HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-01-28, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS . U':U 4EY }.1 OLM Ea ii1A1tR><ATRY 1PPUB. L1C,i ETC,, TORNOT, OFFICE—= -At Court How GOMRIOH •.— ONTARIO 'Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Hoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Thurada,y Friiday, Saturday ,,._ ter_..---•, NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Tilt your order for Coal in now! Several Cars are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all (brands. • Hensall Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIAN VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main S';reet, Opposite Drug Store Phone --96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Or: W. B. (TOXON, B.V. Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary dalege, University of Toronto. reated 1 leases of domestic anima treat d by the most modern principles might arges reasonable. Day tells promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Invernessset, Sonnets. Office on Main opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL• BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular AT NMARKET Let 13s :supply you with the very Choice. of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, E.ct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Hides and Skins �. �y11nghlut & Son PRODUCE urich Creamery your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in (charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. Farm Produce WANTE t -lave your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather . Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Put Your Want, For Sale' Lost. Found, Etc. Ada. in this Column. FOR SALE Pontiac car very cheap, This will make a good farm wagon or 4 -wheel trailer. Good Tires.—L," Prang&Son WANTED Agent or Jobber to handle Re - Refined Motor Oil. Interesting prop- osition, exclusive territory. NOTICE A meeting in the interests of grow- ing cucumbers Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday eve. January 28th, at 8.30, All parties interested are requested to attend.— Mr. Freel. LOST Between Hensall and Zurich a new billfold with a sum of money. Finder kindly return to Mr. Fred Jackson, or leave at Herald Office. Reward. FARM FOR SALE 10 acres of land on Babylon line, Hay, being W Pt. of S Y2 Lot 12. On the land, is a comfortable frame house, small barn, etc. Is being. offer- ed for sale very reasonable on easy terns. Apply to Herald Office. NOTICE FOR SALE OR RENT — A very desireable residence in Zurich. For further particulars apply to Herald office. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch Elco. Fin- der please return to Pauline tab erer or Zurich Herald Office and re- ceive reward. WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fo, Horses. Phone Crediton Central, re- verse charges.—Jack Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-6-'41 Has 90th Birthday Mrs. D. MacKenzie, •Seafor-th's old- est citizen, celebrated her 90th birth- day at her residence, on Janizary 10. She was 'born in Scotland and came to Seaforth in 1878, where she Lias since continually resided, is enjoying perfect health and as active in mind and body as she was n?anv years ago Always taken an active part in 'church work and its activities and still at tends at least one service each Sun clay. FARM MECHANICS COURSE • Two-day Farm Mechanics Courses are being held at various praces in Huron County. Farmers are expected to produce this year, and it is next to impossible to purchase new farm machinery. The purpose of the co- urse is to point out repair .lobs which are most often encountered on farm machines. To suggest some practical methods of having repairing done. To encourage farmers to check over their machines for needed repairs and to order these immediately. Compet- ent instructors have been trained for these courses. The schools will he. at Seaforth, Fc.b. 16, 1 7, '1'-)wn Hall, Varna, Feb. 23, 24, Township Hall; Exeter, Feb. 25, ,21i, Town Hall. The first day 10 to 12 noon will be on binder and mower repair and ad- justment. 1 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. — tractor maintenance, illustrated with pictures, etc. fiLARGE$ RESERVE �i3AL- StE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT 1 UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount Of Insura at Risk on Deo. 81st, 1936, $, .00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds � $213,613.47, Rhea --$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ;fag Rods and all kinds of Fire ROUi5 OF 'am pAaT Canada's island province, Prince Ed- ward Island, will honor one of its great pioneers in the CBC "Hereos of Canada" series this week. On Fri- day, January22 this school series will paytribute to John Stewart, charn- pi,on of liberty. I.lis story will be •told by a contemporary Prince Edward Island