HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-01-21, Page 3NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T One little U-boat, riding on the sea; along came the R.C.A.F., now where can it be? Probably on the bottom of the ocean, for depth charge churning the water in bottom photo was dropped on spot where just a few moments before a Canadian coastal patrol bomber anotted the axis submarine somewhere in the Atlantic. Modern Etiquette By Roberta. Lee 1. Should a girl working in an office give or send her employer an inexpensive Christmas gift? 2, Should children be allowed to wear nail polish? 3. At a widow's second marriage, her first husband being deceased, should she invite the family of her former husband? 4. When invited for a week -end visit, isn't it all right for a guest to take his clog along? 5. When a married woman is traveling alone, should she sign the hotel register, Mrs. H. L. Hud" son or Mary Lou Hudson? 6. Is it permissible for a girl to ask a young man to call, when she has" known him for quite a while? ANSWERS 1. No. She should wish his. a Merry Christmas as he or she is leaving the office on Christmas Bye: In some cases, a Christmas card addressed to him and his wife is appropriate. 2. No. S. Yes, indeed, if the relationship has al- waya been pleasant, Furthermore, these people should make every effort to attend. 4. Not unless the dog was also invited. 5. She should rlign, Mrs. H. L. Hudson, and her home city, but not her street ad- dress. 6. Yes. A rubber tree begins to yield seven years after planting. " DESCENT"AT DAWN British paratroopers in train- ing "somewhere in England, de - mewed in a dawn sky from twin- . motored tvansport roaring away after dropping its live cargo dtit. ing aerial invasion maneuvers. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING WEIGHTS Grasshoppers jumping about in a box do not lessen its weight; neither do bees flying about in a closed hive. A friend on a farm asked Dr. Gordon S. Faleher, a physicist of Washington, D.C., if a hive would be easier to carry if she stirred up the bees so they would fly around. This suggested the grass- hopper problem to Dr. Fu'icher as a similar but simpler case. He has reported to the journal Sale ence, his findings. Each grasshopper as it jumps gives a downward kick to the box, thereby increasing its weight, While the grasshopper is in the air, the box is, to be sure, relieved of its weight, but when the hopper lands, the box again receives a downward thump. Dr. Fulchee shows mathematically that these balance out and the average weight of the box does not change. The same applies to the bees in a closed hive: "The total average weight nnist be the same no mat- ter What the actions or motions of the bees and other parts in- side the closed container may be." The same applies"to any body not at the absolute zero of tem- perature, for which all the mole- cules are at rest, At any higher temperature, because of thermal agitation, many of the .molecules at any given instant are in the air, so to speak, But each mole- cule as it takes off gives a down- ward kick and again when it lands. The weight of the body as indicated by a balance is an average of these downward kicks and of the dead weight of those molecules that happen to be at rest. The indicated weight does not change with temperature. Have You Hear A. Lancashire soldier and hie lass had spent the day together, and on their return the girl's mother asked how she had en• joyed herself. "Aw rest," said Jane, "but i think 3oe's a bit mean. 