HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-10-29, Page 1ZURICH HERAL. Forty Second Year ZiJRIC:FG'..THURSDAY:MORNINGr OCTOBER 29 N 9 4% lieu: $1.25 in Canada, in adv;axtsa ill Mto .&.L, l . advance STER L. SMITH, Pub3isher lleIp Canada preserve its Liberty. Buy Victory Bonds 'Are You Suffering From Headaches? id Bo; Have your Ryas Examined with the Latest Mothodn and Iquipmestt at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOVEERICW -- ONT. God Glomes at Iteasenablo Meta COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Th. Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machias and can serifs the ullie now better than 'ewes, DS sari! and give us a call. MRS. FRED TRIM" Provoking@ ATTENTION We wish to announce to our clien- tele that we are now in our new lo- cation, formerly Dr. Addison's office adjoining the drug store. The beauty parlour will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and evening and Saturday evenings, Call 68 'for appointments. Mars. Edwin Gascho, Proprietress. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.--Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Desch, Organist 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. Sermon: A United Force in a Divided World. 11 p.m;—Sabbath Sheol. 7.80 p.m. --Divine Worship. Speaker: Rev. Grigg, of Exe- ter. 50 MILE LIMIT Ottawa — Indirect rationing of bus travel throughout •restrictions pr ohibitimg the :carrying of a bus pass- enger more than 50 miles in one con Carious journey was announced ,by Munitions and; ,Supply ,Dept. The or- der effective Nov. 15, does mot apply where no other "reasonable direct" form of public transportation fs av- ailable. Used Cars YOU WILL HAVE TO SEE OUR SELECTION. LOW MILE. :AGE CARS. LATE MODELS, LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT TIRES NEXT TO NEW 19411 Pontial Caach, guaranteed only 9,000 miles. 1193.9 Dodge Special Coach .orally 2,800 miles. 1941 Chev. Coach, locaiiy owned by lady only 6,000 miles. 1939 Ford Coach, Like new 1.9;00,0 rnilea. 1938 Ford De Lux sedan, radio, theater, only 28000. 1930 Chev. Sedan $175. 11:930 Ford Coupe, rumbe seat 19.32 Chev Coach repainted .......... $250 1931 Ford Coad; repainted, 1929 Ford, Coach $100.00 1.936 Chev. Standard Coach. WARD FRITZ Used Car Dealer - Zurich, Ont. folder :Weather 'Heeds We have in dock a recent shipment of the Toliowing: Light and Dark Flannelette, 'White Flannelette, wide arid narrow. Woollett and Yama Cloth for Pyjamas, etc. 2 Pair only,,.heavy Woolen Blankets. Curtain Materials. Men's Work and Fancy Socks. Visit our Store Regularly for the best of merchan- dise thatr rAoney can buy to -day. We shall always be glad to serve you. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLAKE STORE Liaisons! Swarbientruber, Prop; Phone: 11-97 D1NE IN Tieman's Hotel, Dashwood ON FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30_ Murdock Orchestra NEW AND OLD TIME DANCING, General Admission 36e. ANNUAL MEETING The .annula meeting of the Huron Holstein breedesr Club has been ar-: ranged for Thursda eyve. Nova 6th, in the Agric. Rsoo,m Clinton, to $, o'clo:ck p.m. A very interesting oind helpful program has been arranged. Some of the speakers are: ;George Clemons, Secy of the Can. Holstein Assn., Brantford; and Byron Ten-' vey, Ingersoll, of the Assn.; 'Moving Pictures en ICanadi'an Holstein farms from. Prince .Edward Island to ,Britt-- ish Coluanbia. A splendid turnout is anticipated. BAYFIELD AGR. SOCIETY MEETS Th eexecutive of the Bayfield Ag-. ri!cultuarl Society met in the Town Hall, 'Bayfield at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 23rd, the president, , Mr: William. Sparks in the chair. The minutes of the last' meeting were ''. read and adapted. All present were., delighted to learn that in spite of the• worst the weatherman could do ' on fair day, Sept. 24th, only a small de- ficit had resulted on the year's oper- ations and it was unanimously decid- ed to pay prize money in full. Con- siderable idcsussion ensued and it M•r. Ivan Kalbffeisch nide a busin- ess trip to North Bay last week. Mrs. Lydia Vallet of Flint, Mich. was a visisitor with Miss Anna Hess Mr and Mrs John W Brown and eon William of Zurich spent a pleas- ant week -end with relatives in Tor- onto. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hendrick and family of the 'BIue Water highway• Mrs John Brenner and son Clarence motored to Kitchener last week -end where .they visited with relatives. Mrs. Peter Koehler has received word of the serious illness of her on- ly brother; Mr John Spath, of New Haven. Mr. Spath and Mrs. Koeh- ler are the two only survivors of the Spath family who were former residents of Zurich. Mr and Mrs Orville Witmer, and Joyce of town; Mr and Mrs. Sylv- anus Witmer of the Babylon line we- re Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Neil Witmer at Mitchell. The latter who have been residing gat Kirkton, have recently moved to •Mitchell wh- Neil has purchased a barber business The Sunday evening service in the Evangelical church will be in charge of the Evangelical members living in Zurich. A special program of music .and an address will be given. The 'visiting speaker will 'be Rev. Mr. Grigg. A returned missionary from Burma, now residing in Exeter. was ;generally agreed that in `tvaew' ` Mr. Lang Foster