helene, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. ,Samuel Gascho, of Har- riston, to Roy Castle, of Drew, son of Mr and Mrs. T. Castle, of Toronto Mrs. Jack Arthurs, was matron of honor and Jack Arthurs attended the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. After a short honeymoon the ,young couple will reside in Harriston. The Herald 'joins the many Zurich friends in extending congratulations. Farm Forum The Babylon Line Parni Forum held two meetings recently atter a absence of more than two weeks. On March llth, 24 members met at the home of Mr and Mrs Sylvanus Wit- mer to discuss "Problems of the Home Market" Miss Donna Merger mi :Mrs. Oscar Greb read papers on Financing. Co-operative Business." n March 15th, a meeting was held t the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert esjarcline in the evening following a uilting bee in the afternoon `which re ladies attended and a delicious upper. "Land 'Use and Conservat- n" was the topic for the evening. social time followed in which we Mrs. Wilson Carlile is in Goderich this week visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Wesley Richardson and family. Carol Ann is at present confined to the home with measles. Mrs, Fred Beer was a recent visitor to Toronto for a week's vacation, and while there was the guest of Mrs Janet Peck and Elaine. Mrs. Graham is in Palmerston at present, owing to the illness of her neice, Mrs. Horner. Mr. Clifford Moir, well known dis- trict farmer had the misfortune to fall down the stairs from the upper section of the barn, and in doing so fell on a hoe, resulting in a fract- ured foot, Mr and Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni, of Listowel spent Sunday with M•rs. C. McDonnell and Dorothy.; Mr and Mrs. William White of Lon- don were Sunday guests with Mrs R. Bonthron and Mrs. L. Simpson. Golden Wedding A tainiiq cl nn.er on Sunday 14th marked the 50th wedding anniver- sary of Mr and :Mrs, George Gram, well known residents, the guests of honor received many lovely gifts in honor of the event. Attending from a distance were Mr and Mrs. Percy Gram and Betty Lou, from Lansing, Mich., Miss Ada Grana, of Adrian, Mich; Mrs. Perkins, Exeter; Mrs, Isaac Jarrott, Kippen; Mrs. Nina Love, Hensall; Mr and Mrs. Gram have been residents here for over 30 years. Before taking up residence they resided west of Hensall, on the Parr Line, where Mr. Gram farmed successfully. They are members of Howell. United Church. Flyer Honored The Sergeants' Mess at Clinton Radio School was the scene of a de- lightful affair Sunday evening, when sang songs, played bunco and enjoy- friends of Sgt. Craige, who is leav- ed the lunch. Next week, March 22nd ing camp this week for Englaud,pre- the meeting will be at Mr. Arnold sented him with a W.aternran's foun- Merner's and the radio broadcast tain pen and pencil set. The address will be on "Farmers and Reconstr- was read by Reeve E. R. ,Shaddick uction, Everybody invited. of Hensall and the presentation by Ted Oliver of the New Commercial hotel, Hensall. Music was featured C411404 SODS FATS' 6 80110 os��'�s r tti �*o Olt y ro �Ar iiiith ,�o yoo'• f/ �A� x/08 AO YOUR WASTE AND NOS You can tate your fat drippings, scrap fat and haws to your meat dealer. He .will pay you the established price for the dripping and the scrap fat. II you wish, you can turn this =may ori to 'your local Voluntary Salvage Committee or Registered Lova! War Charity, or -- You ram donate your fat dripping scrap fat and bones to' your ! Voluntary Salvage Coazaaitt.e if they collect them in your Com- munitr, or - 3 You can continue to place out your Fats and Bones for coller. tion by your Street cleiming Department where such a system la hi effect. wait Department of National War Services NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION during the evening, and an tnformal time spent. Friends present who attended from Hensall were: Dr. and Mrs. D. Steer, Reeve and Mrs. Shaddick; Mr and Mrs. Mian. Tudor, Teel Oliver; Mr and Mrs. Ed Fink; Mr and Mrs, Ed. McClinchey; Miss June Saundercock; Mr and Mrs. Jim Frquhar; Cornelious Faber; Mr and i\trs. T. Sherritt; MIs J. Boyd; Miss Beryl. Pfaff, Mr, Orville Workman;I Wm Fairbairn, Geo Thompson, By- ron