HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-01-21, Page 1ZURICH +Forty Second Year HERAL ZURICH, THURSDAY ;MORNING' JANUARY 2.1 1943, iViake your Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.50 a Year in Advance ollars preserve our Liberty. Buy Govt. Securities Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS This year give her a Permanent for Aiie ' You Suffering From that, Different Christmas Gift, you • Headaches? y of oux iris mss GIfi .Canis '" - �- V which entitles Her to a Permanent at 11 E•V• Mr, Slut EX 1X ned wail any time during the year. as Lone wig and Equapment at ,Make your Appointment for your Christmas hair -do early to avoid be- ing disappointed. Call 68 for your appointments. Mrs. Edwin Gmacluo, Proprietress. have been. looking for. Come in and A. V COLE„ R.0. OPTONILTNIST & OPTICIAN 1 41011182011 ON T. Goad Glasses at E sassable Parkes COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICE V. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest a Approved' Method of Ryesipht'tTeisygit Used. Open every Week I*, I ztept Wednesday:. FHIEL'S HAIRDRESSING a NOTICE i__i "We have recently installed a mew Shel,ton.. Waving: Machine d "can serve diet yob& now utter than eves RC► Owe and give us a caIL MRS. FRED =DILL Pasprdhtreae L ST. PETER'S 4.vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.80 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hecken�rnn,Pastor Mrs. M.- Oeseh, Organist 10.30 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11.30 aan.—Ch ::ea Scho )l 7.30 Divine Worship. 'STEPHEN COUNCIL,-' -The newly elected. ;Council of the '1Valy irlrip at•;: Stepper+.. met in • he town Hall, Urediteri, ori Jan" 11tH present: Reeve, A. IVIe.Oann; Deputy Reeve, Thos. Love, and Councillors A. J. Amy, H. Powe and N. Schenk; Rev. L. Turner of the United Church + 1. ;.• .+ -+ .4. •+ 'Pox ds, V8 and A. Chevrolets, Dadge, Plymouth. • + Coupes, Coaches and Sedans , Used Tire Chains, Grab Chains, Car Radios (used) 4. _ Heaters, Model A Radiators (used) . 3 Used Stoves ..4. FOR SALE 25 USED CARS WARD FRITZ + + + + + Good values Good Values for your Money, has always been our Motto, and especially da we wish to follow this tradition in 1943. We can give,yon Splendid value cr in Rubber Footwear, and many other taple lines of every day commodites. Lit us:sbgw you the many lies we are offering. Also Pioneer Feeds for your Live Stock. Purity and Robinhood Flour for your daily use. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES 'ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swortaoc lltrmlbe °, Prop. Phone: 11-97 1 CARD . OF THANKS The relatives of the late Lydia Faust .wish to thank Rev. C. B. Heckendorn, the 1Ohoir, the Pall B'earers,and those who assisted in any way, for their kindness Amer'* in their recent bereavement. offered prayer that Divine Guidance be given the new Council in the tra- nsaction of their ibusiness for the yr. After each member had subscrib- ed to his Declaration of Office, the minutes of the two previous meetings wore .read and adopted. The Reeve in his inaugural address asked for the hearty co-operation of each of the Board for the year. The application for a subsidy on the road expenditure was discussed and. on mo- tion, the reeve and •Clerk were auth- orized to sign the forms and send them to the District Municipal Engin eer.. On motion the following offic- ers were appointed: •Oaretaker of Hall, E. Guettinger. Geo. Eilber, Road Supt; Board. of Health, A. McCann and T. Love; Se- cy., Board of Health, H. .K. Eilber, !Sanitary Inspectors Eli Lawson, C. Pfile, and W; B. Oliver. School Att. officers Eli Lawson, C.' Pfile, W. B. Oliver.; Member's of Field .Com.," A McCann and T. Love; Milk Ins. E. Guettinger; Pound Keepers and Fen- ce Viewers were also appointed. It was resolved that in future the Salary of the Reeve be $75.00 per an num and the, Deputy -Reeve and each Councillor $60 with -pan allowance of 5c per mile for special services ren- dered extra.. . giihnt iaf'.$15 was'Made to the War Mem, Children's 'Hospital in Loudon. TheClerk was instructed to adver tise asking for applications of asses- sor.. The_ order governing the prices of fuel Was read and filed. G. E. Foist, collector of taxes, made his report as; to arrears of the 1942 tax- es and` op motion was authorized to continue 'the levy and . collections. Geo., Hepburn and Jos. White inte- rviewed Council as to having a road opened betweed the 2nd and 4th con cession to give the people less mile- age to Centralia. The former side - road having been closed at the time the Centralia Airport was built. The Council agreed to look into the mat- . ter. Road Accts. No. 1 $1184.32 was passed, also the following: Exeter Times -Advocate, act. $95.92; ,Reste- meyer & 'Miller, relief $12;Superior Mfg. Co. rubber stamps 2.28; Can. Rank of Commerce, exchange .45; do tax coll. 63.05; Dashwood Planing Mill 2.20; J. Wilhelm calf killed by dogs $12; M. C. Sweitzer valuer 1.50 Ont. Munic. Board fees re Centralia Drain Deb. $2; HEP Com. tax levy re Wheal 99.27; H. F. Young re act town hall $1; Election Expenses 140.65; Foist Bros. act. 1.77; War Memorial Hospital grant $15. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Toting Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Feb. 1st at 1 pan, H. K. Eilber, Twp, Clerk. ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 68th Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.• Will be held in the :Town Hall, Zurich ON MONDAY, JANUARY 2Sth., 1943 At two o'clock, pan. BUSINESS: la -Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent; Secretary - Treasurer and Auditors. 12 --Election of Direstors and Auditors S. -•y -The Discussion of other matters in the interest of the Company. Goldie Graham, President. Herbert K.• I!1ilber, :Secretary. "12r. Ward Fritz was to London on $aurday on business. Mr. and Mrs..Victor Dinnin visited at the home of the former's parents, near, Cromarty on Sunday.. ry r. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck of the 14 concession were week -end visit- ors with Mr and Mrs. Howard Hyde in Hensell. Schools have been closed for a ,few das this week owing to the bad rood conditions. Which makes the geing there hard for both teachers and pupils. "Messrs. John and Joseph Brenne- man and members of their families of `:'Detroit are here attending the. funeral of their sister, Mrs. Daniel Gascho. Also Mr. Alvin Gascho of Kitchener was here owing to his mother's departure. ..Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deichert, bi'dal couple, have returned from their pleasant wedding trip and are taking up residence in the apartment of Miss Jane Lamont. We welcome thea as residents of our town. lYt. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and da- ughter Mary Lou are spending sev- eraldays at Crediton, where they at- tencied the funeral of Mrs. Fritz's grandfather, the late Mr. Henry Eil- ber ,who paled away on Saturday. OBITUARY �„°n.l ate?Mrs. mantel; 'Guschu We regret of the passing of Mrs. Magdalena Brenneman, beloved wife of Mr. Daniel Gascho, of Zurich, and' whose death occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Rader, of the Goshen Line, Hay Township, south of town. She was born in Hay on. the Bronson line, being a daugh- ter of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenneman and was in her 54th year passing away on Saturday after suff- ering a heart attack. Soine weeks a- go the departed was in London Hos- pital .undergoing an operation, and seemed to be getting along nicely, till Saturday. She was married to her now bereft husband on March 15 1906, and have resided in the com- munity since. To this union two chil- dren survive beside the husband, they are: Beatrice, Mrs. Harold Rader of the Goshen line south; tine/ Alvin Gaseho of Kitchener; one sister, Mrs Amos Gascho, Bronson Line, Hay; two brothers, Joseph and John Bren- neman of Detroit, Mich. The funeral which was postponed from Tuesday, owing -to inclement weather, is being held this Wednesday afternoon with service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rader, and interment in the Goshen Line Mennonite Cemetery. Revs. C. B. Heckendorn and S. Pea- chey officiating. Miss Lydia Faust Passes One of Zurich's elder and most highly respected residents passed on to her Eternal Maker ill the person of Miss Lydia Faust, who died last Wednesday, Jan. 13th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien of Zurich, in her 86th Year. Miss Faust was the last remaining of the well known Faust family, who were pioneers of Zurich, and did much to help the community along. She had been confined to her hone for over 10 years until about four months a- go, when she was taken to "tile ''home of Mrs. Leroy O'Brien, a gra;ndniece, where she passed away. She was born in Hay Township in 1857 and lived all her life here. A lifelong me- mber of the Evangelical church, in which she was always very active and for many years was very much en- gaged in work with the Juniors. A Sunday School teacher. of marked ability, being a brilliant bible student and was highly regarded in Canada Conference to the church of her choice in which she always Sound groat spiritual food. A private fun- eral was held at the home on Satur- day at 1.30 p.m., followed by a pub- lic service in the Evangelical church. Interment in Bronson line cemetery. Rev. C. B: T•lecicendorn, her pastor, officiated. Do You Need Glasses HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT. A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING. BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR, A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of. the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale Alberta aria Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid few, Eggs according, to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - .- HerlsaII e,••0119wr••a•••s•e•••••••aea••••••40w•®••••••••w•••s eStla, ir+ TJE RIM Broken shire. SERVTC�. LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 15,8, Zurich Day and Night Service seelleellettelletasesseeel41060000111101.14000410160000041111•110111111 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all, possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL The colder weather' demands -warmer clothes, and we are happy to..be in a position to show you just, the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys',' and Ladies. Practically everything you will require,.. to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. . Our shelves of .suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- - gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items, J. W. MERNER .;, Phone 140