who lives at the of war conditions a thorongh 'over: hauling of methods of financing and operation were overdue and it is hop- ed that there will be a large turnout of :members at the annual aneetiing in January where constructive ,critiz- ism will be welcome. In the mean- time efforts are to be mad eto stage a concert in the early winter. It is not generally known perhaps that the 'Government grant to an Agricul- tural Society, depends on there being a minimum of fifty paid up members it :is hoped thlta all members who hav enot yet paid their subscriptions will do so before the end of the year in order that .serious loss to the Socitey may be avoided. SCRAP METAL COLLRCTION There is a concertde drive on at present time to raise money for the Third Victoy Loan It lis gratifying to know that this campaign is meet- ing with success. This money is very necessary to keep our Aimed Forces supplied. The necessity to have all scrap ircn and .Steel •e:ollected is just as vit- al as the :collecting of money f,or wttt!h:out this nnaterial, the necessary war ,machinery cannot be manufact- ured. The Steel Controller, realizing that tons of scrap are lying around throughout the entire Dominion, pas- sed an order making it an offence to', retain more than 500 lbs. The Wardens of each County have' been named as representative of the Steel Controller and he in turn de- legated the (Reeves as his representat ive in each Municipality. A campaign. for the :collection of scrap iroon and steel will b e.started ion Nov. 1st and must be removed from the premises of every person by Dec. 15th. The person hanv giscrap iron and steel ,has the privilege of •disposing of it in :whatever manner he seers fit, either by sale or 'donating it to some WarService organization ;but in any event he must not retain an.o.re than 500 labs. The Warden and his Com- mittee have the power to enforce this law. The need for scrap is urgent, and in is the intention of the control- ler :..o have it collected. Each Municipality will be oiganiz- ei for the collection of Salvage un- der the. Reeve and his Council, and ^t rs the duty of every citizen to co- operate to the fullest extent. Citiz- ens are requested to contact the R •neve or a nsoinber of his Council for details of their particular cein- paign. The County of Heron has an env- iable name in patrioti:c endeavour and they will rise to th eoeeasion in this matter as in other_ campaigns. corner of Blake, Stanley Township, is giving .up farming, having rented his farm to his neighbor, Mr. David Oesch for a term of five years. Mr. Foster is having an auction sale of his .farm stock and implements cm Thursday next, Nov. 5th. W. M. S. MEET The Women's Missionary Society of St. /Peter's Lutheran church, Zur- ich met rceently at the home of their prseident, :Mrs. E. Datars, for a "convention nite" program, sponsor- ed by, the delegates who attended the Synodical. W.M.S. 'convention at Hanover . The program iin charge of Mrs. E. •Datars was opened with devotions led by the pastor, Rev. Heimrich. Splendid reports of the', two day sessions at which !Mrs. Neu-' doerffer, Missionary from India, was the ;guest speaker, were given by Mrs. Heinnrich, Mrs. H Krueger, Mrs L Prang and Mrs E Deters. Other features of the evening's program were a sacred duett sung by Mrs J Tuarloheim and Miss Martha Heide- man, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. H Krueger, a pageant based on the well known hymn "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me", during which a group of girls sang the aforementioned hymn very sweetly, accompanied by Mrs. Heimrich, and a instrumental by Mrs. J Turkheim. Several contests were :conducted by Mrs Heinrich af- ter which the delegates ser -'ed delic- ious refreshments. A vote of 'thanks was tendered by Mrs E Kloipp to the delegates and all the others who helped to ,make the evening a success OBITUARY Late Mrs. Stoddard Word was received here of the rather sudden passing of Mrs. 'Caro- line Mary Stoddard, wife of Albert Stoddard oaf Rochester, N. Y. .She was born in the Zurich district and spent all her younger life here, 'be- ing a daughter of the late Mrs. Cath- erine Bennett. Was a continuous subscriber to the Zurich Herald which she always enjoyed very much She belonged. to St. Agatha Rebekah lodge IOOF. was of a very kind and loving disposition and had many fri- ends while in Zurich. Surviving are her husband and a son Auro of Roch- ester, N.Y.; two sisters, Miss Eliza- beth Webber, of Kitchener, Ont.and Mts. Thomas Emmery of ;Sarnia; one brother Richard Kirsch of Portlatch Iraho and one grandchild Rev. A Miller of Emmanuel Lutheran church officiated at the burial services which was held in that city. and tat" which the de,pai'tt d was a devoitt•4 tncnnber. THAT BROKEN SPECT- ACLE LENSE Bring it in and have it dupli- cated. 24 -Hour Service at prices less than you will pay in the larger centres. Any Shape. Any Colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracit, ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fey Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel M•R100rBNBBNEBN0•000000iawaawMlaaaaaraaE00aaN 1 Westlake - Brokenshire FUNERAL - SERVICE LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 0 WE SELL THE BEST, FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. J. W. MERNER y