HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-02-11, Page 4Department of Labour
National War Labour Board
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that
the cost of living index number for January 2,
1943, is 117.1 (adjusted index 116.2) as compared
with the cost of living index number for July 2,
1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117).
The Wartime Wages Control Order, F. C. 5963,
provides in Section 48 (iv):
"the amount of the bonus shall not be
changed unless the cost of living index
number has changed one whole point or
more since the last general order of the
Board requiring an increase or decrease in
the amount thereof."
The index number not having changed by one
whole point or more since July 2, 1942, pursuant
to the provisions of P. C. 5963 as stated, the
National War Labour Board orders that the terms
of its General Order dated August 4, 1942, shall
continue to apply for the period February 15,
1943, to May 15, 1943, subject to the right of
employers or employees to apply to a War Labour
Board for authorization of payment of such an
amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may
determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the
provisions of the Order.
Chairman, National War Labour Board
Ottawa, Canaua,
February 4, 1943
Tieman's Hotel, Dashwood
FRIDAY, FEB. .12th.
Murdock Orchestra
a'I3enerai Admission 35e.
A Murray Wolfe and friend of
Clinton spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr and :Mrs. W. Wolfe.
Mrs. Streets of London spent the
Week -end with her parents, Mr. and
• Dirs. D. Tiernan.
- Miss McMath spent the week -end
at her' home in Goderich and owing
to the -storm did not return until
Miss Myrtle Gainer spent a few
to tpen't
the past month .a her home rn Mea'
ford has returned to the home of her
Sister, Mrs. (Currie.
Mr. D. 'McCrea of Meaford is vis-
iting with his sister and brother-in-
law, Mr and 'Mrs. Currie.
Pte. Glen Walper of Niagara is
spending a week at the home of his
parents, dVIr and Mrs. E. Walper.
' r. Thos. Hoperoft spent a. few
onlays. at his home here.
.Owing to the 'condition of the
aoads the Red Cross meeting that was
to be held in the school on 1Vlonday
night was postponed until next Mon-
day night Feb. 15th. Everybody in-
vited, don't fail to attend.
A Valentine euchre party under
the auspices of the Red Cross will be
held in Dashwood Hotel, on Thurs-
day, Feb. 18th. Good prizes will be
given. Be sure to attend,.
A public dance will be held in
Dashwood Hotel, on Friday night,
Feb, 12th. Good music and old time
Death of H. J. Kuhn
S shadow of gloom was cast over
Crediton and district on Wednesday
last when it was learned that Henry
Kuhn, aged tiff, had passed away fol-
lowing' a short illness. He was a life-
long resident of the comntun::.y. Born
in 1876„ he was a son of the late
4 onrad Kuhn, and for some 25 yrs.
had been a .brink and tile manufac-
turer, but had been living retired.
1-fe was a member of the Crediton Ev-
angelical Church and for nine years
bad been a trustee. On Feb. 10,
1 ft04, he was united in marriage with
Ada Keinzle of Crediton, who with
one son, ,Stuart, of Baden, and two
daughters, Margaret of Flint, Mich;
and Lydia of Windsor, mourn the
loss of 'a kind and loving husband and
Mr and . Mrs. Gilbert Statton of
Shimi.a were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Statton, Mrs. St-
atton is improved in health.
Mrs. ;Sarah Hamilton has returned
after 'visiting for a week in Windsor.
Mr and Mrs Glenn of :Hansell we -
ire recent visitors with 'Mrs. Harmon.
:Mr and Mrs. Joseph E'avelle are
visiting -with their daughter in De-
Mr and :Vin;-. Alex, Love of Moss-
cnk. Sask., who have ,'seen vrsitin,g
r en4s and rc'l;ti»e t=:: w ,t c Stitt".;:.
past six weeks have left for their
Mr and Mrs. Cyrus 'Green of the
Bend, have received word from their
son, Burton Green, that he had ar-
rived safely in England.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr and Mrs Peter Masse and chil-
dren of Windsor, formerly of the
14th concession, spent the week -end
in this locality visiting with their re-
Mr. Cyril Ducharme of Windsor,
spent the week end with his parents,
on the Blue Water south.
Mr .and Mrs. Charlie Rau of Drys-
dale spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs
Maurice Masse.
Miss Joulette Masse who has spent
several months in Windsor, returned
to her home in ,St. Joseph.
