HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-12-31, Page 81 WVith Thankfulness 'and' sg;iicel y we Hes'tily' i iah :. ,,of' anti' 'y'ouis' a' Joyous Cl : ii t as :.sand e p °ess' Cilie' "flop ' That the New Year will bring Lis'all Victory and Happiness And Sales Staff: Ed. Gascho Mrs. C. Datars Mrs. F. Brown Ross Gascho. O • •eG 1. 1 PRODUCE WANTED Gascho and Solt. SC HE) Si SI e ,a. An 0, V.' 0 0 a 0 0 • • • a • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • N I • • PHONE 59 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD, (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) •1411.141+++e4+++++.t-+4- •._- 4..;-. + ,; .;-.¢..s...e..x..;.+,-..F.-,...Fa..S..E.ar++++++4'3! 1 • • 5-X Brand Shingies ZWE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE SHINGLES TO 'ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- • fED. 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR' BEED TNG STOCK AND. OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY 'THE RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! • Iy R Co PHONE 69 BCEZURICH t 4 4 1 4 4 444++1+44+++H'++++++t :•i±,e++i '++r ..+ . y.., q; a, 6 r L-s•+F+4+444+4+4. ••••ew••••• •09000• i HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE ill l.lililiilliilltllnl, •'inti►1 t►t 1111111 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS ,AND FRIENDS WE. WISH TO EXTEND Seasons Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY` AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- = TINUA•NCE OF OUR FRIENDLY STADE &, WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUAUTY _ PRICE.. SERVICE teeeelegeeeeeeeesemeemieweememeeesseeeeieseiseseesee ZURICH HERALD ►1111►iuliului►u►ui►i►iiiiliu►►imifiuu1111tnuuii li►iiiiiiihigkl lupin jig giilliffili iiul►ioiiioil ii l iliil►iii►mJi 111111 Hiiimrii,,u I Iiuu01. ZURIEM'S Grocery Store tt At this time of Year we can give no "greater or mote iTnpressive mess- age to. our . Many Customer's than by . Extending, a .RY I-IITS`1tIr 11 L a , N��hYYEW YEAR PRDUCE WANTED. 7.,. • t.. . ,',t.Fplj 'ro h Phone 165 fill s rmaut�! 'mC((I ICs 1'12 DrAila'i' 4201. ITEMS ' LOCAL.. EREST LOoa . MARKETS • We wish all our readers. a very, ' .• Flappy New Year..(.Corre (Corrected every Wednee'i{av) . Messrs. Ed Gascho and Ross mot- 'Eggs; dozen 42, 40, 37, 32 oral to London on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Gid. Koehler spent the holiday in Bayfield. Mr.. Norman • Gascho of Byron San spent a few days at his home here. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Wagner and family of Guelph are holidaying with the former's parents here. L. Sto. Harold Stade,; of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is enjoying his vacation at the home of his par- ents, Mr and Mrs. R. F: Stade. Mr. Fred Ducharme and' daughter V row, Mr and Mrs. Kuno, Hartman motored to London on Saturday last to visit with Sr. St. Dennis at Brescia Hall. - Mr. Chris. Swartzentruber of he Bronson line attended the- finer.+al -of a relative at Wellesley early- tlii's• we- ek. The local Zurich Dairy wishes to advise that there will be no milk de- livery on Friday, New Team's; Day. Miss Jane Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. ,Hoffman were h id"ay--visltesrs at Forest'. ' Rev. •Minas&a. Hallman. of Kitchen- er conducted devine • seri:ices in • the local Mennonite church on Sunday, and also -presided at the funeral of the late• Mrs: Leah l iilsfer. Mr and Mrs Osea r Miller, Louis Miller, and Mr. Ted Howald 'all of Kitchener visited ;it the home of Mr and Mrs Jacob 'Irowald on Christmas Day. Mr and Mrs Byron Ducharme and family Misses Patricia • and Doreen Ducharme,, all of London; Mr and Mrs George Ducharme and daughter were visitors with their parents, Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme. Mr and Mrs. Herbert 1lviousseau are this week moving unto their fine farm recently 'purchased on the No. 4 Highway, one and a halfmiles south of Brucefield. We wish them every success in this "back to the land" movement. 11111 440:44 40.4 ►!i*+1►ww 4 • Thursday, Deeea'tilion+ ;3+7lst4, 1,9.'42 is=i to !t ilkits: Butter, creamery 'Butter, dairy Chickens live, lib 'Chickens, dressed Dticks, dressed ......... ;Geese' dressed Turkeys, dressed .. Wheat, new • 38 36 21-14 2 0-2 6 .22 21 30' 90c Wheat bushel 1.00 Oats; bushel - 50c Barley, bush. 70) Buckwheat, bush. 65c- Flatsr, cwt. 2. Pastry flour at mill 25 -ib . Shorts and bran, ton ..I.... Middlings, ton 60, 2.85". ... 65c .. 30:00 32:00 Mr. Percy Weston of Bayfield was ;at, town Tuesday. Miss-. Elizabeth Weber of 11.clien- er was a holiday visitor in town. Mrs. 0. Koehler and Mr. Ray Oesch of Toronto were holiday visitors with 'friends here. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust of Mit- chell were holiday visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. W.. H. Hoffman The big rush at the local Post Offi- ce. is again over, and this year clim- axed all previous records for holiday nail. The local staff' were taxed to: capacity, and Mr. Herbie T'urkhe'inn; was included on the staff. ON SALE JAN 4th. 1943 Motor Vehicle Permits and Drivers Licenses win be on sale Xan - 'nary 4th. The 1.942 license wi)S not 4 -valid after E'•ebruary 28th.. Own- ers of cars wild help the local 'issuers by purchasing their permits and lic- enses early stoat' avoid a rush in the I4st few days:. MYSTERY SEALED IN ROOM 1046 • ''How police might have parodied an old adage with "Two many Clues spoil ties broth," on a certain morn- ing- wwten the• curtain rose on one of the strangest murder mysteries - do the annuals of American crimes, is told in a .thrilling story from real life .by Theodore Roscoe..in The Am- erican Weekly with this Sunday's, Jan. 3rd, issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. RECORD DECEMBER COLD Seaforth thremometers were almost unanimous on Sunday morning in registering a record cold spell for December of between twenty and twenty-five degrees below zero. It was a sudden and unexpecee1 drop, catching many cars and water pipes unprepared. The weather had been moderately cold for several days, with heavy snowfall, and on Satur- day evening the temperature began to drop, the low point being reached around nine o'clock Sunday morning Monday and Tuesday were comparat- ively mild.—Seaforth News. The very mild winter weather p,f the past week came to a close on Wed nesday and we are back to frozen up and more seasonable weather. The streets of town were getting almost impassable but the grader shoved it out and now the auto can run along again. The local school meeting was held on Wednesday forenoon according to statutes and a fairly large -attend- ance was present. Mr. J. W. Merner whose term of trusteeship had ex- pired, was re-elected for a term of three years. The two other trustees are .Messrs. Theo. Haberer and Theo. Steinbach. Mr. George Deichert is the secretary -treasurer. Considera- ble discussions were taken in the me- eting.. Engagement Mr and Mrs Hugh D. Cameron, of Clinton, announce the engagement of their , youngest_ daughter, Mary Eliz- abeth, to William. Richard Grigg, yo- ungest son of Mr and ;Mrs. Reuben Grigg, Goderic). Twp..-. A 4NktNG.DAYS With the object of conserving manpower in the national interest it has been decided to reduce the bank- ing service of the local Bank of Montreal in Zurich to a three -day -a - week basis and therefore, contmenc- in on January 2nd the local office will he open for business on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of each week. • lE+Iyer. Is Musing Flying officer David Malcolm Witherspoon, of Ailsa Craig, of the RCA'',, who is reported missing after air operations iii the Mediterranean War are, F0. Witherspoon, son of Mrs. D. Witherspoon and the late Mr .David Witherspoon, of Ailsa Craig, has two brothers in active service, Donald, who has been overseas for 2 years with the Royal' Canadian Eng- ineers, and John, with the .B.1 AF., at Calgary. - DIES IN GODERICH Mrs. Elia Patterson, 'widow of Donald Patterson, who was county engineer of Huron for 17 years, anad a former Warden, died at the hone of her son, .Roy Patterson, the .pres- ent county engineer, in ,Goderich in her 89th year. She had been in fail- ing health for some years wit Aa,, born in England on' August 19i4.She oame..'to Canada at the age of three and spent the remaining 85. years in the vicinity of Auburn and Godericb She was a member -of Knox Presby- terian church later Knox United ch. at Auburn, and was widely esteemed for her many fine qualities. • GRAND BEND Tells About Sea At .the regular meeting of. •the Parkhill Lions Club 40 Lions and guests were present. - The meeting was held at the Brenner House, Grand Bend, where a turkey dinner was served. Gerald Foster was the guest speaker and was introduced by Lion Alex Cameron. Gerald quit high school in Parkhill to join the merchant marine, told of his experi- ences as an ordinary seaman on e Canadian ship on which in eight Mo- nths travelled -halfway around -the worlii,jvd^ home' again. .x: 4,, 4. . Johnston dc Ka.Ihtejsch 4' HardwareFurniture, Phone 6a. 1 ' 4+M+ "4"1""444 4.4+.+(+4"6"§4140.+44,-'' S++3+1.+ 4,1r :4.S44+444+44 4 s 4+ + " own i.4., Talk" .. c� read 4.�- 3 also 1, CHOICE VARIETY OF TAKE PIES + SWEET GOODS. • All Ingredients Used are a the Highest. Quality, ALL CONFECTIONS - (ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed eagA Wednesidayf Evening t Eckel's Bakery - Zurich * : Te1ephora & 100 43++++++d+++++++$SII+++++++ ++++++++:e.e' + •+++++++++++• ++-:-- 1 We are Happy to take this Ogaportunity, of E . resiirng. our•: ,APhreciation.� atr the Patronage that Jias Win, accorded us dur- 117A. OaF_past Yezzra and Wish one and alt for Mer .hrj tth ;s+ A: HAPPY AND- PROSPEROUS ear 4 TRY E CKEL'S GENERAL INSUR,AIVCE ExcdrT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich r••M•••NS•••IH•••••N••••••••••••NN• Your OPinter's Fuel `,-.:017- ORDERS WILL BE FILLED We would ask our CustQlnsro not to ; become, ex. cited about next winter's supply orCoal.` It 'will take a little imeto get in the supplies, but leave your orders in early and there will be plenty of coal for all before it will be needed in the fall. Order now and you will be supplied. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with Us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., .Etc. L. Sc.hilbe & Son ... • 1