'He nobbui• spent sixpence on me all day." "Well, if I were thee I'd tel: his sixpence back and inek lain. ashamed of himself," said her mother. Late that night, :lane knocked On Joe's floor. "Ere," she said. "Tak thi six. pence. back. I doubt if tha can afford it." "Ee," said her lover, "tha • shouldn't 'a bothered to -Meet. It would 'a done in t'mornin'." A Mayfair bomb fell on a mews, demolishing garages and small flats above them, One small bedroom alone es- caped. Wardens and police rushed up. They saw a figure mov. ing about in the one surviv- ing room. "Are you all right?" they shouted. "Yes," carne the rayl.', "but I can't find any collar and tie." A woman .estate owner collect- ed her own rents in order to save expense. She found one of her tenants in a discontented frame of mind and thinking that attack night be the best defence she be- gan with a complaint of her own. "Your kitchen,• Mrs. Brown," she said, "is in a very bad state." "Yes, ina'anm, it is," the tenant agreed. "And you would look the same way if you hadn't lead any paint on you for five years" "You gave $100 for that rug?" said Mr. Browne. "Yea, dear," replied his wife. "Now, look here, Mary, I'm going to put my foot down on this awful extrava- gance." "I don't mind, George, so long as you wipe your feet first." U. S. Prepared For Gas Warfare If. gas becomes a weap.on of gen- eral use in this war, the Chemical Warfare Service of the United States Army is ready to give It— and equally ready to take it. Major -Gen. William N. Porter, C.W.S. chief, said the Germans are known to have large sotres of war gas, and can be °expected to use it whenever advantageous. "So far, in my opinion, the only reason the Germans have not used gas is that they have not needed it," he said. "We would all be vary remiss, however, it we went into this without sufficient quantities of gas," he added. "We feel now that we are ahead ot Germany in the production of gas." HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY 1f you aro troubled with Itching Piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or pain- ful passage of stool is nature's warming and proper treatment should be secured at once, For this purpose get a package of Rem -Roil from any druggist vhiclirsis ass iinternallyhis aosmall, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve tho Itching and soreness rind aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem -Reid is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had et such a small cost. If you try Idem-Ttoid- and are not enl.lrely pleased will' the resume, your druggist will 'gladly return •rour money. ISSUE No. 4-43 The conceited young pian was being even more boring than usual. "It's a fact," he said with pride, "that people often take me for a member of the Guards " His fair companion wasn't im- pressed. "Really?" she drawled. "Fire— shin — railway — mud — or black." "Do you think Hitler stands any chance of getting what he's out for?" "1 don't—but I think he's got a good chance of getting what he's in for." New Rec,. rds Set By C.N.R. In 1942 Review of System's Oper- ations Reveals Surplus In Revenue The upward trend of the indus- trial activity which began with the outbreak of war and which was so strongly marked in 1941, continued throughout 1942, states R. C. Vaughan, chairman and president of the Canadian Nation- al Railways, in a review of the system's operations for 1942. New • traffic records were created for each month, and the traffic vol- ume for the year exceeds by a wide margin any previous exper- ience. Indicated net revenue will be $85,000,000 against $66,608,341 in 1941 AIr. 'Vaughan reported. Opeze ating revenues will exceed $370,- 000,000 compared with $304,376,778 and operating expenses will be around $285,000,000 compared with 0 mn. ymn .x. GUARANTEE TRUST INVEST S_ CERTIFICATES 3 /i % per an- AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT FOR YOUR a anent ¢l instat vest- numfor. 5 year SPARE MONEY triter funds. term. , issued and guaranteed by THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED 302 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONTARIO Cut out and mail to Please send me further details about your Guaranteed The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited 302 Bay Street, Toronto $237,768,437, Freight traffic in millions of ton miles was 32,000 against 27,200 In 1941 and 23,041 in 1928, ante -de- pression top, and passenger traffic in. millions of passen.ger miles was 2,650 against 1,762 last year and 1,541 In 1928. Mr. Vaughan stress- ed that while the 1942 volume