Kyle, Mrs. Sararas, Jack .Simm- ons, Jas Parkins, Harold Willard, MI' and Mrs Alf Moffatt, Kippen; Jack Tudor, RCAIF' Centralia. Former Resident Passes Word was received of the death of Mrs. A. H. King, who passed away at Porter MVIemorial hospital, Chester- ton, Indiana, at the age or 5G yea'rs. She had been ill for some time but had been confined to the house only a short time. Edna Louise King, da- ughter of the late Thomas Neetans, was born in •Stayner, Ont,, her early life was spent in Hensall, until she moved to Chicago with the family in 1918, her father was Editor of the Hensall Observer for many years. In June 1968, she was united in mar riage to Arthur King, who was stat- ion agent at Remit, at that time, they were married in Hensall, to the union was born two children, a son, Wm. now in the U.S.A. Army, and a daughter who passed away in 1934. Besides the husband and son MN. Xing is survived by two bro- thers, Roy Neelands of Chesterton and Ray D. Neelands of Cleveland Mrs, King was very active in church work, being a member of tee Forst Methodist church of Chesterton, and will be greatly missed. ya Thu day, March 18th, 1943 FOR QUICK SALE A, number of amali pigs for it � mediate sale. Apply to Sol. ,Gingeric h Goshen line. Contract Barley WE ARE AGAIN TAILING CON- TRACTS FOR MALTING BARLEY FOR `IHE CANADA MALTING COMPAN Y. BEST SEED PROVIDED. PHONE OR WRITE T0: Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Hensall - Ont. Phone 103. , TRY.. OUR School Shoes START YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS To School with good comfortable and durable School Shoes, We have a arge stock to choose front in all size es, Priced for economy. RUBBERS We can supply you with all your needs with good pre -war -made Rub» bens at our usual low cash prices. Give up a Call. E. J. D.A.TARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair. ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us a Call! "We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Best" t 4. URINA 011OV8 We carry a full Iine of Purina Products, such as Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey Feeds, Etc., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 Check-TJp- Week • THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. NEXT SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE THE BIGGEST TASK IN THE HISSTORY OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE. THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL MACHINES NOW, Ti-liS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, AND ORDER SAME AT ONCE. "GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS PARTS FOR M. -H. MACH- INES. Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Kio ` ,. Res MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. 67. II 1111111tlRIIIIli lllllllllllll.fiIIIIIIII IIIRIIU11111Nl!IHIIIIIl1IN: _111111fltIfl1,'' 11111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111811M11011!: 11M1tlIID±_ ..• e Zurich Variety Store WHEN YOU WANT TO PURCHASE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM ORDINARY MERCHANDISE, 'VISIT OUR STORE. WE HAVE MANY ARTICLES VERY lUITABLE FOR RIIRTHDAY GIFTS OR GIFTS FOR OTHER OCCASIONS_ WE CAN HELP YOU - WHILE MANY LINES .ARE HARD TO GET AT PRESENT, YET WE HAVE MANY NICE THINGS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC. Always a full line of Toiletry, Stationery, School Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! UIIIH tIU11111111111U11111I1! lilll@111l1111U1 111111 I IH11111111111IIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111Im1111I111111111111E1111111111111 uIrlIi II11I11f1111II1f1I111mf111 KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE t ,k MARATHON GAS A Gasknown to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular e f' r''a", Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp'a you gat Guaranteed Indian Lubricatiou, using 1 kinds of, as ' i youto watch C.te .. We suit. wa lw us I.ubrieat. your Car Mud are how :Trained Attendants Grease Carrs Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy !:test Rooms. Zurich's Attest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLO.PP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son 1)sed Car Lot in Connection.