Mr and Mrs Roy Rau and Mr Har-
old Siemon of Goderich spent Sun-
day in . St. Joseph with the latter's
Mrs. F. Ducharme and I'Ms. R.
Geoffrey were Thursday visitors at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Be-
dard of St. Joheph north:, It being
Mrs.Bedard's birthday.::
•ed -.M'a-s. William Ducharme
and .son Victor and Isadore and da-
ughter Monica were 'at London on
Had 70th Birthday
On Wednesday evening last on the
occarion of Mr. Josiah Sararas' 70th
birthday, a large number gathered
at his home and ,enjoyed themselves
to their heart's centent. The even-
ing was spent in renewing incidents
of bygone days and by other gossips.
A few game:: of solo were played,
And during the evening refreshments
were served. Mr. Sararas has been
a lifelong resident of this community
and it was the good wish of alI that
he may be spared many more years
in the midst of his family and com-
Mr and Mrs Leo Denomme of De-
troit also Mr and Mrs John Denomme
of Windsor.visited with their parents
Mr and Mrs Philip Denomme over
Mr and afia rank Carriveau, also
Mr and Mrs. Franklin Corriveau and
Mr and Mrs. Alex Meidinger were
guests of Mr and Mrs. Rudolph `Cor-
riveau at Seaforth last Saturday.
Visitors from Windsor last Sun-
day at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Masse wert : Mr and Mrs. Peter
Masse, Joe Masse, Milton and Claude
Bedard and iMss Cecil Masse.
Private Victor 'Masse who has be-
en stationed at Wollsley Barrlcks,
London, spent his last leave with his
parents, Mr and Mrs. Masse last
week after which he left for the
Mr. Philip Denomme has returned
from St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
with very little change in his condit-
Word was received here of the
death of ,Mr. James' :Howard, of
Goderich. Mr. Howard was born on
the Town Line east of Drysdale and
went to Godcrich when -•a .young man.
Much sympathy is' extended to his
wife and family.
Pror.eeds of a dance, amounting
to $20, were turned over to the Rus-
sian Relief (Fund by the Girls' Dance
Club, The club will stage another
benefit dance on Tuesday, Feb. 16th.
Lady Is Lieut.
Miss .Alda Boulton, of London, da-
ughter of Mrs. Gordon Boulton, of
Hensall, has completed her course as'
Lieutenant in the CWAC, at St.Anne
de Bellevue, Qtre. Lieut. Potton is a
grad atat: of.Seafof'th Collegian: in -
Had Skating ''arty
The skating party held at (-fen- ,
sail rink last Thursday even, BP -i
onsored by the Wohelo class .4 the
United Church, was a decided s . ,cess
and one of the most enjoyable, ven-
ts of the season. pacing and Sports
were featured directed by iPetee Me -
Naughton, and the highlight of the
evening was loeateing the mystery X.
The lucky finder was (Miss Dorothy
McNaughton. .(Mrs. Dave Kyle, was
the mystery X.A strong eominitte
had been formed to conduct the ev-
ent. Miss M. Ellis is teacher„,Rile
,L..ate Angus Brown
Angus Brown, Tuckersmith farmer.
died Feb. 5th at his home two miles
east of Brucefield in his 70111 year.
He had resided in the eomillunity
where he lived all his life. He was a
valued member of the Egmondville
United church, Surviving are his
widow, two sons and two daughters.
Also a sister, Mrs. Fowler, Tucker -
Late .David Chappel
David Chappel, ' district farmer di-
ed at his home, Cromarty in his 65th
year, following an illness of 8 weeks
Ile was a lifelong resident of that
community, is survived by his widow
hhree sons, . and two daughters, a
brother, Wm. of Cromarty, four sis-
ters, He was a member of the Chis-
eihurst United church, The funeral
was held Monday, conducted by Bev.
R. A, Brook. Interment was made
in the iStaffa. 'Cemetery.
Has Wrist Fractured
The many friends of Miss Gladys
Luker of Hensall, bookeeper for
Joynt's dry goods tnd gent's furnish-
ing will regret to learn had the mis-•
fortune to slip on the ice on Satur-
day while on her way to work, suf-
fering a fractured wrist, she was at-
tended by Dr. D. G. Steer. -.
