HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-12-31, Page 51'AGE FIVE BUSINESS CARDS LJUDLEY. +..IOLNMES 4ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court House GOIDERIGH ONTARIO FOR SALE OR RENT -- A very +Special Attention to Councel and desireable residence in Zurich. For Court Work. further particulars apply to Herald lr. Holmes may be consulted at office, Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Thursday Friiday, Saturday Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found, Eto. Ade. in this Column. NOTICE NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTIONS COAL COAL Put your order fox Coal in now! Several Cars are en order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock 1ilinerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIAN VETERINARY SURGEON Oce with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store P'6one--96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. A11 *seasea of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night eslls promptly attended to. Also lso Bre- eder of $e terriers. n rness Samuels. O®inSt eet, opposite Town Hall. Phone 118. RENSALL. BUTCHERS Zurichs' popular MEAT . MARKET Let Vs supply you with the. very "Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed • Meats, Bolognas,• Sausage*, F.ct., always on hand. ' Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hider and Skins g, Yungblut & Son PRODUCE .. . Zurich Creamery Your' Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus *premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in +charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett e Proprietor. Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- . ' tifically on our approved grad- sing r h ;ing Machine which gives t• pducer every advantage. Alsd cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Ree. ' IOC, Xurich INSURANCE'`~ LOST Lady's gold wrist watch Elco. Fin- der please return to Pauline Hab- erer or Zurich (Herald Office and re- ceive reward, LOST A white Durham heifer, with red head and red neck, 2• yrs. old, about 700 lbs. Finder kindly notify Mrs. :Simon Dieterich, Phone 81r6, Zurich STRAYED. Unto Lot 12. Con. 5 Hay Twp. a young heifer at present in barn of Wilfred Shapton /114 anile west of Exeter. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Wilfred Shapton. FOR SALE BARN—A frame barn '44x36 for immediate sale, has metal roof. Ap- ply to Sol. Beehler, R.R. 2, Zurich. For Sale 2 extra choice Shorthorn bulls, red color, sons of the Supreme Hi- ghland Champion in Scotland, Pro - with Roy -Imp.- and from good milk- ing Scotch cows. Priced reasonable Write for particulars to Rop Pepper, Seaforth, R.R. 3 or phone es -C15 Clin- ton Central. FOR SALE • A new small show case for sale, very cheap. L A Prang & Son. WANTED Three experienced farmers for year round job.. . No dairy cattle. Highest wages paid. Apply—Haig Farm, R. R. 4, Thedford, Ont. WANTED PULLETS = .A limited number of White' Leghorn pullets Wanted. Apply to Peter Koelder, .Zurich. • LOST: In Zurich a pair of boy's glasses, Finder kindly return to Theo. Mitt• leholtz, Zurich. STRAYED From lot 10, Con. 5, Hay Twp., a heifer weighing from 700 to 800 lbs., pig ring in lower .part of left ear. Call 91r5, Hensall. HOUSE FOR SALE Consisting of brick house, barn 15 x20, 2 acres of land, all in good re- pair. Will be sold to close out the W. .Smith Estate. Apply bo Pearce Farwell and Adelbert Smith, Execut- ors, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres on No. 4 Highway, near Hensall. ' Good" buildings, " 5 acres wheat, plowing ,.done. 11 1{ MacLaren; Hensall. mosseasoamossasssassorwrorwommomisasmosssimasso WANTED CAST for Dead Animals and Fox Horses. Phone Crediton Central, ee- verae charges.—Jack Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.S. P.O. pt4-6-'41 ,,., Western Farmers� 11, :'' :�!a itr' :Insurance G S r�F Wt�OD ..T �K Give Lis .;A ,Call!` nvg'ILAiFICome in, purchase your Auto- . 'ACE ,OF. ANT CANADIAN MUS`., , MUT- 1; um, 4YOM'ANY DOING Bl7SINES9. mZotive g e ober encs fro Axl OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO t established teton'nt of Insurance at.Risk on netf araiasge and Service Station. lllrrt, 14>88, $22,391,827.00 .We can supply -Al your needs. Total Cash in Bunk and Bonds Expert Automobile repairing, 42'73,613.41. ' with the latest • testing instrum- '' --44.54 per 81,000 far 8 Y+tf►ras j entre Acytelen•e Wiling, Tire V. KLOPP.