HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-10-29, Page 4• 45 elitk "Now WE hold a Mortgage on Canada Ma!" "Sure we're working harder than ever --but that newer hurt anybody. We're working longer hours and putting our money away in Victory Bonds. Now we'll be paid interest instead of paying it. "When peace comes well have money saved to buy new equipment for our farm—might even put up: a new barn —maybe take a holiday! "Meanwhile, we can't think of any safer or better place to invest our money than in bonds backed by our country_ And we can't think of any better purpose than helping our fighting boys get the jump on the enemy. men we read about our lads bombing Germany,, we ;can think that maybe we raised one of those bombs on our own. farm_ "So that's our plan from now until peace comes.We will work to save and lend. We'll have it to spend later. And we can look forward to getting that new tractor and that fine new automobile we're saving for now." "We'll be laying up for ourselves the best of all invest- ments—VICTORY BONDS—backed by all the resources of the Dominion of Canada: they yield a fair rate of interest; we can borrow against thein; and they are readily saleable when we need cash! • NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY ... LI THE NEW VICTORY BONDS ANADA NEEDS 730 000 Dap NOW! St. Joseph and B• eaver Town The Messrs Avila, Cyril and Her- bert l)ucha.rme all of Windsor, spent Saturday and Sunday with their par e its on the Btu eWater south. Mr and Mrs Len Sararas motored; to Goderich on Saturday last. The :Misses ;Maxine and Alphonse Jeffrey ,spent the week -end with their parents in Baevertown Mr Nelson Papineau was a Sunday guest to Mr. Isadore Dueharme. Mr and Mrs Leonard .Masse of London and Mr and Mrs No& La - ,Porte orf Drysdale spent Sunday with :heir rkarente. Mr Albert Miller underwent an op eration for appendicitis in St. Jos eph's Hospital, London on Friday We rnderstand he is getting along nicely. IMiss Evelyn French of London, sp- ent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Geo.Link on the 14th con. Mrs. Lydia Vallett of Flint, Mich., aand Miss Ann aHess of Zurich we- rr, Sunday visitors with Mr ana Mrs. Harry Hoffman. ,Mr and ;Mrs Wm. Duehamee, and Mr and :lira Roy Rau of Goderich, tspent Sunday with the latter's par - tints Mr and Mrs Fred ,Siiemon of ,St. Joseph. :rA9HWOo13 • Bre and Mrs. S Currie spent a few elaye in London this week Mr and Mrs Herbert Restemeyer and eiwter Miss Onedia, RIFT of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mee. 0 Restemeyer. Mr and 11Trs A E Oc Streicher were Sunday vdyitors with Geri)/ and Mrs' tl ' ,1'y t>i Lo d. era, Mr and Mrs A Cunningham and 'Mr and Mrs M Cunningham of Gue- lph spent Sunday with 'Mrs, ".iforc nz Mr and Mrs Vernon Schatz wFrr. Sunday visitors with friends in Sar- nin. Iuib.ert Schroeder who has .been in Tor nto or some time is visiting with his parents. IVLr and ?1rs Weinmaster and Miss eta hi ' adz• ee r RNg of H Brent .the week -end with Mrla dM s Wm Nadiger. Mr Howard Klumpp of Toronto, pent, .Sunday with his parents, Mr nd Mrs T Kfumpp. ' Re VP Ludt was tih eguest speaker t 1VIIsaionary Services in Mitchell, Pt Sunday. Dr, h li Taylorgam a very inter- .tin;g address in the .Evangelical }. y ool on Sunday morning. Mr and AlmBaniku,g of Thatn, :- ra Arid Let cy:rd.;! ..:.lvi Lon al. �' �I HOW TO BUY Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who ca.Us on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your Local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or you can author- ize your employer to start a.regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denomi- nations of $50, $100, $sari, $1,000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you everyassistanceinmaking out your order form. WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER It it a ryrboi indicating that you have bought the new Victyy Bona,':. L-34 NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE don were vi.itors with Mr and Mr A E Oestreicher on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Harry Coko o,: Wind- sor were Sunday visitors with her parets Mr and Mrs D Tiernan. Lorne:: Kleinstiver• of near Bow- nville spent a few days with his m.obher, Mrs. Kdeinstiver. Pte. Glenn Walper of Niagara, Spent the week -end with his parents. (.Some of last week's items) Mr and Mrs D Tiernan Are visiting with their daughter in Windsor. Mr and Mrs Henry Hoffman spent the week -roti with their daughter in Citohemc r. ( Miss Vera Pollen hasresigned her position with Mr E R Guenther at the ,post .office. Mr and Mrs Wm. Westlake and Mr David I iitblado and .twin girls, Mary and :Margaret of Goderich, we- re Sunday visitors with 14Ir and :Mrs T. Haper oft. Mr and .Mr, Otto Restemeyer we- re Sunday visitors with friends in Crediton. Mr and Mrs E. Barteliffe of Clin- on were wek-end visitors with her nother, Mrs. Merrier. Mr Carl Oeotroither has Ieft for the Ceradr"aa1 West with the OAC. 1ucenti to assist in the harvest. Mr and .sirs