HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1942-10-01, Page 8ZURICH Hi tAt • • • • • • •• • • • • • 0 • • Plaids. New Wool Failles. New Spun Rayons. • • New Seersuckers, and a good supply of Lakeshore • • flannels for school dresses... Men's shirts, Etc. • Also Wooletts for Pyjamas and Nightgowns • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 to • • .Ml NEW FALL GOODS We are ready to supply your needs in Fall and Winter Goods. Some of these lines were placed in stock early in summer to assure a supply, and by frequent trips to our Wholesale we were for- tunate in securing a fair lot of goods for fall and winter use. Many of these lines cannot be replac- ed when our present stock is sold, so we advise, "Do Your Shopping Early." BLANKETS We have all. Wool Blankets, Esmond and WooIcott 3 part wool, Ibex and Falun in Flannelette. Special • while they last Falun 70x84 at 2.49 3 LADIES' DRESS MATERIALS w New wool Plaids and Tartans. New Silk and Wool m • • • • • w • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • A • • S • i i Wool Knit Goods ISee our Display of Sweaters for Ladies' in Pullover, Wind- breaker and Jerkin Styles and a full supply of knitted good: for Infants and Girls' wear. - MEN'S WEAR Again reminding you that we carry a complete line of Men's wear. We have 75 Men's Ready to Wear Suits and 50 Boy's Suits on hand at present, acln a lot of new Samples for made to measure Suits of every description. Men's fins Leather Windbreakers, heavy Laather Coats with fur collars; every- thing in Sweater Coats, Wool Windbreakers, Winter Over- coats, Underwear, ox, Mitts, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Felt Hats, Caps, Etc. . ''+++++'p'$'++•4•'b'++yt'•S..Y`:'•'_.. •i. `{.+'Q•'j°'I'qg;•'i•'¢ g!'•¢'!•'i(•+•fi•'i••y;••i.'}-+`F'.p!• I 5-X Brand ShingIes WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR t SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE *SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- ; fED. 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVING SUITABLE FOR BEED ` ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE • RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! 3 C. r'_ .L PHONE 69 . FLEISC - ZURICI-! vi 4 . •+++k+++k+F4.4.4.4. N•d••§•4,++d..t.•g»i.i..} + p . �.:.. a -a ; a a a a a• a a• t o 5..€••[•+d•+4 0 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) •••••••••••••• •11 0a,l/ie • HARDWARE — SEEDS •and FURNITURE Our Coal Supply In a Bulletin recently received urging the peo- ple of Canada to put in their supply of coal early, as possible, as later on transportation may become conjested, and the railways may be found necess- ary to be used for more essential purposes, so an appeal is made to all householders, whrrever poss- ible to fill up'your bins and have your supply ready when the cold days will be here again. And how . quickly these summer months will fly... We ars filling orders as fast as Ws can get in the coal... So be wise; put in your order early and have your coal bin filled when winter comes along. The Coal Administrator also urges that where - ever possiblepeople should use Western Canadian coal and thus conserving exchange and saving labour. The chief mines in Alberta produced some 2,137,000 tons of domestis coal in 1940 giving em- ployment to 1,966 miners for 95 days only in the six summer months and to 3,313 miners for 107 days in the winter mouths. Let us fill your order for either Alberta, sr most any size of hard Anthracite coal, NOW' STADE &WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUAU'TY PRICE - SERVICE a '111111111111111 ZURICH'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY- A. COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HoUSE,S:. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR •PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE'. PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH. QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED: Zurich Phone 165 1011 ram III mm (hi 11111 iiUii 10iiiilu 11114 _11111 ll mmmilDillI lmmmiummiiiumi 1 ;111111111 ion og ITEMS OF .L 'CAL iNTERFST Mr. Gordon ,Howald from London was home over the week end. Mr. Ed. Johnston and family of Kincardine visited his sister, Mrs. Julius Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yearion of De- troit visited her parents Mr and Mrs Jacob Howald over the week -end. BORN — At Zurich on September 21st to Mr and Mrs. Gordon How- ald, a son (Ronald) Mrs. Dan Sbaubus from London, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Hey over the week -end. 1111il LOCAL MARKETS dCorreeted every Wednesday) 36342820' 38' 36 21, 24+ 90c 1.00 50c 70' 65c ;Eggs !Butter; creamery 'Butter; dairy , 'Chickens,. dressed :Wheat, new ;Wheat; :bushel ;Oats, bushel ,Barley, bush. Buckwheat, (bush. Flour; cwt. 2.60, 2.85-• ;Pastry flour at mill 25-1b .... 65c :Shorts and bran, ton 30.00' Middlings, ton 32.00' GROWING OUR OWN FLOWERS; BULBS FOR BEAUTY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and Le- wis and Miss Doris Howald all of Kitchener visited Mr and Mrs Jaack Howadld on Sunday. Miss Evelen Zoller, Miss Bruder, Mr. and Mrs L Cook and 'baby, Mr. Heintz, Ms. Ed. Brenner of I1tch- ener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brenner on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Gascho, Miss Florence Haberer motored w Florence Haberer and Mr. Herbie Turkheim motored to Stratford on Sunday to visit Miss Irene Turkheim who is a patient in the hospital, but is progressing very favorably. Mrs. E. Turkheim wha had been in that city for several days returning home. THOUSANDS ATTEND It is estimated :that there were over a thousand autos .and from 8 to 10 thousand people who attended the official opening of No. 9 Service Flying Training ISchooI at Centralia bast Wednesday :afternoon. The crowd assembled early and there was a :steady 'stream that poured through she gates. The No. 9 Trumpet Band entertained as the crowd assembled on the broad taxi strip in front of the hangers. TO CANCEL SPEEDERS Toronto — Attorney -Gen. G. D. Conant has notified G- R. Cortelle, oil controller for Canada, that mtso of Ontario's crown attorneys, prov- incial police inspectors and highway traffic officers favor enactment. of legislation enabling courts of their i sereation to direct the return to the oil controller of gasoline licenses and ration. .books when motorists exceed• ed the 410-mie speed limit. •Citizens Are Moving Severtl changes have taken place in the village the past week: Mr and Mrs. A. L Millett have moved ..heir effects into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C Schultz who have moved into the home recently vac- ated by Mrs. Mabel Snider who has moved to Sarnia. Mr and Mrs Har- vey Clausius moved into the house vacated by the Millett's; Mr. and Mrs. Adron Denomme moved into the home owned by Mr. Geo. Farwell formerly the Mero home, while Mr and Mrs Carl Thiel took up residence in ;the blcok owned by Johnston & Kalbfleisch and vacated !by the Deno.- mme family. HYMENEAL Rankin --;Costello St. Peter's Church, Goderich, wasa the scene of am interesting early aut- umn wedding when Nora Maureen, only daughter of Judge and Mrs. T1. M Costello, was united in marriage to Lieut. Alexander !Gorman Rankin. Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, son of Mir and Mrs Robert Rankin, Tor- onto Rev. L. Lowry, Sarnia officiated The wedding music was played by Miss Hussey and during the cerem- ony the choir sang "0 Heart Divine" Six girls of the choir in their light blue gowns and mortar (boards sing- ing "On This Day. 0 Beautiful Mo- ther." The bride was given in mar riage by her father and looked lovely The bride's attendants were Mies Margaret Conlin, Toronto, as maid of honor and Margaret 'Morrissey of Brantford as Ibrides'iaid. Read..as told in the.AmericansWh ekly with this Sunday ee•et. 4)` is- sue of The Detraoit Times..how,n.os that tulip and other flowers imposts from Holladn have ceased, the Am- erican bulb growing industry,, has come into its own, and - who knows -may even have to stock up the: Dutch when the war is over. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times., WHEAT FOR 20 YEARS Ottawa—When Canada has Iharve- ested her crop this year she; will'have enough wheat on hand to, meet her normal requirements of this product. for human food for 2'0. years, ofCic- ials estimated. 