Zurich Herald, 1943-01-14, Page 3THE WAR
Nazis Outwitted, Outgeneraled
And Outfought By Russians
WEEK --• Commentary on Current Events
One year ago the headlines read:
`" &anila, Cavite Lost; MacArthur
Fights On" and "Malaya Battles
More Invaders. It was the open-
ing of a grim year, says the New
York Herald Tribune, Disasters
piled upon one another at Singa-
pore and Java, in Burma, Libya,
And. Russia. 13y summer Ilitler's
armies were sweeping into Egypt
and the Caucasus, and people talk-
ed gloomily of a ten-year war.
This year o:f 1943 opened with
the gloom on enemy faces., Experts
had said Hitler would have to win
hi 1942 or he never would. He
didn't. And the United Natione
were on the march.
Hitler and Goebbels, although
naturally sticking to their predic-
tions of victory, were Mess bony -
ant than usual, Der Fuebrer said
Germany would win no matter how
"'severe the struggle le and will
be and no matter how often the
scales seemingly tip in Savor of
our war enemies," Said Goebbels:
"Germany has more or less suc-
unneeded iu overcoming certain mill-
tary difficulties which have arisen.
. . Even counting the changing
luck in such a gigantic battle as
that in Russia, we can look with
confidence into the future."
The Japanese nation, which had
been fed on news of big victories,
suddenly received from Premier
Tajo a warning that the war would
be long and hard, and that the
United Nations were preparing to
deliver counter -blows of "great
Allied Outlook More Cheerful
Oa the other hand, the British
War Office, issuing its third an-
nual review of the war, permitted
rays of cheer to shine through the
official stodginess. The first signs
that the Axis flood "might be
turning to ebb" came on Aug. 31,
the review said, when Rommel
was rebuffed at the gate of Egypt.
But it was not until the night of
Get. 23, when Montgomery struck,
that "the TJnited Nations may be
said to have begun demonstrably
to capture the initiative." The Roy-
al Air Force notedthat its
strength rose one-third in 1942 and
was now superior to the combined
air might of Germany and Italy.
In America Donald Nelson re-
ported that war factories made in
November the largest production
gain of any month wince the Un-
ited States began to rearm in 1940.
About four and one-third times as
much war material was turned out
as in November a year ago.
Red Army's Triumphs
The Russian year-end review
made• the finest reading of all.
From it emerged the picture oe
Soviet strategy, and the couclu
sioe ; o which it pointed was that
the German Army had been out»
witted, outgeneraled a n d out-
fought. Der Fuehrer's grand cam-
paign for 1942, said Moscow quiet-
ly, had been formed "without tak-
aking into account the Germans' ac-
tual resources and the Soviet re-
Evidently the Red Army had us-
ed the barest minimum of troops
to hold at Stalingrad during the
fall, biding its time and building
its reserves against the moment
to strike. The moment came on
Nov. 19. Soviet troops were order-
ed to surround the main body of
German troops before Staliu,grad.
"The aim was accomplished" said
the review. Thus for the first time
Moscow made the flat assertion
that the ring around the Nazi
forces besieging Stalingrad had
been closed. Within the trap were
twenty-two enemy divisions, "In
these engagements our troops
wiped out 95,000 Germans and
took 72,400 prisoners,"
Having achieved the encircle-
ment before Stalingrad, the su-
preme command ordered the Red
.Army to launch the second phase
of 'the offensive in the last two
weeks of December. The objective
here was to break through the
enemy defenses in the region or
Boguchar "and to come out into
the rear of the German Fascist
azzny operating in the greater
bend of the Don, so as to prevent
the enemy troops surrounded be»
fore Stalingrad from getting away
and from receiving belp from out-
side." This aim, too, was "com-
pletely carried out." In these en-
gagements the enemy troops last
in killed 59,000 men and 60,050 of-
ficers and men were taken pris-
German Losses
In the meantime the Germans
had concentrated along the Stalin-
grad-Tikboretsk railway to the
north of Kotelnikovski in a des-
perate attempt to liberate the sur-
rounding divisions. The third as-
signment for the Red Army, then,
was to break up that counter-
offensive. It did so. Last week the
Russians captured Kotelnikovski,
which the Germans had made into
one of their most important bases
for the drive on Stalingrad, In this
phase, "The German Fascist troops
lost in killed alone 21,000 men, and
5,200 enemy officers and men were
taken prisoners,"
Moscow put the grand total of
Germans Idled or captured since
Nov. 19 at 312,650. Of course, the
number of enemy, killed is bound
to be an estimate, and may be too
WO, On the whole, however, Mos-
cow's official communiques have
a good reputation for factual ac-
curacy. The picture as drawn in
the review is one of ghastly loss-
es for the German Army.
Velikie Luki Falls
In the North, the Germans are in
another tight place through the
capture of Velikie Luki which con-
trols railroads running from Mos-
cow west to the Latvian border
and from Leningrad to Odessa. De-
spite German denial of the Rus -
elan claims to have taken so im-
portant a center, the Russians
maintain that not a single German
remains in the city and that large
quantities of supplies and equip-
ment have been taken over.
Assuming the Russian claims to
be accurate, another large block
of German troops, that for months
has been stationed around Rzbev,
will be in serious danger.
The Russian aim is clearly to
make the most of the Winter it -
son to deive back the German*
from their spearheads at Etzhev,
Stalingrad, Dade Naichik. Front
these points Hitler would launclb
a new offensive in spring. Should
his troop be forced out of theca,
a serious rearrangement of Ger
masa. plans clearly will be needed.
