HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-01-28, Page 6y' `ia:a�• ting' tQ ti•.r^> ,,,�:. •y,�:...n,. ROW WE RECOMMEND ALL -BRAN TO ALL OUR FRIENDS area rant'8ettgai`'trw:`�..teeefarsrw, . •s:: "�,. � ::>:'� .,,7" , .., Says Mrs. Joseph Par; Montreal, harsh purgatives, try ,ALL -ARAN'S Quebec: "I And KELLoc 'S ALL..- "Better Way" to correct the cause BRAN much more satisfactory than of constipation due to the lack of the right land of "bulk" in the diet. Eat it daily and drink plenty of water, but remember, ALL-atzAN doesn't work like a cathartic; it takes time. ALL -BRAN is sold at your grocer's in two convenient size packages; at restaurants in indi- vidual serving packages. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. pills or powders. Nearly all our family suffered from constipation. Our friends suggested pills and powders, but relief was only tem- porary. Now we eat ALL -BRAN regularly and recommend it to our friends." Instead of waiting until you suffer and then dosing yourself with G SERIAL STORY REM NVEST BY BLANCHE ROBERTS THE STORY: Judith Kingsly and Tam Berke are employees of an airplane factory. At the height of a lover's quarrel they are both sent to the firm's west coast fac- tory—Judith to investigate a "leak" in the organization, Tom to take plans of a new bomber. Above the desert on an airliner, two men draw guns as the co- pilot Lands the plane, They slug the pilot and take Tom to a wait- ing car. Tom slips Judith the plans. She leaves the plane, hides in the darkness as the men come back. STOI-�N RIDE CHAPTER 1V The car brushed the sage bush behind whitsh Judith huddled, and stopped a few feet beyond her. Three men got out and ran to the plane. She crept to the car and peered in cautiously. It was emp- ty. Without a second's hesitation, she opened the .,door and got in. She felt arounein the dark for the switch. The engine started im- mediately and, shoving it into gear, she pulled the car arotnnd just 'as she heard someone yell from within the .airliner. • She hadn't known an automobile .could gather so much speed in second gear. She followed the tracks across the desert. For fully 200 yards the trail r'ankperfeetly straight. She shut off the lights as. a glut cracked behind her. Dirt and gravel flew up and sprayed the. ear with dust. Other shots fol- lowed quickly but went wild.: When sh fudged "g27e had_ *;otie-, the length of 'lie 'trail; she turned the"' lights back on, just in time to keel), from missing the tracks she was following. Tense with excitement, she hunched over the steering. wheel, driiring swiftly and almost reck- lessly. ectilessly. She had no idea where she was going or what she would find when she got there. 0 0 * A. faint light burned in the dis- tance and she slowed the car. As she drew nearer, a shack took shape and from its window came ped the car some yards from the the light she hath seen. She stop - house and got Mit, the small gun gripped tightly in her right hand. Trembling a little, she mored sit- ently forward to look in at the window. She felt sure she would find Tom Burke held a captive Inside. By standing on her toes and craning her neck, Judith could see in. Burke was tied hand and foot, sitting on a box that faced the window.. Moving to the other side of the opening, she could see there was only one than guarding the !prisoner, the co-pilot. The two were jut sitting there. Judith ler, her fere' ise? feetr:cti in the window., hoping Tont evo'tid British Sailors' Society The World's Oldest Sailor Welfare Organization Founded 1818---•$oon After Trafalgar operates in ot•cr ono hundred Sailor Institutes, CIult:, 1D iivena, AT.1, O'VEIt TEE SEVEN SEAS in days Iiltr these cnineatly appeals for help Further information gladly supplied C.. M. St EEDIi , Dominion Cee'y. ao Alberts, Avenue - Toronto RECTAL SORENESS . AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you aro troubled with itching Piles er re,tai soreness, do not delay treatment and run the, risk of letting this condition become •chronic, Any itching uT aoreeesA or painful pass- age of stool Is nature's wanting and prop,/ creamier)! should he set:sired al one., Por this purpose get a trackage of Fleur-l.oid rrom any druggist and use • as . directed. This formula which Is used internally .is a small, easy to take tablet, will , quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. >:Sem-hold is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a flee remedy may bo had at such a small cost. IC you try ITcnt-t.nid and are not Qutilpicrrscd with the result$, your druggist will gladly return your money. IGA 0 see her. He dict. But only a' slight flicker of his Clark eyes gave I. et to her presence. He turned his head and spoke to tite pilot and she knee: it was to keep the man's attention so he would not discover her. She crept to the door. the gun ready for action, her heart ham- mering against her ribs. 'On the threshold, she poised for action. "Put up your hands!" she told the .plot firmly, There was not a tremor in her voice though her knees shook violently and threat- ened to give way. The man whirled, reaching up- ward with his arms as he did so. They stared at each other, "There's a knife iu my coat pocket," Tom told her, "Cut me loose.." 