HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-02-04, Page 5eee BUSINESS CARDS J..l J:D:LET iioLuES $ARRIS TER, SOLICITOR, NOT ARY Pt'UBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court House GaD It•ZC:It4 — ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Ad Your Want, For Sall Lorot, Found, Etc. Ads. in this FOR SALE A paiir col! Jersey Heifer Calves flpooblil Attention. to Counsel erred i f'z'om :good producing ,cows. Apply to Court Work. Solomon ]Iti�chler Phoe 97x14. REr. Holmes may be consulted at 1 Phone Oodench by Plume, and Ph charges reversed. Thursday Friidayr .Saturday NOTICE Fanners' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal iat now! FOR QUICK SALE One eleetrie radio; 1 or radio, both these radios are in Brei class working order .and will .be 8c41.1 very seasonable. .A. Prang & S. WANTED Several Cars are en order. 1 Agent or Jobber to handle Re- A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, Refined Motor Oil. Interesting prop - B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock osstion, exclusive territory. Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of t?11 brands. Hensen Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIAN LOST Mrs. Ervin 'ut'tzilbe and son Kenny of town were recent visitors with the foriner's parents, air. and Mrs, Gee. zga Swan .of Iii^uc:efield.. Mrs. Henry Rau of near ,rysdale has received word from her son, Lieut, Gerald Rae., =who has landed safely in England, At the recent organiation of the Police :]'rustee Board of Zurich, Mr. Theodore C. ;Haberer was appointed chairman of the board for 1948, The' other two members, Leroy O'Brian and Milfred ,Schilbe also subscribed to the Declaration of the Ofiiee. Navy Leads League The turnstiles are clicking merrily at the Halifax' Forum this winter, Recordin • to reports, with crowds of. TRY.. OUR School Shoes START YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS To School with good comfortable and durable School Shoes, We have a ergo stock to choose from in all siz es. Priced for economy. RUBBERS We can supply you with all your needs with good pre -war -made Rub bers at our usual low ceesli prices. Give up a Call. 3,000 and 7,000 jamming thr:r way,E. J. DATARS in to witness hockey games cl,etw en s Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair - three service teams and one civilian ing, Trunks, Club Bags, es Suitcases, :club. "Bingo" Kampman leads the "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK' I army team, while Bobby Bauer paces the Air force Club. The Navy team Give us a Cam has a well known athlete in Hal. Stade and is leading the parade. - Between Hensall and Zurich a newci,ive fashion. billfold with a sum of money. Finder i kindly i.!.t n to 117.r. Fred Jacli;seu, i Many Foxes The ;Navy grabbers top spot in a de - .. ,,---___.-- _"-' —`�lor leave ail slerald Office Reward. i Lastsummer 1 VETERINARY SURGEON - scemillg w was a ,.1•.�,,,,____'very peonfic year in more ways than Office 'with Residence, Main Street, — -- i one, and f , A3 „ big season of multiplying their pop- mail r:'+:.ie:• :'T'•1' ' x.. -' . 4rr.,, l i living along met with a serious 4. R. Caznptn 1. : .... i -r,., ,One hire Ir.. will lie. u � cutins these cunning .s ' laid up Oppneite Drug Store FARM zone, 1 Take in IIs nd S.tanb, Towvn,hi accident. cut -t $� 1(; acres of land on Babylon line,•''` b y ps ter upitgt and he was thrown out,fir-1 is o to i %: I Hays being W Pt. of r., have hod crnslderable sucee,s in se- a. * F' h''- ' i' • — S . Lot 12, ^ t1il ir1 a ions ortable frame t . n• ig .animals. The for .erne time. Dr. \ f, B. COXON, B.V. Sc. house, small barn, etc. Is being offer -1 ot• her day ln1',tr?i' i'et�orterl a$ having ve nau a xrr.c!r.ry NEW Ma] Carrier Injured 'While driving from his farm in 1VI'c llop Township to the Seeforth i postoff?ce the other day, Ben Risius• Phone -96. i nl'tion as residents1 1 theafclt., t ed for sale ve erllln,Herald was made in Tor - c .c ee" l os when the lake is frozen over well onto last week that an order -in -come. N 0 TICE Mr. Fox makes good his escape by i.runniree out on the fee and dodging FOR SALE OR RENT —_ A awat> •from the hunter. vel;v, cdesiraable residence! in Zurich. For PLANE LANDS IN FIELD further particulars apply to Herald A twin -engined Anson bomber, pil- terinary ly teas°i,, 1?