HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-11-05, Page 2Axis Bound and Riding High It's a heap of old scrap the Aurora, Ill., roller factory is donating. Each roller of the horse-drawn museum piece, vintage '88, scales 10,000 pounds. No, the girls are not standard equipment. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I avoid watery eyes when peeling onions? A. Dip the onion for a moment into boiling water and then begin at the root and peel upwards, It will be found that this method does not affect the eyes. Q. How can I make use of bacon rinds? A. Save the rinds for flavoring soups and dried peas and lima beans. Spread over the top of Boston beans wihle baking, they take the place of the usual piece of salt pork, imparting flavor and protecting the top layer of beans from burning. Q. How can I make an old ivory finish for woodwork or furniture? A. An old ivory tint can be ob- tained by tinting light ivory paint with raw sienna and burnt umber. After this, apply a glaze coat of raw sienna mixed with burnt um- ber and then wipe lightly. Q. How can I make cretonne draperies hang more evenly? A. If cretonne draperies ase lined with a soft material of a harmonizing color it will bring out the pattern of the material, and the draperies will hang more evenly. Q. How can I keep parsley fresh for a long time? A. Parsley, put in an airtight glass jar and then placed in the refrigerator, will stay green and fresh for a. long time. This is a much better way than trying to keep it in water, where it usually turns yellow within a day or two. Canada Halts Liqu r Output Distilleries Diverted F o r Manufacture of Synthetic Rubber and Chemicals Production of beverages by Can- aiiian distilleries will be halted Nov. 1 and the entire output di- verted to war purposes, the Munitions and Supply Department announced last week, The order issued by Chemicals Controller E. C. Sterne, has no direct effect on sales of beverages already manufactured and does not apply to the manufacture of beer and wine. There was no immed- iate indication of how long exist- ing stocks of distilleries will sup- ply present demands. Distilled Iiquors are stored for at least two years for maturing. Mr. Sterne said the entire out- put of Canadian distilleries was required for the manufacture of synthetic rubber and chemical and explosive needs of the United Na- tions. Similar action was taken In the United States, The United States war production board in Washing- ton ordered the entire output of America's distilleries diverted in- to industrial alcohol for wartime purposes after Oct. 8. Precautions hi Drying Laundry Increasing the serviceable life of textiles is all important these days to cut down consumption of raw materials, and decrease the man- hours of labor, and machine -hours used in manufacturing them. Here are two precautions in laundering. First, don't hang laundered clothes out all day hi the sunshine, Bring them in anon after they're dry. It has reeeatiy been shown that sunlight damage to fahrirs is quite appreciable, dem Ed otte 1. What advances should bo made by the two families of a man and a woman when a wed- ding engagement has become known? 2. Should the plates of the din- ner service be of a certain dimen- sion? 3. What ie the symbolism of violets? 4. When introducing two per- sons, 1s It alt right to say, "Mme. Davis, this Is Mr. Norton; Mr. Norton, Mrs. Davis"? 5. What color should be ohosen for the baby's christening clothes? 6. Should one use a fork to place butter on a piece of bread or biscuit? Answers 1. The mother and sisters of the man should tall immediately on the girl and her family. Then, within a few days the girl and her family return the call. 2. No; the precise dimensions of the plates cannot be given, aa they vary somewhat with the make of china. 8. Blue violets are sym- bolical of faithfulness, white vio- lets of modesty. 4. No. It is alto- gether unnecessary to mention the names twice. 5. At the christen- ing everything the baby wears should be white. 8. No; the knife is always used for this purpose. When Automobiles Annoy d Farmers The following item came from the Hanover Post files of twenty years ago. It had been reproduced then from a fifteen -year-old paper, and had appeared originally in one of the Walkerton weekly news- papers under the headline, "The Automobile Nuisance." "In Kincardine one day last week, an automobile frightened a horse, the horse ran away, the driver was thrown out of the rig and had his leg broken. It is be- coming very apparent from Mei- dents like this that something will have to be done about these automobiles. For several years past the farmers in the vicinity of Toronto have been agitating for a law to restrain automobiles from using the public highways 'but so far have not been able to accom- plish anything. But gradually the nuisance is becoming more gen- eral, "Nearly every town in the prov- ince has its automobile now and some of them have more than one. The machines go scooting through the country