HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-01-28, Page 7• "BLITZ SCOUTS" WELCOMED HOME The four British "Blitz Scouts," who toured Canada and the United States terinondog f Roy toutt war service in Britain, finally reach home. They are welcomed at Paddington, hi Scout of the Empire, Lord Somers, Sir Percy Everett, Deputy Chief Scout, and an evacuee Scout troop from Gibraltar. .SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON V JESUS THE BREAD OF LIFE • John 6 PRINTED TEXT John 6:8.14, 30-35 GOLDEN TEXT. — Jesus said' unto them, I am the bread of life. John 6:35. Memory Verse: We . . . are, helpers. 2 Corinthians 1 :24. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—All the events of this chapter fall in the month 'of April, A.D. 29. Place. --The feeding of the five thousand took place at Bcthsaicla, onthe shore of Galilee, while theee a°ti5�ai . Aienig on the sea was, f cotisse, on the same body of mater.. The sermon on the Bread sf Li£ae was delivered in the syna- gogue of Capeiyiawn. "One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, There .is a lad he> , 'Who hath. five barley loaves, and two fishes: but what are these among so many? Jesus said, Make the '" people »sit down. Now there '.Wes much grass in the place. • So the men sat down, in number about • five thousand." The vast assem- blage ssemblage was thus stub -divided and urokeu up into manageable por- tions. The apostles were able to pass easily • up and down among the groups, and to minister in or- derly succession to the necessities of, all. ,.Divine Omnipotence "Jesus therefore took the loaves. And having given thanks, he distributed to them that were set down; likewise also of the fishes as much as they would." We must be content to behold In this Multiplying of the breed, an act of divine omnipotence not indeed now as at first, of absolute creation out of nothing, since there was a substratum to work on in the original loaves and fishes, but an act of creative growth; a quantitative, as in the water turned into wine there was u qualitative, miracle, the bread growing Zn the Lord's hands, so that from that little stock all the multitude were abundantly sup- plied. A Visible -Symbol "And when they were filled, he saith unto his disciples, Gather up the broken pieces which re- main over, that nothing be lost. So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves, which remained over unto theta that had eaten," With the Lord of nature, as with nature herself, the most -prodigal bounty goes hand in hand with the nicest and exactest economy; and He who had but now shown Himself God, again submits Himself to the laws and proprieties of His earthly .rendition, so that as in the mir- cele itself His power, in this com- mand His humility, shines emin- ently forth. This' which remained over must have immensely ex- ceeded in. bulk and quaitity the original stock; and we thus have here a visible symbol of that love which exhauts not itself by iov- big; but after all its »outgoings upon others, abides itself far richer than it would have done but for these; of the multiplying which there ever is in a true dis- pensing; of the increasing which :nay go along with a scattering. Teachings of John "When therefore the people. sate the sign which he did, they aaid, This is of 'a truth the prophet that cometh into the world." John tells tis later that he Wrote s his Gospel that men might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and ' that believing, they Might have life through, his name (20:31). All through his book he continually keeps in mind the effects of the miracles, and the matchless teaching of the Lord Jesus, upon those who behold His acts and hear Itis words. "They said therefore unto him, What then doest thou for a sign, that we may see, and believe thee? what workest thou?, Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, He gave them bread out of heaven to eat'." How so-called seekers after religious truth made innumerable foolish demands, postponing the hour of real decision, demanding evidence in the religious realm which they would never require in any other sphere of life! In spite of the fact that these people knew with bread out of heaven. For the bread of God is that which corn- ed) down out of heaven, and giv- ,ebb life unto the world. They said. therefore unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread, Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that .cometh to me shall not hunger, and he .that believeth on me shall never thirst," At this point our Lord attempts to lift up His listeners once again from the level of things material, to which their minds seem to be held, to higher levels sof spiritual reality, telling them clearly that while under Moses they did have bread mire- culously bestowed, yet it was only for their physical needs, but that now the Father was giving them the true bread from heaven. Bread is the word which symbolizes the great elemental necessity of life called food. That food must be eaten by all mem, if life is to be sustained, every one recognizes, but Christ also insists on another truth, that, as men with bodies must have physical food, so, because they have a soul, if they are to truly live and to have life that is eter- nal, a life that satisfies, a life that is rich, they ,must likewise partake of another bread, which is He Himself, the Bread of life, There are men today who do not confess -to any spiritual hunger, and pretend to get on without God, without divine revelation, without prayer, without sacrifice, without the forgiveness »of sin. There are millions of such nen. But these men are not living abundant, rich, satisfying lives of peace, and power, and purity. Life that is life, life that satisfies, is life that comes through the Lord Jesus Christ. Here, as in so many other places in the Gospels, our Lord continually talks about life, meaning fundamental spiritual life, and declares that that life is only to be found in Him. certainty of the great miracle which Jesus had just performed. in feeding the five thousand, they asked Hini to produce further signs, which would be capable of proving that He was what He claimed to be, the Sent One of God. To support their demand they mentioned the great miracle of the wilderness wanderings in which their prophet Moses had ob- tained for them from the hands of God sufficient daily food (manna) for their. .sustenance during forty years. • The Bread of Life "Jesus therefore said unto ' theta, Verily verily, I say unto you, It was not Moses that gave you the bread out of heaven; but my Father giveth you the true JUDICIAL DISSENTER HORIZONTAL 1, 7 Great IM American authority .on law. 11 Frozen water. 12 Adult insect. 15 Ever (contr.). 16 Booty, VI Goat antelope. 18 Platform, 20 Wayside hotel. 21 He was a Civil War 23 Varnish -- ingredient. 24 Instrument for combing 'wool. 25 Russian emperor, 27 A Joint. Answer id Previous Puzzle • 16 -1 -le was a ---a YFLOWERUCIAIRRIY by belief, CEOSE HQOS I ER 19Hewas .a B great ,student H D Y >K ' 0 A u T ip 5 A Y S R C HOMY EN ST 5 E T R M A u L E D ILGR F A C T AT 5 H O R I M y 7 S T A RAPER OUT PARE Mli-4 L: L. A N) D O RATE L V E A N L P T H N A U U T S O w R 47 Grassy spot 4 Veterara, n. Sti in woods. 50 Pertaining 6 To fend off. Arm to a city. 7 Pits. 30 Cry for help, 54 Copper. 8 Prevailed et 31 Plaster of 55 Building 9 Supper. Paris. a nest, 10 Assarn silt - 84 Harness strap. 60 Since. worm. 38 To ring. 81 He was at 13 Eartliy 21 Serrated, tool. 22 Tatter. 24'r peruse. .26 Corded cloth. 28 Fabric, 29.Diagonal, 32 Suture. .'33 To -deliver 'from danger. a•35 Price, 38 Calm. 39 Kind of dolphin. ts. 42 Sorrowful: tie 44 To mutilate. 47 Fuel, 48.Coin. 49 Snake. 51 Exclamation. 1. 52• Era. 53 Neither. 56 Type measure,4 57 Southeast - (abbr.). 40 Kava. X62 He was also 41 Opposite -s--- of law, of winnings, VERTICAL 43 Cereal grain. 45 Work of skill. 2 King of bees 46 Musical term, Portrait stet 37 Data. 38 In such manner. U S. A. 1naterials, 58 Pronoun, Court justice 1.4 Manners of 59 New England many years. walking. (abbr.). Japan May Feel Big Quake Soon ERADIO P O T x FROST ":