Moxdok Captured
Capture by the Russians of Moe-
dok near the Grozny oil fields in
the Caucasus threatens to entrap
a large force of Germans in that
area, Some 400 miles to the north
are the 300,000 or so Germans u -.-
der General -von Hoth already sur-
rounded around Stalingrad.
Hitler appears to be breaking
all military tradition by refusing
to operate retreats from advanced
positions, where supplies a r e
threatened, or completely cut off.
Whether he expects the forces at
these points to hold their ground
until relief can be organized, or
whether they are to be sacrificed
in order to delay as long as pos-
sible the Russian advance remains
to be seen.
That the Russian Army can be
retarded considerably •is clear
both from the want of railroad
conuections between their forces
and' from the winter rains that in
the Caucasus are softening the
surface of the ground.
On Wednesday, Deeetnber 1 h, the Prime Mhtister brenad`o- apt leech on Temperance. Canadian Breweries Limited
respectfully submits to the Prime ] moister what it considers would have been a more suitable speech. It does so,
not from any profit motive, Mice its profits are already controlled by the' excess profits tax, but out
of a desire to retain thepublic's respee fpr its industry and those engaged in it.
HE use of beer; wine and spirits has for long been a controversial
subject in Canada and from time to time your government is called
Capon to find a point of harmony between those who do not drink at all and
would like all those beverages prohibited; and those who drink moderately
and resent any interference with their liberty. If such a point of harmony
could be•found, and the whole subject put outside politics and religion;
ft would be a good thing for Canada's unity in wartime;.and later, in peace.
It is important to decide whether or not this should be a moral issue or
whether we should look upon drinking in the same light as eating and
smoking. The evidence before me shows that many Canadians indulge
moderately in beer and spirits. These consumers, as well as those who
manufacture the beverages, resent the implication that they ate nor good
I think the issue becomes a moral one only at the point where individuals
drink excessively and become a nuisance. All parties should be able to agree
on this. Let us say therefore, that moderation is the ideal which all good
Canadians are eager to attain:
The next thing to determine is whether or not ours is a temperate nation
1 have every reason to believe that it is. 1 know that we coesume less beer in.
Canada; per capita, than they do in Great Britain and the United States:
This being so, the problem reduces itself to one of dealing with a few
irresponsible people who give the advocates of prohibition a falsely dramatic
impression of current conditions. -
My attention is drawn to the increased sales of beer and spirits since the
beginning of the war, but these increases are only at half the rate of the rise
in the National income. Many workmen are now busy who before were
idle and penniless:
Let me say at once, there's no question of any unwillingness on anyone's
part to make sacrifices for the war, least of all among the brewers who have
co-operated in every way possible and I am sure will continue to do so. But
k should be pointed out here that fifty men can produce a million gallons of.
weer, and the basic raw materials necessary to supply the whole of Canada's
meed of beer are available locally in abundance. Any curtailments that do
become necessary we will make with precisely the same attitude and impar-
tiality shown to other consumer. goods: The one thing I always regret
when restrictions are made is that moderate people are invariably the ones
to be deprived.
There is a great deal of medical evidence to prove that a hard-working
man who drinks beer modetately, not only nourishes his system, but relieves
the nervous and physical strain of his busy day. No one will want to deprive
him of this form of relaisationr nor to .awake its availability so difficult that a
worker on a night shift will have to resort to a bootlegger to get his drink:
It is important that in this part of the British Empire we retain as high a
reserve as possible of physical and nervous energy. We must encourage
every form of wholesome relaxation to relieve the strain of war.
So far as the army is concerned I am certainly not going to put myself
in the position of saying that a soldier who is old enough to fight and kill is
too young to choose his refreshments with good judgment. Here again the
reputations of many are spoiled by the few.
It has been suggested to me that I should ban liquor and beer adver-
rising but how could I in. fairness do that when we continue to permit other
rnanufacturers, whose goods are rationed or in short supply, to maintain
their advertising in order that they may keep their trade names before the
public. Furthermore, no one will want nee to banish English and American
periodicals from Canada. Most of them carry advertisements for brands on
sale in this country. How could we ban such advertising in our own
publications and allow them in those from the United States.
In conclusion let me say this: Everyone of us has his own ideas of what
character our fast growing nation should develop. As our urban centres
grow there are bound to be differences of opinion between people of some
rural districts and those in the large cities of what civic rights shall be
allowed to the people. Our laws must be so designed as to allow to each as
much freedom of choice and self reliance as possible. Some sections of the
population look askance on dancing, theatres, smoking, drinking and many
types of literature.
Let us resolve therefore not to force the views of one section of the
community on the other. When a reasonable self-reliant people have an
unreasonable law imposed upon them they simply ignore that law with
disastrous results to the legal institutions of the country. We Learned this at
bitter cost during prohibition years. The greatest friend of temperance
would not want to greet our men's return from abroad with the evil spectacle
of prohibition.
I am convinced we cannot force the principle of moderation bat we can
teach it. I appeal to all in this nation to be temperate in everything they do in
order that we may exert the maximum. impact on the enemy. In particular
I appeal to brewers and distillers and those interested in true temperance to
join forces and use every additional means at their disposal to spread the
principle of moderation. I appeal to the provincial authorities to so frame
the regulations for retail sale that the business will be conducted in the
open and on the highest ethical standards and not driven underground and
to the bootleggers. Surely this is an effort to which all parties can agree
VfzeciaereW erw'