in all directions and no road is sacred to them. Horses that are easily enough controlled in the presence of a railway train will go crazy at the sight of an automobile and accidents such as the above are happening all over the country. It will not bo long before the automobile will drive the farmers off the public high- ways altogether unless something is done to restrain them. "The farmers built these high- ways in the first place and are taxing themselves every year to keep them in repair and it must be more than a little annoying to them to be thus dispossessed by this new machine. What they ought to do is pledge every can- didate for Parliament to use his vote and influence in favor of 1L law prohibiting autoinobiles from using the pubilo highways alp together, or at least under condi- tions that will not interfere with traffic." Have You Heard? Three jovial travellers were din- ing together at a hotel one day, when it was agreed between thein that whichever of them possessed the oldest name should be exelilpt from paying the cost of the din- ner each one was enjoying, The first traveller man said: "My name is Richard live, and that is rather old, you must ad- mit" The next man replied: "My name is Adam Brown; I go further than you." The third traveller, with... a merry twinkle in his eye, took his business card from his pocket and showed it to the other two, who read on it these words: "Mr. B. Ginning." "How did you learn to use both hands equally well, Pat?" 'Sure, now, and me father, he always said to me; 'Pat, learn to cut your fingernalla with yure left hand, for some day_ye might be afther losing yer right hand.'" "That new man Charlie we've got on the pumps is certainly a live wire," said the manager of the gas station. "Really?" "Yes. A motorist drove up just now and shouted: 'Dionne Quin- tuplets'!" "That was a puzzler, wasn't it?" "Not to Charlie, He simply said, 'Yes, sir,' and gave him five gals.!", Garage Mechanic — What's the trouble, lady? Mrs. Newdriver — They say that I have a short circuit, Can you lengthen It while I waft, please? A candidate for parliament de- claimed: "The people of this coun- try must grow more wheat." "How about hay?" yelled a heckler. "I'm talking about food for man- kind," retorted the candidate, "but I'll get around to your case in a minute." Host—Ay, mon, it's a ter- rible nicht. Ye mon hae nt strong whusky-and-lemon — when ye get hame. Mask »l: ' H ighw,. y Soon To Be Um 1,600 Mile Route Being Com- pleted Ahead of Schedule The Alaska Highway will be ready for use about Dec. 1, War Secretary Henry Stimson announc- ed and traffic is expected to move steadily over its 1,600 miles until spring thaws make it impassable in April and May. Not only is the highway being completed months ahead of sched- ule, Stimson said, but instead of the contemplated rough "pioneer" road, the "highway as it is new be- ing constructed by the corps of engineers is a well -graded, well - drained truck road for practically its entire length and will afford two-way traffic over many long stretches." Stimson said that muskeg, the bog moss that was expected to give the highway an unsteady base over long stretches and provide some of the worst problems of the un- dertaking, had proved to be a minor consideration. Connects With Railways The highway, beginning at Daw- son Creek, B.C., runs northwest to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, and then crossed the Alaskan boun- dary, terminating at Fairbanks. it connects with the rail and high- way systems of Southern Canada and the United States at Dawson Creek, and not only provides a motor highway to Alaska, but serves also as a feeder route for various military airfields which previously had to depend on air transport alone for all supplies. Army arrangements for winter maintenance of the road include rest camps for the operators of truck convoys, barracks for en- gineer maintenance troops, and weather observation and tele- phone installations the leugth of the highway. Construction:: began in March. After aerial surveys and ground reconnaissance on foot, bulldozers, tractors alai other heavy equip- ment war i to work an the ac- tual roars :tag, The whale shark is the largest of all fish; it attains a length of 70 feet. BETTER CO are REQUIRI6D to meet today's Merchandizing problems, Payroll Records are NECESSARY Worry and expense preparing Government Returns can be eliminated by using a RAMSAY SYSTEM Designed to fit your needs, and your purse—Franc $6.75 to $70.0,,0. Write for Details RAMSAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 200 Bay St. - Toronto - 1)eM, 314 N9„IO,OIM,001b:@I+a'wp+Mgaplpggryybeflnn\,'JgmN,bN WHAT SCIENCE IS MING RUt6BER LATEX So you'd give your shirt to help win the war? Of course you would. Well, Baby's beaten you to it, Science Service points out, for he's already given his pants. In the United States they're wrap- ped around the army's telephone lines. How rubber latex that used to be used in making necessary arti- cles of infant's