^ on ear-• shot along the lake shore 23 of• th i tlgve 1] SPP v to h S 1 k e Re (i ] Office. i red fox species. T111-• accounted far University of Taxonto. A the little ice being out on the lake Announcement rI ;ollege, nr , . -#.seasea of domestic animals tsi•eate 4 of Ontario Veterinary by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night its promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of. Scottish terriers. Inverness fennels. OfliceH onMain Street, iposite Town Phone 116. RENS AM. BUTCHERS ZUriebs' PopE lar MEAT MARKET Let U supply you with 'the very Choke of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologilas, Sausages, Ect,, always on hand. Kept fresh in Electr°p Refrigeration Highest :ash Prices $ or oL fide. and Skins ywr LieSt, '� H. Yun glut Son PROD e Z uric U C E I O ry Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream t'l le are equipped to give effi- cient accur au - • �' - 1-;„„ i and Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Menet!: - Proprietor. firm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs traded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94. Zurich INSURANCE yj stere' Ferrers' Mutual r, Wea.hhr� Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK '1HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS RIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee 81st, 1986, $22,391,527.00 Metal Cash in Bank and Bonds $278,618.47. 'Raters—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E,; P. KLOPP...ZURICIf Agent, also Dealer in Lightn. tog Rods and all kinds of Fire ii _h '„„„� insurance ceives Appointment office. f oted by LAC Powell, of Waies,maci,, .., - I a forced landing on the farm of Mr. "We Recornend FEED” r And SELL the Best" PURJNA We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey Feeds, Etc., Etc, Fresh Shipment Every Monday, Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANi'Z - Phone, Zurich 91r20 (ihecklj T1 -IE STRIATION IS SERIOUS, file"'T SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE THE BIGf_r1�,S TASK IN THE HISTORY OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE. THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL 14IACI•IINES NOW, THIS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, ANIS ORDER SAME AT ONCE. "GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS PARTS FOR M. -H. MACH- INES. Tel. Shop 149 s o .` MASSEY - HARRIS KloPp��. 62 HARRIS The Service Aran, for Canadian Fatima.. cis was passed on January 19th ap- pointing E. C. Chamberlain a JL= tier; of th Peace in and for the C.-..tI of Huron,— *: ( J o 4, si beafoith News. I' Receive Commission Two Exeter boys with the RC,'A are duF' for cor•gratulaColi:. f August Koehler, half mile north of hetes who has been overseas for some • LUST Zurich on Friday last. The plane f time, was recently proiuoted from '1 I was considiarably damaged, but the Pilttt ()Meer to a Flying Officer. Al- j Lady's gold wrist watch Elco. Fin t lot escaped with a few scratches. Ilan Penhale, son of Mr and slrs Asa i 1 der please return to Pauline Hab- Engine trouble caused the landing as' J. Penhale, who was recently posted' mei or Z ulieh Herald Office and re- :tome t .rmc•re who were eye-witness- ceive reward. • r',;, 1, srrd .ane engine 'die- out com- plc'tely. The pilot would have lTiade 1a perfect landing but for two fences the forme 's lane. LAC Powell, on+ ;after notifying headquarters, return - CASH for Dead Animals and Fox ed to guard the damaged plane. Horses. Phone Crediton Central, re- , WANTED FARM FORUM verse charges. ---Jack •� rl:anl , Deed). The Babylon Line Farm Forum wood, R.R.3. P.O. pt4 6 '41 ilii at the hone of Mr. Anthony Etue on Monday evening. After list- - ening to the radio broadcast on Le ge--- Arlein- I 'Education for Farm Living,"" 'IV1iss:.._ The •. ,st age`"War Anna Louise, T)orothv McDonald gave a talk oft dauh'htee of Leonard Arlein, to .Tip. 1-4„nwei Units of Schaal Adi11si1sst> -1 Arthur Paul T.e.I;etu, Camp solemnizedBoren. at,ion" 'wuhich she will continue at the forinexly of Clinton, wasit3-'v ne":t meeting. The crowd, ll;.mberin:--• at Holy Ameel's rectory with R'w•., ;:3 di,•idecl into groups i'or ,110 : Path" '4 cMlit1•1 (31‘71-"'"1:17'•'•1'' rile heeei sell r bride win €',i c'n i?1 1na11i t. rr .o j. l.rl ' 1011. After 1•r a ._Lin 1 11„ 1: father. lief Veil•'i?lilt V'r :'' b 7.it.1 ports w('i't' rend and discus sed. The L• .Arelin, sister of the bride. Fred Le- Wrest 1nt,1.'