0 * v She advanced across the floor • of the small roost, her gaze never leaving the man whose hands were extended in the air above, his head. There was no mistaking the coldness and daring in his eyes and Judith slid not once under- estimate him as she reached for the knife. She knew if the emu made a stove her finger would squeeze the trigger. . She worked hard at the ropes with the knife in her left band and as th.e last thread was cut from around Tom's wrists, her eyes flickered from the ntau'across the reont. There was ii quick moveniet,t and Burke made a dive for die pilot, his feet 'still tied together. The two went down to- • gether. "Beaneiitte' gel1a‘tt ,,,between blows, as ho�wrolleo'%er and over on the feoor with his adversary. "Get away from here." But Judith hesitated, watching for a chance to use her gun. Tom spoke once more. • "Get to San Diego," he ordered hoarsely. "Go on, Judy!" She left and ran quickly to the ear. She did not look back but drove furiously down the read, hoping it would lead her toward her destination. She would not let herself think of Tom fighting back there in the cabin with that man. It the plans had not been in her possession, she would have stayed. But site not only had a duty to her company, she now had one to her government. Before long, she struck a high- way, and breathed a little easier. Speed was the thing she needed and the car seemed to hare plenty of it. "7 Wonder how much gas this car has itt it.?' site asked herself and switched on the dash Iight. A feeling of horror enveloped her— the tank was nearly empty. But as if iu answer to her prayers, her itea:lli._hls Melted out a small station by the s 'hi of the road. It was Hosed. ltcf. Che :'e;fJeed to be dismayed. She pt,ltt:l the frig car into the drive and honked. She kept on honking until she woke the man who was sleeping itt the rear of his station. He Carne out, tubbing his eyes and grumbling loudly. "T ain't open," he announced. "I'm sorry to disturb you but I have to have some gas," Judith told hint earnestly and his eyes widened at the sight of a pretty young woman. "You will just have to open up and sell rue same." "Why sure," he agreed,,„ his mood changing instantly. "Al- ways glad to oblige a lady, How many?" he asked as he unlocked the Punip. COUGHING COMES AT WRONG TIMES Thousands use Lyrnoitfs to Stop Embarrassment "i'tn a switchboard operator," writes is ')!oronte girl, "and LYMOTDS has ltelpod me over 'many an embarrassing throat tickle. Now i always carry them." 0 hoarseness or incessant coughing eta barrasses you.. try L'YMOIDS. reel how this excellent blend ofinedicinal oils soothes and relieves throat irritation., Ls.t Most stores .sell LYMOIDS In hanrly size loo awl 25c boxes, If unobtainable, send 10c its skinlsps or coin, to L'iMOIlas, 119 Pearl Street, Toronto, ISSUE No. 5-43 "Viii it tap," she instructed, °mi. please hurry," As she sat there, two -cars whizzed by and each time her heart came into her throat, for tear they might be het' pursuers. The man put the capon the tank and she handed Bial a ten -dollar bill, He wetlt in tatter the change and while he Wits gone a car drove in behind her and stopped, .� man said: "WhY -- that's Dike's car now." • * 5 5 That was all Judith Deeded to. hear to make her shift into gear and drive oft without her cheep. Driving a stolen car was - bad en- ough, But when some sten recog sized it and were Probably a part of the spy ring she was running from, it was high time to move on, and fast! In a moment, she saw the head- lights of the other ear swing onto the highway. After that, she never looked up from the road in i'ront of her as the speedometer ltovorecl over and above tate 90 ntark..She quickly passed the two cars in front et her. The eastern sky turned pink as daybreak neared and Judith reach- ed ,some foothills. Site slowed en- ough to lift her eyes to the .rear view mirror. Nothing was behind her --not a car in sight, She let out a long, weary sigh and re- laxed her aching back against the ear cushion. She was exhausted. Her eyes burned from the strain of the night's wild drive. She was thankful for the light of day. "I've got to get rid of this car", she thought. `Maybe I could hitch- hike the rest of the way." She approached the outer edge of a small town where everything seemed still asleep. She turned down a deserted street and parked the car. Crawling out stiffly, she did a few stretching exercises and was soon limber enough to walk back to the highway. She walked through town to the opposite side and sat down in a protected spot to rest. She waited for a ride, letting several cars go by unaccosted. lethally she spotted a big truck coating down the road. She stood up and moved to the side `of the pavement, lifting her thumb as she harl seen hitch -hikers do. •She could not keep the amused little grin from her face. The truck slowed, 'stopped. A burly fellow - leaned over and opened the Cab door. "Hdp` in sister," he invited; grinning. (Continued