wear now goes into insulation for light -weight com- munication lines was related be- fore the Eighth Annual Chemurgic Conference at Chicago, by Dl'. M. C. Teague, research chemist of the United States Rubber Company. The latex -insulated telephone wire is produced by 'a multiple dip pro- cess using a special latex com- pound. It weighs only 30 pounds per mile, as compared with 168 pounds per mile of tae older -type wire. The government has already ordered more than 100,000 miles of the new wire, enough to go four times around the earth. The list of latex articles used in war is a long one. It includes bullet-proof fuel tanks for air- planes, life rafts, pilot balloons, gas masks, aviators' helmets, blackout paint, sponge cushioning for use in tanks, submarines, gun - sight eyepieces and a thousand other things. All of this has meant, of course, that civilians have had to get along without the two -way -stretch fabrics that have come to be stand- ard parts of bathing suits, founda- tion garments, shoe tops and "elas- tic" generally. Again the rubber industry has come to the rescue. Dr, Teague told about a new "synthetic" latex made from reclaimed rubber. FOR FREEDOM Norwegian machinist helps res- cue his country from Nazi op- pzession by working in Canadian shipyard. $152000 To Train U. S. Navy viator Texas athletic coaches wlio at- tended a U.S. Navy physical fit- ness school get a dollar -and -cents valuation of proper training. It costs the U.S. Government $15,000 to train a Navy aviator,. Lt. Wesley Brown explained. If a flier le forced down from inuned- late rescue, his physical fitness probably will determine whether he returns to fight again. Pliers who get back to their squadron thus save considerable expense and time of the armed forces. For common ...A -- ordinary sore Ehroat Relieves distress, from MONTHLY Lydia E. Pinkhee's Vegetable iCnontblylpainobut also weak, relieve nerv- ous feelinrsadao to monthly funo- tional dtsturbances,It helps build up resistanee a;;alast distress of "diffi- cult dayie" Matte in Canada. ' FY.aseatatheeeeeeeeeeeteetar 4 //Idd ci ol. sweet smak Cannibals Prove Good Workmen Caunibals make good laborer.% for Uncle Sam, reports Capt. Mar- tin Teem, U.S. infantry officer. He said cannibals, soldiers, sail- ors and marines all were working together in construction of a stra- tegic airfield in the South Pacific. "Needing labor," eaid Captain Teem, "we sent a sergeant to an adjoining island to get labor re- cruits. "When he got to the village the cannibals were just finishing a feast. The main dish was 10 women stolen from a neighboring tribe. It seems the rival tribe stole the wife of the chief and this tribe retaliated by stealing the other chiefs 10 wives. So the sergeant says. "It was known these were can- nibals, but friendly to the whites. They only eat each other. "The sergeant dickered and they agreed to come over and help us for a certain period. They'd heard of the good treatment and good wages Americans gave other natives and they were glad to try it. MSE ACCORDIONS iVANTED ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid for piano accordions, twelve to hun- dred and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Musical Instrument Department Toronto AGENTS WANTED WANTED NOW! LOCAL AGENTS in country and town — spare time. We operate a six hundred acre nursery — stock the best hs fruit a n d ornamental trews, shrubs, roses. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. AUTOMOBILES—USED USED OARS WITH GOOD' TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Leta at 1650 Danforth Avenue and 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HV. 2181. ROOKS BY MAIL SEND FOR OUB CAREFULLY compiled list o1 books, of the best fiction and non-fiction by world famous authors, at low prices. The De Luxe Libraries, 74 Queen St. W., Toronto. ;BLACKSMITH SHOP , FOR SALE BLACKSMITH, GENERAL REPAIR shop, equipment and stock, about three thousand yearly turn -over. Reason for selling. MacDougall, Essex, Out. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To - ,'onto. FARM FOR SALE 60 ACRES FOR SALE. GOOD BRICK house and barn. Lot 2, Conces- sion 3, Aldborough township. A, J. Campbell, Executor, 878 Church, Windsor. FARM FOR SALE 250 ACRES, NICELY SITUATED, one of the best farms in Guelph township, in pink of condition, plenty water, excellent gravel. This farm has never been rented. i9rouid make ideal dairy farm. J. McAninch, Guelph, Ont, R.R. 4. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES FARM NEAR RICH - mond, Ont., for sale; including 48 acres Fibre Flax Crop and 52 acres oats. Frame house. En- quire; Laurentian Flax Products, Richmond, Ont. SEVLItAL GOOD FARMS FOR sale. Several good Town Dwell- ings for gale. Prospective buyers would do well to look over these properties before buying. The Morgan (Zeal Estate & Insurance Agency, • Palmerston, Ont. FAIIM ECl,IJIPMPNT SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST— \ielotte Cream Separators, new and rebuilt; Melotte Magnet and Premier Separator farts; rebuilt Full and Semi -Diesel Dngines- 18-22 H.P. Blackstone, 20-26 H.P. Deutz, 20 H.P. Marshall, 20-25 FI.P. Fairbanks; Pumps and Wat- er Systems; Coal and Wood Stoves; rebuilt Letz Mills, Grind- ers, Farm Hammer Mills, Lister Gasoline Engines; one only new Super 102 Massey -Harris Tractor; ono only New Idea Manure Spreader; one only practically new 5' Mowing Machine; Cement Mixer; Turnip Pulper; Hay Rake and ]3inders; Lister Diesel En- gine and Marshall Engine Parts; new Washing Machines; Paint Special—Greys and browns at $1.25 per gallon. S. A. Lister, Stewart Street, Toronto. FARMS W ANTED WAITING CLIENTS FOR FARM and small acreage in all parts of Ontario; guaranteed sale in a few days if price right. Renton Realty, 024 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto, FOR SALE SCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP — lb mIlee from Toronto -150 acres, 2 Housesand 2 Barns, ;10,000.00. Must sell to close estate. Public Trustee, Osgoodc I -tall, Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN aAi1.LDItESSIN(; Tele: R013. ertson method. Information on request regarding elasoes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Load, Toronto. MEN WANTED FIFTEEN MJ1IN FOR TANNERY labour, one Third Class fireman and 'two Fourth Class firemen. .Apply Em, ioymeut & Selective Service Office, 131. Sixth Street, New Toronto, Oni. i'OIJL'rlly WORM Iilt1,Ell A TRIED AND PROVEN it11MEDY that tile birds drink—Howard's Worm Kin intestinal Condition - or --costs only one cont a bird, obtainable from your feed dealer or Howard Chetekell Co., 220 Ilumbercrest Blvd,. Tortuga. T SUP.ERFLCOUs HAIR After others failed, we have sue-. ceeded In removing safely, and per- manently, the most stubborn ensea of superflous lair, ever sate, Aim Toronto. NOT ELECTROLYSIS but a safe, new, scientittc method Cully guaranteed permanent (An writing.) Write or call q DERMAT (CLINIC (7tb Year in Toronto) 2291 Yonge St. (Opp. Mortasray'mie Free Consultation BABY CHICKS ATTENTION POULTRYKEEPERSR Your Bray chicks for November - December delivery should be or- dered now to insure what you want when you want them. Next hatch is October 21st. Lot's have your order. Plan for big things for 1943. Bray Hatchery 180 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. HEALTH REMEDY HEALTH, VIGOR AND VITALITY is worth more than dollars. Wo- man 78 crippled several yearn with Arthritis now enjoys health and happiness, thanks God for Lang's Mineral Remedy. Write for this woman's own statement. Thousands found same genuine relief from Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Kidneys, Nerves, Coli- tis, Piles, Eczema Female ail- ments, Rundown, el:e. from using this nature product. Acta on blood stream, used over fifty, years. Free information, Lang',, Mineral Remedies, 946 Robson Street, Vancouver. MEDICAL DON'T DELAYi EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. TWO MONTHS TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Hundreds have taken Morissey's Nerve Remedy with good results,. This October special is for you to gat the same results. Orford B. Morlssey, Druggist, 537 Main St., Saint Bohn. N.B. FOOT BALM BAUMI0i2If A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa .agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. OLID RUGS itleWOVEltN NEW RUGS, NEW 1 -RUGS MADE FROM old. i)omineon Rug Weaving Corn. pany, 964 Queen St. W., Toronto. Write for booklet. i'A'EEN'rs FETHLItSTONHAUUI3 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Bing West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. PATENTS & TRADE MARIRS EGERTON R. VASE, .tt.EGISTERkiD United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years. 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. PERSONAL QUICK RELIEF FROM ECZEMA and other skin diseases with "No. 6". It works wonders. Stops itch promptly, heals• skin quick- ly. Elik's Medicine Co., Box 234, Dept. 16, Saskatoon, Sash. POL1111'RY WANTED POULTRY WANTED — HIGHEST market prices, Write for price list.• M. l', Mallon, 33 Jarvis St., Toronto. I'I.10T4)Glt APIJIV DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 'i'i,e tIeat, Italia. or llaoli HAVE YOUR SNAPS ilelivered by Mull • Any 0 or 8 exposure ruin perfect;)' developed and printed for only 26c. Suproine quality and east serviee guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE tlt-,tem J. Tarontu PILOPIERTY 9?O10 'SALE STUItle PROPERTY FOR SA Lae three-storey, solid brick, in the heart of the business section of Oshawa, three hundred feet from main intersection on new high- way, Simcoe Street. An excellent investment. 1C interested write R. N. Jahns, 80 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, AS'rltOLOGY ASTROLOGY! AMAZT.NG TRIAL reading. fiend birthdate and ditno"Delman.", Box 20, Cram - cent, ler, ltlilCVMATIC PAINS PROVEN ILEMVMEDY—I!IVERY S1Th' fever of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem. edy, M;unro's Drug Store, 385 111- allt, Ottawa Postpaid ISSUE 42---'42