Orlando Ireland of :4etford 'wen, Slinll y iveitors with I re i.. iredand. Sunda Srh alis,, Myrtle 'Geiser spent Sunday, with Mass Belva Truemner on the 14th-co.ncsesion. Hensall Council Minutes The reguar meeting of the Village Council held their meeting on. Octo- ber 5th at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members present, Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. T. Kyle reported re sidewalks, mo- tion to look after same Reeve Shaddick reported re wood for hall, instructed to procure one load, C. Biowes and W C Goodwin appeared as a delegate from the War Service Committee as regards same recognition 'of Margaret Bell Who has recently offered her settees to her country. Clerk to look after same. Correspondence read Iiensall School Board, re jinn-: erial Oil re credit notes, unemployment insurance commission; Association of Assessing officers; summary of Co.t lectors' .Roll, Crown Atturney re jurors; ilensall Hydro Commission ire anotion; AC 2 G Sangster and 0 S Sangster oe bills; Co. Tresurer; C KNE Radio Statoin; It JJ Lovell Co isupplies, 'twp. ,Of day tie Willc"rf Dtrain* `1'tlrux" lay, Pi4vcam+13er 2$V11, 1942 • Nothing Matters Now - But Victory in Will the Citizens of Huron County provide the equipment to arta the men from Huron in the Army, Airforce and Navy. The Purchasing of Victory Bonds will put our boys on an equal or superior footing than our enemies. Huron County's quota is $1,900, 000., The objective is to oversubscribe it in ten days.. It can be done with YOUR help_ Invest NOW! .. flims Adv. inserted by the Huron County- War Finance Committee in the intere sts of the 3rd Victory Loan• 1 Motion, that the Clerk :beinstruct ed .to notify the Supertest leetroleun Corp. to remove the shipherds crook sign at the cornor of King and Well ington Streets. Motion, that the street lights be adjuted to the Council's satisfaction Bills and accounts read — G M case teaming sts. 2,75; J Pfaffff lab- or sts 2.75; T Kyle, salary $70; F G Bonrthron, postage $5; Co of Huron, treating streets 216.30; W Coleman gravelling sts. $20; 'G MacLean, gra- el sts 32.25; Can. Legion, wreath $5 R Middleton, soldiers belts 14.40; Hensel Hydro, hall 866; • Motion, that bills be paid and that l we adjourn to meet again on Nov. 21 or the nail of the reerve. The Library Books ry Board would like any one having books to donate to the Air Force Camps in the vicinity to leave them at the .Library, where they will be forwarded. The Libra- ry recently donated some 300 which was gratefully appreciated by the Centralia camp. So help the boys and girls by donating your spare books and making their stay in camp plleasant. Bliss Jean Foster• wha has conduct - 11 ed a beauty parlor in I ensall forthe• past few years has secured' a• similar position lin London and has left for• that city. Mr. Garnet Case had the plate - ! in one of his store windows ac-- eidently broken one evening recent Ily by some .unknown person. The. police are inestigating. Late Mrs. Robt. McDonald Mrs. Robert McDonaId passed a way at the home o her sonin-law, W• 11-1 Green, on No. 4 Highway, north of Exeter. For the past 6 years she• had not enjoyed good health but was:• about as usual until a week previous to her death. Her maiden name was. Ann Cottle, and was !born March ,s 1866 and was in her 77th year. The - place of her .birth was Northesat Bo- undry of Usborne a rifle north 'of' Farquhar. The family moved to the Thames rd. in 1874 where they res- ided until the marriage of their son. in 1929. HENSALL Miss Jean Murray left for Kam- loops, B.C., where she will spend an extended visit with. Dr. J G and Mrs Smillie. lllliss Irene Douglas, who has been a resident of Hensall for a number of years, has sold her home at the ' t west ned of the village to Mr. Chas F Stephenson, who takes possession on b Nov lst. Miss Doug';•; intends to I B make her home in London, 1 Fi'lahie - Ankerman St. John's United Church, Chesley- was nicely decorated for the manri-- age of Doris Ian Stewart Riede, of A ofBellvl e,l soca of Mrs. A. Fishie of Toronto and the late Archibald Filshlie. Rev. 'W Gor- don 'Offci'ated. The bride vas given in marriage by her father C. Ankre- man and was nicely attired. Mra Albert E Kong was matron of hon- ,., and Miss Mary L Ankerman, ris- er of the bride, and Miss Marion ilshie, sister of the groom, were- ridesmands. They will reside in ellvile where the groom is eonneet- d with the air force. 1 MESSAGE To the Citizens of Huron County If you have ever insured against fire, lightning, hail, or other accidents, you MUST believe in insuring against Hitler's kind of Heli and utter catastrophe. And With This Kind of Ins -.._._.�...urance YouGet YourPremiums Back, -- With Interest - If you have a son, brother, husband, or other ret at �v ' e In uniform you are vitally concerned that his life is not wasted through lack of equipment. If you have no relatives in uniform, could yo1i sympathize with your neighbor's loss ifou not doneyouryid part to prevent it? HURON VICTORY LOAN COMMITTEE