'When the new crop estimated at 615,24a,000 bushels has been garnered it wilt be added to a carryover of about 400,000,0000 bus- hles from ,pevio.us years to make a total of at least 1,000,000,000 bush- els. Annual damestic consumption for food has been running about 50• 000,000 bushels •annually. ,.—.,1. MAYOR McMURRAY OF CLINTON IS COUNTY CHAIRMAN Thursday, October tote •1t4 -_ • YOUR !Hardware and Furniture 4. • 4,a STORE YOUR SEASON'S REQUIRFMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line ei the Best of'. both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware; Stoves: Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let , Us' Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable: -Prices' FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suite. A Full Liner of all the Home Requirements- 1.4E: equirement 1 Always keep a Good Stock of: New and the very Latest, a.>h in Furniture at Very Reasonabl a Prices, quality, Con 41. sidered. Let us sli"ow you our Beds, Springs, Mixttress; i Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers; Etc., i+ SLIGHTLY USED' FURNITURE For the more, conservative purchaser we can save you many, a dollar•as we have- a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for + your Money. Drop in and' look these over and get our Rerriarkable- Llo>w Prices. i� Johnston & Kalbfleisoh Hardware! & Furniture. Phone 63 +++++++++++++.”1.+ ++++s++4.844+++++4.++4.+44441 e'++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, • TRY E;CKEL'S "Town Taik " •::ad..„ 'The organization of Huron Coun- ty for the Third Victory Loan Cam- paign is well under way. A J Murray Mayor of Clinton, has aceepted the Chairmanship and F. Firtgland KC, Clinton and G. H JefYerson, Clinton, are the joint .secretaries, Serving with them are R. Bowman, Brussels; Dr. A R ;Campbell, Hensel; J Kinkhead, Goderich; J' G Mulen, Seaforth; V. Faconer, Clinton; and H. C. Mac• Lean, Wingham. H J Vanderwater is back again as organizer with S C. Heatherington as assistant. Under such strong leadership it is assured that every effort will be made to maintain Huron County's exce'Ilent record of supporting the Al -import- ant Victor Loan Campaign. Head- quarters for the coming campaign wiN be in Clinton. Suitable accom - iodation has been obtained at the main intersection. The services of Miss E Paterson have been secured for duty at these offices. IConi nit - tees for all districts will be appoint- ed shorty and it is hoped that the hearty wecome and co-operation that is their due will be accorded then; by Al Hurono County residents when called on during the Third Victory Loan Campaign which is to open on October 19th. •• In Police Court Goderich — Convicted of disord- erly conduct, he having used vile language in speaking of neighbors, in whose .home a (bridal shower was in progress, a father of 10, was sente- need to 30 days in jail 'by Mag. Mak ins, The evidence disclosed thatthe offender utiteredthe bad words from his own threshold. Jack Noonan, canvasser for a photograph concern pleaded guilty to two charges of theft at Blyth, he taking deposits on orders which never materalized He also pleaded guilty to a charge of ob- taining food and lodging by fraud and %vas sentenced to 6 months in re- farnitatory. He is also wanted :at'E-x iter for saw charges. 4- also 4 1 CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, ISS, ANIb + SWEET GOODS. 4. All Ingredients Used, are of the Hi est Qualm $ ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM t 4. Our Stare will be d each Wednesday Eveng 4. Eckel's Bakery — Zurich + Telephone -100 4. + ' +, iq.+44.++ i+4.+++++++++++++++4.4.+•(!+•M4A44++++++444444 +,64 1 GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eta. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurish ••o•o•• SSS S•SSNINNNNM MN•M Your Winter's Fuel ORDERS WILL BE FILLED We would ask our Customers not to become ex- cited about next winter's supply of Coal. ft will , take p little ime to get in the supplies, but kays your orders in early and there will be plenty of cos.I for all before it will be needed in the fall. Order now and you will be supplied. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe St Son