HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-03-11, Page 2SOME THAT HITLER DIDN'T )GET eeeee c3,uxi i, r" Sv`'�"i 'hyv. a a�..•• +r '' b'A*•reAwFta`?y.� ,;. :,,< .'.'.::: ��� °'AS, '�^w .•.} � i Err. , the ench t he wrested, sunken and jFre French ateTouloartn f The photo, Fleetroan enemylsource,. get when took over the great shows a German sentry* looking over some of the ships scuttled by their own officers and crews last Nov. 27. dem. > lege By Roberta Lee tte 1. What makes a good eoneer- sationahist? 2, What should a person do with his lett hand while eating at the table? 3. Should one always give a tip in an ineonepicueus manner`; 4. Is it proper to give out any explanations in the event of a broken -engagement'. 5. What should a girl do at a party when an inebriated guest insists upon kissing her? 6. Is it correct to use a chaf- ing dish at dinner, 1. A. good conversationalist is not merely one who talks well hmself, but who kuows how to draw others into discussion, and who know how to give others the opportunity to appear to advan- tage instead of attempting Z display his own superiority. Unless the left band is in use, which is of course necessary at times,. it ,should be kept in the lap. 3. Yes, always. 4. No; it is much better taste to say nothing, not even to one's most intimate friends. It is wise to bear in hind the words of the old proverb. "Least ss guestonest fr'anklyended." and posi- Tellthi,. eIve • without_. displaying, anger,. .. ii o your host or hostess. 6.7oor the chafing dish is for a supper A nautical mile is equivalent to 6,080 feet, or nearly one-sixth more than a land, or statute, mile. DERELICT IN TOULON WHAT SCIENCE 115T COLD PREVENTION Three toctors in Minneapolis have been conductinglarge-scale experiments among students at the University of Minnesota to see whether colds can be prevented by taking substantial doses of vitamins, New Republic reports. Their conclusion is that they can- not. It is true that the students who took a multiple -vitamin prepara- tion reported a decrease of more than 60 per cent in the number of colds during the winter. The trouble is that when a similar group of students were given pills of no therapeutic effect whatever, they also showed an almost ex- actly parallel reduction. The doctors say that this effect is noticeable with, almost every sort of experimental treatment to prevent colds among large num- bers of people. Whatever you give them, even if it is only bread. pills, the number .of illnesses is much reduced. Is this because many colds are and psychological in origin, som'etbing about the experiment aids the psychology? . Is it , e : use eo .le under ob- themselves than is normal? Are they perhaps ashamed of catching cold and do they, part of the time, conceal the feet that they have done so? Here is an interesting prob- lem of medicine, HOW CAN U-? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I removeheat a stain from a highly -polished ar- ticle of furniture? A. Apply the following in or- der, using a separate cloth for each: Kerosene, alcohol and sweet or linseed oil, Rub the last in well until the spot is no longer visible. Q. How can I avoid loss of vita- mins when cooking vegetables? A. A good way to cook vege- tables is by steaming. This re- duces the loss of minerals and vitamins and is also economical, as one may cook several different vegetables at the same time, • Q. How can I keep syrup from crystallizing? A. Any boiled syrup can be prevented from crystallizing by the addition of a pinch of baking soda while it is cooking. A. 'What is a good cleanser for brass, copper and pewter? A. A mixture of salt with an equal quantity of flour and Vin- egar. Apply a paste made' up of these ingredients and allow to remain on an hour, and then rub off. Wash with water and polish. Q. How can I shorten the .time it takes to peel apples and tomatoes? Some Animals Can, Tell the Time A fine golden retriever of my aequairtance is 'n the habit o3 Camels g at the door of his master's bedroom in the early morning, says a writex4i,',lbe: ;ondon Spec- tator. The room for tee moment is a. sick room, and the nurse no- ticing the dog'e punctuality took particular care. to test it. For the first four