.tdr will be Meld at the ionic et My and Mrs. William Let MORE CORN SYRUP FOR Uv boli. Ft b uary Sth. Everynody ' cony:•1 Ottawa --A ban on the use of , \,Vhat a Storm! i corn syrup in the eonunercrar mann-' Old Man Winter eeirely made peo- facture of any product in Canada: plr remember "the good old times".1 was announced by the Priers Board, J Hayfield had no mail for two days,1 S. R. :tinl+lt' the 1;00;'1'., sugar adm- het Payfie]d'n mail courier. H. N. inistrator, issued an oral(:)' putting : i+i'anlon, dreg his way to 11rucetield i the ban into effect. Object of the or- on Wednesday of that week and fo- der is to )t`le:^.tie extra 8". 1:l: O! I iii -''t) tint the train had been cancel -1 corn syrup to the Canadian public,' fed. Thr frost nippers his erre sen =1 ' DONALD GORDON )who haw been relying to sonic ex- I ,-ars just to remind him oi' the trip. I i ei tent on it 0. Sr !) t1tr Fnr i The rural couriers have been tilttlinr+•; Donald Gordon, Chairman of tht• • '.i.tt, '�tt�nu.•.-4..,.,.. 1. ::,,.iwmo-• , ...,....•.. Tb - i11•en't1'S. artnlle Prices 1,'rid 'Prs(;: .tof='(1.I sand the ,Wore ri e�prcted To 11tel!j supposed to break the -road, but will give the Chicago Better ?hisint::, so1vt the problem of supply for 1.,on1e people export th�enl ,o do .o.. Bureau a review of the Canadian mothers who need the corn yrun for' Moreover, they have been walking,1 price control policy. His address will feeding infant children. Corn syrup: !rust ono courier even unhitched his:be be carried by the ,Blue Networl•-. being anrationed, ha' been need by>and many more persons than formerly. horse and then dragged the cutter in ; as a delayed broadcast over the Med- an endeavour to serve the public.' east and Western Network o.. the CB since the start of sugar rationing last ;,la nor peetla walked into the villas -1 C Tueday, February 9, at 11.00 pen. year. les for supplies. etc.—..Exchange. ' EDT. to O •t. :,;. ;., has been c om>ili lone(' is Pilot 0fncer. Pilot Officer Peen w; teleee air gunner, headed Iris eine: at the Guelph S'i>ir.ioc, Schooi ;old received a silo; -r cup. Al j }IG .,'.'':1=1T':., h= - ;'••111? headed firs r'•1 his 61 and was awarded his wings I,xt i -•. Times -Advocate. VeNtinvo BRISTOL BEAUFORT TORPEDOE S SHIP BRINGING w iS:atS'aC`" ' SUPPLIES TO ROMMEL: (An Artist's Impression A Bristol Beaufort sighted a supply ship attempting to oreep along the coast of North Africa with much needed supplies for Romel's desert army. The ship had already been damaged and the Beafoit let, hin ;have a few more torpedoes and left her well alight. Ey day and night Allied aircraft .blockade tnc Axis .African forces :by swooping on any ship which attempts to bring reinforcements or supplies. J-'t-YJ.'U;i E kSMQMW-S•---An lu'tist's impression of the critical Inonrernt when the lir'isto] Beaufort releases its -l.• "c..:&, .,l t',0 c1,:.:'esti^:1 of ilt; (r�..,.ged Axis vessel, n ih s. a �bi '•,..Ell 'r.i�(fnii:i WHEN YOU WANT TO PURCHASE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM ORDINARY MERCHANDISE, VISIT OUR STORE. WE HAVE MANY ARTICLES VERY SUITABLE FOR BIRTHDAY GIFT'S OR GIFTS FOR OTHER OCCASIONS. WE CAN HELP YOU- - WHILE MANY LINES ARE HARD TO GET AT PRESENT, YET vv.z. HAVE MANY NICE THINGS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC, Always a.. fa line of toiletry, Stationery, School Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! : L P' ONE—STOP SEWAGE MARATHON AS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in ..inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. • Engineered Lubrication At Klapp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 hinds of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing 'We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. ,CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection 0 Papor? rrow Perhaps you've borrowed this edition of the Zurich Herald from your neighbor. If you have, we trust you're enjoying the news of the district, the inter- esting features and the value -giving advertisements If the neighbor is willing to lend his newspaper, it is, of course, no concern of ours. But have you ever stopped to consider that you're causing him con- siderable inconvenience at a saving so small that it's hardly worth considering? For only $ 1.50 a year you can have your newspaper every week. You'll be under no obligation to any- one, and you'll enjoy the paper when it bears your own name on the label. -- THE ZURICH HERALD $L50 a Year in Advance •