HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-10-22, Page 1ZURI HERAL Forty Second Year 1 itiRICH;ITHURSDAY :MORNING, OCTOBER 22 I 942 Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advaaea OLIN in MICA., in advisee CHESTER L. SMITH, Publishes Help Canada preserve its Liberty. Buy Victory Bonds ....••••+.e.ggoierare.•••.. mi•••••••raoramano, VIIIIIIIMIN**••••••••••••=wier• !Are You Suffering From Headac.hes? II so; Have your Eyes Examined with lite Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. 101113125t, OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST et EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of. Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a mew Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever.: Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TAME, Proprietress ATTENTION We wish to announce to ,our clien- tele that we are now in our new lo- cation, formerly Dr. Addison's ,office adjoining the drug store. The beauty parlour will not be open on Tuesday evenings, Wednesday afternoon and evening and Saturday evenings. Call 68 far appointments. Mrs. Edwin Gazebo, Proprietress. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 am.—Divine Services. 111.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Sprayed Apples for Sale Spy. 'Snow, Greening, Russet, Bald- win and rooking apples. Phone Clin- ton 622-24. Fred McClymont, Vnra.a . FOR SALE —House for Sale or Rent. in Zurich. Apply to Joseph Druar. FOUND At Klopp's One -Stop [Service Sta- tion, a sum of money. Owner can. have same by proving property and paying expenses at -above mentioned place. • . Used Oars • • .YOU'WILL HAVE TO SEE OUR SELECTION. LOW MILE. • .•AGE .CARS. LATE MODELS, LIKE NEW INSIDE AND our ,TIRES NEXT TO NEW •:+ 224* 4+ 4. -4. -4. "4* 1941 Pontial .Coach, guaranteed only .9,000 miles. 1939.Dodge Special Coach only 2800 miles. 1941,Chev. Coach, locaiiy ,owned by lady 'only 6,000 miles. 1939 Ford ,Coach, Like new 19,000 rniles. 1938 Ford. De Lux sedan, radio, heater, only 28000. 1930 ,Chev. Sedan. $175. 1930 Ford Coupe, rumbe seat 1.932..Chev. Coach repainted . . $25Q 1931 .Ford tCoach repainted. 1929 Ford Coach $100.00 1934 cChev. Standard Coach. WARD FRITZ Used Car Dealer - Zurich, Ont. +++++++++4-:-: .4111111•11101111111••••••••••••1111101.. 4111•••••••••••••• Colder Weather 'Needs 'We 'have in stock a recent shipment of the PLight and Dark Flannelette, White Flannelette, wide and narrow. Woollett and Yama Cloth for Pyjamas, etc. 2 Pair only, heavy Woolen Blankets. Curtain. Materials: Men's Work and Fancy Socks. Visit our Store Regularly for the best of merchan- dise that money can buy to -day. We shall always be glad to serve you FRESHGROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 11111116 BLAKE STORE Edinumt.Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 1197 mosimossamosSiamiimmummissaussmosommesomsommumnamow COMING TO LONDON ;•• The Dionne Quintapets are eom- ing to London! They are expeeted to be there Oct. 30, to assist in the Third Victory Loan drive in that Oty and are •expected to appear at ,ifte Arena both afternoon and evening. Their mother as well as the supetv- ising officials will accompany then!! A BARN BURNS The other day the large hank barn of Melvin King, 3rd con. Stephen Ip. was completely destroyed by fire 'tra • gether with the contents and •an joining sitraw shed also fell a preyto the flames, The fire started when a neighbor endeavoured to start a gas engine preparatory to grinding some knives and the engine -backfired Or exploded, setting a firfie that spred rapidly until the whole •building was a mass of flames. It was partially covered by insurance. LESS! LESS- GAS Only the past week our "gas books" were callen in and in place a new ration book issued with only half the coupons that the old one had, now on Saturday comes word that begin- ning this week the units are reduced from four gallons, which owere orig- ionally five, to now three galons which represents another 25 per enet cut in the gallonage, this has become nee- cessary the oil controller says to keep our supply of gas up in Can- ada and the rates are unirorm thro ughout Canada. However, we wili take it all with a smile, in fact we are willing to do without our cars for the duration, if it will help to win the conflict. Let's be loyal to the powers that be, and take it with a smile. BLAKE Silo filling is the order or the day The service at the Blake church was withdrawn on Sunday last ow- ing to the Varna anniversary. At the recent communion service held the son. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fin, lay (Wm. 