Held Rummage Sale
The rummage sale held in the co-
uncil chamber in the Hensall Town
Hall, Saturday afternoon and even-
ing, ,Feb. Gth was a great success,
many splendid donations ofhousehold
articles, clothing, furniture, fruit,
pickles, vegetables, fowl, skates, dis-
hes, jewellry, books, pictures, etc.,
were received frorm the residents of
the Village and also from district re.
sidents. A rushing business was done
during the afternoon .and evening.
Tea was served afternoon and even-
inlg, convened by Mrs, W. A. Mac -
Laren, Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. C.
Blowes; tea cups were read by Mrs.
F. Manns, Mrs. F Beer was tnnvenor
of the Rummage Sale which was sp-
onsored by Hensall Sr. W. 1., •coin-
mitee in pharge were Mrs. James A.
Paterson, Mrs. T. ,Sherritt, aVlrs, C.
Cook, aVIrs. G. Hess, Miss Beryl Pf-
aff, Mrs. Kerslake, 'Miss Greta Lam-
rnie, Miss Florence Welsh, Mrs. W 0
Goodwin, Mrs. Dayman, Mrs. Snmale,
Mrs. Orr The amount realized was
$91.00, proceeds for war work, art-
icles of clothing and shoes Ieft over
were given to the Russian Relief,the
Rumrnale Sale was very successful in
spite of the inclement weather. Mise
Gladys Luker is president of this
Fire-IProof Clothing
Somewhere in England — CIothing
fire -proofed by a new and secret pro-
cess soon may :be in use ny 'asrmen
of the R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. to elimin-
ate part of the danger of one of the
most dreaded destroyed planes - the
Th dos ti�''eb41uarY„.:lith, a Q+#3
Guest of Honor fit Banquet
Miss Vera Decker was the guest et •
honor at the Hairdressers' War
Savings 1Stamp dinner at the Hotei
London, on Monday evening, )Mise '
Decker had the distinction of selling
the most War Savings stamps or the
month of January in the special chive
by that association. There was a gos
ally attendance at the, dinner and
seated at the .head table were soma
of the,.leading officers of the •camp.
aign. The special speaker for the eve
erring was Harold Donahue. (Cong.
ratulations to Miss 'Decker. --Exeter
Times Advocate.
Ottawa — Munitions Minister Howe
told the House of Commons he wil
make .a statement as soon as possible
on the gasoline rationing system to
be adopted for the next year. The
policy depends on the supply situat-
ion, he said, and as soon as that site
nation is clarified he will be able to
make an announcement. The quest-
ion was raised by a member. First -
official indication of what restrictiong
may be expected when new gasoline'
ration books are issued on April ill
when it is expected that every mots
orist must begin in the "A'A”•eafG+
For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy
distribution, New Ration Book No. 2 will be issued
locally at the following distribution centres.
Public',. Library, Exeter
Town Hall, Hensall
Township Hall, Zurich
SchoolAouse, Centralia
Township Hall, Crediton
Commercial. Hotel, Dashwood
Mrs. Abner Mollard, Grand Bend
Township Hall, Elimville
Feb. 25, 26, 27.
41' a.m. to 1 p.m.
2'to 6 p.m.^
7 to .10 p.m.
The new Ration Book will NOT be mailed to you. It must be called for. Before you can
secure the new Ration Book you must fill in and surrender the application card in
the back of your present Ration Book No. 1. This card should be left in the Ration
Book for the distribution officer to tear out. If already detached, it should be brought
along with y011r present Ration Book, so the 'lame and serial number may be checked.
You do not surrender your present Ration Book as it contains Coupons yet to be used,
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Your name and present place
of residence (in the ease of
•children, the residence of the
parents) must be printed
clearly in Block letters.
Hake sure Haat your serial
number, including letters
and figures as shown on
the front cover of 'Ration
Rook No. 1, is clearly
written on the application
card. This serial number,
including the two .letters
before 'the number, is your
ration book identification
for the duration.
Residents of Rural Areas may apply on behalf of their neighbours, providing Ration
Book No. 1, and properly filled in application cards, are presented.
In the case of residents of a town or city, any senior or responsible member of a house-
hold inay apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household,
providing Ration Book No, 1 and properly filled in application cards, are presented.
Children under sixteen will not be allowed to apply for new Ration Rooks, either
for themselves or other tnerbers of the family.
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