ot traffic exceeded that of 1928 by 44 per 'cent. it was handled with 8.6 per cent. less staff, 25.9 fewer freight cars, 14.2 per cent. fewer passenger cars and 6,0 per cent. fewer Iocomotives, while the 'fuel 'consumption in 1942 was less by A5,000 tons. After meeting all operating ex- penses, including equipment depre- elation and appropriate charges for deferred' maintenance and re- newals Mr. Vaughan indicated, net revenue of the company will be sufficient to pay taxes and all other charges, including interest due to the public and to the ger. ernmeut, and leave a substantial surplus to be paid to the govern- ment, SOME COAL IN EVERY BIN IS GOVERNMENT REQUEST Help yourself and your country by exercising a little patience, even though you have not received all your winter's fuel requirements. Remember, your dealer is trying to distribute his supplies and make sure there's some cowl i1. every bin. You won't suffer for being patient because there is enough coal to keep every home warm this winter. Help yourself, too, by ordering 'blue coal'. Then you will be sure of more heat, more comfort and more economy all whitey through. You cam find out about 'blue coal' by phoning the 'blue..coal' dealer In your locality, diWOMEN . MIDDLE Gld) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot Dashes, dizziness—caused by this period iu a woman's M— tn' Lydia L. Piuklrarn's Vegetable Compound. Made cv7)edially for women. Iiurtdreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions, Made In Canada. A Bird Story Pilots back from Guadalcanal recently told a tall bird story. A marine, they said, captured a wild parrot and .taught it to shout: 'iHe11o, Joe!" as greeting to any Jap. He took the parrot to the front lines, where it shouted the greeting all day. Other parrots, free in the jungle, learned the greeting. Soon the jungle behind the Jap lines resounded with nerve-racking U. S. accents: "Hello, Joel . , Hello, Joe! . . Hello, Joe! .." —Time More than 200 fighting ships are now manned by the vaious navies of the Allies, apart from the Brit- ish Fleet. Trust Investment Certificates. Name Address How Can 1? Sy Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a line -grain- ed sour milk cake? A. When making a sour miik cake, dissolve the soda in the milk and whip with an egg beater. This will assure a fine-grained cake. Q. ,How can I make E. practical twine holder for the kitchen? A, By the use of an ordinary tin funnel of .suitable eine. Hang It on the wall, first drawing the end of the twine from the centre. of the hall through the 'opening at the bottom of the funnel. Q. How can I cream butter quickly? A. Heat the mixing bowl with sealding water. Wipe, and put in the butter. It will cream in much less time than required when the butter is put into a cold bowl. Q. How can I remove lacquea' from silver? A. Lacquer may be removed from silver by sponging with alcohol. Q. How can I clean suede shoes without injuring the suede? A. An ordinary rubbee sponge, such. as can be bought at any tail- coat store, the tight sort that has a good resistance, is excelent for keeping the suede shoes clean. It will remove all the dust and soli without harining the fabric, as so many of the very stiff brushes are inclined to do. To replace steamships diverted from Mediterranean, traffic, Spain is building sailing ships. ITC STOPPED in a 1/# 741 .Or mance Sack Yet quick adieffeem itebine of seaeakapimplek ath. lote`a rgnickrelieffeemitohinsofeeaeakapimplea,ath- Iote'a feat, males, scabies, rashes and other estsrnallp owned skin troubles, ego fast -acting, coolies, ante. gestic, liquid D. D. D. Proscription. Greeaele % staintass. Soothesirrltationand qulckIystop, lnte>,ae itehies.35ctrial b uleprovenit,orwonaybee_k.Apli Pont' +rosier maw foe ».D.D. PRESClux'11Oi5 1 I 0 The British Breed Letter to London Daily Telegraph. Sir:—I think the doggedness of an old soldier servant of my brother-in-law until shortly before the War, when he was discharged from the Army as being too old, deserves recognition. Bombed out of his home and seriously in- jured, he neither grumbles nor complains, but is glad to be back at his job again. This is what he writes: I lost all of my home and also lost my right eye, and had my skull fractured in three places. I was in hospital a long time and never knew anything. My wife got hit on the legs, but she is get- ting on pretty well now. But never mind. 1 amback at my war factory work again. I find it a bit wakward at times getting about, but I manage.