author now resident in Tor- onto, Harry Ernest Foster, whose many fine radio scripts have pro- vided dramatic ent:ertainin‘nt fon CBO an14d`rrrcs. `"rI `5c" o• C..,.. ,n.. is heard Fridays at 10,0t; .. . r FARM FORUM The Babylon Line Farm Forum met at the home of .Mr and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard on Monday evening. The discussion was on "A Credit Union for Our Community." Special notion projects were chosen for the months of February and March nam- ely, "Co -Operative Purchasing" `Lar- ger Units of School Administration" and "Farm Accounting and Income Tax." :Miss Dorothy McDonald will be the speaker for the next aneeting to be held at the home of Mr. An- thony Etue on February lst at 8.30 p.ni. Everybody invited, Miss Lillian Howard •• of London, was a week -end visitor with her cous- in Miss Martha Thiel of town. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Willert and family have moved their household effects. to the home of Mir and Mrs. Herbert Mousseau in the south end of town. We understand the building which was vacated by the Willert family will be renovated and conv- erted in to apartments by the present owner, Mr. Walter Eckel. HAD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held in the Town Hall on Monday, and regardless, of the bad road condit- ions there was a good turnout. The usual work was gone over, with an earnest appeal to prevent ft 2-..:a which too great a loss at these present crit- ical tines. Mr. William iSweitzer, the retiring Director was replaced by Arthur Finkbeiner, and the other two Directors, namely Fred. J. Haberer, and John Armstrong were elected for a term of three years.` FIRE AT EXETER Last Tuesday morning fire did con- siderable damage to Middleton's bak- ery, situated on the main street, Ex- eter, in the business section. The building has been the site of a bak- ery for over 70 years. The Exeter fire brigade, though handicapped by hitter cold, a high wind and driving snow, managed to save the store in front of the bakery. A large shipm- ent of flour which arrived the day before, was a total loss. The loss by fire will run into several thousands of dollars. Bad Roads Country roads off the main high- ways are very bad, and farmers have a big time getting to town for their supplies, in many instances they have to take to the fields wetn the horses and sleighs: Modern stow plows seem to have little effect on the heavy roads with piles upon pil- es of hard crusted snow banks. It will be a big job to clear the roads when a real break-up' occurrs. The local Town ship snow plow was .brok- en, repaired and then.frgam broken, that is the truck to wliich the plow is attached. Here in town the streets are very .good after the township grader made its rounds on Monday when the snow was soft from the mild weather. However, there are still many piles of snow around the vill age. LETTER FROM OVERSEAS On January ''15th, this month, Mrs. Harry Yunghlut of town received the following letter from overseas, which bespeaks for itself. Essex, England, Dec. 21st. Dear Friend: I'm writing these few lines in receipt of your address which T found in the pocket of a little suit (flannel) that hacl come my way for my eldest little boy. It had come through the Red Cross, I presume, as it was the Mission that I used to attend before moving here where I am now living as the suit has got the Canadian Red Cross label on it; thank you very much my good friend, it fits beauti- fully, as he is at school, Frderick is his name.. My husband's sister-in-law has got cousins 1 iving in Canada, but what part I cannot say. I knees: that they saw the King and Queen when they were there, also there are nearly all Canadians where my husband is stat- ioned, and he is always saying in his letters how well lie gets on with thein. Will close for now, wishing you and yours;Season's Greetings, From Mrs. P. . Hanson. .. TRY,. OUR School Shoes START YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS To School with good comfortable and durable School Shoes. We have a arge stock to choose from in all siz- es. Priced for economy. RUBBERS We can supply you with all your needs with good pre -war -made Rub • be at our usual low cash prices. Give up a Call. E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Give Us a Call! Now in 100th Year. Sir William 'rIulock quietly celeb- rated his 90th birthday anniversary in Toronto on January 19th, his on- ly deviation from routine being an afternoon reception. Congratulations messages poured hi from all parts of the Doninion. The former chief just- ice of Ontario visited the law courts at Osgood Hall where for many ye- ars he presided over the court of ap- peal. There was no formal birthday party for Canada's grand old man, who was first minister of labor and was post -master general at the time penny postage was introduced. 