'John Edgerton.) was bap- tised. Miss Anna Mae Johnston- laft:pr near Brantford after -visiting - her grandmother, Mrs. Johnston and aunt Her father Mr Norman Johnston ac- companied her and will spend a time on his mission work !at different po- ints in Ontrio. a Mr and Mrs H. Finlay and family Mr Wm. Finlay, Mrs. Douglas, Miss Emma Dinsmore, Mr and Mrs. Fred Heard and family of Stratford call- ed on Mr and Mrs Russell Heard on the Bronson Line north. Mr. Robert 'Carnie of Kitchener, visited his mother during the week end. Mr and Mrs Ceci Attridge and son Barrie of Goderich visited Mrs Clark Mr Jo.seph Beckler is suffering URGES VICTORY LOAN On October 19th Canada's Third Victory Loan will be launched. The minimum objective in terms of mon- ey is 750 million dollars, but the goal is "Every Canadian to the limit of his ability"—buying bonds either from cash, from accumulated savings, or by instalments each week or month. Success calls for personal sacrifice on the part of every Canadian. The signal to go out and to do the big- gest etsk of all times has been given. It is up to all of us to do our fair share. Work—gave—Lend. ;NtdOtism, love of freedom, devot-lattended by his friend, Mr. Arthur ion to decency and fair play—these Heist of Crediton. The groom's gift • to the bridesmaid was a diamond brooch akrul to the ,groomsman, a gold toiler and tie set. Following the ceraemony the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and best wishes on a motor trip to Ilainiton, Toronto, Niagara and Windsor. On their return they will reside in Cre- ditor). We join their many friends Mrs. E. Heideman, Martha and 'Karl motored to London on Saturday Mrs. T. 'McAdams was a recent visitor at the home of Miss Helen Swan at Henson. Miss Ruth Witmer of London was a week -end visitor with her parents on the Babylon. Mr and Mrs. O'Brien were visitors at Crosswell, Mich., over the week -end. • Mrs. Roy Pask and Mrs Jean Lav- enance of Clawson, Mich., visited this week with her mother Mrs. Bassow. Lanse Corporal - and Mrs. Ralph Uttley of London were recent visit- ors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Witmer. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Elsie of De- troit called in town last Thursday. They are spending a week or so at their residence at Dashwood. Mr. Elmore F Klopp is attending the Bien Annual Convention of the United Lutheran church at Louiville, Ken. Mrs T McAdams and Mrs. M. Mc Adams were visitors with Mrs. Ida 1VIcAdams at Victori Hoapital, Lon- don where sshe is ill. Mr. Laurie Fowlie of London and sisters Misses Frences and Ethel of Bayfield were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs G. Koehler. Mrs. Arthur Thompson received a cablegram recently from her husband Trooper Arthur Thompson who is serving with the 25th Cdn.• Regt; telling of his safe arrival Dy- ers eas . - RED CROSS NEWS • The Zurich Red Cross .Society have shipped to headquarters the follow- ingu ::14 quilts, 83 baby blankets, 24 boy's suits, 15 boys' coats; 15 boys' ca.ps, 4 blouses, 60 gauze handker- chiefs;10 bed jackets; 15 pr. gloves; 3 pr. mitts, 9 scarves; 4 alternative caps, 1 aero cap; 16 sleeveless sweat ers; 10 long •sleeved pulovers; 10 turti neck,tuck-.ins; 7 ladies toques 6 ribbed helmets, 24 comforter bags. All Out for Victory Was the islogan at the big rally in the Town Hall, Monday evening when the new • drive was started. Mr. Hugh Hill and Mx J S Shearer of Clinton. were the main speakers, Wm H Edighoffer, one of ;the local can- vassers made a good chairman, and much thanks is •extended to the tea- chers and pupils of the school who rendered such fine vocal selections. Everybody is •urged to do their ut- most to help the campaign along. If you wish to keep the enemy away, and cannot go to fight,:you can do our bit by buying Bonds. Zurich is again going to make a big effort to go over the top. Do your TJ ! The fine weather the past week, has greatly helped the farmers to do their outside work. Last Friday night a terrible heavy rain visited these parts and fields'vicar partially under water, but has cleared away, and now we hope for some more nice days. HYMENEAL Fahner—Ortwein A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev C B Heckendern at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich on Saturday, 0.ctober 17th at 2 o'- clock When Grace Irene, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Ort- wein was united in Holy weddlock to Clanence William, son of Mr and MTS. Albert Fahner of Crediton.The bride chose a street length dress of royal blue, with matching hat and turf tan •accessories, and wore a cor- sage of white carnations. 'rote brides- maid, Miss Betty Dietz of Zurich., niece of the !bride, wore holliday blue with wine accessories and a -corsage of pink carnations The 'groom was •things are not yet issued on the sur render of a coupon. What is your share? What is my share Let us thing before we speak. May leave the suggestion with you that the most we can do is the least we shall do. NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT VICTORY Yours 'sincerely,• W. H. ogiding, M.P. in eXtending congrartulatione, THAT BROKEN SPECT- ACLE LENSE Bring it in and have it dupli- cated. 24 -Hour Service at prices less than you will pay in the larger centres. Any Shape. Any Colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. *Mute coat For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Xlso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid foe Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••seessootost ii I g • LICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL .• • Is 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE • 1 0 0 0 • 1 • • itiir••••••••••••••••••••••001100•••••••••••••••••••••• Westlake - Brokeushire FUNERAL SERVICE DIRECTORS Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich • • WE SELL THE BEST, FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., • AT LOWEST POS. SIBLE PRICES. J. W. MERNER Phone 140