mornings fo the trial, which still proceeds, the dog came to the door at 7,22 a.m. precisely. Some of the stupidest animals have as singularly accurate a sense of time, A shepherd whom I knew experimented with a flock of sheep, into whose pen he de- posited a supply of roots at a punctual houi in the afternoon. If he was a minute or two late every .sheep was on its feet; it h was the least bittdosvzearly ln every sheep was lying The "voice of the stomach" seems to be as accurate as the voice of affection. t, atlas's should be placed in a colander, then in hot water for a moment, and the skins will come off easily.. Didn't Have Jeep: Not An American A. sign of the motor age: A Senegalese soldier shot two Ger- man parachute troopers who claimed they were Americans. He explained to his French command- ing officer: itI knew they were not Americans because they did not have a jeep." GENERAL WARMTH _ra The banana grows either wild or under cultivation in almost every tropical region of the world. Have You Heard? A large 'flustered woman, drag- ging a small boy, sailed through the station barrier and apptoaeh' ed her waiting husband. "Hello," said the pian, "You're late." Alf." "Ori don't talk about it, replied his wife. "I never 'ad such a time! What with young Bill 'anging on me'and, the ngain on ing to the luggage -rack, 'ung u in a tunnel and you 'engine about in the station for nie, I was in a regular state of suspense." Knitted cap and warm clothing keep Gdn. Dwight D. Eisenhower, chief of allied operations hi North Africa, in smiling mood on air tour of Tunisian front. Indian corn i,_ grown success - below sea level on the Caspian plains and at an altitude of 12,000 feet in th A boy had fallen into a river and the kind old lady stopped until he was safely on the bank. "Ho% did you came to fall in?" she asked. ,,. "1 didn't come to fall in, he said, "I came to fish." The mistress of the house heard the bell ring and saw a Chinese peddler standing at the front door. Quickly retreating, she called out to the maid: "There is a Chinese at the door. You go, Ella." That was too much for the ped- dler. He stuck his head in the door and shouted indignantly, "You go 'ells yourself!" Husband: "What extra- vagance! You have two hats to m'tch that one dress." Wife: "Oh, no 1 haven't. I've only one dress to snatch the two hats." An English tourist traveling in the North of Scotland, far away from anywhere, exclaimed to one of the natives: "Why, what do you do when any of you are ill? You can lever get a doctor." "Nae, sir." replied Sandy. "We ve just to dee a natural death," "You hammer nails like lightning.,, STOPPED .., &tarries ', K4t. � OiCaiata Qulaktnliseassletensielattasest Oita �itas►NI a9c BoMta, at drvgerata proves II or money hack Roll yo Jr owners l go for Ogden&s Indians onthe prairies never dis- covered the use of wheels .. . But old-timers cottoned on to Ogden's. They soon discovered it to be a distinctive blend of choicer, riper' tobaccos the answer to a roll -your' -owner's prayer. Try�rt,,today. Ogden's. quality oors pipe i t flask smokers, too, in O9 "You mean''l'n* a fast worker?" "No, you never strike twice in the same place." • Young father: "In your sermon this morning you spoke about a baby being a new wave on the ocean of life." Minister, "That's right. Do you think a fresh squall would have been nearer the truth?" SAFES Protect o �; `IRE? end Bootie1'HIIEVES. ()ASP,ar e have n size and Tyne' of Sae, or �r Cabinet, for any purpose. 'n nm, or {write ler prices. etc. 3n Dept. W. IAY SAF E LIMITED TORONTO lib l�'ront Si. C., 'Toronto Established 1855 e Peruvian Andes. IFIED ADVEIITI!!M!NT! �. Av) G11;A i' Ii Y DAD'S! CRICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds, Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, YOUR BRAY CHICKS SHOULD Provide some of the 9 000 o 6g tons of egg powder, million dozen eggs, to fill 13ri- order. °ite1this mealls year. mal, ng evet's a ry bird a. real war worker. Immed- iate or later delivery—order new chiekS, started chicks, cockerels, capons. Bray hatchery, 130 John N.,'Hamilton, Ont. WEEKLY CAPACITY FOR HATCIi- ing over 100,(00 Tweddle chicks, but be sire—order early, Last Tho photo above, from an enemy