Next Week) Sailors of Empire Meet In London For over a century the Sailors of the Eninii'e and their friends have been invited by the Loi:d Mayor of London to meet with hint at the Mansion House. The 123rd Annual Meeting was held there recently. The Lord Mayor, in keeping with all the dignity and bearing of his high and anci- ent office presided and was sup- ported by a distinguished Com- pany. • The Rt. Hon: Sir Frederick Sykes, the Honorary Treasurer of the Society, referred to the heavy expenditure involved in the war commitments of the Society and the obligations resting on the Society-, which would have to he stet after the war, for the rein- statement of many of the prop- erties that have been rented or requisitioned and adapted to meet the present needs. These obliga- tions made it of importance that sufficient of the funds should be reserved to provide what may be required, and Sir Frederick urged ROYAL SISTERS OF E YPT attractive daughters of the Nile are Princesses Feriai, 4, and Fawzia, 3, children of King Farouk and Queen Farida of Egypt. the supporters of the Society to have the suggestion lntucle in Mind. In a coI'dial reference to the generosity and valuable hon- orary services of the friends of the Society, he mentioned speci- ally The British War Relief Soci- ety of the U.S.A., the Merchant Navy Fund of Capetown, and the Canadian Red Cross Society. Pointers On Making Sheets Last Longer Making sheets last longer be- comes the duty of every ,vertune household, For this reason Con- sumer Information Service has suggested a number of ways to extend their wear. Sheets should be washed as soon as possible after: use. Oils and acids on the skin's surface will shorten the life of sheets. All traces of soap should be rinsed out completely. Also they should not be subjected to strong, caustic bleaches. • They should be dried evenly without pulling_ In ironing too hot an iron should be avoided, and care should be taken that the folds are not : itessed at all. As a tnatter of fact to save electric power, . anti, t me it is better to press an13. the top three or four feet. ,$,eds should be made properly. Edges '`s,;soothed under the mat- tress get less abrasive wear than. btinehed-under .edges. T li e y should: also not be yanked off the bed, but should be loosened first. A mattress pad between the sheet and mattress will lengthen the sheet's ]tfe. Sheets should never be used to bundle up the weekly washing. That's what laundry bags are for, The Chinese Say: There is many a good man be- neath a shabby hat. A bird can roost on but one braneh; a mouse can drink no more than its fill from a river. What cannot be told had better not be done. Dig a well before you are thirsty. If you don't scale the mountain TABLE TALKS SADIE B, CHAMBERS Our Garden Friends .Vegetables are among our best; friends. More vegetables on the table mean fewer medicine bottles in the cupboard. The best tonics conte from such simple cheap vegetables as, spinach, carrots, beet greens, dandelion greens, beans, chard, potatoes, etc. The best laxatives also Coale from these sources. Vegetables are rick in the substances which we need for good teeth, good blood and for regulating the activity of the body. Vegetables also furnish the bulk which is necessary 'for the healthy regular action of the intestinal tract. The very common statement that "potatoes are all starch" is not true. Because they can be eaten in fairly large quantities, they furnish the body with con- siderable iron and they also pro-• vide one of the important regu- lating materials necessary for re- sistance to disease, for growth, for healthy gums and strong bones. Tomatoes also provide this same regulating substance. In the spring, when old. vege- tables are very poor in quality and new ones are expensive it is. better to buy eauned varieties such as peas, beans, corn and beets. Let ns scratch Mrs. Economy and Mrs. Extravagance go shopping for 50 cents worth of fresh vege- tables in early winter. Mrs. Economy shops around and decides that carrots, cabbage and turnips wi]1 give the biggest return for her money. Mrs. Extravagance sees some tomatoes and decides to have to- mato sandwiches instead of. both- ering to cook a meal. Mrs. Economy 1 can tomatoes 12e 4 lbs. carrots 8e 4 lbs. cabbage (2 small) 10e 30e Mrs, Extravagance you cannot view the plain. I 1 ib. tomatoes 30e Though yott have money you cannot buy what is not to sell. Young goat or kid meat is being; eaten by many Britons who can- not get other meat. CHECKERED MITTENS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS 'Lovely checkered -mittens are knitted in two colors for a child 5 to ', years and wonncn's Size 7. They are easy to knit, and very Vat'm, It makes an ideal gift. Pattern No, 1222 contains list of Materiels needed, illustration of 'design and complete infitruction,5, To order Mattern Write, or send above picture with your name and acl.itcr's with Ili touts itt cont o1' stamps to Carol Aimee, Rooth .:121, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. 