HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-02-25, Page 8ZURICH 11411ALD Thursttt '.,l•!Tobruary 25th, 1942 • • • • •• • To the Men who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E, H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER 4.+4.4.+++++++++ +44++++ +4+4+4 +4+++++++4++ se••••••s•••••4004-44 ae V• E P CANADA TO PRESERVE HER 4°J FREEDOM, LIBERTY, DEMOC- °" 14611 Pe� CANADIAN Ion WAR SERVICES FUND /NONE needs +5,509,000 P,/ME, RASARY, AND ALL THAT WE HAVE by Buying, WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES i t. 0 • •a •b s 0 4 • •• r • 6 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) NosmarsommosaA 1 11****+4444++$TF++++4. 4-:••i +++++++++++++++++++.1.++•r+++�+ Brand Shingles WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE +SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- } fED. 3 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEER ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE 3 t' RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! y • K 1 PHONE 69 ZURICH¢ iIIII111111118l111111111111111111111111111111111111111gIpIIIII11111iIIIIiB11111111fNlllllllllllll lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllillllllllillllllllllii�ll',L,. „,111111) ZURJeI-l's Grocery• Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A. COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSE'S, OWING. TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY ;PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN: ASSURE THE: PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. WITH. QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST' Merano Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 ,SII 11111 1111111111 IIII III 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11111111111111 111M111111111111111111 BEIF I I II(11 1111U11 IjlllflliJl ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Rev. and Mrs. C.. 'HecItendmrn: spent a day at London last week. :dr. Clarence Brenner or Jondon is visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Brenner. • Mr. Norman Gaschn, aL B.yron: Sanatorium visited at his home over the week -end. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer spent. the. week' end with her daughter Doreen,. at London. Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch. motored, to Toronto last week to, attend'a con- vention n-vention and was accolnpaniel by Mr and Mrs. John Turkheim. and Mxs. E. Turkheim who. visited, relatives, in that city. Mr. Allan Cochrane. of the Hills - green district singe his remarkable improvement in health, has been vis- iting his friends and now has, return- ed from Hensall„ where ha has. been spending some days. Mr and Mrs.. Victor Martin motor- ed to London on Wednesday evening where the former is attending Uni- versity lectures. Miss. Margaret Hey who had been home far several we- eks, accompanied there to the eityy. Ld. Sto. Harold Stade RCNVR, who has been transferred from Halifax, N. S., to Windsor; Ont„ is taking up an E. R. Artificer course in that city, ,pent a very enjoyable week -end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. R. F. Stade: The slogan for every Canadian should be "If yoau don't need it, don't buy it". The money can be better employed in War Savings Stamps and Victory Bonds for the duration of the war. All you are asked• to do is to postpone your 'buying until the war is over.—Comm. Mrs. John Decher last Wednesday evening entertained the Young Peo- ple of James Street United church, Exeter, and who put on the play in the Town Hall, Zurich, to a delicious dinner. The play rendered was in- deed very interesting and was under the auspices of the local Luther Le- ague. A light luncheon was served to the players after the program by the members of the League. Miss Vera Decher of Exeter, being the coacher of the play. Is This Spring? As a result of the exceptionally nice weather we are having one wo- uld think that spring was very near. But we do not want to become too enthusiastic about it all, as there are still some cold weeks ahead, truly this is the hist week in Fehruary,but March usually has many a "blow" in its system and this year which is so much inclined to irregularities, will likely be no exception. Owing to the mildness of the weather, the huge banks of snow have somewhat de- creased in size and practically all the ,roads are now open for _auto traffic. 4.;..Q+++++++•M•i•F+•1•+++++•i ++•fie+ 1.++++++++++4•++++++++++++++ !w••••164•**6'll *44011SI•111•4~10*'** i§ry ' • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Brooder House Coal I We have been fortunate to purchase a Car of Chestnut Hard Coal for use in Brooders and Colony House Heating, which we will let our Customers have in reasonable quantities for that purpose. We obtained special permission to purchase this coal... PAINTS! PAINTS! IWe carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax IOTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our 41 Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. • 1 SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. • STARE &WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE Farm Forum As there was no meeting rest week owing to- cold weather and blocked roads, the meeting on Monday even- ing was held at the home of :Y Ir and Mrs Oscar Greb, as planned for the previous week with an attendance of 39. "Debt Menaces the Family Farm" was the topic for the evening. Miss Dorothy McDonald read a paper con- cluding the project on --eager Un its of School Administration." Mr. William H. Edighoffer, guest speak- er for the evening, talked to the at• tendance on 'Co-operative Marketing' He urged the farmers to buy from the Co-operative at Hensall and sell their livestock through the Toronto Co-operative. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs, Sylvanus Wither:' on March 1st. 1VIrs Oscar Greb and Miss Marjorie Mer nee will be the speakers. Don't miss the radio broadcast at 8.30 pot. on "Farm Prices and Production:" - Ev- erybody welcome. TO RESUME BROADCAST Broadcasts by Huron County Scho- ols over CKNX Wingharn will be re- sumed Friday, Feb, 26th at 7 p.m. Through the kindness of Mr. Cruick- ;h.ank, the National War Finance Committee has been able to procure the period immediately following the Newscast from 7 to 7:15 p.m, for (Corrested every Wednesday) 3'8 36 32, 30, 25,..22' 1522' Matter, ereaumery Butter, d'ailry 'Eggs, dozen !Chickens„ live lb Chickens, dressed lb. 209283 :Wheat, bushel 1100. Oats, bushel 50c. Barley, shush. 70) Ruck—wheat, bush. . 65,e, Flour,. cwt. 2.60, , 2 &5i Pastry flour .at mill 25 -ib .... 65c Shen and bran, ton ......... &O10 : Middlings, ton •32;.0(1 their broadcast. The programs ixt Friday eve will be put on by, a: gro= upe of pupils from • Clinton? PiiMte school, and for Friday Mara]. 5th, Mrs. Mina Howard and a grearp of pupils from Belgrave •Schaeii will present their program..Theses schools both have very successful; records in the sale of War Savings ;Stamps. HOW TO FEED YOUR D,QG FOR THE DURATION! Science, pointing out *et morale impairing suggestions that pets sho- uld be destroyed because of food shortages, are wholly;: untrue, has provided a wartime ration to keep man's best friend fist and useful, and you'll find details 1311 The •American Weekly with this .S pnsday's , Febru- ary 28, issue of '-t1k Detroit Sunday Times. Ne PASSPQRTS NEEDED The issuing cif a: new type of non- immigrant be Aer crossing indentifi- cation cards, to. Canadians and British subjects rE,'derut in Canada who de- sire to vela the U.S.A. for less than 29 days, was commenced at Sarnia re-. cently., The cards are issued at the; office, of• C. E. B. Payne, U. S. vied— cou gul, and sent to the office of Clayton G. Kilbreath, chief Canadian immigration officer at the BlueNeatter bridge for endorsation. If approved they are issued to the applicants who then present them at the American immigration office at the port Huron end of the bridge. RED CROSS NEWS The monthly meeting of the Dash- wood Red !Cross was held Monday ev- ening last in the school with the Pre- sident, A. V. Tiernan in the chair. Following the singing of O'Canada, and the Red Cross Prayer In unison, a miscellaneous program was carried out, The guest star for the evening was Earl Heywood and his sister, Marie of Exeter, who delighted the audience with a number of songs, ac- companied by Earl on the guitar, Following the program the busin- ess for the evening was conducted. Announcement was made of the euchre party to be held on Feb. 18, It was decided to change the night of the monthly meeting to be held the third Monday of each month, so as not to conflict with other meetings. An appeal was made for fats to be left at the butcher shop, the procee- ds from which are to be given to the Red Cross treasury. Dr, R. H. Taylor made an appeal for blood donors and sixteen volunteers offered to give their blood. Anyone wishing to become a blood donor will kindly hand their name to the secretary, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, within the next two weeks. A vote of thanks was given by Dr. Taylor to the program committee, those taking part and particularly Mr. Ear; Hey- wood and sister. A silver collection was received which amounted to $7.92. A dainty lunch was served and a social half hour was enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be held on March 15th. Everybody is urged to attend. The following is the recent Red Cross shipment: 6 large quilts, 1 small quilt, 6 prs. 1)8 -in. socks, 2 turtle neck sweaters, 2 aero caps, 2 tuck -ins, 5 pr. gloves, 4 pr. mitts, a pt. 11 -in service socks; *z night gowns, 2 slips, 2 blouses, 2 -yr, size; 1 pr: boy's pants, 2 -yr. size; 1 pr. booties; 1 kriit child's dress, 2 V- ieek sweaters, 1 mattress cover and 8 decks of used playing cartes. YOUR Y Hardwareand Furniture1 STORE YOUR SEASON'S REQUIRFMEIIiTS We Always Carry a Full Line a;>k the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves. ' Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us t Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices,. i• - FURNITURE 1 See Our Studio® Couches and Dianette Suites 4 A Full Line, of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of'New and the very Latest ' in Furniture at Very . Reasonable Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, S,rings, Mattress, Dining "Room Suites. Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. p j SLIGHTLY USED FURiTURE For the more: conservative purchaser we can save , . I, you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of `'rt 1 Slightly Used tFaiiture that will give -you big value for 4 your Money. Mop in and look these over and get our gl , 4 Remarkable Low Prices- Johnston & Kaibfleisch ,c,: - t Hardware & Furnitt e. Phone 68 I -: ,,++++++++444• 4•444.000. +++++++4••••++++++++.4404 +++++++++++++.........4.4.++++++00 t + + •+ TRY E C: EL'S "Town Ted PI/ 44, d• • aim, I CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, -1D • 4 4 * All Indients Used am of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CR • k i t 4. 4. Ouz- Store will be clod each Wednesday Evening + • SWEET SDS. • dt'I"ii"I"I'•••••+*• dt 4,44.44•i.•i 4!4..%144.4•44•++ 4..4.44+444 1 Eckel's Bakery — Zurkb Tellihone "'100, GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative - Zurich •••••ss•s•••••s•ss0ss•ss••••sss••sNM1I•• NO•• Your Winter's Fuel ORDERS WILL BE FILLED We would ask our Customers not to become ex- cited about next winter's supply of Coal. It will o take a little ime to get in the supplies, but leave, • your orders in early and there will be plenty of coal for all before it will be needed in the fall. Order now and you will be supplied. Your Chick Feeds L The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra; Grit, Oyster Shell, Char. coal, Etc., Etc. Schilbe Son_1 ssSiM•s$ •sMI•. 1