HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-11-12, Page 1Forty Second Year ; ZURiCHe :THURSDAY 3VIOilNiriC, NOVEMBER 12 I942 F. Canada ()reserve its erty, Buy 'Axe You Suffering from Headaches? ATTENTION We wish to announce to our clien- tele that we are now in our new lo- cation, formerly Dr. Addison's office adjoining the drug store. The beauty parlour will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and , evening and •Saturday evenings. PI so; Have your Eyes Examined with Call 68 for appointments. tLe Latest Methods and Equipment at . A. L. COLE, OPTOMETRIST eC OPTICIAN GODERI011 — ONT. Mrs. Edwin Gascho, Proprietress. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. %A -0a° wasses at ic.eszoname iPrices Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pasto . _ ,-. 'a y i: 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.---Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. COMFORTABLE GLASSES Everybody Welcome to all Services REASONABLE PRICES • E. Zurbrigg,R 0 • • OPTOMETRIST at EXETER ;1710 Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every IN MEMORIAM Wurm—Anna •M. W.urm. In cher- ishedAmemory of our sister who pas- sed away seventeen years eve, Nov. 10, 1925 You are not forgotten, Anna dear, Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. Loving isters and Brothers. S Week Day Except Wednesday. OCONINCOMOMIIN HAY COUNCIL IIIIIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of CvosbunceillcioLthetheTownToof Hayur wnshl!laaliz Gthe 1a g- ich, on Nov. 2nd with all members iiresent. The minutes of the October • We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now wetter than ever, Be sure and give us a call: -the MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress meeting were adopted as read. After disposing of the communications the following resolutions were passed: ,s0y0s0t.ernaffuHndasy b eMlunnviecsizadl Tele,phone ont in the Third Victory Loan That Henry Lawrence be awarded contract ta construct the Willert Municipal Drain in accordance with .,--............ -, . a z + i + 1÷ 4' 4. 4 -1. U sed Cars f Used . . . + YOU WILL HAVE TO SEE OUR SELECTION. LOW MILE + 4.el. AGE CARS. LATE MODELS, LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT + •+ TIRES NEXT TO NEW 4' + + + 4 1940 CHEV. .COUPE, Radio and 1-1 eater. + + 1940 CHEV. ooAcal, Very Clean Inside and out. 4' * I* + 1936 CHEV. STANDARD COACHES (2) Without Kneeaction .T. + 4* 1932 IPONTIAC SEDAN 36,000 miles, Owned by Farmer at + + Walton. Gear Shift on Steering ;Column. + ..- 41938 DODGE COAOH, New Rings + 1930 1VIODIEL A COUPE , 4: 4• + + 1929 FORD COACH $100.00.. + + + + + 4. WARD FRITZ + 4. + + + Used Car Dealer -Zurich, Ont. ,r, + Colder Weather Needs have in stock a recent shipment of the following: • ,,. 71,:iiht and Dark Flanneiette, • White Flannelette, . -Wide and narrow. Woollen and Yenta Cloth for Pyjamas, etc. 2 Pair only, heavy Ireolen Blankets. Curtain ; IVIaterials. , • Men's Work -an 4 'Fancy Socks. Visit our Store Regniatly for the best of merchan- dise that money can ibuy to -day. We shall always ' be glad to serve you. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TUE BLAKE STORE EchnunitSwinizentrober, Prop. Phone: 1147 ............." 4111111111111111111.1021.11111.1111111, Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturday 49th PARELLEL, Or The Invaders A Canadian Picture for Canadians. 6 -Star entertainment with Laurence Oliver, Raymond Massey, Leslie Hovvard and Antin Wallbrook. A startling drama that throbs . with the perils that beset our own Country. Admission -25c and 40c. Mon., Tues., Wednesday TWO SPECIAL FEATURES BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON In Tecnicolor ........ With Dorothy Lamour, - Richard Denning and Jack Haley. DESIGN FOR SCANDAL With Walter Pidgeon, Canadian Star of Mrs. Miniver, and Rosalind Russel Coming — Rio Rita with Abbott and Costello. By-law No 14-1943, Tp. of Hay, at $939.00. That By-law No 14-1942 re Will- ert Drain be read third time and finr ally passed. That by-law No. 13-42 providing for payments to owners of poultry damaged by dogs be read third tima,i and finally passed. That Henry Lawrence be awarded contract of cleaning open portion ot Schwalm Drain at $6.00 per hour with dredge. That H G Hess, manager of Zuriehi Central be allowed $42.10 per month dating from Oct. lst, 1942, to meet) increased of test of switchboard op.4 erators for the duration of war. Mr and Mrs Aaron Wein of .Cred- That accounts covering paymentSv-iton, Mr and Mrs. Milne Rader of for Township Roads, Hay Telephon4 System, Relief and General accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads — M G Deitz op- erating and gasoline 54.85; H. Stein- bach road supt 6.75; G Surerus we- eds 7.60. let rr- items: $1.25 in Canada, in adv.*** PUS in U.S.A., in advawas CHESTER L. SMITH, Publishes 037. Bonds ....kommaildattainsamiX116011.....rtimateszeme., Mr. Ward Fritz made a 'business trip to Toronto the past week. Mr. Chris. Schultz of Seaforth, spent Sunday with his family here. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Dawson of Bayfield were visitorsat the home of Miss Jane Lamont last Wednesday Mr. Clarence Brenner and Herb Kuntz have left for London where they received employment. Mr and Mrs. Harrison Schoch bridal couple, have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Edward Lindenfield and little son Edward Curtis, have returned home from Seaforth Hospital. Misses Ilene .Miller and Patricia Mittleholtz of London spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr. John Brown and .son William of the Goshen line, south, attended the funeral of a relative at Kilman- anah, Mich., the past week. Mrs. Mabel Snider and son Wilmer left for their new home in. Sarnia - Hest wishes accompany them from their many Zurich friends. Messrs. Allan Gascho and Calvin Thiel of Manning Pool Flying School Toronto, spent the week -end at their homes here. Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber of 'Credit- on was a week -end visitor at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meininger and two son, 'Robert and Harry of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. H. F. Weseloh. Telephone -- Bell Ca. tolls Aug. Sept. 378.80; do 30 directories 4.50, G. Regier adjustment rate $3; H.G Hess salary 17500; do extras 42.10; North Elec. Co material 98,44; Str- omberg Carrlson Co. 30.15; Tax on tolls 258.50; T. H Hoffman extras, 611.72; do salary 183.33. General Account - H Lawrence on drains 730.00; Treas. Huron, hospit- al V Miller 4.35; Taxes on St Jos. lots 1.67; A Hendrick fence viewer $2; Queen Alexdra refills *1:2, Tp. Clerk, Willert Drain $25; do Tuck- ersmith Drain $20; 3 .Supiet relief 16.65; Zurich Hydro hall lights 623, Gestettner paper $15.80; Municipal World account .50; A Pfaff fence viewer $2, G Armstrong selecting jurors $3, W H Edigheffer do $3; A. F. Hess, do $6. The Council .adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, Nov.. 3.0th at 7.30 in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk CHANGED CONDITIONS Owing to war conditions, many re- strictions have been placed on busin- ess. Merchants are not supposed to sell to certain people whose accounts are unsettled; deliveries have been restricted; and curtailment of open hours is under consideration. As ev- erybody knows tea, sugar and coffee are rationed and additional restrict- ions are expcted. Newspapers have not escaped by any means and they must of necessity change their plans to meet the new conditions. Weekly newspapers have had a haphazard way of collecting substriptions, but in self-defense a more definite meth - town were Sunday visitors at the home .of Mr and Mrs Ted Rader, Goshen line south. L. C. Ralph Uttley and wife of London enjoyed a few days at the home .of Mr and Mrs Win. Witmer. The former is being transferred to Halifax. The Evangelical League of Chris- tian Endeavour is holding its annual Rally Day Service in the Evangelical 'Church, Zurich on Sunday night, Nov. 15, at 7.30 The Young Peo- ple will lead in worship and present a Missionary play "The Higher Choice.' At a recent meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society it was decided to make application for rain insur ance owing to the inclement weather which prevailed on the second day of the annual fair. As a consequence the gate receipts were mueti below other years. OBITUARY Late Mrs. Wendel Smith Mrs. Wendel Smith, a lifelong re- sident of Hay Township and a wide- ly and favourably known resident at Zurich, passed away at her ,home here early on Sunday morning in Iter 79th year after an illness of three days, although for some time shelled not enjoyed her good health. She was always a very industrous and hard working person, much devoted' to her family and was of a very quiet and peaceable nature and be greatly missed by her faraiTy,, neighbors and friends. For many years the family lived on the home- stead, Goshen line south, till: about 22 years ago when they moved to town. Her husband pre-deeeased her by nine years. . Surviving are seven sons: John, of Alvinston; Alvin, of Whitelaw, Alberta; Joseph and Sim - nn, Hamilton; Adelberti Hay Town- ship; Isadore, USN., California; and ed'must he dopted and the "pay " Theodore, Zurich; three daughters, a' Z you please" policy will be ditcontin- .Mrs. T..mittiooltz, urich; Mrs. W. uedWe appreciate some of the fan- Spade, California; Mrs. W. Gilbert, . .Detroit; three step-daughteri , 'Mrs. tastic explanations offered by certain, Farwell, Hay ToWnship; Mrs.. D. Barry, Durtyine; Mrs. C. Hagan, Sea forth; one brother, John Hartman,. Seaforth; and 35 grandchildren. Re- quiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Father High parish priest, assist- ed by atm Father Goetz, in $t.. Bon- iface ,Church at 9.80 Tuesday morn- ing. Interment followed in the cemetery adjoining the: &Arch pro, PextY, people whose subscriptions are badly in arrears, . but under the stern de- mands of war conditions, we can no longer carry their names on our :nailing list unless their arrears are paid. Your label give* the date to which your subscription is paid. .1f it shows anything prior to 1942, it needs your attention, so please give it that attention flow.msoMMNIROIsmispsmonSOIS THAT BROKEN SPECT- ACLE LENSE Bring it in and have it dupli- cated. 24 -Hour Service at prices less than you will pay in the larger centres. Any Shape. Any Colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid few Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall 00000041360 0 • • • • • • • fasisessereseo ap0v4,°00‘ateireatavoilMO 00° 0,900000°000300 taeceoeratmeame OMG seeeecogeoge Westlake, - Brokenshire I FUNERAL SERVICE I LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL t DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 00110•11•1114 V!! ugniew..emilvessevenwisorma .601131/111,10”0111111•01.1 If WE SELL, THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC.,. AT LOVITE814POS- • SI1LE PRICES. J. W. MERNER. Seersommwee,,C,