30e -Mrs. Economy obtained: 20 tines the energy vainer 11 tithes' the material for re- pair and muscle building, 40 tines the amount of mineral needed for strong teeth and bones, 17 times the amount of min- eral needed for blood building. Many people do not like vege- tables because they are frequently poorly prepared, Here are some of the reasons why the children refuse one of the most important and valuable foods in the diet: 1. Overcooking --- this ruins flavor and appearance and stakes the vegetables soggy, mushy, or otherwise unpleasant in texture. 2. Poor seasoning --- lack of seasoning frequently makes vege- tables flat in taste, 3. Lack of care itt preparation .---thorough cleaning, careful par- ing and careful slicing or cutting snake the vegetables More attrac- tive. Mrs. Extravagance's children do not like many of the eamntan vegetables. When she prepares them they are, usually tasteless, watery and unattractive itt ap- pearance. Her ;fancily rarely tastes them and the rest go itt the garbage. Mrs. Economy on 'the' other hand realizes that care in pre- paration. is as important; as care in buying, Soshe carefully fol- lows the rules, some of which will be given in the next issue, Alien Chtattlbtrii iveleetttetx rlerr!trnal lettt'es trunk tnterest.ed readers. She 10 ti leased to receive suggest lotto oti testle's for her column, and is via really to 'listen try your ::pet peevelt." ttegnestss for resines or ispeeltat tnCaaus Aro th aarater. Aettiresa your fetters to "Ansa Smile tt. tltiatn- berM, Yti •West Adelaide Street, 'leo -'onto, soul stamped Nett-aatatnreesed envelope if ,etr with Ya reular. NO "SOREHEADS" NO SQE TOATS. Survey Shows Gallant Women of Britain Take Aspirin to Give Qeikk Relief The thousands of British woIltel'l now working in war plants are de, termined net to let sore throats, fevers, and Colds get them "down." Production must keep up , .end. a recent government survey showed how British women are counting on Aspirin, to help them carry on. Aspirin was named as one of the three leading drug items British women want for health and morale. And this is easy to understand c . , for generations have proved that Aspirin is one of the safest, most dependable analgesics known.' An. Aspirin gargle for sore tlmoat relieves pain and rawness almost at once, Aspirin taken with water relieves the headache of colds . nauscular aches and distress. Aspirin costs less than 1¢ a tablet in Mlle economy bottle ... so always keep it handy for quick relief. Made in Canada, "Aspirin" is the trademark of The Bayer Com- pany, Limited. If you don't see the Bayer cross on each tablet, it isn't Aspirin, Don't Turn Rayon Hosiery While Wet The importance of handling rayon stockings gently when washing them is reflected in the advice of hosiery experts who warn against turning them inside out while wet. Rayon is known to lose mush of its strength in water. ' Daily washing in a mild, tepid suds eliminates the necessity for rub- bing. After several rinses mois- ture should be removed by wrap-' ping in a towel, then hanging to dry for 48 hours away from direct heat or sunlight, Cotton feet and welt on rayon legs are recommended . as good combinations for durability. Darn et, ing thin spots before the thea tweak will also prolong D'ri'er', �* Germany's Most Precious ,TTeasaze 5 9 The German Artny newspaper • l ie Wehrmacht, describing. the formation `31h years ago of a "very special battalion" of the German army, consisting of pick- ed then front all hr•.utcltes;-ea-. ped with the fittest weapons, said, ' 97. according to a British broodcaat: "The very speeial job of this battalion is to guard from alt' dangers the most precious trear- ure the German people possess." The treasure; the -paper said, is Adolf Hitiet. Britons Get On.h,,q • Egg Each M��, ont Fresh eggs, as rare as sirloin. steaks, return to ordinary con- sumers this month on at teust a token basis. Ordinary consum- ers will get one fresh egg a month. Priority classes, including nursing mothers, invalids and in- fants, will get 12 a month. Pow- dered egg rations remain 12 a person monthly, The cheese allotment was cut front eight to six ounces weekly. 8 01.0 TIME QUILT PAT IORNAI Alen 1 twelve -inch quilting eait'r2 as illustrated. a7 pieces et cag:t.Oti and print for fifteen -inch " ear'e Paw" Black 05 illustrated, .for :«rl cents, postpaid. PRINT BUTTMRFLIES not CUT OUT... REOOY TO APPUOO DN QUILTS mei BEOspou Abs. INornurTIoNS INCLUDED 'nlBFAST MATCRIAi. BUTTERFLIES ASsGs,: M EN T OF tOLORs AND DESrQNs. 5nu Treat Was FOR .It ge StND ro COLONIAL QUILT co., sox esq. $RNNrroRo,oNT. OVER -BUYING OF COAL UNFAIR TO COMMUNITY Buying up all the coal in sight . means that you deprive someone else in your community, Sc be patient as far as your Cull winter's rociuireinentrs ai'e concerned tor, whet the present rush is' over, every householder will have sonic coal in his bin and dealer's wilt be able to catoh up wrth the de- mand and fill your lettere orders promptly. And wltett ordering; specify 'blue coal'. Then you'll bo sure of hotter heat all winter•-- and you'll save money, tno, V'FI?y rice ask your nearest 'trine coal' dealer for further informa/lee, Phone hint today, iia.