HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-12-10, Page 8a 8 aa. a a a 3 a 3 .11 a 1.. -•43 "WHERE THE sP arr OF CHRISTMAS PREVAILS" E ''Ll1,.:V; "q.7,1C TE IN PROCURING A FAIR •Oiz GOO!..),S FOR YOUR INSPECTION A3 YOU I.,INES S fAPLE ARTICLES ARE 0`iING TO VI,TAR CON , DTIIONS. :30 "DO ''.."OUR SHOPPING 1.1',./eRLY" FORLADIEZ—WS FINE HOSIERY, LINGERIE OF EVERY Hfs.NID 'BAGS, BED J AC.KET 3, HOUSE COATS, SCARFS, BOXED ANBD SPRY._ AI.)S, • LACE TLCLi SCARFS, L Tt- COTTON SHEETS, BLANETS, CLC i5, RUGS, ETC. FOR MEN AVID BOYS—BONED TIES, FINE SOCKS, SWE- ATERS OF HAT..S, CAS, GLOVES, GARTERA, .A.P.I.V.1•11ANDS, BRACES, WOOL WINDBRT.:.A.KERS PONYAND SUEDE WINDBREAKER.S, MITTS, FINE SHIRTS, FINE HANKS., ETC. CI-IINA AND GLA.SSWARE Plain Cups mid Saucers cannot be procured at this time. HOW0r we hare the following Dinnerware on hand: 1 ONLY 97 P1rC17, DlleINER SETT. 3 ONLY 8 PLACE •SETTS OF C16 PIECES, 2 ONLY 6 PLACE SETTS OF 50 PIECES. ALSO A NUMBER OF SMALLER TEA AND BRAT SETTS. IF INTERESTED COME E:ARLY, ALSO sao- WING A NICE RANGE OF FANCY ',CIA AND GLASS- WARE AT REASONABL2 • MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS JUST TO REMIND Y013 PRAT WE NOW CARRY A COM- PLETE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS READYITOWEAR SLITS AND OVERCOA,TS ALSO AGENTS FOR CAB - RIDGE MADE-TO-MEASITRE SUITS. 1 ZURICH HERALD '911 01111.1111111 01.11 Itiiiiiihntigif loot RilliiiiMftriii1(11A1111MliNOWIlli111101' to 6 a e 1 aa s PRODUCE WANTED s .• . • r -ber WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF E511 G.ROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD - OW Cl TO UNSETTLED r Kaas W. ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PATeTICULAR BUT CAN A.X...URF., PIMIC GOOD VALUE FOR MONY WITH QUALITY MW PRICES AT TeltE • •, 1;0 7" • 114;:%:3111. 'Thursday, December 10th, 1942 4.44441**Sintegusevs.s.vv..vv, . • cfe 'Mrs. Ellen jardine of Grand \ LOCKa, MARKETS (Corrected svue-y, Wedneatlay); Eggs, dozen. ........ 42, 40, 37, • of Mr and J. Albrecht. k72 note that th,.. Work Day is Friday RED \VORKERS —Please Butter, dairy • .... • ........ • 1!-Iis week le.••teed. of Thursday. Bend spelit the week -end at the home Chickens live, Y. ........... 21 Attention Pleasel—KindlI throw out bread a food Chickens, dressed, .......... 110 crumbs and scraps for the birds. The going is hard for Tel:sices' dress ............. . .. . . them this cold weather. Turkeys, dressed ............. Mr, William Rader has retuned to 'Wheat; new .. ... t• .... . , .,... • his home in town after sapending 'Wheat, bushel .............. few days with relatives. in Dash - Oats, bushel ................ -crood. 0 YOUR r.• urniture 1,y YOUR SEASON'S REQUIRPIVIENTS We Always Carry a Full Line (a the Best o both Shelf and H.ea.vv Staple Iiarclware: Stoves., Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. • Let Us tffer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and "lunette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirentents Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Catest in Furniture at Very Reasonable Prices, quality Con- siderecl. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc, SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save 32 you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of ..vt. Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for -14 ::,. your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our 36 -26 :i. Remarkable Low Prices- ,...• . 3 - , -4 1 ,, ee e: joh stcin i o,stio else „., ..-i? Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 . . + .1,1...4..7,4.44--.1.44.,4.... 44..K.r,45.4.t4+:.--.4.44..E... ,R44,4,040,044-t.r.i.4.4.4k* TRY EGKEL'S + .2. ,i- 6 1 .rs• ..t. ( _ 90c 1.00 50c 70 65c 2.85 65c 0.00 32.00 Barley, bush, ................ XV. and I.NeIrs. C. L. Smith were to Buckwheat, bush. .. ........ .. SLondon on Saturday and Were) se- Flour, cwt. ............ 2.60, 0 companied home by their daughter pastry flour at 'MR 25 -lb . • • • \ : Mae, -who spent the week -end here. Shorts and bran, ton .. ...... Middlings, ton .... . ........ 