— From your old obedient servant, T. N. Gibson. So long as men like this form the backbone of England, how can we fail? Olive D. Adams. British soldiers have been sup- plementing their pay by working in the evening for farmers near Essex, England. British Sailors' Society The world's Oldest Sailor Welfare Organisation Pounded 1818—Soon After Trafalgar ,lperates in over one. ,hundred Sailor Institutes, (?nibs, Mavens, A.M. 'OVER THE SEVEN' SEAS ie days like these earneatlY appeals for hells Further information gladly supplied - (:. VI. SPEEDIIE, Dominion Seer. at) Alberta Avenue - Toronto USE... CARS WITH '30UD TIRES, See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limlted. Used Car Lot at 2045 Yonge Street; .:lead Office, 632 Mount Te ephone Pleasant 181. To - ANIMALS WANTED PandtoWANTED. R thers. Also Rabbits, Guinea and se). Hall, St, Lawrence Markt,, Toronto. • AIT NTION lemmata FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN HOW to increase milk and creast from your cows. Send one dollar for full particulars. Mike Ignash, 441 Manitoba Ave., Winnipeg, Mart. BABY Cii1CKS FIFTEEN BREEDS ALL. I. -WES, growing clocks sante pricey. Cat- alogue. Fairview 1 a r m s, at. Marys, Ontario. THIS YEAR WHEN EGGS AND meat prices are high start your Chicks early to get premium prices next Fall. Insist on Byers quality chicks, all from Govern- ment .Approved Breeders. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds, White I,ug'horts and Black liinorcas. Writ today for circular and list. iat 2 erS, Poultry MYI.TI.t STATION, Ontario. NO 5111, ALL WAIL Curers ARE NOT alike: Nothing has been lett out of our 1943 programme to produce still better chicks. Chicks that not only live and grow but chicks that develop into profit- able layers and profitable meat birds. There 0.1,9 342,000,000 dozen eggs wanted in 1943 for Britain and the domestic market. With beef and pork short there will also be a demand for all the poultry meat that wo can raise. We will do our part to supply i re chicks, order early and take but early. Send for contest folder. 1200 chicks given away free. Free catalogue and price list. Aloe turkeys, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, O'erguH, Ont. lkstakrt d chicATE ks, wellNT ON BRAY away towards the good profits they should htcdotAs ggs 1ebeing heo order only, let us know your February -March re- quirements now. Price list, cat- alogue ready. Bray klateherY. 180 .Tolin St, N., Hamilton, Ont. CHICKS 81EN•D FOR 0I7R RECORD CHART free and catalogue. Six breeds chicks and all ages growing pul- lets. Government approved. Save money, early order tltscoulte. Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction Fuaranteed. Monkton Poultry, arm, Monkton, Ontario. CA'r'1`1',r BUY HOLSTEINS NOW W.IT;:1 AN UNLIMITED DEMAND for Dairy products, now is the time to buy a good pare -bred Holstein bull or a few choice females. You get more milk, more fat and higher salvage value with Holsteins. Lei. our Fleldmell advise you where to buy, Write the Holstein -Friesian ,Assoeiatioll of Canada, Brantford, Ontario. DAIRY ALACHINEli3F ABoOlslCREAM and rebuilt. parts and oil for Melotte and nt, 387 Centra h Ave , London,e Ont. FARM FOR SALE FOR SAI,LI, 65 ACRE FARM. B- room brick house, hydro, lit+ utiles from Tilbury. Apply Joe Cloutier, R. R. 5, Tilbury. DYEING a CLfu•',ANIN(a dyeing l orU cleaning?ly rite to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- tntnt al, Parker's Dye Worke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. BROODED. STOVIII W ANTED WAN'.CEP TO PURCHASE E1hHER Jamesway or Warner 330 Chick size electric brooder stove.Buret to H. Galt, Ontario. FILMS ANY 6 Olt 8 EXPOSURE ROLL, developed and printed, thirty cents postpaid. Guaranteed re- sults. 