HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-12-24, Page 1•• r mc•ner••Fernornr Forty Second Yeag 12••••wrircemumetaa• • ZURICH THURSDAY MORMNO DECEMBER 24 I 942, Nre You Suffering, %m Headaches? ra t Have yorr Eyes Exareieeel with Vie Latest Idethade and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. a OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN GO DERIME — ONT. Geed Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE P CES • E. Zurbrigg, OPTOMETRIST at EXETER no Newest. Approved Method of (eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. !THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE 'We have recently installed a mew Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now qietter than ever,. 13e sure an ,give us a call, MRS. FRED MEM, Proprietresa de Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS This year give her a Permanent for that Different Christmas Gift, you have been looking for. Come in and buy one of our Christmas Gift Cards which entitles Her to a Permanent at any time •during the year. Make your Appointment for your Christmas hair -do early to avoid be- ing disappointed. Call 68 for your appointments. Mrs. Edwin Gaseho, Proprietress. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMIVIANUM. EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10.30 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11.30 a.m.—Cheeee School 7.30 Divine Worship. • READY NEXT SUMMER Sarnia— The Polymer Corporation plant at present under construction will, when completed, be twice the size of' the Imperial 011 refinery and have approximately twice the numb- er of employees, D. W. Ambridge, St Catharines, vice-pres. of the corpor- ation, said at a private meeting for 4. + + • + FOR SALE 25 USED GARS Fords, VS and A. Chevrolets, Dadge, Plyino-uth. Coupes, Coaches and Sedans Used Tire Chains., Grab Chains, Car Radios (used) Heaters,, Model A Radiators (used). 3 Used Stoves WARD FRITZ Christmas News . We have a mod wonderful assortment of Christ- mas Goods for both young and old. This Year, as never before, GIVE MORE USEFUL GIFTS, such as- • 'Teivel Sets, Mow Cases, Table Cloths, yrit- ing Paper, IVierei Socks, Tie'and some real Fine Handkerchiefs. Alse some Toys. The Store With The Christmas Stock FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON .HAND Your Patronage win Be Appreciated f TIft iIL4kI STOIRE .Edntund Swartzetitru'ber, Prop, Phone: 1147 ,,,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, 11 4 Rates; -t1.95 n nanada in advane. VAN 211 U.S.A., in advanes CHESTER L. SMITH, Publishes Frio ds we exteiid geason sous.,•••••••••,. li.aus..mmuou•mvar.........mrcs.vgan.ameausursoo• IN MEMORIAM 1, In loving memory of nay dear hus- band, John Eckstein who passed a- way 1 year ago Dec. 25th, 1941. Time may ease a broken heart Time may make the wound. less sore But time can never stop the longing For the loved one gone before. God called him home, it was his will. His toil is past, His work is clone and. Mrs. C. Schrag is spending a few rest. wife and sister, entered in peace to Sadly missed by his MTS. Hendrick. CARD OF THANKS Miss Lizzie Volland wishes to thank the Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Church, all friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered her mother, on her 90th birthday. Polymer employ.ees. He saea the $60,000,000 project will be finished next summer and that it is the only one of its kind under construction in the British Empire. When it is com- pleted it would help to end the dan- ger which Canadians and others of the United Nations are now facing. THE NOMINATION Reeve and Council nomination will be observed in the Town Hall next' Monday afternoon when the regular routine will be gone over. Occas- ionally we are being asked, will there be an election, but no one just knows what is in the minds of the people, and often elections are caused for very little, and other times when things are going good, as they are at present, then there is no thought of an election.. The treasurer, Mr. A.,F. Hess has the annual financial, statements printed and ready for dis tribution, and everything looks in a very healthy condition. But we dare not dictate to the ratepayers, this would be discrimination against OUT democratic government, and for this the boys are fighting overseas, and elsewhere, to preserve it. The nomination for Police Trustees will be held in the evening at 8 o'clock. The ratepayers are asked to attend these meetings. RED CROSS NEWS Assures Women Their Jam Good H J Hobbies, Deputy Sugar Ad- ministrator, was sadly misconfirmed when he made the statement in Tor- onto, on Nov 19th, that of all the jam prepared for shipment overseas by the Red Cross only 8% was fit to ship, said Mrs. W R Campbell, Pre- sident of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, after an Executive meeting held in Toronto. Actually 97.2 p.c. of the jam made by the loyal women of Canada in the past year was shipped overseas. Act- ual figures are as follows: Of 460,- 588 lbs. of jam, we shipped overseas 447,868 tbs. Of this jam 87 p.c. was home-made. I want to assure the women of Canada thal their jam is good and wholesome; and we have received most glowing expressions of appreciation from the peopte of Bri- tain and elsewhere who have receiv- ed these magnificent shipments. ••••••••.— STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Tuesday, the 15th (tay of December 1942 at 1 p.m. All mem- bers were present with the exception of Deputy -Reeve who was unavoid- able absent owing to illness. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted on mot- ion. A letter to Municipal Authorities from the Wood Fuel Administrator of Wartime Prices and Trade Board was read with reference to the im- pending wood fuel shortage for the svinter Of 1943-44 and asking the Municipality to make a survey of local conditions. It was suggested by. the council that the Clerk write in reply that if the price ceiling of hardwood was raised, production would be increased. • Motion, that Payment Voucher No .1.3 amounting to $152.80 and a, num giber of orders be passed. Particulars of the orders will be given in ...the Treasurer's Financial Statement, The Connell adjourned to meet soul iie.; H. Eilber, Twp. Clerk, weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs Jjn E. Gascho. - rIVIrs. C. Eilber has left for Hensall .eihere she will spend the winter erptlis with relatives. :Miss Pearl Wurtz has returned hrne after visiting relatives and fri- ends at Deleware and London. Mr and Mrs James Parkins have taken up living quarters in the TOOMS above the Mousseau Garage office. .Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Schultz and family have recently moved into their new home in Seaforth. iPublic schools have closed until alter the holidays, and the various t eachers and scholars are enjoying the happy Yuletide season. Merry Christmas — We wish you One and all a Very, Very Merry Chr- istmas, and may the spirit prevail in et* hearts is our sincere wishes. IVir and Mrs. Albert Hendrick, of the Blue Water south of St. Joseph, were recent visitors with friends at Port Huron, Detroit and other points kr Arthur Edigthoffer and son Giant have returned home from Brantford for the holidays, and whe- re the latter is attending school. Mr. Albert Smith and sister, Mrs Vanatta of Crosswell, Mich., have re- t' t rned to their home after an enjoy - ale visit at the home of their sister, NI and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien. ,loca.1 churches are holding ailChristmas etitertainments this week, on Wednesday eve. the Evan- gelical church are holding their's and on Thursday evening, Christmas eve. St. Peter's Lutheran church will put on their program. BUTTER IS RATIONED ttawa — Coupon rationing of but- ter goes into effect across Canada, on Monday with the quota for each person set at one-half pound a week it is announced. There will also be a reduction in the price Of butter in many places, up to two cents a lb. The board will compensate produc- rs by an increase from six to 10 cents a pound in the subsidy now pd on butterfat used in the manufacture of creamery butter. The subsidy will ,e -vert to six cents next May. Next Monday the whole machinery will be put into action. The resturant pat- ron will have to make one pat of butter rationing regulations' effective Resturants and other public caterers are requested by the rationing law not to serve butter to their customers except under request, and must not serve more than one-third of an oun- ce to any one person at one sitting. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Conrad C. Schilbe of Zurich, celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, by plea- santly entertaining the family to a goose dinner, and with a three-story wedding cake decorating the centre of the table. iMrs. Schilbe is slowly recovering from a broken hip accid- ent, which she suffered about four months ago. Mr. .Schilbe is enjoying his usual good health •and is seen daily about town in his genial way They have seven • children, five dau- ghters and two sons. Those present at the celebration were: Mrs. Fred Deters., Mr and .P.rIrS. Warren Sch- ilbe, iMr and Mrs. Orval McLincheye Mr and Mrs. Henry Schilbe, iMr. and Mrs. Harrington Finkbeiner, Mr and Mrs. William Sitter, Mr and Mrs. George Kerswellthe latter telephon- ed their felicitations as they were not able to attend. Rev. and 'Mrs. E. Heimrich •• also made the occasion more festive by their presence. The happy 'couple , were surprised with gifts of flowers, chocolates and cig- ars from the immediate family. They were also graciously eemembered with cards from their many friends and flowers. from the Ladies, Aid of St,, Peter's Lutheran church. Be- fore coining to Zurioh some yearrs ago Mr, and Mrs. Schilbe were pros- perous farmers on the 14th .Conces- sion, Hay, their fine farm home is now part of the St. Joseph. Airport The Herald joins their many friends in extending noneratulatione on this fiftieth anniversary. areetir That Last ess, FROM ler PERFECT DIAMOND RINGS. SIGNET and STONE SET RINGS DEPENDABLE WATCHES AND CLOCKS. NEW DESIGN LOCKETS. FINE SILVERWARE and CHINA. PYREX WARE TABLE and WALL MIRRORS DRESSER SETS and BILL FOLDS FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES •••••11. FOR WISHING ALL OUR CUS. TOMERS AND FRIENDS a t „ ' W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - 1-lensall soceesesso egos 1 FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL AMBULANCE SERVICE :•.. Westlake Brokenshire DIRECTORS Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich • ••••••aisameoreevolealmeestatte••••411410•66411610011000000.000 • 1 ..mostooOgoeido•Roaccio 1 • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE WISH YOU ALL A • Merry, Chriitrnas IN AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year J. W. MERNER Phone 140