0 Th first blood donor clinic to be held in Seaforth was ,carrie o uc- cessfully on Thursday last, when 64 9 persons donated blood. At Wingham O on Tuesday last, 59 volunteered blo- od for the Red Cross. Miss Ellin Fremlin., teller o f the 0 O Zurich branch of the Bank of Mon- treal who met with an accident in the town hall the other evening, is progressing quite favorably at her home in Clinton. PHONE 59 1 E4- 4-44-1-Ro4,4.+4.4475-4-.5.444.4.4•4'4.*4-°: rand iib WE ARE JUST UNLOADING T. SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ti..:HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, r ED. bingles A CARLOAD OF 5-x. CEDAR ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- 7E. HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED • + ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE I RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! 3- • 4i PHONE 6Q P'7 e,.t. ,t. 0., 4- •-1- 4. 4. 4-+ 211 ZUR.ICH 4 Mr. and Mrs. Hilton TrUelaller.and family and Mrs. Mary TrUellaller of town motored to Saginaw, Mich., to attend the funeal - of the former's aunt, Mrs. John TrUelraler, over the week -end. Married — Sim -Watson — At $t. Andrew's United church manse, Itip- pen, when Rev. A M Grant, oft-Idated at the marriage of Anna Blanche, daughter of Mr and Mws Clifford Wat- son, Kippen ,and •Airrcraftraan, Jas. Leslie Sim, son. of Mr and Mrs. G. —*CRYZIOSICEIZITORIMISSEIWIAREPSCAIKIEN.IPCM, ICE -COVERED BOATS ARRIVE Goderich — Four great rakes ice - covered grain fries:liters loaded with an aggregate of 750,000 bushels of wheat, arrived at this port on Friday afternoon after a stormy four-day trip from the head of the lakes dur- ing which they were frequently for- ced to put in for shelter. 5 5 4 5 05494060,513090406.84640100591156g$4,14%)053540^414,1!6%&44SW744114240,9 4 L. Sim of Montreal. Schol Concert Zurich School Conceit will be held in the Town Hall next Wednesday evening, December 16th, and a good program will be in store for all who will attend. The plan. of hall will be on sale by Mr. George Deichert, and a big hous full is being looked for. Get your reserrved seats early and avoid dissapointment. HADWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE t Our Coal Supply In a Bulletin recently ;received urging the peo- ple of Canada to put in their supply of coal early, as possible, as later on transportation may become coniested, and the railways may be found necess- ary to be used for ;more essential purposes, so an appeal is made to all householders, whrrever poss- ible to fill up your bins and have your supply ready when the cold days will be here again. Akid how quickly these summer months will fly... We are filling orders as fast as we can get in the coal... So be wise; put in your oder early and have your coal bin filled when winter comes along. The Coal Administrator also urges that where - ever passible people should use 'Western Canadian coal and thus conserving exchange and sieving labour. The chief mines in Alberta produced some 2;137,000 tons of dornestis coal in 1940 giving em- ployment to 1,966 miners for 95 •clays only in the six summer months and to 3,313 miners for 107 days in the winter months. Let us fill your order for either Alberta, or most alk CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND A BAD FIRE Boston — The flames of a match held by a 16 -year-old bus boy while replacing an electric light bulb was blamed for starting a "flash fire"that snuffed out around 478 lives at Co- Coanut Grove night club in that city on Saturday night.. The match start -- ed a paper palm tree, that is how the fire started, and the blaze raced so swiftly and so fiercly through the night club that many bodies were bur ned beyond recognition. also SWEET GOODS. jAll Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality 1 a arty size of hard Anthracite coal, NOW! ... STADE: & WEID ZURiefri - ONT. QUALITY PRICE — srAvics Good Poultry Prices Good price,s can be expected for the fowl that will graze the Christ- mas table this year, although probab- ly not just the "shy" limit set by the Government, but prices will be plenty for the one who buys, and probably not too high for the ones wha have to sell. However, let us all enjoy the season. and its signific- ance to the utmost. ALL CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM $ Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening WORDS and MUSIC COMPLETE Fred Waring's New Song Hit Fred 'Waring dedicated his newest song hit tune, "Miss Victary" to Am- erica's girl war workers. "Miss Vic- tory" is a song a boy in a uniform might sing to his sweetheart 011 the home front..and you'll find it FREE .. complete with words and music. in the Pictorial Review with this Sun day's (Dec. 13) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Eckei's Bakery — Zurich Telephone 100 41.14. VECIEVORMEELMOSIIIEMEE552751621111MTVZSEES1 AlielWIRS GOLDEN WEDDING On Tuesday, December lst, Mr and Mrsr. W H Dearing of Exeter, cele- brated their golden wedding anniv- ersary and were at home to their re- latives, neighbors and friends during the afternoon and evening. Many called to extend best wishes and also many congratulations were received otherwise. • • NEW TRAIN SERVICE AD.11011r1Ce1llellt has been made of the increased train service for week ends on the Canadian National Rail- ways which will be a convenience to the .general travelling public, and particularly for the airmen stationed at Huron county airports. Under the new schedule a CNR train leaves Go- derich at 1 p.m. Saturday only, rea- ching Clinton at 1.25, and Hensall at 2.17, Centralia 2.53 and arrives at London at 4.00 pan.On •Saturday too a train leaves London at 8.15 a.m., and arrives at Centralia 9.21, Hensall 9:56 and. Goderich 11.15. On Sunday only a train leaves London at 9.40 arrives at Centralia 10.34 p.m. Clin- ton 11.50 and Goderich 12.20. MRS. ANDREW TURNBULL PASSES The many friends regret to learn of the passing of ,Mrs. Christina Love Turnbull, widow of the late Andrew Turnbull, who died on Sat- urday in Victoria Hospitat, London, in her 08th year after a rather short illness. Mrs. Turnbull and her late husband praetically all their married iife farm Oh their lovely farm "home on the Blue' Water highway, about a mile north of Brewster corner, they had built a most attractive homelike dustrous far- OBrcUARY Esteemed Crediton Lady Passes A well 'known and highly esteemed resident of Crediton in the person of Mrs. Charles Zwicker passed away at her home on December 1st in her 69 year. Ailing for the past four years the result of a paralytic stroke Mrs Zwicker has been confined to her home. Born in Waterloo eCounty,her maiden name being Mary Emma Rate daughter of the late Senator Ratz and Mary Yaeger, her father having predeceased in 1924 and her mother ten years ago. In 1901, she was un- ited In raarristre with her „ now be- reaved. husbaaa. During liel; !ifetime site was an Illative member of Cred- iton Vaitaltatatitth and was promin- ent in the 'octal it*Oltalt of the com- ratinftyBesides her husbanct )Kie sop Gerald, of Credit= survives, also 1 brother, $&cc Raft of Sask., and 2 steer, afro SteThinold, of New Ham - /AV 011W1 MO* ligluian of loronto. Ons brother Ed. Itatz predeceased 80 roma ago, when lie was downed at Grand 13nd while in bthing. The funeral was held on Thursday Dec. 3 with,,interment in Exeter cemetery Rev. L. 11 Turue:r, officiated. • place, and were ver, niers, till a few years ago When Mr. Turnbull predeceased. highly este- emed, and had the respect of a large circle of 'friends. Surviving are live daughters, Mrs. Garnet PatterSen, Mrs (Donald Ilendrick, Mrs. Allan Mil- ler, of the Blue 'Water Ilighwe.y;111ra tdward Gill, Grand Bend, and ldrs Arnold Desjardiney London. The haute tier rentains rested at daughter, Mrs. Allen Miller, where brief funeral serViee vvas held 2.30 pan., Wednesday,. A motorist service folioed in Grand Bend Un- ited church at 2,30 p.m, following Inteuraent was Inae in otoo Bend Cemetery. GE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich easeameameseasearosatioesealiameesosaweweaseeeee••••• your Winter's Fuel ORDERS WILL BE FILLED We would ask our Customers not to become ex- cited about next winter's supply of Coal. It will take a little itne to get in the supplies, but leave your orders in early and there will be plenty of coal, for all before it will be needed in the,fall. Order now and you will be supplied. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hull, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe & Solt