-ZURICH ,rand Battery attentian. W118, • 1 Greases, and Repairs. Agent, also Dealer in Eighth- B -A Gasoline in two grades. Dods end. all kinds* Fire Insurance ..,.,.a:.... i MOUSS1 T arag e 44 ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. Ervin :Schilbe made a business trip to Toronto early in the week. Miss Norma Paisley of the local teaching staff is holidaying at her hoarse near Stouffville. Mr and Mrs. Philip Hartman and Jackie .spent Sunday with • Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. Miss Dorothy Corless •of Clinton, enjoyed the renewing of acquaintan- ces here over the week -end. Mr, Arson Keller of Preston was a holiday visitor with his parents in town. Mrs. Carruthers of London has re- turned to the city after visiting at her home here. ' _Mr. Archie MacKinnon of the Vet- erinary College, Guelph, i,s: spending the vacation at his home `here. Miss Doris Meyers of Toronto en- joyed a very happy holiday at :the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. T Meyers. !Mrs. Clara Decker of town, and daughter Vera of Exeter have returned after spending a pleasant holiday at the home of the former's daughter, Mr and Mrs. Morley Wit- mer at Detroit. Mr. Paul Hess who is attending Osgood Hall, Toronto was a holiday visitor 'with his parents, •Mr and Mrs A. F. Hess. We Wish You All a MERRY CHRISTMAS And Peace and Happiness in the NEW YEAR E J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK'' Give Us a Call! PIGS FOR SALE A large well-bred York Sow with second litter due January 26th. for quick sale, Apply to Henry Brown, Phone 19-100, Zurich, Misses Irene Turkheiin and Alpha.l FARMERS TO RATION Meyers, nurses in training at Strat-1 ford General Hospital, spent Christ- When a farmer makes butter for Inas at their homes here, his own use, he must carefully tear Miss MaryMerner of Elmira Mr, a coupon out of his own ration hook , , before he allows himself to have the and Mrs, Karl Burn of Milverton, were Christmas visitors with their parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. Merner, the former returning while the latter remain.a week. NOW 93 YEARS OLD Mr. .1. W. Ortwein, Hensall's oldest resident celebrated his 93rd birthday on Chrisnas Day, and on New Year's Day, Mr and Mrs Ortwein will ob- serve their 53rd wedding anniversary For his advanced age, Mr. Ortwein is the smartest and most active man in Hensall, and probably in Huron County, calling at the post office ev- ery day for his mail, and is a regular attendant each Sunday at the United Church, of;which he is an active me- mber. A resident of Hensall for 45 years, he was ,born .in Tavistock,wes postmaster and general store merch- ant at Heidelburg, and for many ye- ars conducted stores in Zurich, Sea- forth .,and ..Hensall.: The family cons- ists of two sons and four daughters. • OBITUARY Late Mrs. Leah Kipfer •'i•� Mrs. Leah Kipfer, of Hay Town- ship, and' relict- of the late Menno Kipfer, grandmother to .57 and,grea.4 grandmother to 49, died on Decem ber 24th in St. Joseph's Hospital,: Lcmdon; foliowing an illness of five' months. She had been confined • to, the 'hospital for the past 'six weeks, residing with her daughter :Mrs. Lee • some • Desjardihe near Grand Bend. previously; She was in her 88th year. The deceased formerly had resided in Kitchener. She was a mem- ber of the Zurich Mennonite church. Menno Kipfer, her husband, died 20 years ago. Surviving are five daught= ers, Mrs. Jacob Meyer of Kitchener, Mrs. Thomas Kyle of Hensall, Mrs. Leesom.e Desjardine, of •Grand Bend and with whom she lived; Miss Edith Kipfer of Zurich Ind Mrs. Jacob Gingerich of Zurich; seven sons, Jac- ob of Dashwood, John of (Pigeon, Mich., Noah of Rolf, Iowa, Ezra of Hensall, Simon of Fenton, Iowa, Da- vid of Albia, Iowa, and Solomon of Gilmore City, Iowa. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Chris. Schrag of Zurich, and Miss Nancy Gingerich of Stanley Township; and two brothers, Christian of Stanley Tp., and Jacob of Oregon. The- body was resting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Desjardine till Sunday afternoon, when services were held at the home followed by. service in the Zurich. Mennonite church and interment fol- lowing in the Goshen line •Mennonite cemetery. Rev. Manassa Hallman of •Kitchener officiating. 'The ,Kipfer family for many years resided on the Parr Line, .Hay Township, south of the Zurieh Road , where the family. was raised.' butter. The farmer who sells dairy butter has to register with the Prices Board and collect coupons just as any merchant must. And when he us- es his own butter—why that makes him his own customer, and, since there's` no favoritism among custom- ers in wartime, it means a coupon from everyone. DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Alvin Kellerman of Chatham are spending the holidays at their home here. Mr and •Mrs Harold Kellerman sp- ent ',Christmas with her parents in Fergus. • Mr and Mrs. Clayton • Pfile spent Christmas holi days with. rerativesin Lansing, Mich., and Detroit. • Mr and Mrs. Albert Goetz of Lon-, don were Sunday visitors with his parents Mr and Mrs R. Goetz. Mr.