source, shows the great battle on the Strasbourg, onto a lroud unit ulon. Theof the Strasbourgcwasione oftthe on the harbor bottom at To French warships scuttled by their crews last Fall. SE METAL D OIL MAR II . ,T We believe the shares of STEEP ROCK at present prices are an outstanding purchase in the base metal market. Among the , oils, the recently completed finan- cial arrangement for DAVIES and LEAST CREST gives these companies excellent Specu- lative possibilities. We also recommend NATIONAL GROCERS CO, LTD. common stook for investment &nd l)p ion. • Clat star a 1 e 'Ap Information on any of the above gladly furnished on request. HARAS CORPORATION 11 King Street West TORONTO RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It you are troubled with itching piles 01 rectal soreuess, do wit decay treatment and run the rislt of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of seoo1 is nature's warning and propel' 'treatment should hesecured at once. For this purpose get a package of Flom-ltoid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula vrhicb is Used internally is a small, easy to take tablet,, will quickly relieve the Itching and soreness and aid In healing the sore tender spots. Hem -Reid is pleasant to use. ?s highly recommended and it seems the height or folly for any one _to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such .a small Bost. 10 you try Hem-leoid and are not entirely pleased with the results, Your druggist will gladly return your money R8116ves distress from MONTHLY FALEf- ► KNESSani Lydia, 0 xainkliain's Vegetable Compound not onlyhelps relieve monthly pain but also weak, defy sus feelings—due to monthly eunc- tonai disttrbances.It helps buildup ildu lt eIa"dtlty Cudys" against dnCanad ragnixamniaematoroageemirind Year we had to increase our hatching capacity right in mid- ecasun, and even then we were short. Now, we THINK we're reedy for the biggest demand ever but it's always better to ee safe than sorry." Your choice of all the popular profit-making breeds—stuns crossbreeds. Send for catalogue, price list. Also turkeys and older pullets. Get our special price on cockerels •kilo they Last, Tweddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, CHICKS WORLD RECOD PRODUCTION ti i i:tAncs — CRhicks — large Leg - horns, Rucke, Meds. Australorps, &user, Leghorn Reeks Sussex Beds from Banded and blood- tested d.breeders. M tRTIN CHICI�tI+Aguar- RMS, GALT. BOOKS & NOVELTIES MEN: SEND 10c FOR WORLD'S funniest Joke novelty and cat- alogue of sundries, books and novelties, Western Distributors, Box 21 1"WL, Itegine, Sask. FURS, RIDES, WOOL SHIP US YOUR HIDES, FURS, 11'ooi, 8or'sel?air. Top prices, prompt returns. Pearlman & Goldberg, 180 Front Street, East. oltntent i2VolGradig Staion No. 22. • FUEL WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH AND MIXED cordwood, First or second growth. Also loesulparticlas and lowest prices. Walter Schiess, 19 Melinda St,, Toronto. DYEING de CLEANING Hdv ingYorUcleaning?l Write NEEDS us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- inent Limited, 791 Youge Dye Works To To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL L E A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FARM FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT ON THE HIGH - way between Elmwood and Ilan - over. Approximately 100 acres on lots south part 33 and 34, con- cessions 7 and 8 Brant. The Krug Tiros. Coy. Limited, Chesley, FOR SALE WIDE: SELECTION, THRILLING and exciting stories. Send only 26c for 4 back numbers; West- erns, Love, Candid Confessions, True Detective Cases, Fun Par- ade, Famous Crime Cases, etc., by one of Canada's largest Pub- lishers of Magazines. Send fol' Free catalogue of Boor: Bargains. Post Office Box 332, Department W.1'„ Toronto, Ontarioff____ "1.1118 .L REMEDY BUSINESS FoR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP EQUIPPED and • stocked, also Grist 91.111 equipped- with International en- gine and Jolliette grinder, all under one roof. Good house and lot included, Splendid farming ' .district,. Closing estate. Clarence Mallory Bloomfield, Ont. CHICI S SEND FOR OUR rtneoRD CHART free and catalogue. Six breeds 'chicks and all ages growing pul- lets. Government approved. Savo money, early order discounts. Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction guaranteed. blonkton Poultry Farm, Moiilcton, Ontario. 1)R&G SAW WANTED WANTED USeeD "wAnxr DRAG saw. el price. Write �State Lodruopdition Helsel, siDr yton, Onterlo• EGGS WANTED I W.ANT]3D HATCHING EGGS FROM Government Approved and O.B.S. flocks, all breeds, Guaranteed premium paid. Wrl'te for full par- ticulars. Box 91, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. FOOT BAt SI s BALM destroys 13A.,A 1 C'001" ' +11C: [E offe I o�ffenslve odor instantly, 46c bottle Ottawa agent Denman Drusi store. itti.nwa.� FUR. 1 AtlrltNG BRED FEMALES,`+IT.VIatVY IBT,UM, h . yilvtr 1,1at k fo:.c''. April deliv- ery leencin:i, supliliOC, band's, i Swift Cur.•i•c:iit, Sask. LIVER TROUBLE THOUSANDS RAVE BEEN .HELP - cd the Herbal way. Why not you? Write to the Tuna Herbalists, for a free sample of our Thoro- Kleen Herb, 436 (eeeeii West, Tol'ont0. MEDICAL DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 'She Heat, ituin, or tint) HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Dani Any 6 or 8 exposure film perlectee developed and printed oarstoneyerxs5. Supreme quality guaranteed. IMPERSALi oe PHOTO nto SERVICE PATENTS & `A'RA1)It1 d1A,'lit'tai EG itTON R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney, Booklet rt s. Established over fortY years. 89 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. POULTRY WANTED HENS AND PULLETS WANTED, good pr es. Export Sackers, Clinton Street, Toronto—Branch, Brussels, Ontario. POULTRY GOOD PRICES ASSURED, aEDSllartAISE. Cockerels, help type age Blood tested, heavy yp White Hybrid Cockerels 2e, pay with order. Prompt shipment. Live arrival. Prank Edwards, Watford, Ontario, 11.111MAIATIC 'PAINS HIGHLY lillf'OiYi3TL: i DED — EV.- HI. ery sufferer of RheumaticDP'oine or Netu•itis should fry Remedy. slunre's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid SL'RVeCle KNITTING WANTED—WOMEN TO DO SER. vice knitting, etc„ at home, Full directions and materials t. Knit- Postpaid Concern, ,, p iService once2428 Birch oStreet, Vancouver,== - 4 t'iOI,t,YONS FOR SALE FOR SALE—TWO an REGISTERED ars. grey stallions, x'ar- priced to sell, Orval Baker, ran s Point, Ont, TL'1teemY SADDLES TURKEY SADDLES, 30 CENTS each, delivered. John W. ;Wild,: 19 Lansdowne Ave London, Ont. struserrreeree DON'T WAIT I Vie:We SUFJfl0R10It, .; SUGAR S'UI3STITUTi CAN 1311of Cld. tryc Dixon'sPains or Neuritis inade at home. At about one should tryRemedy. fifth price of sugar. Information Ottawa's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, free with purchase of Boole Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, Household Hints, Price • °sly: $1.00. N. Villas, Sinton, Manitoba. s'ii t't',RPLI10I7 S AI It LADIES TROUBLED WITH SUPE rs- fluous Hair and especially who have been disappointed in Electrolysis, will welcome the news that we possess an ex- clusive, safe, new method which permanently, and completely. re- moves any growth of superfluous hair, slight or serious, without any recurrence whatsoever. Plena: note particularly that 01113 is written the only method carrying v Bee of permancney. Ware of "guarantees not In writing, free consultation. Free estimate. Der at Clinic (8th St, K e` x in orento), ionto, TRACTOR PA Pie TRACTOR PARTS N 10 W AND usb'c1,, for all makes of tractors, General Auto and Tractor Supply, in Frederick St., Kitchener, Get, OFFER TO iNVENTOIRS AN OFFER TO LIVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infer- mutton sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent AttorneYe, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada, PATENTS FETE. plISTONkiAUGI-] & UUMI'AN X Patent . `Solicitors. Established 1390; Iii Ring W est, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. MILK CANS REN LOIN &D RUSTY MILK CANS RE'.CINN1],D like new. We also buy old cane, Montreal 'finning .e Retinuing Co Ltd., Montreal. 1'EllyoleAt., Elel 3 11 COMING BEFORE Chile. Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo IDlassi n, •4II oellesttr Now York. tAtiatln & Ill iiCC A7 O IR WANTIO), ..,, ER ELECTRIC! „d'V S a and, rare-n:11;0V pts, wm. I,tttlle, 13oX S52, OttaWa, ISSUE No. 11-43