'He was 23 years old at the time of Con- federation, and is still mentally and physically vigorous. . TO BROADCAST FEB. 3rd. The address to be delivered by the Hon. John Bracken at the Annual Banquet of the Holstein -Friesian As- sociation of Canada in Toronto on Wednesday, February 3, will. be car- ried on the air by the Canadian Bro- adcasting Corporation from 9.30 to 10. p,rn. Wide interest has been shown in this, the first Ontario add- ress of Mr. Bracken since he assum- ed the Progressive : Conservative party leadership. The demand for tickets _has been so great that it has been found necessary to restrict their sale to livestock men only and in order to avoid disappointment Mr. Bracken's followers, arrangements were made to have his ,speech broad- cast. • DASHWOOD Miss Onieda 'Resterneyer, R. N. of, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visit- ed with her ,parents a few nays last week. Mrs. Watkins of Guelph is •visiting with Mrs. L. Morenz. ;, I Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and Rev. and Mrs. W. Weir" of Hensall were visitors with Mr and iMrs T. Harry Hoffman last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Catherine Heckman Passes Mrs. Catherine Heckman, formerly Becker, widow of the late . William Heckman, passed away in London on Thursday, January 21st in her 71st. year, following a lengthy illness. She is survived by two sons, John of Stephen Township and Rheinard, of Usborne, and two daughtersMrs. William Beierling Water the Blue Highway and Mrs. Wrn. Vincent on the 16th concession; three sisters and five brothers. The funeral took place on +Monday afternoon from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home with interment in the Bronson line 'Luth- eran cemetery. Rev. T. Luft offi- ciating. -' Red Cross Shipment The following is the recent Red Cross shipment: 4 quilts, 2 ladies' night gowns size 3S; 2' ladies slips, size 40; 1 man's shirt size 15; 1 boy's blouse size 6, 1 ladies knickers size 46; 1 ladies knitted sweater size 36; 2 turtle neck sweaters; 1 V-neck sweater, 2 wash cloths, 2 pr. sea - boots; 3 aero caps, 2 pr. service socks; 2 pr. 18 -in. socks, 4 pr. mitts 4 pr. gloves; 10 sanitary pads. • • i •• e 4 41 ti 9 To the Men who Till the Boll With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men, This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. P, BE. E fT(nOFFER 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4. 4 4. a• 1 T113.1xs4y,44,inialy f'h, 4,143 "sale Recomend FEED And SELL the Best" 4 PURINA OIIQWB We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey Feeds, Etc., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 Uheck-U eek THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. NEXT SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE 'rill:; BIGGEST TASK IN THE HISTORY OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE. THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL MAC( -TINES NOW, THIS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, AND ORDER SAME AT ONCE• "GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS PARTS FOR M. -H. MACH. INES. Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arrn, for Canadian Farm. 1 tlllO OIII1IIl111111IIMIIIIIIhIn11 1111111MEM i 0 10111111 MIIIIMIMI 111111111IlIIl1lllllI III(III 11 11111111 1111 III 10". Zurich Variety Sic a Let Us Help You • Solve your usually problem of buying Christmas Presents. We have many art- icles in our Store very suitable .and appropriate for this grand occasion... Many articles are very useful and will greatly please both the giver and the one who will be fortunate to receive one of these Gifts. Be sure and visit our Store during this season and we will be greatly pleased to show what we ..are offeetng the public... Always a full line of Toiletry, Stationery, School Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! ff1110III11111Iflllll1111111?llii 111111111111lWMIIIIII1M1111llllllHl 1111101111111111 1101 00!11 Illlil1111111HNfMIIM111111IIIIII 111111111M1111 00111011011+ KIQPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices... Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 1 kinds of Crease. Wo invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection . i 4. ` 4 4 4 1' 41 4 Did You Borrovr This raper'? Perhaps you've borrowed this edition of the Zurich Herald from your neighbor. If you have, we trust you're enjoying the news of the district, the inter- .esting features and the value -giving advertisements If the neighbor is willing to lend his newspaper, it is, of course, no concern of ours. But have you ever stopped to consider that you're causing him con- siderable inconvenience at a saving so small that it's hardly worth considering? For only $1.50 a year you can have your newspaper every week. You'll be under no obligation to any- one, and you'll enjoy the paper when it bears your own name on the label. THE ZURICH HERALD $1.50 a Year in Advance sn*bia,000it0dx,== . � �.