• and Mrs..•Mervyn Willert of London spent Sunday with his grand- mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Mr and Mrs Harry Cook of Win- dsor spent Christmas holidays here, and at Hensall.. Mrs.. Cook will spend a week with her parents Mr and Mrs. D. Tiernan., • Mr and Mrs T. Harry Hoffman at- tended the Sanders -Glenn nnpttais at Hensall on'Saturday. Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith and Joan of Windsor were Christmas visitors with her parents Mr and Mrs. R. Baker. Miss Antionette Ziler of London, is. spendin g her holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Joe Ziler. James and Jack Meerburg of Lon- don visited with Miss Lavada Hart- leilj on Christmas. L. A. C. Howard Klumpp of. Tor- onto spent Christmas holidays with his parents. Herbert -Ness of Toronto and Pte. William Ness of Vancouver' spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Ness . •Spr. Garnet Weiberg of Susses, N. B. spent his holidays with his par- ents Mr and Mrs. F. Weiberg. .Mr and Mrs Joe Bruce of Wind- sor and Mrs. John Snyder of St. Catharines were Christens,,, visitors with their another, Mrs. Hayter. Dr. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor and Anne spent Christmas an Y,ondon Mrs, Edgar Restemeyer spent the' week -end with her mother, 14Irs. All- emang in Kitchener. • Mrs •Marry Schroeder spent a few days with her daughter in New Hamburg. Fus. Glen WA 1per of Niagara and iPte. Albert -Miller of London, are spending a week at their hone here. To the Men who Till the Soil - With the changing of the "Season's; we will need better equipment; ;Ho.w about your work shoes or -this occasion. .You should .see E H.' Edighoffer 'abs 1. then;,beforeyou bu +« ' We cirri— the the Bits • jine Of Greb Nark Shoe* kr This has. stood ,the test for -years. At moderate prices, con= . si/ering quality: , We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Viei Kid. These Oxfords .'vire'made with genuine Goodyear ' Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is duality shoes you want E. 1-1. Edighoffer has thelia..' In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. I. EDIGHOPFER is - 'e; 4! `.''lt irs<amr.'" 'Dee n,Aer f31:',st.4942 4.44+++++++++4.4.+++++++++4.4-1•+44-14+4.44+++4-7 1..w.r,1'+,h-:-i+++++ "We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Fest" PURINA CHOPS We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Startena, Lay Chows, Hog Chows, Turkey Feeds, Etc., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ Phone, Zurich 91r20 +r. Season's Greetings Wishing Our Customers and Friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. IGIIt1111111IIIIIIIIA((IIIIIIIIIf IIIIIAlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf 111111l1I1111111I111:1111 IIIpl1IIIIIIIlp 111111llllll Ilp IIIIp111111I111111111111 II 11111111111 II!Ili 11111111111- • Ill u' Zurich Variety Store Let Us Help You Solve your usually problem of buying Christmas Presents. We. have many art ides in our Store very suitable and appropriate for this grand occasion.,.: Many articles are very useful and will greatly please both the giver rand ,the one. who will be fortunate to receive one. of these Gifts. Be sure and visit our Store during this seasotl and we will be 'greatly pleased to show what we ..are offer lag ilee public. .. Always a full line of Toiletry, Stationery, School Supplies and Patent Medicines in Stock. LET US SERVE YOU! VI dl(Illl1111IIHpill!Ia!tHI1!!!i1l1!IN!NA111111!!IIII!!IIII 1111III(;!!II!!!!!!!!1!ia 111111!!!!!f!1N111111lllllll!!1!IIIIIIMIIIII !lll!!1!!11I1 111!1111111111!;Ii1[!{BII LOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS -1 A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klepp's rods get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 1 kinds of C.reaee. W. invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and sae lases Trained Attendants Grease Cara Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR 'STOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallen Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and -Pep Up- your Car for the Colder Weather• and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection IIUNGRYI'OR NEWS • l'EI�II'1iE WO HAVE, t.IVEI] IN ZURICH .BUT ARE NOW L1VING 'E'ISEWHERE, ARE ALWAYS : INTERESTED IN WHAT IS 'HAPPENING "BACK HOME". ' '• YOUR` I:.00AL PAPE12`•TELL$ THEM MORE IN ONE ISSUE TLH�AN. WOULD OR COULD BE TOLD IN A DOZEN LET-, Yoult tt]gm. NEWSP'.AaPEER GOES REGULARLY AND AC. ` tJALLY COSTS LESS THAN A LETTER A WEEK, WHEN POSTAGE, STATIONERY AND TIME ARE CONSIDERED. SEND YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER TO THAT ABSENT FRIEND OR R'ELAT1VE,