24 itour ,service. individual Photo Service, 379 Brookdale Avenue, Toronto. a'UitS, HUMS AM) WOOL WANT HIGHEST PRICE'S PAID FOR Horse Hair, Red box, Mink, Rac- coon, Skuuk, Weasel and all other raw furs. Ship or write, Levin fur ('o., 163 SPadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario. GUERNSEYS OFFERING l"li'i' CHOICE'' YOUNG Cow's to calve soon. C. 14. Platt, It. 2, Hamilton, Outa.rio. cool' liALai SAU1tEi3.Li.A POUT SAI.31 destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL L Ill A It N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson . method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's hairdressing Aced - OM', 1Avenue Road, Toronto. MALE HELP WANT ED TWO SINGLE MLN, GENERA(, farmer, good with horses, other good milker Band or machine, Fifty-five a month and board, References. Benetettu Brothers, Atnher'stburg, RR 3, Ontario. MAID WAx'ri0D GOODef5Sar i,lrlSadult E fatuily.E NOT nMrs. Richardson, 197 Forest Hill Road, Toronto. 1XFl)1(3AL STI.)1't'LI) QUICKLY. — 13arkarlle, lioadaelie, :Rheumatic pains, Diz- ziness, i$utarting, Burning' from 1a line, Liver, Bladder disorders, Const spa 1.1o11. So\'er ig11 Brand Herb Jake Compound, large bottle $1.00 mailed postpaid. Write ite to -day. Windsor Drug Co., 3983 Seminole, Windsor, ('nntda. NATURE'S HELP—Dixon's ltemed' for Itheumatlm' Pains, • Neuritis. Thousands praising it. i\lurtro's ])rtrg 411."'e, 333 Mein, Ottawa, :Postpaid 41.00. MENTS OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER ux .mvrsxrx xs 3ltrreenn Lie/ of inventions and full inter- nr'ition sent free: The Ramsay, t c,., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canader PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 'The Heat,' Rain, or Han HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mail Any 0 or 8 exposure film perfectly; developed and printed for only 25e,• Supreme duality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PATENTS Free Helps For Inventors Every one with a good idea should promptly secure the Iliustrated Booklet "fortunes From Inven- tions," and the handsome form "Record of Your Invention." Get them to-day—Free—from W. Irwin Haskett, n3 Queen Street, Ottawa. 1•'ETHLRSTON11 'ODU Sc COMPANY Patent Solicltors. Established 1890; ll Piing Weat, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest. PATENTS e TitJ.DE MARKS ]EGEERTON 31. CASE, REGI Tl:l't3ID United States, Canadian. British Patent Atialrney. Booklet grati Established over forty years. 811 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. POULTRY BUY IIARLY C'OC1 EREI.4 FOlt most profit, ,luiek cash crop. Raise a brood before your pul- lets. Available every week. Leg- h o r 0 s, Hatnpshires, Hybrids,, Reeks. Pries list, Fisher Orch- ards, Box W., Freeman, Ont. RHEUMATIC PAINS GOUT) RIIS OL'tTTION—EV cry suf- ferer of Rheumatic Pains 0a' Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro"a Drug Store, 320 131 - gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.05. $AT'11I WANTED SAFE WANTED — STATE A G 19, condition, inside sire and price. Box to, Root) 421, 15 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. STAMPS APPROVALS 0 V E 11 TWENTY thousand different British and Foreign to choose from, Dennett'a Stamps, 29 McMaster Avenue, Toronto. S'TA'1IY$ 'R A7 Tti1) WANTILII), oLT) POSTAGE STAMPS, best cash price polo. Send your lots to .t Stern, 2001 St, Cather- ine Si. T, rtsb �tontres\i. TR,i,T'1'1 7T'+ AND Ili N'i'T;RS JUST PUP:LISPED ISIlE17"THE 'TRAP - P i1'4 (T'ij)I 1N1) 'Gill: LIES OF 'Nile I1.17NTTNG feilOt"'i' bY. I f)I L'Nlt) A.1,11 N, This magniti- vent volume of 375 pages, the fust and only one of its kind Itt t'anada, contains 192 illustrations of fur -bearing animals asci a .great deal of rideice on the war to set snares lits,. trap. 1'111(310 52.01), pnstni3' paid. Address your orders to T.ONl)ON7'tiItt1'hG'b, 8r,r SP. Tc)41'IPH. QT t.,RT•(Q OWE IT .1S A. (RFT " 'TO A. 1'1 iVINT'. ::a